Four. Four million ISO.



  • HxiiiK
    HxiiiK Posts: 195 Tile Toppler
    4 million ISO? Hey, d3's got your back. All you need is $5,000 and your woes go the way of the dodo!

    That aside, my roster is looking like it'll take about that long too, worst part is, between here and there, there'll be at least another 30-40 4*s being released, worsening the shortage much much more. But hey, money solves most, if not all your problems, as they say!
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tony Foot wrote:
    People need to get over this iso shortage rubbish. There is no shortage, you just need to get over champing every 3 and 4 star and so on. If they doubled, tripled or whatever the iso the game just has match after match of 3 champed units. Pointless. Pick your best and favs in each cat and champ them. Having that shortage gives better diversity in matches and would stop every game being the same. The only reason to roster them all is for essentials.

    I will take 3 or 4 of the 4 stars to 270 and the rest will sit around 150-160. The 4 star game is dieing fast putting too much iso into 3's and 4's is wasted iso. I am increasingly seeing 3 and 5 star rosters with few 4's at all. With the increased 5 star drop rate everyone whinged for that will only get worse. Very soon they will make pvp 4 star in a vain attempt to get people to put iso into the endless stream of useless 4 stars coming out, not a hope they are getting iso from me on 4 stars.

    Starting 5 stars at 255 was a huge mistake. They should scale those right back to say 120 and increased the iso cost to level them, especially when they seem far from done with 4 stars. 4 stars would still have been viable.

    I do not see the diversity though. With iso being tight people will only put the investment in the top 5 or 6 characters in any star rating. It actually stifles diversity. But that may be more of a balance issue than iso issue.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tony Foot wrote:
    People need to get over this iso shortage rubbish. There is no shortage, you just need to get over champing every 3 and 4 star and so on. If they doubled, tripled or whatever the iso the game just has match after match of 3 champed units. Pointless. Pick your best and favs in each cat and champ them. Having that shortage gives better diversity in matches and would stop every game being the same. The only reason to roster them all is for essentials.

    I will take 3 or 4 of the 4 stars to 270 and the rest will sit around 150-160. The 4 star game is dieing fast putting too much iso into 3's and 4's is wasted iso. I am increasingly seeing 3 and 5 star rosters with few 4's at all. With the increased 5 star drop rate everyone whinged for that will only get worse. Very soon they will make pvp 4 star in a vain attempt to get people to put iso into the endless stream of useless 4 stars coming out, not a hope they are getting iso from me on 4 stars.

    Starting 5 stars at 255 was a huge mistake. They should scale those right back to say 120 and increased the iso cost to level them, especially when they seem far from done with 4 stars. 4 stars would still have been viable.

    This creates less diversity not more. Of you only have iso to level a few characters why would you then put that iso into lower tier characters? Everyone just pumps the iso into the top5 and ignores everyone else.

    Put enough iso into the game to level everyone and all of a sudden you can use different teams.

    The most diverse my roster has been was when I finished 3* transition and had lots of shiny toys to play with. Then I crept into 4* and now I'm back to just using the same character all the time in order to keep up with the people in my new tier of play.
  • Yasuru
    Yasuru Posts: 99 Match Maker
    6.7 Million ISO to bring ONLY my 4* and 5* to the soft cap. I don't want to know the number to max them.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just did a little math... I need approximately 6.6 million to max only my cover-maxed characters. Without champing them.

    I hear unutterable despair is in fashion this year!
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    march 30 my number was 7.9 million. I've leveled some but also had an LT party since then that was a bunch of 4* and some 5* covers. I'm sure I'm 9million+ at this point. going to take care of all the 3s and 2s before I continue on the 4s at this point. feels good to max 2 a week rather than maybe 2 a month. then I won't have to trash anything.
  • JarvisJackrabbit
    JarvisJackrabbit Posts: 232 Tile Toppler
    Thanks for starting this thread. I'm on day 130 and have spent $80 on HP. After looking at these numbers, I'm realizing that deleting the game is far and away my best option at this point because $80 will be a drop in the bucket of I keep matching these colored tiles.

    When MPQ inevitably ceases to be actively supported, I don't want to find myself having spent thousands of dollars on it. For anyone who is deep enough in the their addiction to have spent that much, I sincerely hope the game is around for a good long while.
  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    I have 10 4-stars, fully covered at level 172, that's approx. 3M alone.

    P.S None that I need or care about, since I have 13 maxed already and the RNG smites me. There are a whole host of issues here discussed in other threads.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    DFiPL wrote:
    Haven't updated my spreadsheet in a while but I was over 2 million to reach max possible levels for my entire roster a while ago. I've since championed several 3*, so I imagine that's down to around 1.5 million. But I'd have to check.

    As it turns out, there have been some 4* added to the game since the last update, and some of my 4* have *gasp* approached usability in the interim as well. So even with the champions I've created, the 2 million has increased slightly to about 2.2 million.
  • seshoma
    seshoma Posts: 58 Match Maker
    Just 4 million?
    I need like +/-7650000 iso to max my entire roster .
    And I've been playing since almost the beginning before even alliance were introduced, before season was introduced.
    It's ridiculous that I need this much iso after how long I've been playing.
  • Nabistay
    Nabistay Posts: 146 Tile Toppler
    seshoma wrote:
    Just 4 million?
    I need like +/-7650000 iso to max my entire roster .
    And I've been playing since almost the beginning before even alliance were introduced, before season was introduced.
    It's ridiculous that I need this much iso after how long I've been playing.

    Why ridiculous?

