Church of Patches (Ace of Blades) members lounge 20/20



  • The team they see is the last team that WON a match in that tournament. So no, they're still seeing uber thor

    ah ok tnx, setting up a tank team will be difficult then since everybody i see got 141 punisher or 141 spidey
  • Well, the sim is absolutely chewing me up and spitting me out, and I haven't event started the Thor nodes yet. I just got party-wiped for the 3rd time on easy. I get the sense this would be fairly trivial with even a moderate LThor--everything is just taking too long.

    How are things for the rest of you?
  • On the Thor missions (mine only has two covers so he's worthless) I have to use Spidey and my 141 Punisher to even stand a chance. On the non Thor nodes I use OBW for her AP stealing and CD increase. I still wipe sometimes but I've been able to clear each node once with this make up.

    I just looked and a lot of my nodes are approaching 230, which is becoming an issue.

    On a good note I've been tearing up The Hood tourney with The Hood, Punisher, and OBW. The other team gets to use maybe one ability per game.
  • Norm. I complete all nods in both modes. Was defeated only once, when I got very unlucky field and lot of enemies cascades in Psylocke / Spidey level. Permanent stunlock with two 216 Attack tiles is super effective. icon_lol.gif

    But this time I like only cast of buffed chars. IMHO, all missions in all rounds is some generic mindless mishmash of random characters and tons of borrowing from the previous PVE. Simulator Part One was more interesting. Few missions i remember even now. While in that «Electric Boogaloo» I absolutely don't remember what I played yesterday evening or today morning.
  • Yeah, it's the Spidey/Psylocke mission that's murdering me. I wish I had a decent Moonstone.
  • qtquazar wrote:
    Well, the sim is absolutely chewing me up and spitting me out, and I haven't event started the Thor nodes yet. I just got party-wiped for the 3rd time on easy. I get the sense this would be fairly trivial with even a moderate LThor--everything is just taking too long.

    How are things for the rest of you?

    since my lthor is lvl 141 this is a breeze.. went through all easy and hard nodes without using a health pack
    hope the scaling wont get too rough cause i went through all the nodes with basicly full life
  • did DjangoUnbuffed swap some members or something, how are they suddenly such a contender in the main tournament when they haven't done much in the last subevents yet.
  • did DjangoUnbuffed swap some members or something, how are they suddenly such a contender in the main tournament when they haven't done much in the last subevents yet.

    They *won* BOTH subevents last round, so not sure what you're talking about.

    We're not doing so hot overall this round. I've gone back to my safety lineup and am now slowly bleeding the nodes--at 192k but it's really fricking slow.
  • qtquazar wrote:
    did DjangoUnbuffed swap some members or something, how are they suddenly such a contender in the main tournament when they haven't done much in the last subevents yet.

    They *won* BOTH subevents last round, so not sure what you're talking about.

    ah yeah just checked otersey pics from last tournament looks like they got a big lead in both there.
    was just wondering because before that event 5deadlyvenoms had like a 150k lead on 2nd place and now they are even.
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014

    personal: 1-22-4-NA, all nodes cleared, 213k. slogging. Hood tourney when I have these nodes beaten down enough.

    alliance: 1-8-5-18

    I see a few of you have started to sharpen your claws. Ex-cellent.
  • qtquazar wrote:
    11-54-23... 200k

    im at 215k now im affraid i will be barely short for the 250k bonus which is 8k ISO!!
    hope the points will go up big tomorrow to get that that reward.
  • I'm at 216.9k points. Currently 1st in the main, easy, and hard.

    Dropbox link: ... 8%20PM.png
  • TheHueyFreeman
    TheHueyFreeman Posts: 472 Mover and Shaker
    Nazgul, I'm just starting my tourney and I came this close to taking a 46 point gain for a match before I realized it was you. I imagine you wouldn't have been too happy about that one.

    Btw, cleared all nodes and going at it tomorrow morning. Tonight will be for hood tourney and more BP covers.
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    Hey Guys,

    Just reporting in. I'm sitting on 214,676 points overall, #1 across the board. I'm also at #1 on the Hood event with 650 points. Thanks Huey for not hitting me, but I wouldn't be angry if you hit me by mistake. I've decided to try for 1100 points on this Hood event for the extra cover, I need that cover and the alliance need the points, so its a win-win. I'll start my climb in 8 or 10 hours. Hopefully, I'll be done in time for the 3 hour shield.

