Post more bad guys!
This is my big issue, yet ONLY issue with the game. There isn't nearly enough villains. Even big ones like Red Skull and MODOK! Spider-Man villains are an easy go to always, and so are X-Men ones when they can get their hands on one. Another big thing is specifically adding villains who are 5*s. Dormammu, Mephisto, and even a 5* Dr. Doom would be great! All we have however is freakin Green Goblin. I really want mostly though Avalanche, Mysterio and Dormammu.
Toad (Mortimer Toynbee)
POISON SPIT - 5 AP: Toad's spit isn't exactly friendly. Deals 100 damage and stuns the target for 1 turn.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Deals 200 damage.
Level 3: Deals 300 damage.
Level 4: Deals 350 damage and stuns for 2 turns.
Level 5: Deals 550 damage.
Max Damage:
Level 3: Deals 1500 damage.
Level 4: Deals 2100 damage.
Level 5: Deals 2400 damage.
TONGUE LASH - 10 AP: Toads have long tongues, and use that to their advantage. Destroys 1 chosen tile and steals 6 AP of that color. Stuns target for 1 turn.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Steals 8 AP.
Level 3: Steals 12 AP and stuns 2 turns.
Level 4: Steals 15 AP.
Level 5: Steals All AP of that color.
LEAPER - 10 AP: Toad can leap far and wide in all directions. Places a 3-turn countdown tile, and while it is on the board, 10% damage is returned to the enemy.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Returns 25% damage.
Level 3: Returns 35% damage and 4- turn countdown tile.
Level 4: Returns 40% damage.
Level 5: Returns 50% damage and 5-turn countdown tile.0 - ... presen.jpg
Mandarin (Ultimate)
10 RINGS - 18 AP: All of Mandarin's rings possess great power. Mandarin places an invisibility tile and heals 800 to him and his team.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Also stuns target 2 turns.
Level 3: Also destroys 20 random tiles and places 3 strength 100 attack tiles.
Level 4: Also places 2 strength 100 protect tiles and 2 strike tiles.
Level 5: Also deal 2500 damage.
Max Level:
Level 3: Heal team 2000, tiles are strength 300, deal 13600 damage.
Level 4: Heal team 2500, tiles are strength 500, deal 16700 damage.
Level 5: Heal team 3200, tiles are strength 600, deal 20800 damage.
VALLEY OF SPIRITS - 8 AP: Mandarin is very powerful, and uses that to overwhelm the enemy. Place a fortified 4-turn countdown tile that gives you 1 of each color per turn.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: When the timer reaches 0, destroy 8 random tiles to gain AP.
Level 3: Destroys 10 tiles also 1% chance to heal team for 100 at 0.
Level 4: Destroys 14 tiles and 2% chance.
Level 5: Destroys 20 tiles and 3% chance even if downed.
Max Level:
Level 3, 4 and 5: Heal 1000
ULTIMO - 12 AP: The creations of Mandarin aren't friendly. Places 2 3-turn countdown tiles that deal 1000 damage when they reach 0.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Deals 1500 damage.
Level 3: Deal 2500 damage.
Level 4: Deal 3000 damage.
Level 5: Place 3 tiles and 3500 damage.
Max Level:
Level 3: Deal 7000 each.
Level 4: Deal 8000 each.
Level 5: Deal 9000 each.0 -
Come Forth, My Riders 0
(PASSIVE) At the start of the match, select a Red basic tile and Apocalypse imbues his first ally with the powers of War. Matches made by War convert two random basic tiles into the team's strongest color and enemy's strongest color.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Select a Green basic tile to grant the powers of Pestilence. Every third match stuns the enemy target for 2 turns.
Level 3: Select a Purple basic tile to grant the powers of Famine. Matches steals 1 enemy AP of the matched color.
Level 4: Select a Black basic tile to grant the powers of Death. Increases match damage by the percentage of missing health of the enemy target.
Level 5: Able to also buff the second ally.Cull the Weak 10
Only those who are worthy may stand before Apocalypse. Unleash a powerful shockwave that deals X damage to the enemy team and X damage to Apocalypse's allies. Afterwards, survivors are healed for 10% of their current health.
