Characters you don't expect to ever get



  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 567 Critical Contributor
    Glad to see somebody else say Blob, we need him asap, I can think of so many amusing things you could do with that character. Here are some other I would love to see especially because I think you could do some very neat things with them in game

    Omega Red
    Emma Frost
    Dark Beast
    Avatar of Cyttorak, Colossus

    Blob is a must you could make him a counter to all the board shakers out there, have him lock a quadrant of the board by plopping his big butt down and anything in that quadrant could not be moved or destroyed.
  • thesamuraipig
    thesamuraipig Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    For kind of obscure characters my top pick would be:
    Moon Knight

    For the Norse gods:
    Warriors Three (Especially Fandarel)

    For the Guardians:

    I am so down for Moon Knight. I also really want Cloak and Dagger. Think I'll be wishing for that forever.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Puck (From Alpha Flight)
    Angel was always my favorite X-men
    Morbius always freaked me out as a kid

    The Maxx, don't know who owns him... maybe DC...
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    Batman, maybe?

    Ultimately, there's not much I want in the game that isn't already there. There are too many characters as it is (both in terms of game balance and in terms of being able to tell a coherent story). Maybe if they introduced some kind of usage cycle, so that, for example, every time they introduced a new character of a certain star level, the oldest character of that rank becomes restricted for use in PvE only, or something, then I could see some reason for wanting to fill up the game with obscure characters. As it is, obscure characters just...obscure...the ones that are heavy hitters, story-wise.

    For example, how many Spider-Men are in the game, and none of them matter to anyone? Even the 5* one is kinda low-tier, and no one really cares about him. Meanwhile, OBW and Daken are the defining heroes of the developing roster, and a middle roster gets all-stars like Scarlet Witch and Iron Fist.

    So for me, we have plenty of medium-popular chaff in the game, thanks. I'm don't look forward to filling roster slots with characters I've never cared about, like Winter Soldier or Drax or Howard or Nova or X-23 or Quake or Gwen or TTHulk. I'd much rather they cam out with more (read: any) story than more characters.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    hopper1979 wrote:
    Glad to see somebody else say Blob, we need him asap, I can think of so many amusing things you could do with that character.

    I shudder at the thought of the match time required to take down the Blob.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    Darkhawk. And I don't mean that ironically, either. I genuinely want Darkhawk in the game. Best I can hope for is they make him a joke character at some point, but I would take it.

    My second choice would be Dazzler. I don't see them making her a 4 or 5*, but I think she's got a better chance of being in the game than Darkhawk.
  • mazerat
    mazerat Posts: 118
    People have pretty much hit all of them but mutants and FF villains (Kang, Annihilus, etc.) are the big ones that seem like we'll never ever ever see them. My faves from that group are Tabitha Smith (Nextwave) and Valeria Von Doom (Marvel Girl). Also Rachel Summers but now that Jean's a teenager (I haven't followed comics in a couple years so I'm a little ??? on that) I doubt we'd see her even if mutants weren't Fox's thing.

    In the non-Fox camp, I'd like to see Songbird or... huh, I guess between the characters in game and Fox-owned all my favorites are covered or non-current (Squadron Supreme, Masters of Evil, etc.).
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,428 Chairperson of the Boards
    ROM Spaceknight!

  • Thevipper
    Thevipper Posts: 90

    5* juggernut i move must be im the juggernut b**** and runs through all enimes and after the move is first used he starts to take dmg to himself and its increased as its used more

    Scopion has a move simalar to green on human torch


    Gray hulk

    A 5* hulk he must be able to get stronger when damaged and able to heal and his healing gets better as he gets damaged and must be true healing

    Not a character but a 3* black panther only node in ddq that gives an extra 1000 iso everyday.
    then release a 5* black panther + ddq node that gives 5000 iso (according to star level) every week
  • Cousin Simpson
    Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
    Xorn would work as a 4*, but given how retconned his character is, maybe too confusing to include.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Onslaught. We have prof and mags, but I'm not holding my breath.

