Likeliehood of EoS progression reward



  • ubi21
    ubi21 Posts: 10
    I'm currently in a newbie bracket and from the looks of it, only 2 players will be able to achieve the progression reward. There's a very small possibility of a 3rd player reaching the progression as it would require them to clear all nodes 6 times.

    It might help if other players list how many players in their bracket hit or will hit the progression reward. This would give us a better view over a forum poll on how many would get the reward. As a general rule to follow on estimation, a full clear of nodes will yield 8910 points and 6 full clears will yield 53460 points.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I thought it was going to be impossible, then i got wolvie/XFW/Oml back.. and suddenly, 50k points in the sub, and over 130k with 1 sub left, yah, i can do this.

    Scaling DID NOT CHANGE when i got OML back in my lineup.. so that means it has been scaled for my lvl 375 OML (no other 5*s over 300) since the start.. wow this was a rough one! But, my steak will continue, i have not missed an LT/CP since they became progression awards.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    My OML is lv 405, so scaling was crazy high the first few subs. I refused to do it, not because it was too hard for me to do it, but it just wasn't any fun to have my top users obliterated every time.

    So by the time OML was available, I only had around 10K points. I made it 30K points yesterday. Today will not be able to do the final 120K points needed. Just not that interested. Too many grinds! Doing each node 3x per day is enough for me. I'm not going to do twice what I used to do for the same amount of prizes.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    wonder how it calculates my 8 cover ss and 7 cover oml? neither are leveled or used much. my last node in hells kitchen started at 310. stopped after the hells kitchen survival node.
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    If I did nothing but "Enemy of the State" for the next two days then I might make it but I have other things to do.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    If I was willing to play optimally and grind 6 hours per sub, sure. Since I'm only playing 3 hours per sub, nope. Not gonna make CP progression. Oh well. I broke 1.3 in epicenter, so I guess that's my substitute cp progression for the week. And I pulled a PHX red from my Crash LT. No complaints. icon_cool.gif
  • Bulls
    Bulls Posts: 141 Tile Toppler
    You can get ~89k points from 10 clears in last sub (that will leave all node at 20points, but I've counted that you're doing it stright) that's over half of required points in just one sub, on top of that this one feels to be easier than previous subs: last gorgon node doesn't has red feeder, other noders are also rather easy to do - using my 1/2/2 Quake to mitigate caltrops dmg was very pleasant - can't wait till I get few more covers for her. So for anyone who's not afraid of some grind - you can still make your run for a token icon_e_smile.gif
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    I'm going to make it on the final sub but BOY HOWDY did I waste my life getting to this point.

    I'm currently 12th in my slice with less than 22 hours to go. The dude at the top of my slice is blowing everyone else away (he has a 17K+ lead on #2) and has a roster with no one over level 126. He obviously has not hit the wall like some of us more unfortunate souls. That, and HOLY GRINDING BATMAN!

    Thank God OML was made available in the last two subs.
  • MaxxPowerz
    MaxxPowerz Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Not likely. I'm only really playing through the nodes one time.

    I will say however that it would be nice if the devs made good on using us as their guinea pigs by running an event that people unanimously like. Ultron/Galactus maybe?
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    There's good points in the last sub. One wave at 2700 and the other at 2300 points. I'm at 133k and skipped the first sub. I should get there.

    In my bracket top 6 have 150k+ (im 7th right now) with guy in first at that's grinding!
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,545 Chairperson of the Boards
    There's good points in the last sub. One wave at 2700 and the other at 2300 points. I'm at 133k and skipped the first sub. I should get there.

    In my bracket top 6 have 150k+ (im 7th right now) with guy in first at that's grinding!

    top in mine 244k
    10th has 190K

    so was massive grinding in mine
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    The question shouldn't be how likely we are to get it, or how many people are going to get it... the question is, why is it in previous PvEs, 3 full-point clears per day got you the LT, but in this hot mess of ramped-up difficulty, it requires 5 full-point clears per day? How does this fit into the mission statement we were given that spelled out the reasons behind this test? Does all this extra grinding of stupid-hard nodes fall under the umbrella of "fun", or is this just another page for my "Demiurge can't do math" scrapbook?
  • slowej25
    slowej25 Posts: 52
    I am 100k points shy going into last sub. Definitely not getting it, and it's the first time missing a PVE progression since Legendary Tokens were introduced.
  • VA5
    VA5 Posts: 66
    Time killer, it took me 40 min just to get the 2 cp's last night, will give up on pve progression rewards if this continues. For some reason MPQ keeps on punishing for players with good rosters.
  • Jwhitmire36
    Jwhitmire36 Posts: 52 Match Maker
    Never had a chance.

    Currently my bracket has about 21 hours left and rank 10 has 163,000 pts, nut much beyond the 156,000 so I can only guess maybe the top 30 or so will achieve it.

    BTW does anyone else think following up this EOTS test with Venom Bomb is another kick in the sack??
  • Inarius
    Inarius Posts: 141 Tile Toppler
    currently at 132k....I might make it if I grind like crazy

    hell, I'll do it for the CP if anything but it pisses me off that they make you grind for such a long period of time. Can't wait for this whole "test" thing to roll over and die so we can go back to hitting the nodes 3 times over 8 hours then a few more times during the final 2 hours.
  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    I reached it at the begin of the last sub, but I have grinded like never before. It has been a HUGE time investment.
  • Leeroid86
    Leeroid86 Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    I'm on the final day needing 50,000. But having already gained 30,000 from this day and will be really hard for me to get the remaining 20,000 points needed to obtain the 25 cp which I normally would get in these events. Add that to the first few days with a stupid regen ability on wolverine were he gained like 3 red ap per turn and obliterated my team with 3000+ damage it was always going to be difficult with the level raising
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have less then 15 hours left and no way in hell I can make it. I still need over 70 points (aka 9 full clears of all the nodes, could probably do it with 20 clears of the wave nodes and a bit of grind).

    1. The event wore me down - I just can't play the same event for 7 days for 25 CP (i don't have a shot at top 10 and I don't care for any 3* as an award)
    2. It's boring as I can only use two teams - Angels and Thor/IM40. So I play all the time with one of them. No thanks for 7 days.
    3. The difficulty is not the biggest issue - the biggest issue is time it takes to complete the match. I don't have it.

    I will not be fighting for the Punisher as well - I just can't play all day over Easter weekend. No thanks. I am slowly moving towards limiting my play to a bit of PvP (still can't get to 1,3k but at the end of the season I will have maxed IceMan so maybe this will change for me) and DDQ. My 5* game is non existent so I am quickly loosing interest in this game due to average/below average pull rate and lack of ISO. Sadly. I need PvE to be PvE and the awards should be better. And I don't want any sort of scaling in PvE - i want the equal grounds with noobs and be able to win more as I am playing longer and this should be reflected in what I can achieve. I hate being punished for playing and I am loosing to 2-3 transitioning players in the placement on regular basis. The PvP is where I should compete with my equals.
  • elusive
    elusive Posts: 261 Mover and Shaker
    I gave up as soon as my boosted team wiped on the very first non-team up node on the first day.