So Predictable 14
Apocalypse sees through the enemy's plans and counters by enlarging himself and crushing the enemy target. Deals 30% of match damage per strongest enemy tile and converts them to a random color.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Deals 50% of match damage.
Level 3: Deals 100% of match damage.
Level 4: Converts them into a usable team color.
Level 5: Lowered cost to 12.
Comments:- Only works when allies make the match. Passive is lost when allies are downed or Apocalypse is downed.
- Similar to Court Death, but with healing survivor gimmick.
- Similar to Girl FRIDAY, but no tile removal.
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Fouetté 6
Batroc swiftly assaults the enemy target with kicks, dealing 335 damage and creating a Fouetté Trap tile (up to 3) that generates 3 Yellow AP and another Fouetté Trap tile when matched.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deal 1565 damage.
Level 4: Deal 2191 damage.
Level 5: Deal 3653 damage. Generates 6 Yellow AP.
Fleet Footed 0
(PASSIVE) Batroc skillfully leaps out of harms way. Whenever Batroc takes ability damage, deal 70% of that damage immediately and create a 3-turn Countdown tile that deals the other 30%.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: 60%/40%.
Level 3: 50%/50%. 4-turn Countdown tile.
Level 4: 40%/60%.
Level 5: 35%/65%. 5-turn Countdown tile.
Coup de Grâce 12
Batroc has the enemy target on the ropes and deals a finishing blow, inflicting 1062 damage and 290 damage per Fouetté Trap tile to the enemy target. Removes all Fouetté Trap tiles.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deal 4569 damage and 1246 damage per Fouetté Trap tile.
Level 4: Deal 6163 damage and 1861 damage per Fouetté Trap tile.
Level 5: 40% chance to not remove Fouetté Trap tiles.
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Disembowel 12
Sabretooth shreds the enemy target with his claws, dealing 810 damage and creating 1 strength 25 Attack tile. If the enemy is below 70%, create 2 strength 25 Attack tiles.
(PASSIVE) At the start of your turn, Sabretooth true heals for 42 health for each friendly Attack tile, max 5 tiles.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 2887 damage and creates 2/3 Strength 91 Attack tiles. Heals for 115 health.
Level 4: Deals 4182 damage and creates 2/4 Strength 131 Attack tiles. Heals for 171 health.
Level 5: Deals 6785 damage and creates 2/4 Strength 212 Attack tiles. Heals for 227 health.
Out for Blood 0
(PASSIVE) Sabretooth's lust for violence knows no end. When there are more than 3 friendly Attack tiles, increase Sabretooth's match damage by 78.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Increases match damage by 281.
Level 4: Increases match damage by 410.
Level 5: Increases match damage by 534.
Cruel Intentions 9
Sabretooth plays mind games with his enemies, attacking the weakest target and demoralizing the enemy team. Deals 600 damage to the enemy target with the lowest health and weakens the enemy team by 1 turn. If Sabretooth downs an enemy target with this ability, silence the enemy team for 1 turn.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 2230 damage. Weakens/silences enemy team for 2 turns.
Level 4: Deals 3030 damage.
Level 5: Deals 4026 damage. Weakens/silences enemy team for 3 turns.
Comments:- Weakened targets have reduced matching capabilities. Matches are treated as if a tile is missing. A match-3 would gain 2 tiles and deal match damage of 2 tiles. A match-4 would gain 3 tiles along with the tiles removed and deal match damage of 3 tiles along with the tiles removed.
- Silenced targets are unable to fire abilities for the duration.
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Photographic Reflexes 0
(PASSIVE) Taskmaster is a quick study, instantly learning his opponent's movements through one glance. Whenever an enemy fires an ability, Taskmaster and his team gains 1 AP in that color and loses 2 AP in a different color.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Gain 2 AP.
Level 3: Gain 3 AP.
Level 4: Gain 4 AP.
Level 5: Also gain 2 AP in the enemy's strongest color.
Flawless Emulation 3
Taskmaster effortlessly recalls various techniques. Select a basic tile and spend 4 AP of that color to perform a move.- If is selected, Taskmaster throws his shield with the precision of Captain America, stunning the enemy target for 2 turns and
other targets for 1 turn.
