Farming championed 2*?



  • MissChinch
    MissChinch Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    Glad I took financial accounting, it's really coming in handy keeping up with this topic .

    Yeah, even where its botched most of us are all in a +/- 10k iso window that's small enough to help decide if the extra covers HC and CP are worth it...

    Its just that theres 3+ threads with this info each having multiple different versions, mistakes and edits in the numbers, that there was probably value in explicitly stating the exact assumptions and scenarios with accurate language... even if its not the norm...
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm happy to jump into this. I needed a break from Championing my 4*s. It takes a very long time, so they'll still be there when I come back in a month or so. No worries, 4*s, I'll be back for you! Sure, I'm losing around 10,000 ISO for every 2* I re-champ, but there are only around 12 left for me to re-champ, so that's only 120,000, which is probably under a week's worth of ISO to lose.

    And for the priviledge of a large amount of star.pngstar.pngstar.png covers, imcoin.png, token_heroic.png and commandpoints.png (plus token_legendary.png for icon_spiderman.png lol)! I say... gimme doze prizes!!
  • huktonfonix
    huktonfonix Posts: 214 Tile Toppler
    Because I'm in a boring meeting, and I could make it look like work, I decided to calculate the average ISO sellback value of the additional prizes for championing a 2*.

    For a net loss of 7779 ISO, you get:
    3 3* covers = 1500
    375 HP = 1331.25 ISO (assume 3.75 heroic tokens bought as 100 HP daily deals, and an average 70/24/6% 2/3/4 draw rate)
    5 CP = 287.5 ISO (assume .25 classic LTs at an average 85/15% 4/5 draw rate)

    Net cost if you sell everything = -4660.25 ISO
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Because I'm in a boring meeting, and I could make it look like work, I decided to calculate the average ISO sellback value of the additional prizes for championing a 2*.

    For a net loss of 7779 ISO, you get:
    3 3* covers = 1500
    375 HP = 1331.25 ISO (assume 3.75 heroic tokens bought as 100 HP daily deals, and an average 70/24/6% 2/3/4 draw rate)
    5 CP = 287.5 ISO (assume .25 classic LTs at an average 85/15% 4/5 draw rate)

    Net cost if you sell everything = -4660.25 ISO

    Having all 3* champed, those 3 covers can be 1k iso, more hp, cp, a 4* cover... this doesn't quite work, same with the CP, with 4*s champed any cp pull could be 2500+ iso or cp/hp/lt's.

    Too many variables to be accurate in any sense at all on these.
  • MissChinch
    MissChinch Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    Because I'm in a boring meeting, and I could make it look like work, I decided to calculate the average ISO sellback value of the additional prizes for championing a 2*.

    For a net loss of 7779 ISO, you get:
    3 3* covers = 1500
    375 HP = 1331.25 ISO (assume 3.75 heroic tokens bought as 100 HP daily deals, and an average 70/24/6% 2/3/4 draw rate)
    5 CP = 287.5 ISO (assume .25 classic LTs at an average 85/15% 4/5 draw rate)

    Net cost if you sell everything = -4660.25 ISO

    Well done, and if anything, more evidence that covers, HP and CP aren't always valued at their sale price, or in game store ISO equivalent...

    ( 5CP for 287 iso? yes please icon_e_smile.gif and with 375 HP that cheap I could happily field an army of all max covered characters, albeit hovering at or below 255, but I'd love the options! )
  • MissChinch
    MissChinch Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    I like the plan aesthetocyst... not only will you have a decent flow of covers and heroic tokens, you get 375 HC per 2* you sell too... why not use that and widen your 2* pipeline by 1 everytime you sell three of em till its wide enough that you never sell a 2* cover? You could do it only using the extra HC this endeavor would generate...

    I'm jealous of your 3* championing level that can gobble up those reward covers and spit out champion rewards (and meaner, nastier 3*s...)
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,609 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm planning to farm 2*'s, but I'm in a different boat than most.

    I've champed all the 4*s I want except for a missing Iceman purple cover. (and maybe eventually Thing) This means that the only thing that helps my progression from now on is 5* covers.

    So I've had around 6000 hp sitting around because I only use one or two shields per PVP. Opened up six new slots. Add in 6 2*s (I usually only carry 3 + Bagman). This will now be more slow CP farm. 7.7k iso for 5 CP and 375 HP is a great deal for me, because I don't really need more iso without more 5* covers.

