Farming championed 2*?



  • nigelregal
    nigelregal Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    Keep in mind you get XP as well from champ and building up the 2* then getting tokens and 3* covers added.

    The XP isn't insane but it helps and gets you closer to next rank.
  • GreenMachine
    GreenMachine Posts: 52 Match Maker
    You beat me to it with regards to XP!

    For reference, one cycle of 2* farming is worth more than a SCL in the 80's. So for me, that level gets me an extra 37,500 ISO which significantly offsets the iso you lose investing in a 2* farm.

    And since it looks like they will keep increasing the SCL cap faster than most of us can reach it, these extra earned levels are pure gain for the vast majority of people on this forum.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,927 Chairperson of the Boards
    You beat me to it with regards to XP!

    For reference, one cycle of 2* farming is worth more than a SCL in the 80's. So for me, that level gets me an extra 37,500 ISO which significantly offsets the iso you lose investing in a 2* farm.

    And since it looks like they will keep increasing the SCL cap faster than most of us can reach it, these extra earned levels are pure gain for the vast majority of people on this forum.

    Very interesting!

    Does anyone know when and why they increased the sale price for 2s? Is this temporary or permanent? Did they do this for other tiers as well?
  • halirin
    halirin Posts: 327 Mover and Shaker
    It was a while ago. It is presumably permanent. The purpose was to let you farm like this, and it does apply to 3s and 4s, but obvies that's a bit slower.
  • veny
    veny Posts: 834 Critical Contributor
    nigelregal wrote:
    Keep in mind you get XP as well from champ and building up the 2* then getting tokens and 3* covers added.

    The XP isn't insane but it helps and gets you closer to next rank.

    Each star.pngstar.png generates 266XP from birth to maxchamp. That's worth up to ~3990iso, depending on your rank. And a full crop of 13* star.pngstar.png s generates 3458XP.

    Actually it may be a bit more:
    - 24XP from adding 13 cards (guaranted)
    - 20XP from championing (guaranted)
    - 200XP from promoting to maximum (guaranted)
    - 15XP from opening the heroics (guaranteed) you get (plus 20XP if they are 2*s you will promote, more from getting 3*s or even 4*s)
    - Up to 30XP from promoting 3*s you get
    - Plus potential XPs if you buy tokens for HP you got and up to 5XP for opening Legendary token and promoting cover you get from there.

    So guaranteed income is 259XPs, but technically you can get more than 300XPs from the "life" of one 2* hero (promoting 3*s and covers you get from tokens, opening LTs and promoting 4*s/5*s, buying tokens for HP - 50HP ones makes pretty good XP gain).
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,535 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2017
    This is what I do with my 2*s - once I hit 138 I make a new version of that character - I have three slots or so dedicated to this purpose, but I can always go over a bit and just use the slot for a new character. I then build that new character until he or she is 13 covers. If I get a cover over 5, I apply it to the high level one. Once the character has 13 covers (any build, it doesn't really matter,) I level the high level version to 144. Once there, I burn them if I need the slot or once I get the extra cover for the lower level one. Then I roll the Iso into the lower level one and champ them. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    The odds of having to sell a 2* cover are absurdly low - it's possible to get stuck at, say, 5/5/2, but the chance of not drawing that cover for five then an additional 2 weeks is infinitesimal. It also means you always have a version of that character at least at level 95 - this has become more important with the advent of the Burrito.

    The downside of this is you hang out at 138 for a while, so it feels like a much slower process. The upside is that you're never stuck with an undercovered 2* for the essentials and the Burrito.

    I also tend to keep an extra version of OBW at 144 - she's really useful to have maxed for the "Under the Sea" and "The Third Time's the Charm" nodes. I've sold her once, though, for an infusion of Iso, and have almost rebuilt her now.
  • matthatter
    matthatter Posts: 151 Tile Toppler
    I will only duplicate 3 - Storm, Hawkeye, Magneto (that's my DDQ team. I only sell them when I have a replacement champed) Everyone else once they hit max champ and I have an extra cover, They get sold and the extra cover restarts my farm.