- If is selected, Taskmaster fires several arrows with dexterity of Hawkeye, creating 3 1-turn Countdown tiles that deal 1400 damage.
Level 2: If is selected, Taskmaster slashes the enemy with the ferocity of Black Knight, dealing 4201 damage and removing 2 enemy Protect tiles.
Level 3: If is selected, Taskmaster attacks and evades the enemy with agility of Spider-Man, dealing 4201 damage and creating a trap tile that negates one instance of damage.
Level 4: If is selected, Taskmaster hand strikes the enemy target with one of Iron Fist's technique, dealing 4201 damage and creating 4 Black basic tiles.
Level 5: If is selected, Taskmaster goes for the killing blow with a move from Elektra, dealing 4201 damage plus 1% per 1% of target's missing health.
Class in Session 5
Taskmaster shows his enemies why he's a world-class mercenary. Create a 2-turn Countdown tile that increases Taskmaster's damage by 320 and drains 2 random AP when he fires an ability. (This power’s cost can’t be reduced.)
At Max Level:
Level 3: Increases damage by 1400.
Level 4: Increases damage by 1800.
Level 5: Drains 1 random AP.0 - If is selected, Taskmaster throws his shield with the precision of Captain America, stunning the enemy target for 2 turns and
other targets for 1 turn.
The Enchantress
Sow Discord 0
(PASSIVE) The Enchantress influences the enemy team to fight amongst themselves, making them her work. Whenever an enemy fires a single target damaging ability, drain 4 AP from your highest pool and reflect 30% of the damage to a random enemy.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Drains 3 AP and reflects 40% of the damage.
Level 3: Drains 3 AP and reflects 50% of the damage.
Level 4: Drains 3 AP and reflects 70% of the damage.
Level 5: Drains 2 AP and reflects 90% of the damage.
Bewitch 8
Amora uses her sorcery to control the mind of her enemies. Select an enemy target and create a 2-turn Countdown tile that prevents the enemy from dealing match damage and firing a damaging ability if Amora is at the front.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Increase the duration of the Countdown tile to 3 turns.
Level 3: Enemies gain 1 less AP on matches while Amora is at the front.
Level 4: Increase the duration of the Countdown tile to 4 turns.
Level 5: Countdown tile is fortified.
Deathly Allure 7
The Enchantress entices her enemies by giving them a valuable asset, only to turn on them. Select a friendly Attack, Protect, or Strike tile, convert it to an enemy Attack, Protect, or Strike tile, and create a 2-turn Countdown tile that removes that selected tile and deals damage equivalent to the value of the special tile removed.
Level Upgrade:
Level 2: Damage increased to 150% of the value of the special tile removed.
Level 3: Damage increased to 200% of the value of the special tile removed.
Level 4: Reduce the duration of the Countdown tile to 1 turn. Damage increased to 250% of the value of the special tile removed.
Level 5: Damage increased to 300% of the value of the special tile removed.
Comments:- Your team still receives 100% of the damage dealt by the enemy ability.
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The Rhino
Devastating Charge 7
Predictably, the Rhino starts barreling toward his enemy. Select a basic tile in first column and create a 5-turn Countdown tile that deals 616 damage, destroys the entire row, and stuns the Rhino for 2 turns. If the last tile of that row is the enemy's strongest color, deal double damage.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deal 4081 damage. The Rhino gains 3 AP in his strongest color for each enemy Special tile destroyed.
Level 4: Deal 6210 damage.
Level 5: If the Rhino downs the enemy target, deal the excess damage to a random enemy target.
Thick Hide, Thick Skull 0
The Rhino's suit makes him impervious to many attacks, but that doesn't stop him from making bad decisions. Enemy matches deal 50% less damage, but drain 3 AP from the Rhino's strongest color pool.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Reduces enemy match damage by 60%
Level 3: Reduces enemy match damage by 70%.
Level 4: Reduces enemy match damage by 85%
Level 5: Drains 2 AP.
Blow Off Steam 8
Frustrated and angry, the Rhino takes it out on public property. Destroy a random block of 12 tiles. Stun a member of the enemy team for 1 turn if their corresponding strongest color is destroyed. Does not generate AP.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Gain 1 AP in the Rhino's colors for each friendly Special tile destroyed.