    Good luck to all the farmers. Glad I have a headstart on Bagman already!
  • AngryGerman
    AngryGerman Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    Because I'm in a boring meeting, and I could make it look like work, I decided to calculate the average ISO sellback value of the additional prizes for championing a 2*.

    For a net loss of 7779 ISO, you get:
    3 3* covers = 1500
    375 HP = 1331.25 ISO (assume 3.75 heroic tokens bought as 100 HP daily deals, and an average 70/24/6% 2/3/4 draw rate)
    5 CP = 287.5 ISO (assume .25 classic LTs at an average 85/15% 4/5 draw rate)

    Net cost if you sell everything = -4660.25 ISO

    You forgot the 5 heroic tokens in this. So the net cost would actually be more like 2885.25 ISO.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quebbster wrote:
    I'm tempted to farm Bagman covers at least. Getting a Legendary token out of it is easily worth 8K ISO.

    Yeah, especially because Bagman will never be an essential character for anything so there's literally no downside for your roster...unless you really like playing with your Bagman for some reason.

    I'm probably going to farm my 2* Steve. The iso from the sale can max/champ my 3* Steve so by the time 2* Steve is back to 144, he'll also be giving me 3 champ levels for SuperSteve. Win/win in my book...
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,226 Chairperson of the Boards
    was thinking of doing this but then remembered you need 50 covers to champ + 13....

    i did sell of Ms marvel. Thor. Wolive and dakken now see how long it takes to get them back.
  • Ryudoz
    Ryudoz Posts: 102 Tile Toppler
    I think I'm digging this idea. I had already been doing the max champ 2* sell thing and rebuild already, at a massive loss of course, but I was only doing it for 3 2*'s. Given this change, I might actually expand my roster and just do all of the 2's.

    I currently have all 3*s rostered, with just over half champed. The rest are softcapped or underleveled. I think I'll sell a few of the ratty 4's I have that won't really do much (like my 0/1/1 Chulk) for roster spots, knowing I can restore those covers eventually. I also don't use him, so outside of any essential, I can live with it, and spend my time ignoring new 4* releases.

    The HP flow will allow me to get more rosters, I can bank CP and LT's until I can actually use them to fully transition into 4* land instead of being stuck in my quasi-3/4 transition.

    The irony is that this is what I'd hope they'd do, but never expected. So this allows me to remain casual and still generate progression.

    Now if they could just let us apply covers to any power we wanted (so less wasted), then we'd be talking.
  • morbo
    morbo Posts: 7
    The key is the 3 3* covers. I sell my 2* Wolverine and take an iso loss, but i get 3 Patch covers that can improve my championed Patch. Each of those covers earns an individual reward of at least 500 iso and moves me closer to 4* rewards. Totally worth it.
  • Tryke
    Tryke Posts: 320 Mover and Shaker
    I used to have 6x2 star.png max champed and I sold 4 of them prior to this change. I needed the slots at the time so it wasn't a tough call, but man would this change have been sweet if it was implemented earlier. For anyone debating selling off their max champs, I can say that I can easily manage DDQ with Ares as my lone 2 star.png . I have a max champed storm, but she's just icing on the cake.
  • prancerosner
    prancerosner Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    Tryke wrote:
    I used to have 6x2 star.png max champed and I sold 4 of them prior to this change. I needed the slots at the time so it wasn't a tough call, but man would this change have been sweet if it was implemented earlier. For anyone debating selling off their max champs, I can say that I can easily manage DDQ with Ares as my lone 2 star.png . I have a max champed storm, but she's just icing on the cake.

    I agree with all of this, but it's possible that your 2* might have to start fighting Ares in the DDQ at some point. Your Storm could probably take Ares and his team by herself - unless they add Storm to Ares's team.

    When I had to start playing without Original Black Widow in the DDQ, that made a big difference, since I pretty much relied on her and Ares. I wonder if the next revision to the DDQ (if there is one) will force us to do without Ares every now and then.
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    Ran through the numbers and the various champion bonuses and I'm going to sell and rechampion my 2* Magneto with the goal of getting more 3* Magneto covers to get him to 183 to get my 5th Professor X blue cover. I think that's worth the small loss in ISO spread out over a long period of time.
  • Tryke
    Tryke Posts: 320 Mover and Shaker
    Tryke wrote:
    I used to have 6x2 star.png max champed and I sold 4 of them prior to this change. I needed the slots at the time so it wasn't a tough call, but man would this change have been sweet if it was implemented earlier. For anyone debating selling off their max champs, I can say that I can easily manage DDQ with Ares as my lone 2 star.png . I have a max champed storm, but she's just icing on the cake.