    If the amount needed were going down, that would suggest this was a finite game.

    If players could realistically 'keep up' why would they spend? The scarcity is artificial and intentional.

    This isn't a game, it's a hobby. It ends when you lose interest.

    Until then, play on!

    But if the carrot just keeps getting farther and farther away I will have less and less incentive to keep playing.. I have to at least FEEL like I am getting closer!
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I thought I reached the carrot with a level 405 OML. nope. lots of carrot left to chase (or no carrot at all). that's why I've stopped chasing and I'm returning to the roots of the game and finishing the foundation of my roster. over the next 2 months would I rather complete my 3*s and 2*s than add antman, kp, carnage and px? I choose finishing the bottom rather than add characters that won't see much PT. then I always have a champ in pvp, even for the weaker characters and can cycle 2*s whenever it makes sense to do so.

    took me a while to realize - there is no carrot. no finish line. only the chase. and you choose how hard you run. for those chasing the players in front of them - unless you're willing to drop well into 5-digits on the game, stop. they'll always be ahead of you. and its ok. man it took me a long time to realize that.
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    Tony Foot wrote:
    Having that shortage gives better diversity in matches and would stop every game being the same.

    Having a shortage in *covers* would lead to diversity. Having a shortage in Iso just means everyone builds out their OMLs and Icemen and Iron Fists first, and then don't have enough Iso to bother doing anything with "diverse" characters.

    Of course, diversity due to scarcity isn't necessarily a good thing in the first place. In a metagame as unbalanced as the 4* meta, for example, diversity in roster development would just make things more unbalanced. Diversity is only a good thing if you can legitimately compete with a diverse team. Right now, that's a pipe dream.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    morph3us wrote:
    Am I the only person who read the title as "Four MILLION iso!"?


    I actually got this vibe.
  • SnagglePuss
    SnagglePuss Posts: 702 Critical Contributor
    edited June 2016
    Tony Foot wrote:
    People need to get over this iso shortage rubbish...

    I will take 3 or 4 of the 4 stars to 270 and the rest will sit around 150-160. The 4 star game is dieing fast putting too much iso into 3's and 4's is wasted iso. I am increasingly seeing 3 and 5 star rosters with few 4's at all. With the increased 5 star drop rate everyone whinged for that will only get worse. Very soon they will make pvp 4 star in a vain attempt to get people to put iso into the endless stream of useless 4 stars coming out, not a hope they are getting iso from me on 4 stars.

    Still over 1.5 million getting the other 30x4* to lvl 160....
    On top of the 1.2 million to take 3x4* to champ level
    Good luck with that!

    4* will be the New base game as we move to a 4-6*+ environment
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was surprised how much praise I saw thrown into the changes thread - where they put in a tiny trickle of ISO in daily alliance supply.

    Anything less than double ISO a year ago is to little.

    Anything less than triple ISO now is to little.

    All resources (HP/ISO/CP/Roster Slots/Token Rates) need to be scaled as characters are added or these huge debts will continue to accrue.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's not even that I need to be able to champion all my characters now. I'm in no rush to "complete" the game.

    However the early stages of the game were so fun because every week, you could max out a different 2* (or maybe even a few!) And you could generally max out a single 3* within a week as well.

    But suddenly the 4*s tend to take 3+ weeks to max out. 3 weeks of hardcore playing, just to max one character! That's not generally even all that useful!

    And the 4*s aren't super useful UNTIL they've been maxed out. Is anyone cowering in fear from a lv 170 4* character? I don't think so icon_e_smile.gif

    So you are basically forced to champion them before you can even use them.

    I would just love that slog part to be changed from 3+ weeks down to around 1 week (preferably) or even 2 weeks (okay, I guess...).

    I have to say, when they did Double ISO for that PVE, it really felt right. I felt like I was getting the proper amount of ISO for actual progress at my level (2 years).
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    mpqr7 wrote:
    And the 4*s aren't super useful UNTIL they've been maxed out. Is anyone cowering in fear from a lv 170 4* character? I don't think so icon_e_smile.gif

    I have to say, when they did Double ISO for that PVE, it really felt right. I felt like I was getting the proper amount of ISO for actual progress at my level (2 years).

    Forget 170, no one fears an unboosted 270.

    That double pve event ruined me. I haven't played much pve at all since then, it just doesn't feel worth my time. I sit down at night and just can't bring myself to do it. I'll open up imgur and browse memes for an hour instead. My slow iso crawl has ground almost down to a halt.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    The double ISO event made me realise that even with that it STILL took a long time to build up the ISO. The double they were giving out needed to *at least* become the new standard.
    They even chose an event that had a one-off 1500 bumped up to 3000 a day whereas most PvEs don't have that. Even then it took that and some more grinding afterwards to max out a single 4*.
  • tizian2015
    tizian2015 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    seshoma wrote:
    Just 4 million?
    I need like +/-7650000 iso to max my entire roster .
    And I've been playing since almost the beginning before even alliance were introduced, before season was introduced.
    It's ridiculous that I need this much iso after how long I've been playing.

    Why ridiculous?

    If the amount needed were going down, that would suggest this was a finite game.

    If players could realistically 'keep up' why would they spend? The scarcity is artificial and intentional.

    This isn't a game, it's a hobby. It ends when you lose interest.

    Until then, play on!

    It´s a difference between a "infinte game" and a game where your needed iso-rate goes up rapidly and the makeable iso stays the same in times of 4*and5*-overflow.

    Calling a game, where the needed ressource exceeds the amount of more than 5.000$, a hobby is an "euphemism".