Level 3: Destroys a random block of 20 tiles.
Level 4: Stun for 2 turns. Increase the cost by 1 AP.
Level 5: 4 of destroyed tiles are gained as AP. Increase the cost by 1 AP.1 -
The Shocker
The Big Score 5
Herman keeps his mind on money all the time. Create a 2-turn Yellow Countdown tile that allows destroyed Red and Yellow basic tiles to be generated as AP on his turn.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Destroyed Purple basic tiles.
Level 3: Destroyed Black and Blue basic tiles.
Level 4: Destroyed Green basic tiles.
Level 5: Destroyed enemy Special tiles.
Bring Down the House 6
Ready to run off with his loot, the Shocker aims his Vibro-Shock gauntlets at the surrounding infrastructure. Creates a 3-turn Countdown tiles that deals 413 damage each turn, then destroys up to 2 surrounding basic tiles. Does not generate AP.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 1394 damage each turn, then destroys 4 surrounding basic tiles.
Level 4: Creates 2 3-turn Countdown tiles. Increase the cost by 3 AP.
Level 5: Able to select the basic tiles to create the Countdown tiles. Increase the cost by 1 AP.
Shock Trooper 0
(PASSIVE) Not liking being mocked, the Shocker retaliates whenever attacked. Whenever an enemy fires an ability and the team has 8 Purple AP, stun the enemy target for 1 turn. If the Shocker is at the front, reduce the damage by 10%.
Level Upgrade:
Level 2: Reduces the damage by 20%.
Level 3: Destroys 2 basic tiles in the enemy's strongest color.
Level 4: Whenever the team has 6 Purple AP. Reduce the damage by 25%.
Level 5: Destroys 3 basic tiles in the enemy's strongest color.
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Superconductor 8
Once Electro gets going, he can't be stopped. If there are less than 5 Charged tiles, create 1 Charged tile. Else, convert 2 Charged tiles to Electro's strongest color.
(PASSIVE) If a Charged tile is matched, convert a random basic tile to a Charged tile.
Level Upgrade:
Level 3: Creates/converts 3 Charged tiles
Level 4: Creates/converts 4 Charged tiles
Level 5: Creates/converts 6 Charged tiles
Surge 8
Electro builds up energy and shocks the enemy target in the process. Creates a 2-turn Countdown tile that deals 292 damage and creates 1 Charged tiles each turn. If there are more than 10 Charged tiles, this ability becomes Overload.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 1023 damage each turn.
Level 4: Deals 1477 damage each turn.
Level 5: Deals 2386 damage and creates 2 Charged tiles each turn.
Overload 12
Unable to control the power, Electro releases it, dealing 69 damage per Charged tile to the enemy team and removing all, but 2 Charged tiles. After using Overload, this ability becomes Surge.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 217 damage per Charged tile.
Level 4: Deals 289 damage per Charged tile.
Level 5: Deals 362 damage per Charged tile.
Arc Lightning 9
Electro causes electricity to jump from one enemy to another, dealing 567 damage. If there is more than 1 Charged tile in Electro's strongest color, deal 33% damage to a random non-target.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 1824 damage and 66% damage to a random non-target.
Level 4: Deals 2362 damage.
Level 5: Deals 3617 damage and 33% of that damage to the third target.
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Dangerous Game 10
Kraven puts his body on the line to take down his target. Deals 1770 damage and 885 damage to himself. If Kraven fires Dangerous Game while Invisible or there are more than 3 friendly Attack tiles, reduce the self-damage by 66%.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 5880 damage and 2940 damage to himself.
Level 4: Deals 7616 damage and 3808 damage to himself.
Level 5: Deals 10271 damage and 5135 damage to himself.
Hunter's Instinct 10
Kraven leads the enemy target to strategically placed traps. Creates 2 Trap tiles that stun a random non-target enemy for 1 turn and create a strength 217 Attack tile.
(PASSIVE) If Kraven's team has AP in the enemy's strongest color, all created Trap tiles are created on tiles in the enemy's strongest color.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Creates 4 Trap tiles. Stuns both non-target enemies for 1 turn. Creates a strength 268 Attack tile.