    Sabertooth, too. It's a shame there are 4 Wolverines and still no Sabertooth.
  • Ryudoz
    Ryudoz Posts: 102 Tile Toppler
    Havok (X-Factor) or (Astonishing X-Men)
    Scarlett Spider (Ben Reilly)
    Nova (Richard Rider)
    Moon Knight (Marvel Knights)
    Ronin (Clint Barton)

    Any time suggestions for new characters come out, this is the list I give them, knowing full well that it will never happen. I guess my tastes are just too 90's.
  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    Spider-Ham of course!!!
  • Born2DieNPvP
    Born2DieNPvP Posts: 163
    Baron Zemo. Radioactive Man (Thunderbolts version). Namor. Darkhawk. Thunderstrike. Man-thing. Wonderman. Super Skrull. I think all these could have cool and unique power sets. Well maybe not Thunderstrike but I like him!
  • 20three
    20three Posts: 371
    DTStump wrote:
    Basically a bunch of less popular X-Men/mutants. I'd love to see characters like Marrow, Sunspot, Banshee, M, Jubilee, Magik, Morph, Blink... but let's be realistic here icon_e_wink.gif I'm at least still hoping for Rogue, Angel/Archangel, Gambit, Bishop, Emma Frost as they are a bit bigger.

    EDIT: Oh, and Sabertooth!

    There is someone in existence that actually wants Morph? Good lord
  • techfiend
    techfiend Posts: 6
    I'd love to see Morbius. He was always my favorite of the Midnight Sons. Had some neat run ins with Spider-Man too. Don't expect to, though.
  • AionTeleos
    AionTeleos Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
    Big Wheel!
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    Oooh Cloak and Dagger. And Moon Knight. I'd be happy with those. Very happy. I saw Someone pumped in Omega Red, and I want him too. But don't think we will ever get any of those people. Maybe with some I hurt everyone else in the match passive that makes it impossible to come out of a match with No damage against him. Just to eat health packs. Like 250 damage a round just as a passive. Now I wonder how he isn't already in the game?

    Despite amazing popularity I do not think we will ever get a Namor. In the spirit of the post start, with people I don't expect but want I won't mention super obscure people who would be fun. (HANNIBAL KING! Vampire Detective! Also played by Ryan Reynolds.) Though we got Blade... so?

    A specific Daniel Ketch 'Rider seems unlikely but I always liked him much better than Johnny. I don't think we will ever see an Adam Warlock, more is the pity. Or any of the other heralds, no matter how cool and interesting a Stardust or Fallen One might be. Blink as well. If she showed up in her movie, and she existed, and we see nothing of her. She's probably never coming.

    But thank god we have Four Wolverines huh?

    So to sum up.
    Daniel Ketch (Ghost Rider)
    Adam Warlock
    Fallen One
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Namor; especially now with factions/affiliations coming back into focus, he's ideal as a character that could add a little variety to the villains from time to time, while still generally being a hero. He's locked up in "rights limbo", so he's unlikely.

    The Shocker; I've just got a bit of a soft spot for this Spidey villain. With Quake we've already got a character who essentially has the exact power set I would expect for The Shocker, so he's almost certainly never making an appearance.

    Spider-Woman; much like Namor, her chequered past would make her a great addition to MPQ since she could be used to pad out both heroes and villains for different events. Her appearance in almost every other Marvel game makes her omission in MPQ all the more stark. I really don't know whether to expect her or not. Surely she's more deserving of a place in the game than a decent number of characters that are included, but we've already had a relatively recent run on Spider- characters (I know she's not directly related to Peter's stories, but she does have Spider in her name) and at the rate we're going through the 4* tier, her best bet may be making an appearance at the 5* tier, which currently seems a little odd.

    M.O.D.O.K. + A.I.M.; this goes a little hand-in-hand with Spider-Woman, since it gives her a whole team of adversaries that she can be fighting against regardless of whether she's fighting for Hydra or Avengers. It would also allow for a bunch of goons categorised by their hilarious ineptitude. I honestly don't have high expectations. These guys haven't appeared in the MCU. (has there even been an easter egg reference?)

    Ka-Zar + Shanna the She-Devil + Sauron + more Savage Land goodness; I just want to make a team of dinosaurs and jungle men/women to fight against robots and space men/women, is that so much to ask? Basically everything else on this list will get into the game before we see anyone else from the Savage Land.

    Iron Patriot; remember when Demiurge were going to finish the Dark Reign story?
  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    You know, I'd actually like to see the Warriors Three as just One whole character. You Use a power or whatever to get someone in,
    greenflag.png Fandral
    blackflag.png Hogun
    purpleflag.png Volstagg

    And once inside then subsequent casts of that Colour would give you an ability from them. Some small amount of damage, and a tile. Volstagg makes Shields, Hogun makes Fists, Fandral makes Swords. And whenever you USED an ability to get one of them into position, it came with a small effect for them entering. Hogun heals you a little, Fandral does a little damage, and Volstagg... comic reliefs? I dunno. Improves Tiles?

    Makes me sad it'll never happen.