Deadpool's Daily Quest: Vault Contents Updated



  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    moogles85 wrote:

    They removed 46 2* chars (11,500 ISO) and added 27,500 ISO.
    So the net change is only 16,000 ISO for 300 tokens (which can be accumulated within 30 weeks). So approximately an extra 533~ ISO a week...

    It's still an ROI bump of ~12.5%. Slightly more if you always keep the 4*. No, it's not going to change the game, but every bit helps.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    jffdougan wrote:
    Hi-Fi -

    Any chance you could update the original post to put an "before" chart in, for speedy comparison?

  • an1979
    an1979 Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    edited July 2016
    So similar to the "you have to grind/lose more" changes (that they really really want to make, if only player base could be "placated" somehow) to PvE this here is also targeted to make you buy spideycoin.pngspideycoin.pngspideycoin.png the healthpacks, as now you can't even use Tacos as dependably to get around HP drain in PVP/PvE...

    Give some token ISO and take back healthpack.png
    Nice played icon_twisted.gif
  • GritsNGravy
    GritsNGravy Posts: 114 Tile Toppler
    Great change, thanks!
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    moogles85 wrote:

    They removed 46 2* chars (11,500 ISO) and added 27,500 ISO.
    So the net change is only 16,000 ISO for 300 tokens (which can be accumulated within 30 weeks). So approximately an extra 533~ ISO a week...

    It's still an ROI bump of ~12.5%. Slightly more if you always keep the 4*. No, it's not going to change the game, but every bit helps.

    They lowered the number of 1500 ISO items and replaced them with 1000 ISO items. While it's an overall gain for the people who open all items in a vault, this feels like it might actually be a nerf to the people who don't hoard that many tacos and just pull a few here and there. But you're a better maths guy than I, so maybe i'm wrong.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    rkd80 wrote:
    The loss of the 2* makes the net ISO change to be rather trivial now.

    Furthermore the 2* could have been used to champion faster, so that has gotten harder.

    Kind of a mixed bag, I think the *best* change to the DDQ vault is to shrink it down to 150.

    Pretty sure there is no shortage of 2 stars following towards you, so the change doesn't really.matter.

    Hard to believe that people are complaining about lesser 2 star odds when everything in the game favors them.

    the fact that the vault is still one LT, and two 4 stars is much of a concern given the new meta.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Xenoberyll wrote:
    They lowered the number of 1500 ISO items and replaced them with 1000 ISO items.

    These are the kind of things they do that make me crazy.

    They could have just removed some 2* and health packs and replaced them with 1k & 500 iso. But no, they had to remove 21 of the 30 1,500 rewards to do it. That's 70% of them, gone. Why?

    Yes - two baby steps forward and one step back is still one baby step forward and I like going forward, but WHY DO WE ALWAYS HAVE TO TAKE THAT STEP BACK?


    These minimal changes would be much better received if they were done much more frequently, but when these changes only come once every two years? That's why this gift horse gets looked straight in the mouth.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wow never knew that there was a subset of players that loved the Health packs. They always feel such a waste to me when I'm opening a large number of tacos.

    Tip if you find that you are depending too much on Health Packs to climb in PVP: Start playing much earlier. The earlier you start playing the lesser "density" of players likely to be playing exactly at the same time to see you, so it's pretty safe to "float" without shields at least up to 600 points. So you just do most of your climb at a slow pace spread over a day and the rest in two tandems separated by one shield hop. You are unlikely to need more than 10 packs each time.
  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    Always happy to hear about more Iso, thanks!
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Wow never knew that there was a subset of players that loved the Health packs.
    It's not that we love health packs... we love finishing T5 in PvE, and you often need health packs to do so...
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I honestly want to be stoked about this, but like the "increased ISO from selling champions" change, it really seems more like smoke and mirrors. This one seems designed to distract you from what is mostly a reduction in available health packs.

    The only substantive ISO change in my opinion has been the increased reward from daily alliance players (which, to be fair, I think was great).
  • veny
    veny Posts: 834 Critical Contributor
    Polares wrote:
    Why, WHY remove the Health packs!?!?!?! There are a bunch of 2s nobody wants! Healtch packs are useful to everybody! 129 2s and you had to remove the Health packs ...