Level 4: Creates 6 Trap tiles. Creates a strength 408 Attack tile.
Level 5: Creates 8 Trap tiles. Stuns the enemy team. Creates 2 strength 408 Attack tiles.
Jungle Medicine 3
Kraven consumes an self-made concoction to enhance to fighting prowess. If Kraven is above 50% max health, create a strength 101 Strike tile. Else, give Kraven a burst of health for 25% of his missing health and create a strength 101 Protect tile. This power becomes Stalking Prey for the rest of the match.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Creates a strength 268 Strike/Protect tile.
Level 4: Creates a strength 437 Strike/Protect tile.
Level 5: Creates a strength 576 Strike/Protect tile.
Stalking Prey 7
Kraven conceals himself and studies his target. Create a 2-turn Countdown tile that makes Kraven Invisible and generates 1 AP in the enemy's strongest color each turn. If Kraven fires Dangerous Game, remove the Stalking Prey Countdown tile. (Limited to 1 Countdown tile).
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Also generate 1 AP in a non-target enemy's strongest color.
Level 3: Generates 2 AP.
Level 4: Increase the duration of the Countdown to 3 turns.
Level 5: Fortifies the tile.
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Purple Man
Subjugate 8
The Purple Man saps the will of the enemy target and commands them to do his bidding. Makes a match of Black, Blue, or Purple for the enemy team and ends your turn.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Able to match Green, Red, Yellow, and Team-up tiles.
Level 3: Negate the damage of the match.
Level 4: The enemy team doesn't gain AP for the match.
Level 5: The Purple Man's team gains the AP for the match instead and ends the enemy's turn. (Exclude Black AP).
Loyal Masses 6
Kilgrave orders nearby mind controlled civilians to subdue his enemy target. Creates 2 2-turn Countdown tiles that deal 166 damage each turn. If there are more than 9 Purple tiles on the board, create an additional Countdown tile.
(PASSIVE) While there is a friendly Countdown/Repeater tile present, any single target damage directed at the Purple Man is redirected to one of his allies.
At Max Level:
Level 2: Creates 3 2-turn Countdown tiles that deal 248 damage each turn.
Level 3: Deal 349 damage each turn.
Level 4: Redirected damage is reduced by 25%.
Level 5: Drain 4 Purple AP and allies who take redirected damage fire a random ability.
Power and Influence 0
(PASSIVE) The Purple Man's effects increase the closer he is. If there are less than 8 Purple tiles on the board, matches made by the Purple Man convert a non-Purple basic tile to Purple.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: If there are less than 11 Purple tiles.
Level 3: Can convert enemy Attack, Protect, or Strike tiles to Purple tiles.
Level 4: Matches made by the Purple Man convert 2 non-Purple tiles to Purple. Steals enemy Attack, Protect, or Strike tiles when converted to Purple tiles.
Level 5: Prioritizes enemy's strongest color tiles.
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Chaotic Flame 7
Dormammu summons a pillar of flame to disrupt his enemies. Destroy a random column. Newly generated tiles in the destroyed column have a 33% chance to be created as strength 103 Attack tiles.
At Max Level:
Level 3: New tiles have a 40% chance to be created as strength 548 Attack tiles.
Level 4: Destroys 2 random columns.
Level 5: Able to select one column to be destroyed.
Tribute to the Dark Lord 0
(PASSIVE) Dormammu promises his followers unspeakable power; however, they must do his bidding. All matches generate double AP until a total of 30 AP has been gathered from both sides. This power becomes Lord of Dark Dimension.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: A total of 24 AP.
Level 3: Limit the amount of AP that can be gained each turn to 8. This includes generated AP besides matching.
Level 4: Each turn, steal 2 AP from the enemy's highest pool if the enemy has more AP than Dormammu.
Level 5: Each turn, steal 2 AP from the enemy's two highest pools if the enemy has more AP than Dormammu.
Lord of Dark Dimension 0
(PASSIVE) The Dread One conjures a sphere of flames to punish any foolish enough to defy him. At the start of your turn, if one does not already exist, create a 2-turn Repeater tile that deals 131 damage to the enemy team.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 3187 damage to the enemy team.
