the state of pvp for 3* rosters (and general poll)



  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards

    Tiers might be a fine addition, but I generally haven't been pushing for them because it seems like an inevitable balancing problem (something with which demi already strugles).

    But there are plenty of events in this game that have done a decent job of gating rewards based on roster strength. E.g. civil war. Everyone played the same event. But 2*s would have trouble in the mid rounds, and 3*s really struggled in rounds 7 and 8. But everyone could reach a reward level that was sufficiently compelling.

    Just adjust the PvP prog rewards to do that! 3* covers should be at 500 or so. 4* covers at 800 and 1k. Etc
  • mkmagius
    mkmagius Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
    I have 20ish champed 3*. Best covered 4* has 12 covers.

    Last 2 seasons I hit 1300+ regularly.
    Most of the time I can hit over 800 without using shields. Once or twice I've gotten over 900 but those times I got lucky and ran into cupcakes. Otherwise once I exceed 800 I see almost exclusively 4* teams.

    Once that happens I shield hop to 1300+. I have to look for cupcakes to do so though.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    As a 3* roster I have generally quit playing PvP because I did not have the HP to spend on shields with all the new 4* characters and 5* characters they spam. I also just don't have the time to play PvP and PvE...just not happening. I chose PvE because of the ability to get 25CP reliably which is the most important factor in the game if you want OML covers. I also never enjoyed PvP from the start. I sometimes will play PvP up to 300 points for ISO and event token.

    If I set my mind to actually play PvP I can get to around 600-800 with some struggle and health packs but that final climb to 1000 is still brutal as I end up facing maxed 4* rosters which I just can't really compete with.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    I ignored this thread for a while cause I am a 4*+ player, and assumed it wasn't for me. I want to chime in for a few alliance-mates though, as well as some friends from our BC. Some of them have recently "graduated" to having a few maxed 4*, but these guys were in our BC (and some still are) running IF/BP or IF/Cage or whatever boosted 3* they had available, and they were/are hitting 1300 every event. Now it might take them a few shields, but they were making it every single time. As most of you reading this know, the trick is actually finding the BC in the first place, but after that, all you have to do is hit ~800 early enough in the event to hop ~ 3 times. Collect some nice qs, hop to ~1000, repeat, hit 1150, repeat, hit 1300.

    tl;dr - Not a 3* player, but know enough to know that 800 is doable, and if they can hit 800 they can hit 1300+ with the right kind of help.
  • Those of you who say you spend lots of shields: From where do you get all your HP from?
  • The Herald
    The Herald Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    Those of you who say you spend lots of shields: From where do you get all your HP from?

    Despite not doing it, I CAN answer this to somewhat.

    First up, you DO generate HP in this game. From there you have to choose where you are going to spend it. I'm still chipping away at roster slots but in theory I will eventually get to choose to either invest in covers or PvP to push for fixed rewards.

    Second, you get a HP rebate from the PvP itself. You'll hit some from progression, and earn some from placement provided nothing goes wrong. You should always get an 8 and a 12 hour shield for "free" based on the PvP alone.
  • mkmagius
    mkmagius Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
    Regarding how do I afford my shields?

    First I generally do 3 hr, 8 hr, 3hr. Occasionally I have to mix in a 24 hr shield. So that's approximately 300 hp per pvp * 3 us 900 + 300 hp is 1200 hp.

    That's approximately what I spend each week in shields. Believe it or not I earn about that much each week. Some comes from pvp ( progression and placement), some comes from pve(progression and placement), alliance rewards are generally good, daily rewards, champed rewards, occasionally ddq. Some weeks I'm a little negative some a bit positive. But generally I break even.

    Of course what I'm not doing is buying roster spots. But I have 74 spots which for me is enough. I don't feel compelled to have to have every character. And because of the iso shortage I would never be able to level them all anyways. So instead I just focus on the better characters.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    it's harder than it was when the rewards were relevant is the most important thing to say here.
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    Not having read the rest of the thread, I'm in the 800 easy (when I feel like it), but 1000 is a huge push crowd.

    1k is easy to hit when 4Thor is boosted, because she's my only champed 4* and I get bored and tired of the shield hop game quickly. I don't have the patience to coordinate hops or any such nonsense, so Thor makes climbing easy and not health pack intense. This is from someone with 31 champed 3*s. They just don't have the ability to push into the higher progression tiers of PvP.

    I scarcely venture into the dark corner that is PvP because it's easier to get comparable rewards in PvE (minus the guaranteed 4* at 1k), and I just don't have patience for it any more. Getting constantly beaten down is demoralizing.

    Then again, since taking a weekend semi-hiatus due to vacation, I've been woken up to the fact that things are fun outside of the never ending grind of trying to get 4* characters in MPQ, and I have dialed back my play dramatically.
  • spiderpool
    spiderpool Posts: 76 Match Maker
    I'm still transitioning from 3* to 4* but I've come a long way thanks in large part to lucking into a 3/4/0 oml and leveling him to 360. I used to struggle to hit between 600 to 800 and would get killed by other 3* teams and 4* teams. Once I started to use that oml 3* mostly don't even touch me and I got hit much much less. I started hittng 1000 fairly easily and slowly built my 4* stronger and then i was able to do more crash of the titans which led to more 4* and to me being promoted from the low tier to my alliances mid tier pvp group which led to more rewards.