    Always the same, I give you something good, but I also remove something from you icon_e_sad.gif
    Nobody? I can claim "nobody wants heals" and seal it with my blood.
    Sersiously, did you hear about champions? There is nothing like "2*s nobody wants"...
    Still, there are 21 + 3 health packs - you can get them and players who dont wont them will not get screwed that often.

    About the change - More ISO is welcome, but removing 2*s is not a great move. Thanks to championing, 2*s are potential ISO, but also HP, CP and 3* covers... I would rather get one random 2* cover than 500ISO, but won argue with anyone disagreeing - this is about individual preferences... just sayin.
    Xenoberyll wrote:
    moogles85 wrote:

    They removed 46 2* chars (11,500 ISO) and added 27,500 ISO.
    So the net change is only 16,000 ISO for 300 tokens (which can be accumulated within 30 weeks). So approximately an extra 533~ ISO a week...

    It's still an ROI bump of ~12.5%. Slightly more if you always keep the 4*. No, it's not going to change the game, but every bit helps.

    They lowered the number of 1500 ISO items and replaced them with 1000 ISO items. While it's an overall gain for the people who open all items in a vault, this feels like it might actually be a nerf to the people who don't hoard that many tacos and just pull a few here and there. But you're a better maths guy than I, so maybe i'm wrong.
    Statistically there is no difference between those who hoard tacos and those, who waste them right after obtaining them - the longer you play, the more true this sentense is. Sure, statistic has nothing to do with "luck" - i also got 3*250HP during one rotation... on 4 health packs in a row.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    There was never going to be unanimous happiness about this change (some people value the health packs and wish more 2* had been removed, some people value the 2* and wish more health packs had been removed), so I think removing some from each group is probably the right compromise.

    Yeah, it's going to make it harder to rebuild 2* after selling off a max champion, but eh. Any net increase to ISO is positive in my book.
  • Dark Nova
    Dark Nova Posts: 56 Match Maker
    Some players need health packs, some players need 2* covers, but EVERYONE needs ISO. This change provides a much better mix. I like it a lot!

  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Baby step, but appreciated. Keep em coming. It's a long road ahead to get things to where they should be be.
  • MaxxPowerz
    MaxxPowerz Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Can I just be the first to point out the obvious and ask why we didn't add more 3*s? The thought of drawing 500 iso is kind of disappointing considering virtually every reward from the vault is worth at least 250. Could we have not at least made some of those 500 iso rewards 3* star characters to aid us in our championing efforts? At least in that way the vault would be beneficial in aiding our 4* characters, and we could potentially earn better rewards.

    As it stands this is really only a marginal improvement that will amount to a couple extra thousand iso a week. I would prefer to have the health packs back. At least they help me climbs towards the rewards I deem more valuable.

    And yes, I do realize that they did up the 3* covers a bit. Talk about throwing a pale of water into the ocean.
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    change is good, i guess...

    didn't really go far enough in my opinion. could have added a 5 star cover, some cp, more iso and less 2*.

    now, how are we doing with removing the crit boost 'reward' from pve nodes?
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    I loathe getting health packs. They directly conflict with my style of play (which is admittedly non-optimal). So this is all upside to me.

    Would have loved to hear that they're changing the actual size of the vault to be smaller, though. I've won the LT exactly once (which is close to expected value for me given how often i play) but I think it feels too stingy as it is. Of course, everything about this game does...
  • The Herald
    The Herald Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    While hoarding tokens to fish up Health Packs is a novel exploit, something I've done in the run up to boss battle events, it isn't the designed intent of the Taco Vault.

    I doubt any hoarding strategy is.

    If the devs make adjustments that don't support hoarding it's not really something to complain about.

    When people insisted they were "screwed" because they dumped a horde of LTs before the drop rate went up is another example of this. You were never supposed to hoard them in the first place, so there won't be any compensation for you failing to exploit a courtesy (your tokens don't expire so you can hold off putting pressure on your roster).

    What I'll take from this is "Yay more iso8", even though I'm one of the 2* fans.

    (Just hoping 2* drops go up in place of 1*s elsewhere now...)
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    The Herald wrote:
    (Just hoping 2* drops go up in place of 1*s elsewhere now...)

    Agree with that. Standard Tokens should have an equal split between 1* & 2*s after this change.