Level 4: Whenever an enemy passive activates, decrease the count of the Repeater tile by 1 turn.
Level 5: Also, strengthens all friendly Attack tiles by 305.
Infernal Projection 11
Dormammu directs all of his fiery destruction at the enemy target, dealing 920 damage plus the total value of all friendly Attack tiles to the enemy target.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 9610 damage.
Level 4: Plus 150% of the total value of all friendly Attack tiles.
Level 5: Fortifies 4 friendly Attack, Protect, or Strike tiles. Increase the cost by 2 AP.
Comments:- For Tribute to the Dark Lord, spent AP does not detract for the total.
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Kree Justice 0
(PASSIVE) Ronan ensures that the Kree legal system is upheld. Whenever a friendly Special tile is destroyed or stolen, remove a random enemy Attack tile for each friendly Special tile that was removed from the board.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Also removes enemy Protect tiles.
Level 3: Also removes enemy Strike tiles.
Level 4: Also removes enemy Countdown tiles.
Level 5: Also destroys 1 AP from the enemy's highest pool.
Arbiter 8
The Accuser prepares a trial and studies the situation. Creates a strength 59 Protect and a strength 59 Strike tile for each side. Increase the cost by 8 AP if the total number of friendly and enemy Special is more than 14.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Creates 3 strength 254 Protect and Strike tiles.
Level 4: Creates 4 strength 273 Protect and Strike tiles. Removes the fortification of an enemy Special tile.
Level 5: Creates 6 strength 293 Protect and Strike tiles. Removes the fortification of 2 enemy Special tiles.
Final Judgement 10
Ronan charges his Universal Weapon and passes judgement. Ignoring all enemy Protect tiles, deals 198 damage to the enemy target for each destoryed friendly Special tile, and decreases the count of destroyed friendly Special tiles by 3.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 1673 damage for each destroyed friendly Special tile.
Level 4: Deals 1912 damage for each destroyed friendly Special tile.
Level 5: Deals 2868 damage for each destroyed friendly Special tile.
Comments:- Matching friendly Special tiles will remove enemy Special tiles.
- For Final Judgement, the total damage is based on the number of destroyed friendly Special tiles throughout the match. The ability would have its own counter.
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Super Skrull
Greater than the Four 7
Kl'rt's mastery of the Fantasic Four's abilities makes him a dangerous opponent. Select a Blue, Green, Red, or Yellow basic tile to create an Element tile. Removes any previous Element tiles.- If Blue is selected, create a Water Element tile and harness Mr. Fantastic's elasticity to control the flow of battle. Whenever Super Skrull makes a match, convert a random basic tile to the team's strongest color. Whenever Super Skrull fires an ability, ignore all enemy Protect tiles.
- If Green is selected, create an Air Element tile and use Invisible Woman's powers. Super Skrull becomes Invisible and abilities ignore enemy passives.
- If Red is selected, create a Fire Element tile and incinerate his enemies with Human Torch's abilities. Whenever Super Skrull makes a match, destroy 2 tiles in the enemy's strongest color, dealing damage but not generating AP. Abilities splash 20% of the damage to non-target enemies.
- If Yellow is selected, create an Earth tile and Kl'rt's durability matches that of the Thing. Enemy match damage deals one less tile worth of damage when Super Skrull is at the front. Damaging abilities stun for an additional 1 turn.
Level 1: Mr. Fantastic's powers are available.
Level 2: The Human Torch's powers are available.
Level 3: The Invisible Woman's and the Thing's powers are available.
Level 4: Create an additional Element tile that is removed after 2 turns. Increase the cost by 1 AP. (The first Element tile is not removed.)
Level 5: Create 2 additional Element tiles that are removed after 2 turns. Increase the cost by 1 AP. (The first Element tile is not removed.)
Fantastic Fury 9
Super Skrull assaults his enemies with a combination of the Fantastic Four's powers. Select a Blue, Green, Red, or Yellow basic tile to generate an attack.- If Blue is selected, Super Skrull elongates his limb and maneuvers around his enemies, swapping 2 selected basic tiles and dealing 460 damage per swapped tile.
- If Green is selected, Super Skrull slices through his enemies with force discs, halving the values of all enemy Special tiles and dealing 184 damage for each one.