    I agree, it does take the sting out of opening a couple dozen Elite and Heroic tokens and getting inundated w/ 2 stars.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's soooo slow now. Not have lightning rounds and standard tokens really hurts the farm and makes a crutch of having to use heroic and vault daily deals to supplement their loss.
  • JablesMc
    JablesMc Posts: 235 Tile Toppler
    smkspy wrote:
    It's soooo slow now. Not have lightning rounds and standard tokens really hurts the farm and makes a crutch of having to use heroic and vault daily deals to supplement their loss.
    Granted I am just now starting my farm, but why would you waste HP with the intent to get 2*'s? I understand if there is a vault reward you want, but with the intent of aiming for 2*'s?
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    smkspy wrote:
    It's soooo slow now. Not have lightning rounds and standard tokens really hurts the farm and makes a crutch of having to use heroic and vault daily deals to supplement their loss.
    IMO this only really effects bagman, who for me has been sitting at 100 for what feels like forever (probably at least 3 months at this point). Everyone else is in tokens, and we get flooded with them these days. There are extra tokens in pvp placement rewards, and pve placement rewards. I also usually get around two tokens a day in daily intercepts (sorry steam friends). So, even though 2* drop MUCH less frequently in LR/PVP, it still feels like the farm churns at about the same rate since these other avenues have sped up.

    NB - I'm hoarding tacos, but you could throw that in too - +1 taco per day is not quite as guaranteed to help the farm as the elites/heroics, but there are enough covers in the vault you're bound to get a few from these "extra" tokens.
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am not sure why we have this discussion. The 2* farm is an absolute must have for any progress in this game.... but you start it when you are moving from 3 to 4 tier. Earlier it can be beneficial but harder to pull off.

    After that - it's simple and efficient way to get resources. Sure - ISO is a bit negative but everything else makes up for it big time (try recycling the 2* Thor couple of times with the 3* championed - at 220+ the rewards are starting to look really nice).

    If you are relying on 2* in PvP or PvE (even for essentials the 2* has to be non-factor if you want the farm running) then you are not ready. But if not - go for it and don't look back is universally best strategy.

    My way of doing it? I max champion the 2* and I wait to acquire at least one cover of it for the duplicate. When done I check if the 2* is not essential in the current or next PvE (if I bother with the next one). Then I sell the maxed and roster the new one. I add covers as they come adding iso immediately (that way I am not tempted to block the iso - they pay for themselves and i reap only the extra rewards) and soon I have another champion. Rinse and repeat.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    mohio wrote:
    smkspy wrote:
    It's soooo slow now. Not have lightning rounds and standard tokens really hurts the farm and makes a crutch of having to use heroic and vault daily deals to supplement their loss.
    IMO this only really effects bagman, who for me has been sitting at 100 for what feels like forever (probably at least 3 months at this point). Everyone else is in tokens, and we get flooded with them these days. There are extra tokens in pvp placement rewards, and pve placement rewards. I also usually get around two tokens a day in daily intercepts (sorry steam friends). So, even though 2* drop MUCH less frequently in LR/PVP, it still feels like the farm churns at about the same rate since these other avenues have sped up.

    NB - I'm hoarding tacos, but you could throw that in too - +1 taco per day is not quite as guaranteed to help the farm as the elites/heroics, but there are enough covers in the vault you're bound to get a few from these "extra" tokens.

    Then I don't know what I'm dping wrong cause my farm has dramatically slowed down since the standard token and LR/pvp stealth nerf. For instance my 5-3-1 ms marvel, I'm about to have to sell 4 red covers that expire tomorrow. And it isn't the first time since that nerf where I've had to sell some 2 star covers waiting to build up a 2 either.

    And even going through a 2 star run spell in heroics currently, the farm feels much slower despite all the added tokens. I'd gladly go back to old rates if I meant giving up the extra heroic/elite here and there they've added.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    JablesMc wrote:
    smkspy wrote:
    It's soooo slow now. Not have lightning rounds and standard tokens really hurts the farm and makes a crutch of having to use heroic and vault daily deals to supplement their loss.
    Granted I am just now starting my farm, but why would you waste HP with the intent to get 2*'s? I understand if there is a vault reward you want, but with the intent of aiming for 2*'s?

    Because for a lot of us, tokens are the only way to get two anymore. Besides simulator and the odd pve like a boss event, I usually get 3s from pve and pvp placement/progression. The stealth nerf to 2 drop rates has really hurt, especially with standard tokens.