    I agree with all of this, but it's possible that your 2* might have to start fighting Ares in the DDQ at some point. Your Storm could probably take Ares and his team by herself - unless they add Storm to Ares's team.

    When I had to start playing without Original Black Widow in the DDQ, that made a big difference, since I pretty much relied on her and Ares. I wonder if the next revision to the DDQ (if there is one) will force us to do without Ares every now and then.

    That's actually the neat part. Ares is the only 2* you need for DDQ. Dat required character and big enchilada don't restrict my other characters. Juggs solos 1* node. Wave node has no lockouts, only requiring 1-2* so I use Ares and juggs. 3* node has 3* opponents, so Ares won't be locked out of there either.
  • MaskedMan
    MaskedMan Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    If you are going to PLAY long enough to get that much ISO you will probably get those 3 covers naturally before you collect that much ISO. 3* covers aren't THAT rare. Wait for the right event and you can pull three covers with the right single player placement (which is a heck of a lot easier than farming a 2*).

    I see the 2* farming more as a mini-game for people who have already completed the main game. IMO it doesn't make sense to farm 2*s until every character is maxed out/championed first. At that point yes, you you don't have a lot to keep your interest. Watching characters go up every few fights is a lot more fun than waiting for random card drops.

    For some though they want X character maxed out NOW. What makes sense for you can only be decided by you. The deciding factor should be if you are having fun. Just remember if you kill your only 2* Captain America and and an event comes up for him you will have to live with that decision so plan well. icon_lol.gif
  • MissChinch
    MissChinch Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    MaskedMan wrote:
    If you are going to PLAY long enough to get that much ISO you will probably get those 3 covers naturally before you collect that much ISO. 3* covers aren't THAT rare. Wait for the right event and you can pull three covers with the right single player placement (which is a heck of a lot easier than farming a 2*).

    I see the 2* farming more as a mini-game for people who have already completed the main game. IMO it doesn't make sense to farm 2*s until every character is maxed out/championed first. At that point yes, you you don't have a lot to keep your interest. Watching characters go up every few fights is a lot more fun than waiting for random card drops.

    For some though they want X character maxed out NOW. What makes sense for you can only be decided by you. The deciding factor should be if you are having fun. Just remember if you kill your only 2* Captain America and and an event comes up for him you will have to live with that decision so plan well. icon_lol.gif

    At the rate new characters are being introduced, this 2* pipeline could be very useful for HC for less developed rosters too, not just the covers... It would be a significant source of HC not tied to placement for the folks that don't get a lot of placement rewards. Just doing the DDQ and some PvP would get you a substantial number of 2* covers, enough that you could easily and casually pull an extra 375 HC every week or two.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,927 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've decided to try this.

    My 4* transition has been a crawl (super poor pulls don't help) so I had actually amassed a surplus of Iso (almost 3 million) and Hero Points (almost 7,000).

    I had every 1* rostered and max-covered (but unleveled), just for collection purposes and in case I was ever in a pinch for a roster spot.

    I sold all my 1s except my maxed Juggs, and spent all my HP on roster spots. Ended up collecting for about 2 weeks and rostering a second set of all 2* except Bags and Marvel. My first Bags still isn't max-champed. I couldn't afford a 13th roster spot so sold off the low tier 2* with the most covers (and that was Marvel).

    So rather than build/destroying originals, I actually am farming dupes. I feel like each one is like putting money in the bank and I have "break in case of emergency" HP, roster spots, and Iso that I can "withdraw" if I ever get an influx of 4* covers. But it's less likely to be spent in the "bank".

    I find pulling twos much less infuriating and it makes for a fun mini game!

    Since many of my 4s (I have them all) are undercovered and most all are unleveled, keeping the max-champed original 2s happen to be quite helpful in the new big burrito mode (as well as essential nodes).
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    I do similar, I only sell my maxed 2* once I can champ its dupe. I find this less frustrating and all those extra champ rewards are really helping to push my roster along.