- If Red is selected, Super Skrull combusts, dealing 1563 damage to the enemy team.
- If Yellow is selected, Super Skrull punches the enemy target with a hardened fist, dealing 1379 damage and stunning for 1 turn.
Level 3:- Deals 2711 damage per swapped tile.
- Deals 1084 damage per enemy Special tile.
- Deals 9216 damage to the enemy team.
- Deals 8132 damage.
- Deals 2711 damage per tile.
- Reduce enemy Special tiles by 66%.
- Deals 9216 damage to the enemy team.
- Stuns for 2 turns.
- Can swap enemy Special tiles.
- Deals 1242 damage per enemy Special tile.
- Deals 10557 damage to the enemy team.
- Deals 9315 damage.
Ruthless 0
(PASSIVE) As the Skrull Empire's greatest warrior, Kl'rt shows no mercy to his enemies. Whenever Super Skrull deals more than 1672 damage to the current enemy target, destroy 1 enemy Team-up AP.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Dealing more than 5377 damage silences non-target enemies for 1 turn.
Level 4: Dealing more than 4033 damage destroys 2 enemy Team-up AP.
Level 5: Dealing more than 3697 damage destroys 3 enemy Team-up AP.
Comments:- Element tiles are colorless and can only be matched with Blue, Green, Red, or Yellow tiles. Once matched, the tile will change according the the color of a match. For instance, a Water Element tile is created by selecting a blue tile, then it is matched with Green basic tiles. The Element tile will become an Air Element tile. Element tiles can be destroyed by match-4 line destruction and by powers that destroys tiles. Each Element tile is unique.
- Silenced targets are unable to fire any abilities.
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Lie-Smith 6
Loki manipulates his enemies with illusions and half-truths. Create 3 Trap tiles. If Loki or his allies would take damage, reduce the damage by 15% and destroy a Lie-Smith Trap tile, dealing no damage, but generating AP.
(PASSIVE) Whenever a friendly Trap tile is removed from the board, steal 1 Random AP.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Reduces the damage by 25%
Level 3: Creates 4 Trap tiles.
Level 4: Creates 6 Trap tiles. Reduces the damage by 33%.
Level 5: Creates 8 Trap tiles. Increase the cost by 1 AP.
Trickster's Seal 6
The Trickster schemes to make the situation work to his favor. Create a 3-turn Countdown tile that causes enemy Protect tiles to be generated as friendly Strike tiles and enemy Strike tiles to be generated as friendly Protect tiles.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Enemy Attack tiles heal instead of damage for the duration of the Countdown tile.
Level 3: Enemy Invisibility tiles apply to a random ally instead for the duration of the Countdown tile.
Level 4: Increase the duration of the Countdown tile to 4 turns. Increase the cost by 2 AP.
Level 5: When the Countdown tile resolves, heal the current friendly target for the first instance of damage taken from an enemy single target ability. Increase the cost by 1 AP.
Maker of Mischief 8
Loki incites some chaos by blasting his scepter and dealing 571 damage. If there are friendly Trap tiles on the board, Loki's illusions also attack, dealing 64 damage for each friendly Trap tile. (Up to 1).
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 1981 damage and 332 damage for each Trap tile. (Up to 2).
Level 4: Deals 3052 damage and 578 damage for each Trap tile. (Up to 3).
Level 5: Drains AP from the enemy's highest color pool for each friendly Trap tile and redistributes it to other colors.- The bonus damage of Maker of Mischief counts as separate instances. So, Maker of Mischief with more than 3 friendly Trap tiles would deal 4 instances of damage to the enemy target.
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Hyper-thread 6
By design, M.O.D.O.K calculates the most efficient way to destroy his enemies. Drains 25% of team's second highest color pool and transfers it to the team's highest color pool.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Drains half of the AP.
Level 3: Drains all of the AP.
Level 4: Also drains half of the third highest color pool. Increase the cost by 1 AP.
Level 5: Also drains all of the third highest color pool. Increase the cost by 2 AP.
