MPQ At 5-Star Black Widow!

David [Hi-Fi] Moore
David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
edited September 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
MPQ aficionados,

A new 5-Star character has been revealed today for Marvel Puzzle Quest - Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)!

Ability and design details, as well as first-look screenshots, are available right now in a chat with D3 Go's Josh Austin.


"Josh Austin: The 'Captain America: Civil War' movie brought us a 5-Star Iron Man and a 5-Star Captain America to the world of 'Marvel Puzzle Quest.' The perfect complement to these characters is a 5-Star Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff). She’s an important fighting force on the Avengers, and adding a Marvel Cinematic Universe variation of Black Widow to the game was an exciting opportunity to help build from the big screen."


  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    5* tony and steve. 5* banner. Now 5* natasha. Can 5* thor be far behind?
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Civil War is tomorrow????
  • We_are_Venom
    We_are_Venom Posts: 308 Mover and Shaker
    God tier character incoming. Steal AP, team stun, Match ending AoE.
  • an1979
    an1979 Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    edited August 2016
    Details how Ltokens will be split BEFORE she is in the game, plz?

    There are enough surprises already icon_cool.gif
    Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) will be available on September 1 in the Latest Legends, just in time for the third run of the Civil War event, which starts on the same day.

    EDIT, here's my answer
    Post Event Legendary Store
    o After the run of Civil War, Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) will be added to the Latest Legends packs
    o Iron Man (Mark XVLI) will leave the Latest Legends packs and enter the Classic Legends packs."
  • emaker27
    emaker27 Posts: 285 Mover and Shaker
    The Civil War in game (?) event is thrown in as a footnote. Could we please get an official notice of when it starts (Sept 1, noon eastern?) and maybe what the prizes are?
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thats probably for when Thor Ragnorak comes out. So maybe next spring?
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    Phumade wrote:
    Thats probably for when Thor Ragnorak comes out. So maybe next spring?

    No, that's when 6* thor and 6* hulk will launch.
  • hodayathink
    hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    So now we need 5* MCU Thor and Hawkeye to complete the original MCU Avengers. And now that I think about it, each of those Avengers would only be missing on one tier except Hulk (no 1* Cap or Thor, no 2* Tony, no 3* Hawkeye, no 4* Widow).

    And nice backdoor announcement of the Civil War re-run. Though I wonder what the changes will be (because I feel like there's definitely going to be changes).
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't know if she will be God tier.

    She has 3 abilities that all require 4 matches. She could be pretty slow (a la fury).
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wow, another 5? So soon? When was BB released because it feels it was less than a month agao (but I might be wrong).

    Clearance levels need to go live ASAP, because every new 5 makes it much harder to level any of them

    PS: And new Civil War event out of nowhere!
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:
    I don't know if she will be God tier.

    She has 3 abilities that all require 4 matches. She could be pretty slow (a la fury).
    Think bout how she will counter Goblin and all his pumpkin bombs for 7 AP. Overall she is going to hit really hard when she hits. The stun will be interesting and I wonder if it will fire when a character self stuns themselves( IM40).
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sounds like she'll be extremely handy to have on goon nodes, especially when CD and strike tiles are spammed. I'm looking at you, Maggia and symbiotes.
  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    God tier character incoming. Steal AP, team stun, Match ending AoE.

    Are we reading the same thing? No team stun no AOE damage - hardly God tier
  • DAC169
    DAC169 Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    I bit more advance notice on the Civil War event would have been great. Also, how will it work this time? You've changed how rewards are gotten since last time - in order for multiple-play nodes & 1 reward for single-play nodes. Not to mention you've probably tweaked the levels we'll be facing some & maybe changed Boss Cap & Boss IM a bit.

    Anyone else miss when the boss unlock nodes scaled with round rather than time into event?
    thisone wrote:
    5* tony and steve. 5* banner. Now 5* natasha. Can 5* thor be far behind?
    I don't doubt it. As others have pointed out though it might not be until his next movie.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well! My Black Bolt thanks you!

    Oh wait, no it doesn't...I don't even have one of those yet. You are releasing these so fast and not changing the low percentage RNG nature...what is the point of continuing play?!?
  • We_are_Venom
    We_are_Venom Posts: 308 Mover and Shaker
    alphabeta wrote:
    God tier character incoming. Steal AP, team stun, Match ending AoE.

    Are we reading the same thing? No team stun no AOE damage - hardly God tier

    it was in jest. I simply combined her dominant abilities from earlier tiers which would create a godly character.
  • donietsche
    donietsche Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    edited August 2016
    at first glance, not really impressed (she's very conditional).

    A dual set of skills (with a fixed effect whatever the case may be), depending on who she's paired with (cap 5* or im 5*) would have been interesting... snd making her count both as team iron man and team cap (would have made sense lore-wise as well, and increased her value as a support character).

    Maybe she will shine in pve, as someone pointed out.
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    alphabeta wrote:
    God tier character incoming. Steal AP, team stun, Match ending AoE.

    Are we reading the same thing? No team stun no AOE damage - hardly God tier

    it was in jest. I simply combined her dominant abilities from earlier tiers which would create a godly character.

    Then add in burst healing and making match 5s for Phoenix to boost oml strike tiles. Double dipping on those tiles with a steal as well? That would be god tier icon_e_smile.gif

    Ps-screw it. Throw in a cd reducer to bring Phoenix back in 1 turn!
  • Ruinate
    Ruinate Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    In this case, drain means steal.

    Consistency please.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    donietsche wrote:
    at first glance, not really impressed (she's very conditional).

    A dual set of skills (with a fixed effect whatever the case may be), depending on who she's paired with (cap 5* or im 5*) would have been interesting... snd making her count both as team iron man and team cap (would have made sense lore-wise as well, and increased her value as a support character).

    Maybe she will shine in pve, as someone pointed out.

    I really like that idea of having some kind of ability or abilities with different effects for Team IM or Team Cap. To me, it looks as though Widow represents the point at which the designers have begun to "normalise" 5* characters. Previously, each 5* had some kind of very unique twist on the default gameplay.

    Surfer - immune to stun
    OML - transformation
    PHX - resurrection
    BSSM - passively reduce special tile values (ok, this one actually turned up with Venom first, so perhaps BSSM is also an otherwise bland character)
    GG - fortified tiles & locking an ability to CD (which can be lost)
    5Cap & 5IM - both have abilities which use the number of Team X allies in your team
    Banner - uncontrollable Hulk meat shield
    Black Bolt - motivation tiles to increase the strength of allied abilities

    I think Nat's most interesting ability is the passive which mirrors a stun, otherwise her powers seem to be a grab bag of randomly targeted extras.