Likeliehood of EoS progression reward



  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    got it with 18 hours to spare. yay
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    I got mine with about 16 hours remaining. Haven't touched it since.
  • LordXberk
    LordXberk Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker
    I'm in Slice 4 (ends 11pm EST) and I will probably get it, but I'm still 30k away and I've got tickets to the 8pm Batman v. Superman movie tonight, so that'll cuts out my normal grind time. I can still likely squeeze in 4 grinds over the course of the day, but it'll be close.

    Another problem is the frustration of having to grind the reward-less Survival nodes so much. Not that they're really that hard w/ Ice, 4Clops, XFDP, OML, and Angels, but it takes sooooooo long given the amped up health levels of the goons and Gorgons.
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    Finished with 159k and 10th place. 11th place hit 159k. 12th was at 137k, so only 11 in my bracket of 1000 hit max progression. Yikes!

    Caveat is that this bracket started late, after first sub. Props to the fellow who finished first with 248k!
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    HaywireII wrote:
    Looks like one run through the final sub is 8,910 points. I entered the final sub with 115,321 points so I can do it if I can keep up the grind. Every node five times will put me over. I'm going to grind out the Ghost Rider CP (other CP dropped first time) then the wave nodes then the other nodes until I make it.

    I've never been in the top 20 and not sure if I was going to make the 25 cp. I also have spent probably three times as many hours grinding this event as I have previous ones. Definitely feeling the burnout

    I wound up making it with just under 3 hours left in the event. I basically was grinding every free minute until midnight last night then got up this morning and ground another 90 minutes. Way too much time invested, if this became a permanent change I might stop doing PvE.
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    I think I hit somewhere in the high 30s to get T50 placement, and still was over 60K shy of LT progression.
  • Pessi
    Pessi Posts: 170 Tile Toppler
    People wouldn't grind the nodes down if full progression means 3 clears only.

    I guess for the test they want to see people grind nodes to zero, if that low progression was there they might not see it enough.

    I just made it (and I hope my boss doesn't read this), spent all morning at work grinding the ~50k I needed from the final sub. Got a Venom Green. I cant check now, but I should end up top 50.
  • Ebolamonkey84
    Ebolamonkey84 Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    Unfortunately, the new PVE scoring made the old strategy of 3 clears with a few extra hits no longer valid.
    The LT progression is typically between 45-55% of the max possible score (not accounting for grinding 20 point nodes endlessly).
    The max score would be defined as optimal play if matches were instantaneous.

    In terms of full clears and 24 hour subs,
    Old System:
    Clears at 0, 8 and 16 hours: 3 x full clear
    Grind to 1: (6/6 + 5/6 + 4/6 + 3/6 + 2/6 + 1/6) = 21/6 = 3.5 x full clear
    Max points: 6.5 x full clear

    New System:
    6 full clears at start: 6 x full points
    Grind to 20: (5+4+3+2+1)/5 = 15/5 = 3 x full clear
    Max points: 9 x full clear

    So theoretically, with the new system you need 4-5 clears, which is unreasonable.

    EotS full clear values
    Sub 1: 2771
    Sub 2: 5113
    Sub 3: 5616
    Sub 4: 4080
    Sub 5: 6863
    Sub 6: 8910
    Total: 33353

    4 clears is 133412.
    5 is 166765.
  • Slarow
    Slarow Posts: 204 Tile Toppler
    I absolutely love the new format of truly challenging fights... EXCEPT for the fact that a node which used to take a couple of minutes (6 wave final) now takes more like a half hour.

    Because of this, there is no way I could hit the top progression reward unless I played for half the day each sub.

    This was the worst test for me personally because my scaling is off due to OML @360, which I couldn't use until the last two days, and the fact that all of the boosted 4*'s were ones I don't have at a good level.
  • Gmax101
    Gmax101 Posts: 182 Tile Toppler
    Hit it, just be hitting every node I could as much as I could.... The only node I didn't hit 7 times was the final Survival node... but that was 5 times... and then it just ate me icon_e_smile.gif

    Mind you, getting my 8th Prof X Blue out of the Legendary was just the slap in the face I wanted after a solid morning of playing....
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,169 Chairperson of the Boards
    12 hours still to go in my slice. Only top 8 players have made LT progression and the 9th ranked player is still 5K short (assume they will get it).

    I never get there as I am a 2* transition player but I normally get the 3* progression cover. This event I am only at 70K so I need 11K more. I could grind that from the wave nodes but given I don't care about the Beast cover I won't bother spending 1-2 hrs doing it.

    Incidentally I'm T70 for my slice with my score. I've never finished T100 before (usually finish 150-170 range) so it says a lot of people dropped out in my slice. Great for me since I can use 2 Thor covers.

  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    I can't grind anymore. I might have been able to do it if I took the day off work and ground like crazy but hell no to that. It's bad when work sounds like more fun then a game. I'll be happy with hitting the 2K ISO I guess and ending outside the top 50 so no bonus CPs.

    They really should give everyone that even tried this bloody event those bonus CPs.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    EDIT: There's at least three over 270K. Wow.
    but want another wow? about 35K will put me about 200th. so, less than 1/4 of progression is better than 80% of the bracket. that's messed up.
  • MissChinch
    MissChinch Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    I'll hit it without a doubt, but I don't consider the event a success just because I hit the final progress reward...