Mental Devastation Beam 14
M.O.D.O.K unleashes a powerful psionic blast at the enemy target, dealing 907 damage plus 132 damage for each AP drained from the team's highest color pool. Spends all AP from the team's highest color pool.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 7988 damage plus 1029 damage for each AP drained.
Level 4: Deals 7988 damage plus 1372 damage for each AP drained.
Level 5: Also, destroys 4 AP in the enemy's highest color pool and deals 1372 damage for each AP destroyed.
Tech Dampening Field 8
M.O.D.O.K disrupts all surrounding enemy technology. Select a basic tile and create a 2-turn Countdown tile. While on the board, enemy matches do no generate AP in the selected color. There can only be one of this Countdown tile on the board.
At Max Level:
Level 2: Increase the duration of the Countdown tile to 3 turns.
Level 3: Enemies are unable to fire abilities in the selected color.
Level 4: Deal 5155 damage to the enemy target whenever an enemy matches the selected color. Increase the cost by 1 AP.
Level 5: Deal 6374 damage. Enemy passives are disabled. Increase the cost by 2 AP.0 -
High Evolutionary
Higher Being 0
(PASSIVE) Countless self-experiments have elevated Herbert Wyndham to something beyond human. Whenever the High Evolutionary takes damage, reduce subsequent damage by 30%. This bonus resets each turn.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Reduces subsequent damage by 45%.
Level 3: Reduces subsequent damage by 70%.
Level 4: Applies to allies at 50% effectiveness.
Level 5: Applies to allies at 100% effectiveness.
Creator's Touch 8
The High Evolutionary evolves and devolves whoever he desires. Create a 3-turn Countdown tile that strengthens friendly Attack, Protect, or Strike tiles by 62 each turn. If there are no friendly Attack, Protect, or Strike tiles, give the team a burst of 617 health each turn. While this Countdown tile is on the board, the enemy team cannot change the value of any Attack, Strike, or Protect tile. (Special tiles may still be matched away).
At Max Level:
Level 3: Strengthens friendly Attack, Protect, or Strike tiles by 374. Gives the team a burst of 4463 health.
Level 4: Reduces enemy Attack, Protect, or Strike tiles by 208 each turn.
Level 5: If there are no enemy Attack, Protect, or Strike tiles, deal 1653 damage to the enemy each turn.
Conviction 9
The High Evolutionary stops all those who get in his way of genetic perfection. Deals 1425 damage and creates a strength 52 Attack, Protect, and Strike tile if one of each does not exist. If there is already one of each, strengthen 3 friendly Attack, Protect, or Strike tiles by 26.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 9734 damage and creates a strength 390 Attack, Protect, and Strike tile. Strengthens by 390.
Level 4: Deals 9734 damage and creates a strength 468 Attack, Protect, and Strike tile. Strengthens by 468.
Level 5: Reduce the cost for each friendly Attack, Protect, or Strike tile. (Up to 3).0 -
Baron Zemo
Stroke of Genius 3
Baron Zemo sets in motion a plan to dismantle the enemy team. Select and destroy a 2x2 block of basic tiles. Does not generate AP. (This power’s cost can’t be reduced.)
(PASSIVE) Whenever an enemy makes a match-4, create a Trap tile in the matched color. When removed, destroy 5 enemy AP in that color.
Level Upgrades:
Level 2: Can destroy enemy Attack or Protect tiles.
Level 3: Can destroy enemy Strike tiles.
Level 4: Destroys 7 AP.
Level 5: Generate AP for the destroyed tiles.
Turn the Tables 7
Helmut's strategic brilliance allows him to turn any conflict to his favor. Stun a random non-target enemy for 1 turn and give Baron Zemo a burst of 473 health.
At Max Level:
Level 2: Give a burst of 1217 health.
Level 3: Stun both non-target enemies for 1 turn.
Level 4: Give a burst of 1380 health.
Level 5: Increase the duration of the stun by an additional turn for each downed ally.
To the Point 7
Baron Zemo assails the enemy's weakest link, dealing 502 damage to the enemy target with the lowest health. Deals 30% more damage if the enemy target is isolated, meaning non-target enemies are either stunned, Airborne, or downed.
At Max Level:
Level 3: Deals 1788 damage.
Level 4: Deals 2590 damage.
Level 5: Deals 4201 damage.
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