Do Devs want us to hate PvE?



  • thanos8587
    thanos8587 Posts: 653
    i normally dont mind heroics either. 3 days to 25 cp which is usually pretty easy is great.

    this one though with the subpar available character roster and the 43k progression. ugghhh. 43k still seems out of whack for me. i normally knock progression out with almost a whole day to go. not sure if someone moved the bar on this one.
  • waywreth
    waywreth Posts: 305 Mover and Shaker
    I don't mind the heroics. I'd rather do one of those than Venom Bomb any day. I've been enjoying the weird combinations of characters I don't use.

    That said, I really don't want to ever do a Heroic + PVE scaling test.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    thanos8587 wrote:
    i normally dont mind heroics either. 3 days to 25 cp which is usually pretty easy is great.

    this one though with the subpar available character roster and the 43k progression. ugghhh. 43k still seems out of whack for me. i normally knock progression out with almost a whole day to go. not sure if someone moved the bar on this one.
    I wholeheartedly agree. I'm one of those weird ones too that don't usually mind heroics, but this group of characters stinks. I thought my scaling would be nice (and it is) since my top guy is 220 and I have 9 characters between 210 and 220. scaling is very reasonable. I'm still struggling on those top nodes. the kp ones are the main ones giving me fits (really just that last one). just can't get going fast enough on those. only accelerator is mnmags and that is 9 ap, much slower than fist or im40. witch helps but you better get that first cd off for a big cascade or you're doomed. my last clear (lunch) I gave up on witch->mags and actually finished it with mags/qs/rags (and rags and qs are 187 for me - go figure). was still painful - glad I got the cp. I won't waste many resources on it tonight. the rest of the nodes were much more reasonable. at least nobody is going hard at this one - I'm nearly t10 by just trying enough times to get most of them to 4 or 5 of 7 rewards (got the cps and 500isos).
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    Can you please just take whomever is responsible for the current event and beat them with a sack of hammers? We'll post again to tell you when to stop.
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    The only success I've had on this one is pulling the pin on the patch grenade and hoping ant man blue saves my ****. Whoever thought up heroics should be sentenced to 1 million hours community service teaching grandparents how to use email.
  • Starsaber
    Starsaber Posts: 206
    Well, considering it's been almost 2 months since our last actual PVE except DDQ, I think they're trying to remove genuine PVE from the game.
  • Uthgarprime
    Uthgarprime Posts: 202 Tile Toppler
    I honestly don't think the devs care one bit what any one that spends less than 1k a week on this game thinks or enjoys. They don't care if its fun or entertaining. I swear there have been some hidden buffs to the ai charactors, I can barely beat level 150 AI with 250's cause they get to fire abilities every turn no matter how hard I deny them AP, its like the ai need ap so the board just drops what they need every other turn. oh its marked trivial too, I guess the devs and I have 2 totally different definitions of trivial. I actually used a dictionary to learn mine though. I am already having big time buyers remorse for the measly $20 I spent on the sale. People have been complaining for the over 2 years I have been playing that the scaling is unfair and makes the game unfun, so the devs thought that meant make things even hard. That is the only conclusion that can be determined based off the terrible tests that were ran. I am almost at my breaking point as much as I enjoy collecting characters and leveling them. I so love just slogging though each and every node with my completely nerfed 3* roster. Oh wait that was sarcasm. I challenge the devs to give the players one change we like without a back door kick in the balls.
  • d0nk3y
    d0nk3y Posts: 213
    Arphaxad wrote:
    People need to be conscience of voting with their time. If you don't like an event... don't play it. If enough people avoid an event, they will notice.

    You sure about that? 2 years of game play suggests otherwise. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • d0nk3y
    d0nk3y Posts: 213
    Can you please just take whomever is responsible for the current event and beat them with a sack of hammers? We'll post again to tell you when to stop.

    This is along the same lines as the famous coach/Drill Sergeant sentiment of "you, exercise until I get tired". In this case, it's absolutely justified. This Heroic Tuggernaut PvE is the same garbage that made me quit nearly a year ago... the last PvE... whichever it was, the one that just upgraded the difficulty but never dropped the points or went into a point regen scenario - that one I liked. I got to play as hard as I wanted to. That's the kind of game I'd be interested in playing again. Until then, I'm still giving my time and money to another Marvel dev team.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    the best thing about heroics is not playing them. icon_lol.gif
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,412 Chairperson of the Boards
    For the second time in 466 days, I found myself taking an extended break from PVE (the first time was back in July when I was on vacation for the whole month).