    This is my tip for people having trouble with the lazy false god: Use his main competition, ARES!

    I've been running Lv 121 Mags and Ares, along with the mandatory Hood and sometimes OBW, depends on the node. As I said before, CMags may be a beast, but Ares is doing the heavy lifting for me. He is buffed and his green is sick, I did over 9,000 damage with it against the hulk (who had over 13,000 hit points). He is by far the heaviest hitting 2* hero, despite his many problems (I don't think he's that good, but buffed, he is sick). For every green you put into his ability, he does 307 damage, pretty insane. This is comparable and some times even better then many 3* heavy hitters. He also has sunder (10 yellow) which does almost 3,000 damage instantly and another 1,000 in 2 turns. This guy can do 6,000 with 10 yellow and 10 green. Pretty good. Defend him, play defensively and eventually you'll plow through the nodes. If you have Spidey, use him, if not, do like I do and use OBW and Hood. The real secret is not to overcommit early.

    Btw, I had the coolest PVE match in the simulator today, one tip: it involves the snow environment tiles icon_e_smile.gif I'll post it separately in an hour or two, as I'm off to dinner.

  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm goign through hard now, I assume maybe others are too, we've jumped up a ton. Second in hard but first in the main. Woot!

    I'm first in hood, not shielded though, I only need blue and yellow, not the black

    Edit: cleared hard, gonna do easy before redoing the fat man missions
  • My coolest PVE game ever!!!

    I'll make this as short as possible, but a couple of hours ago I had the coolest PVE game ever. I was playing this latest round of the simulator in a node with a snow covered environment tiles. My team was Level 120 CMags, Level 77 Hood and Level 85 Ares.

    Everyone knows this environments first ability, which is already pretty good: 1 turn stun a the loss one ap of each color. The second ability, based on snow covered environment tiles, costs 102 environment tiles and turns every red tile and every snow tile into a blue tile. 102 Environment is expensive, but remember the multiplication of tiles you get when you hit an environment tile with a critical tile.

    I started the match and left for a quick bathroom break before the stage loaded. When I returned, I saw an easy first turn 5 connect with blue. AHA! I said, I'm playing CMags, so I get the activation of Magnetic Fields (creates 2 blue shields where ever you want them) free! When I connected, the crit tile landed between two snow covered environment tiles and I was almost at 40 tiles. I re-read the environmental abilities and saw the my stage was chock full of red and environment tiles. I used CMags blue to crit 2x more and the crits landed between or next to environment tiles. Suddenly I had 102 environment tiles, EXACTLY, and I activated the ability. Literally, 1 in 3 tiles was blue at that point, tons of connections of more than 5 tiles and crit tiles galore. After that I had 26 blue on turn 1 (and some more of the random colors being destroyed by big matches)!!!

    Long story short, I beat that node, with 3 level 200 enemies on it, on turn 1 and never let the AI take a turn icon_e_smile.gif Absolutely the coolest game I've ever had in MPQ! Clearly, our beloved Patch was watching over me. All hail the might of Patch!!!

    *Request: If you like this game, please vote me up. I want to hit 25 reputation in order to downvote whiners who always ask for nerfs in the other threads icon_twisted.gif


    P.S. - I just saw the second international trailer for X-Men Days of Future Past and it is AMAZING!!! Patch is the main character, as usual, and it's up to him to save the day. Hail Patch!
  • Dreylin
    Dreylin Posts: 241
    Gone through my first clear with no troubles; I don't think I saw anyone over lvl100 except for the buffed Daredevil and the Devil Dino node. My False God is 1/1/3 and gives me a tank & counterpunch for Ares, but I only use his yellow occasionally, green never and I think red once. Anyway, sitting #1 in my main and close to top in the brackets. Haven't hit the Hood yet; that will be tomorrow night.
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    First in main and hood event now, we're third in main right now. Good job everybody

    Also, I'm liking hood and panther. They might end up being patch's back up dancers for me
  • Personal: 1-3-4-4. 220k/300ish pts

    Alliance: 3-7-8-15

    I'm shutting down for the night. No need to post your immediate scores, but let us know when you cross the 250k threshold tomorrow so we can cheer each other on.
  • I think it was already mentioned, but - easiest mission to gring out rubber points is goon/DrDoom/Panther, it can be done with mStorm almost singlehandedly. I used Punisher, since he has good black attack, but main damage came from mStorms never-ending cascades.