    I haven't responded to any of the other threads, haven't had time and didn't think it would do any good... but I have a little time now and figured I'd add my 2 cents...

    They changed far too much in this "test" to draw anything worthwhile from it, I appreciate the effort to make positive changes, but I don't see how they'll get format feedback that's not impacted (even inadvertently) by the scaling changes and vice versa.

    I'd want them to address both format and scaling in the future, but would actually be in favor for additional independent tests....

    For the format change, I really like the notion of not being on a schedule to clear... if they put in any refreshing points mechanic they will introduce optimal clear schemes that put people on a schedule. For previous 24 hour subs an optimal clear would involve three clears of a single node for full points (start time, start time +8 hours, start time +16 hours) and 6 additional clears each decreasing the points available by 1/6th of the maximum for that node... So just keep that and toss out timers altogether:
    first 3 clears of a node worth full points
    4th clear worth 5/6th points
    5th worth 4/6th
    9th worth some minimum floor.
    Drop the aspect of time or refreshing points please, that way people can play on their own schedule.

    Allow placement ties, I disliked rubberbanding, dropping it was a good thing, look at the leaderboards now, ties don't happen often but if they do just let them tie... if there are 10 top finishers all tied (likely never happen) give em all first place rewards and let the 11th person reap 11-20 rewards...

    Grinding team up nodes - please don't allow this, make team up nodes once and done, or if its desirable to have them replayable for points, make sure everyone gets the same level "free" characters, plays the same level opponents, and just increase the opponents level by 10% after each clear ad infinitum.

    If they want to cut the players a break on competition, slide more of the placement rewards to prog rewards, if they want to cut the players a break on time requirements tweak the diminishing returns on replays from 1/6ths to 1/4ths or 1/3rds...

    but please test a new format outside of a new scaling scheme.

    For scaling, I am thoroughly impressed they have a system where total new characters can compete with the oldest vets of the game via elaborate handicapping... its awesome but its not perfect. I'd rather they use a simple scaling formula, taking into number of covers and levels of the top 3-12 heros seems like a great way to go about it, HOWEVER, at the start of a PvE event give the option to voluntarily restrict characters, the problem ones like the outlying 5*s or if someone is in transition the 3-6 highest level characters they're sprinting up levels...

    Make up some silly game reason for restricting those characters, like theyre staying back on the helicarrier for support and will be providing on level team ups at random when you drop below 10 team ups available, or those that you select will pop up scaled to the same level for everyone and used as the "free" characters on team up nodes...

    but just don't test a new scaling scheme on the same event you change the pve format all around, not if you want useful feedback...
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,169 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just checked some of the rosters in my bracket.

    10th place guy at 157K has the following roster:
    Ghost Rider (1 cover)
    4Thor (1 cover)
    Hulk (3 covers, L63)
    Daken (9 covers, L62)
    Beast (3 covers L53)
    IM35 (13 covers, L50)
    Mohawk (3 covers, L45)
    Hood (3 covers, L45)
    BW (10 covers, L40)
    GSBW (1 cover)
    Daken (1 cover)
    Daredevil (1 cover)
    IM40 (1 cover)
    Sam Wilson (1 cover)
    LThor (1 cover)
    Vision (1 cover)
    Ms Marvel (6 covers, L38)
    Magneto (5 covers, L38)
    Wolverine (5 covers, L31)
    Storm Modern (5 covers, L25)
    Thor (5 covers, L25)
    Moonstone (4 covers, L15)

    Which is insane.

    It also confirms something from my own experience. I didn't have Beast rostered but I did have 1 cover from the last PvE. I added him with 1 cover just so I could do his essential character nodes. What the new scaling seems to do at least with the essential character nodes is WAY under value your roster if your essential character is weak. Because my Beast was a 1 cover L40 character all Beast nodes for me started with enemies around L35 even though my roster is around L100 (1 char at 104, 2 at 98, a bunch more around 85-90) and Beast is boosted to L134. That meant I could easily do max clears (7+) of Beast nodes before the level of the enemies got into the mid 80's (where I still won but the points value for clear was diminishing rapidly). So of my 75K score I bet 40K of it was Beast node clears and another 20K was Ms Marvel (I have her at L65 so again enemies in her nodes started in the 60's).

    I suspect this guys feasted in the same manner.

  • avs962
    avs962 Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    Finished in s3 with 155,710. Anyone have a shoulder to cry on?
  • Sambuca
    Sambuca Posts: 34 Just Dropped In
    Well it helped that the wave nodes had a much higher point count than the non-wave nodes. The Beast node in the last sub was about 2700 points per clear whereas the highest regular node was I think 744. I was at 66k after the 5th sub but was able to still hit max progression at 156k (and beyond) from the ridiculous number of points in the last 2 subs due to the wave nodes. And this is without having Ghost Rider so that essential was locked for me.

    I must have been in a more competitive slice though because I was 53rd overall with 162k (missed #50 by 2.5k, heartbreaking! icon_cry.gif ) and the top 10 people ranged from 224-252k. I could handle those wave nodes fairly well but I was stuck with the same team pretty much the entire event (LCap, IM40, essential/KK) but just having to slog through them 6 times each was soul-crushingly boring. At 10-15 minutes per wave node, per day, that adds up...
  • TaoSpoons
    TaoSpoons Posts: 50
    My likelihood is 100%.