    EotS (horrible test1) - played daily to get the command point in the two nodes. Did not bother with max progress
    Venom Bomb - my usual pve effort to get top 10 rewards (Punisher)
    dark avenger heroic - even though I needed more sam wilson covers I could not push myself to play. Didn't even bother getting all those 2 daily command points
    Unstable iso (horrible test2) - another **** reward with cho, easy skip after playing the first sub and getting the 2 command points
    juggernuaght Heroic - I actually need a lot of starlord covers (sold him shortly after his release) but could not be bothered still. Tanked by playing the first node once

    Hopefully, I'm fully recharged for the Hunt. Bring on duck season

    edit: the downside to the reduce pve play? I saw my daily ISO earn rate drop from 30-35k to 10-15k.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Heartburn wrote:
    the best thing about heroics is not playing them. icon_lol.gif
    I agree that it's a good thing a lot of people aren't playing them... because it makes it a lot easier to Place for us who actually like heroics.
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    Starsaber wrote:
    Well, considering it's been almost 2 months since our last actual PVE except DDQ, I think they're trying to remove genuine PVE from the game.

    That's probably because of all the forum posts asking for noncompetitive PVE. They like to rub it in icon_e_wink.gif
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pongie wrote:
    For the second time in 466 days, I found myself taking an extended break from PVE (the first time was back in July when I was on vacation for the whole month).

    EotS (horrible test1) - played daily to get the command point in the two nodes. Did not bother with max progress
    Venom Bomb - my usual pve effort to get top 10 rewards (Punisher)
    dark avenger heroic - even though I needed more sam wilson covers I could not push myself to play. Didn't even bother getting all those 2 daily command points
    Unstable iso (horrible test2) - another **** reward with cho, easy skip after playing the first sub and getting the 2 command points
    juggernuaght Heroic - I actually need a lot of starlord covers (sold him shortly after his release) but could not be bothered still. Tanked by playing the first node once

    Hopefully, I'm fully recharged for the Hunt. Bring on duck season

    edit: the downside to the reduce pve play? I saw my daily ISO earn rate drop from 30-35k to 10-15k.

    The person responsible to set the order of the PvE, teams, etc. should pay much more attention to these things, if they can't change the PvE we don't like (because of resources or whatever), even though at least making the list of featured chars for an Heroic bigger should be a minimum, at least they should not put all together the events most people don't like. Doing both test to the new format between the two most hated events (I think nobody likes Venom bomb as is, and most people dislike Heroics) was not a smart decision.

    And to the people that said, don't play PvE events if you dislike them, the problem is that we need CPs and iso, and PvE is the best play to get them. Imagine not playing in PvE event for a month, that would be equivalent to loose like 150k iso and between 150-250 CPs :S So I don't think it is that simple... (or that 'easy')

    PS: But at least difficulty in the third sub went back to normal, so I will get to the CPs. I think there was a bug or something in the second sub, difficulty jumped 50 or more levels, to go back to the initial levels in the third sub. I may even report that in bug.
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    Polares wrote:

    PS: But at least difficulty in the third sub went back to normal, so I will get to the CPs. I think there was a bug or something in the second sub, difficulty jumped 50 or more levels, to go back to the initial levels in the third sub. I may even report that in bug.

    Your scaling went back to normal? I only have normal scaling in the first sub. Both 2nd and 3rd sub were hilariously overscaled compared to available roster.
    It may even be the very first time that I will be unable to get the LT in a PVE.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    At least they plan ahead and make sure that none of the limited roster is even more restricted by the enemy team...
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    fmftint wrote:
    At least they plan ahead and make sure that none of the limited roster is even more restricted by the enemy team...
    Have you seen the boosted list for The Hunt? Pretty much all the villains are there and will likely be locked out of certain nodes...
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quebbster wrote:
    fmftint wrote:
    At least they plan ahead and make sure that none of the limited roster is even more restricted by the enemy team...
    Have you seen the boosted list for The Hunt? Pretty much all the villains are there and will likely be locked out of certain nodes...
    The Hunt is not a limited roster event
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    fmftint wrote:
    The Hunt is not a limited roster event
    I was mostly thinking of players with limited rosters. Boosted characters still Count towards determining scaling, so they will face tough nodes where most of the boosted options are locked out.
    I don't have that problem personally though, so I may be making a mountain out of a molehill.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Daiches wrote:
    Polares wrote:

    PS: But at least difficulty in the third sub went back to normal, so I will get to the CPs. I think there was a bug or something in the second sub, difficulty jumped 50 or more levels, to go back to the initial levels in the third sub. I may even report that in bug.

    Your scaling went back to normal? I only have normal scaling in the first sub. Both 2nd and 3rd sub were hilariously overscaled compared to available roster.
    It may even be the very first time that I will be unable to get the LT in a PVE.

    Yeah, in the first sub the hardest node was around 250 (I think one goon), in the second around 300 (one goon) and in the final one 230 (0 goons).