pvp etiquette



  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    My PVP criteria:
    1. Are you a member of my alliance or someone I don't hit as a rule (small list)? In no then hit.
    2. How hard is your team going to be to beat? If beatable then hit.
    3. How many points are you worth? The more points the better chance of getting hit.
    4. Is the difficulty to points ratio worth me hitting you? If I think the reward outweighs the risk then I hit.

    Outside those criteria everyone is fair game. If I find you at 75 and you're rocking a 4* team I'm going to ride you as far as I can justify the reward outweighing the risk.

    It's PVP, not rocket surgery.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    The bigger issue is when you get to a certain point in PVP you only see so many people. I a perfect world you would see other people, but with shields and time slices some times there are only so many people available to hit and skip. The amount of times I have skipped the same person multiple times looking for points is just crazy. Overall I would rather have this system then go back to 1 time slice and no shields. Yes I remember those days when PVP was all about being able to play at the end and a top score was under 900 points.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    As far as overpowering, the OP needs to remember that the team you win with is the team other people see when they're queued up. PVP is where you bring your A game. You can try out variations of second stringers in PVE

    Also, when climbing, you want to hit as many as you can, for as much as you can, in as short of time as possible. Again, it's why you bring your best.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    MojoWild wrote:
    As far as overpowering, the OP needs to remember that the team you win with is the team other people see when they're queued up. PVP is where you bring your A game. You can try out variations of second stringers in PVE

    Also, when climbing, you want to hit as many as you can, for as much as you can, in as short of time as possible. Again, it's why you bring your best.
    And if you're bringing a glass cannon (charlies angels/winfinite) you should shield after your climb instead of floating because all those retaliations will be tasty with that team on defense. If you climb to float, use your A team to keep retals at bay.
  • amusingfoo1
    amusingfoo1 Posts: 597 Critical Contributor
    LordXberk wrote:
    All that being said, I frequently am seeing 5* rosters with 3k, 4k, and now even 5k in PVP events, so your friend's experience seems unusual.

    Not really unusual. How many times has one of the people getting those scores asked you, "Mind if I tap once to get out of MMR hell"?

    I have it happen at some point in my climb to first shield almost every event. Only way out of it seems to be waiting for one of those 5-6 people to shield. Or if enough of those people shield, and I start seeing easier teams.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    So... This is going to get locked like every PvP etiquette thread. At least it won't die in suggestions because it is a compliant with no solution!

  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    Calnexin wrote:
    Natsufan01 wrote:
    Sucks to be the receiver, but the game is broken for a lot of the people with 5* rosters. They are pitted only against each other much of the time, so they take advantage of the times they're not.

    Isn't that the point? If you've got two 5* champions you're at the top of the pile. You don't really have anywhere to climb - you've won. You're now the target for everyone who doesn't have that roster.

    Boo hoo, I can't beat the piss out of 99.9% of the playerbase for max points to further catapult me into the stratosphere. This is a rich-get-richer scenario, but it's still a game. There are a lot of other people beyond the 0.1%, and the devs need to provide an atmosphere where they're not getting whaled on by tyrants every other minute.

    Holy cry baby batman! Calnexin, you aren't the only one by far in this game that's been triple tapped but you are of a very small minority that came to a public forum to Boo hoo about it. You are correct it's just a game so just live with the hits that come. I have to believe the amount of times you've been triple tapped compared to how many events you've played is miniscule. Just grind on.

    By the way, these same "whales" you are jealous of provide a large amount of the cupcakes that allow alot of us to hit high PvP scores easily. Everyone who bakes take risks which I'm sure you're OK with.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    There is another solution....

    Don't climb early.

    Join the event with 2 hours to go and you'll get very few hits since most people will be shielded and if your team is good enough you won't need a shield either.

    One of my alliance members climbs from 0-1k in1hour.

    My roster isn't quite up to that yet but I join with 2 hours left climb to 800 and usually need no shield

    Bonus: starting the event so late will maker placement much easier as well. I often get PvP brackets with only 300 people in our less
  • Blahahah
    Blahahah Posts: 738 Critical Contributor
    I never notice that. Then again, I'm never losing more than winning 2 or 3 matches will give back.

    That being said, if someone is 55 points and has a level 88 storm, a level 103 luke cage, and a renter? I'm going to slam him until he stops bleeding gold.
  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    If I've got the luxury of time, I like to cycle up three teams with good scores and let 'em sit five minutes or so before I hit. Maybe they're hopping and will shield in that time. I do not present this as any suggestion for wider adoption, it's just something I do (and only when I don't want the points NOW).
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,581 Chairperson of the Boards
    If I've got the luxury of time, I like to cycle up three teams with good scores and let 'em sit five minutes or so before I hit. Maybe they're hopping and will shield in that time. I do not present this as any suggestion for wider adoption, it's just something I do (and only when I don't want the points NOW).

    Sorry, I'm confused by the phrase '3 teams with good scores' as I don't think I have come across that in pvp. icon_mrgreen.gif
  • maltyo9
    maltyo9 Posts: 131 Tile Toppler
    There is another solution....

    Don't climb early.

    Join the event with 2 hours to go and you'll get very few hits since most people will be shielded and if your team is good enough you won't need a shield either.


    I'm transitioning into 3*, and I always join late. Almost always place t50, if not higher, and end up positive hp.
  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    Crowl wrote:
    If I've got the luxury of time, I like to cycle up three teams with good scores and let 'em sit five minutes or so before I hit. Maybe they're hopping and will shield in that time. I do not present this as any suggestion for wider adoption, it's just something I do (and only when I don't want the points NOW).