    Now I've got 24 3* champed and although I still haven't covered a 4* HB, nick fury, and ant man all have 12 and are around lvl 250 and I have several other 4* around lvl 200. Now my pvp team is always featured character, oml, and hb or best boosted 4*
  • Ulizeus
    Ulizeus Posts: 35
    The Herald wrote:
    Calnexin wrote:
    I'm solid 3*. I've got most of them champed. My 4* roster is developing, and I've only recently started using them in any game mode.

    I aim for the heroic 10-pack at 4k season, so I usually tap out ~ 450 per event. The matches after that aren't necessarily insurmountable, but are generally low value for high cost - ie, raising my score by 30-40 pts will require expending health packs for further climb.

    Caveat - I don't coordinate and I only shield when I've reached placement I don't want to lose. I'm far from optimal play.

    When I stop I'm generally seeing low-level 5* with <3 powers and moderately leveled 4*.

    Forgot to mention myself, since it IS relevant, I shoot for the Heroic 10 Pack and only screwed up once when I was too busy in real life.

    I can easily get 600 (shield after that), and the last month I missed 4k prog too, didn't play like 4 pvp events that left me on 3100 os so points, real life too, lot's of reunions and bdays, got like 1400 on shield after getting the 1700 prog(was trying to get mk cover, not difficult but you need a lot of time, playing pve also, so my hp need to be saved sometimes for a better reward), mainly playing cmags, kk and im40 (all champed) just got px so dunno if winfinity will lend me a hand (will need to champ sw, gsbw already champed).

    After 600, the 4* and 5*,5*,x teams start to be kinda difficult and you get hit a lot more than when you are around 500 points and that's what keeps you droping.

    I can get 1k or so with shield hoping, get 800 and then shield and start hunting cc's, I don't like that mechanic and only did it once to get that peggy yellow (I think that's and exploit on the system, dunno why this still exist).
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    Vhailorx wrote:
    But what the hell do 3* rosters do? Hit max prog in pve and pop LTs until they get some 4*s built from RNG? That seems ridiculous.

    This is exactly what I'm doing. I think I'm up to the point where I can beat half of the Crashes now and I sometimes can shield hop to 1K but sometimes it just doesn't work out. My only reliable sources of 4* covers are PvE command points and boss fights. It's also why my XPool still only has 2 covers but my Drax has 10.
  • elusive
    elusive Posts: 261 Mover and Shaker
    HaywireII wrote:
    Vhailorx wrote:
    But what the hell do 3* rosters do? Hit max prog in pve and pop LTs until they get some 4*s built from RNG? That seems ridiculous.

    This is exactly what I'm doing. I think I'm up to the point where I can beat half of the Crashes now and I sometimes can shield hop to 1K but sometimes it just doesn't work out. My only reliable sources of 4* covers are PvE command points and boss fights. It's also why my XPool still only has 2 covers but my Drax has 10.

    I've been trying to build up a 4 star roster with nothing but LTs, too. It's taking forever, though I've been pulling a lot of X-Force Deadpool lately (two out of the last three LTs have been him), so he's at 9/13 now. I also have X-Force Wolverine and Invisible Woman at a high amount of covers, but, well... they kinda suck, as we all know. I've been playing for well over two years now (I'm currently at day 800-something), and after they made the changes to PvP a while back, I've actually found it harder to place well; 800 points is a very, very rare occurence for me. Even something as simple as 400 points can be an uphill climb, too, since it likes to match me with high-level opponents from the get-go and will often not give me seed teams.
  • Zappa
    Zappa Posts: 102 Tile Toppler
    Been a 3* roster for the past 10 months (since I rejoined the game). 22(?) 3* champs. First 4* champed last month (nick fury). Just recently max covered IMHB, will champ him in 30k more iso.
    Can get to 700-800 often without shields. A lot of riding IM40 for speed. Play a little early. I end up just using shields to climb for rewards and then don't shield for placement. If you play fast enough and have a good comp, with a little luck from cupcakes, I have hit 1k without shielding a couple times. When I played for a top alliance I could hit 1300 often, though it was a big drain on hp. Now I'm just more interested in 4* covers so its pretty easy to just solo climb and then tank.
    Also you end up spending A LOT of iso on skips with a low level roster. Your fights will be against boosted 3* champs, so if you can't tangle with triple boosted 3*, it gets a lot harder.
    Honestly just try and abuse IM40 as much as possible, he cuts match times by a huge amount. Even if that means 1/3 of your team isnt boosted, he is definitely worth it.
  • Kevin61
    Kevin61 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    Ok, I had to go with the "3* sometimes hit 1000" although that is not entirely true. I use my 3* characters up until I hit around 800 points. That's when I bring in the 4* and 5* team and that is usually enough to get me to 1000. But, I only go after the 1000 cover reward if I really need/want it. Otherwise, I get to the 650 point token then go on to something else.