    Sorry, I'm confused by the phrase '3 teams with good scores' as I don't think I have come across that in pvp. icon_mrgreen.gif

    Hey, at some points, 27 is a "good" score. I live my life in relative terms.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think in general, it's not nice to hit someone more than once per rise. But there are times when I'm trying to get to 1300, and there's only 1-2 possible targets, and I just want to get there and not lose hundreds of points while waiting for my alliance friends to re-shield, so I will do a bit of double-tapping.

    Luckily there aren't too many people I'm alliance family friends with, so there are usually enough targets for me to rise up without needing to check BCs on Line.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I accidentally hit a guy 3 times last night. I hit him, did another fight, he came up in my queue again for good points still, so I held it, got hit in the meantime for a few points, hit the retal because it was worth more than I lost and realized after it was the same guy I hit earlier who had retaliated on me, and I had him queued still. I did wait a few more fights to hit him right before shielding at the end, giving him time to climb back and shield. It was like 3.5 hrs to end. Can't remember the name, wasn't on my friendly list, it was the team composition that made me aware... "how many people are fielding this team?... oh, same guy? sorry...".

    It's never intentional if I do it.

    Only time i get frustrated with PVP is when I'm like 15 points from 800, and this fight should get me there... then I'm 20 away because of a hit... then I pick another fight, 30 points, then I'm 15 away because of another hit. It gets frustrating and irritating, but definitely not the time to hop on the forums and start a thread. Never type when you're mad.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    JVReal wrote:
    Never type when you're mad.
    truer words... reminds me of the time I hacked out a message to the commish of our fantasy baseball league late one night when he didn't process free agent moves in time for my lineup one night. pitcher went off. wasn't in my lineup. was leading the league and trying to keep the 1 seed in the playoffs. only problem...commish was my boss's boss, the company's prez. yeah, don't be a keyboard warrior when you're fuming.
  • JVReal wrote:
    Never type when you're mad.
    I find it helps to type it out, but then just delete it instead of sending it off into the permanence of the internet.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    chamber44 wrote:
    honestly, i find this conversation frustrating on behalf of all the people who play the game and don't have a clue about the "etiquette" that we've created internally. the thought that I might be on some random "snipers" list because *MPQ gave me* a juicy target which I then hit (as per the rules/point of the game) is really irritating. I get that the rules and systems have all sort of worked together to create this system, but it's really dumb.
    Oh come on, it isn't that dumb. Do you like getting triple teamed? Then why do it to someone else, especially if you can easily find another person to hit, or just wait a minute or two and at least give them a chance to shield. It's not some convoluted code, it's just the Golden Rule.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    LordXberk wrote:
    Natsufan01 wrote:
    I didn't read all the responses so forgive me if this was said. I know someone, used to be in my alliance, with a champed OML and SS. He still posts on Line is always talks about his queue hell. He regularly sees the same 4 or 5 opponents and that's it, and a lot of times they are worth single digit points to him. After months being like this, I can certainly understand taking all the points they can, even if it's hitting the same person multiple times.

    Sucks to be the receiver, but the game is broken for a lot of the people with 5* rosters. They are pitted only against each other much of the time, so they take advantage of the times they're not.

    As for me, I am squarely in 3* land, just peeking into 4* land. I find I enjoy it much better if I don't pay attention to who hits me. That way I never have to be concerned about being hit multiple times by the same person.

    Not my problem since I'm just working on leveling up an OML and have JG and SS sitting w/ <6 covers and at 255, but this is another way the game is broken. Let's penalize the players that have played the hardest (and spent the most) by subjecting them to a jacked up MMR. Now I'm not advocating that 5* get matched up against 2* and 3* teams, but I'm very cognizant of not leveling up my OML too high or above my champed 4*, so I don't get stuck in the same spot. PVE scaling is also the same - let's penalize teams with great rosters w/ Level 400 Juggs instead of treating progress in the game as an advantage (I do realize they are trying to work on this w/ the tests).

    All that being said, I frequently am seeing 5* rosters with 3k, 4k, and now even 5k in PVP events, so your friend's experience seems unusual.
    The 3k, 4k, and 5k comes from people working together to coordinate hits when shielded to piggyback off one another. But you are still seeing only the same handful of people up until you get to around 1500 (you've got to push it pretty high to overload the MMR and start seeing different teams).

    Trust me, it's frustrating to keep skipping a node, and all it does is alternate between the same two people. That happens EVERY PVP at some point along the climb.
  • chamber44
    chamber44 Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    jobob wrote:
    chamber44 wrote:
    honestly, i find this conversation frustrating on behalf of all the people who play the game and don't have a clue about the "etiquette" that we've created internally. the thought that I might be on some random "snipers" list because *MPQ gave me* a juicy target which I then hit (as per the rules/point of the game) is really irritating. I get that the rules and systems have all sort of worked together to create this system, but it's really dumb.
    Oh come on, it isn't that dumb. Do you like getting triple teamed? Then why do it to someone else, especially if you can easily find another person to hit, or just wait a minute or two and at least give them a chance to shield. It's not some convoluted code, it's just the Golden Rule.
    I think we're talking about two different things here, or else you're assuming i have telepathy. I never mentioned double- or triple-tapping someone (which is what I assume you mean by "triple teamed"). However, time is always of the essence when I play. Why would i wait 2-3 minutes between matches? That's just that many fewer points I could score. And why assume that the other person i find to hit instead -- why assume that they're shielded, too?

    I'm not going to go out of my way to hunt the same person down - mostly because i'm not going to bother wasting the ISO.