Don't Call It A Comeback



  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    I miss the pre-skip tax era. The amount of iso I have spent skipping since it was implemented has to be in the high six figures.

    I know I am in the very small minority, but I miss the 2.5 hour refreshes. It took a lot more strategy to figure out the best ways to clear your subs for best placement as opposed to the current 8hr format. Now it's more a matter of who can clear fastest at end, and when one person has to slog through 90k health points and the other only 45k, it's not a fair fight.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,537 Chairperson of the Boards
    Marine8394 wrote:
    Wow. I forgot about the buy in. I would love, no, LOVE, to see the globel PVE come back! I don't know why it was taken out in the first place. Double ISO should be added back, with a fresh additional feature that gives even more awards per achievement.

    I would also like to see the double token awards brought back. Some nodes had two tokens. One could be standard another at least heroic.

    I also did not mind when they had health pack awards as a reward in some nodes.

    No Holds Barred gave a 3* only token as the top place - basically a random draw of a 3* character. I participated in one of those, won it, and got a Daredevil - honestly I'm not even sure I was rostering him at the time, he was so bad.

    Regardless of my luck, at the time it was run it was a good reward - pre X-Force Wolvie being actually good and GT (maybe pre Nick? Not sure about that) you didn't mind it had no chance at a 4*...
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    I miss so called "broken" character abilities. Ragnorak, Spiderman and Magneto I'm looking at you, original 3 ability Loki was cool too.

    Biggest things I miss are True Healing and the times OBW, Astonishing Wolverine and Thor Marvel Now ruled the versus leaderboards.

    Things I really don't miss are events ending at 5am/5pm, hands down best improvements to the game so far.
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    50 HP daily deals. (Might be only an Anniversary thing, but might've been around for the Independence Valut)

    Vaults that lasted over multiple PVP events (Independence Vault).
  • Marine8394
    Marine8394 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    Here's an old feature that everyone would love back. Remember when once or twice a week they flashed a banner that said. "Shield has recovered a stolen shipment of ISO!" And everyone received some free ISO. Except now can we all get the whole shipment? icon_rolleyes.gif
  • djpt05
    djpt05 Posts: 178
    Waaaay back in the day a character's HP would be restored to full on level up. I'd take that one.
  • evildead666
    I miss when you had the option of selling a cover once you opened it.
  • avs962
    avs962 Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    I miss when you had the option of selling a cover once you opened it.

    If you have an empty roster slot, and you pull a character you don't have rostered, that option to sell is available to you
  • Colognoisseur
    Colognoisseur Posts: 804 Critical Contributor
    +1 on the having the alliance cover be the same as the one for top 2 in new character PvE
    +1 on the return of combined arms PvP

    I would also like an off-season PvP with the return of environmental tiles. One environment per PvP. It would be fun to see what new ways those tiles could be used with so many new characters added.
  • jtmagee
    jtmagee Posts: 158 Tile Toppler
    I would like to see environmental tiles return, but with a twist:

    Have the computer selected three random characters from your roster in a DDQ to go against a similar team with the environmental tiles being needed. CP would be the reward.

    Double-ISO once a month, like the last Saturday in a special Lightning Round, would be cool.

    I just came into the game when environmental tiles were about to be phased out, so that's all I can comment on.

    A Tournament of Champions would be awesome, where every season, in the off-season, a mini-season comprised of players in certain rankings going for big prizes. The NCAA Tournament is right around the corner. Just thought of it like that.

    Sorry. A little off-topic. I guess my post morphed into "remixing" old ideas and bringing them back.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I miss rotating lightning rounds
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'd completely forgotten about the buy-in PvP thing.

    I recall the rewards never looked like they were worth it. You spent a ton of HP and to get it back you had to end top 10 or something. Otherwise you got a cover and some ISO. Or something. I never bought into it because it never looked worth it to me, that's all I remember.

    Double ISO should definitely be a regular thing. Every weekend? Every other weekend?
    Hell, just double it perminantly, that would be nice ¬¬

    I dunno if there's much that used to be in the game that I really miss. Aside from replayable prologue missions and prologue healing, of course. True Healing is still meh for me. But I suppose it was kinda dull restoring health that way, too.

    Prologue missions really should be replayable ¬¬

    [EDIT] Oh yeah, I thought of something. The Elektra Lightning Round when she debuted around the first anniversary, I think? A silly size bracket, something like 50 people or 100, I forget. Lots of tokens from it, short rounds of either 30 or 60 minutes or something. So fast, so good. I got a cover for her out of it, even.

    Those super fast, super small, super competitive lightning rounds were the most fun I'd had in PvP for ages. That was the one missing aspect of the 2nd year anniversary I missed the most.
  • Chipster22
    Chipster22 Posts: 298 Mover and Shaker
    I'll add my voice to those who would like to see buy-in events. HP is less valuable now, so it would be nice to have something else that it could purchase.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    How about being able to boost 3AP instead of 2. Imagine how broken some characters would be if you could boost 6AP of 4 colors?

    How fast do you think people could shield hop if they could do that now?
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    wymtime wrote:
    How about being able to boost 3AP instead of 2. Imagine how broken some characters would be if you could boost 6AP of 4 colors?

    How fast do you think people could shield hop if they could do that now?
    im40, ice, fist - could all lay moves turn 1. awesomeness! lol
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    Some wistful memories:
    I LOVED 3 star Magneto's original Blue. It was my favorite power in the entire game.
    For those that weren't around, for only 5 AP, you could place two Blue tiles ANYWHERE, even able to override countdown tiles. Often you could make a match 5, basically getting a free turn (getting back your 5 Blue AP) and a crit tile. It was like a mini Charlie's Angles. Any power that lets you place tiles I find super fun. My Prof X will probably never be leveled above his 165 to ensure I can still Charlie's Angles it up.

    I miss Team Heals, like OBW's Blue, actually healing you.
    She was probably the most used character as a result, as the other characters that team heal (Beast, Kamala, etc.) didn't exist yet. The "burst of Health" **** was and is such an ugly & inelegant band-aid to try and fix Prologue Healing to make players buy more Health packs. Recently they "fixed" it even more by locking out the Prologue completely once you've finished it, which is what they should have done back then instead of True Healing. There were so many better ways they could have addressed it. Old scars for sure...

    Anyone remember the "First Time Clear" ISO bonus in PVE?
    For those that weren't around, when you won a PVE node for the first time, you were given an additional ISO bonus. A glorified participation award. There wasn't even an explanation why they took it out, it just was gone one day. When they were asked about it they were like "Oh, right. Yeah, we took that out" with no further info This 100% needs to return. It would help a bit to offset the massive ISO shortage. Not a lot, but every little bit helps.

    The ISO bonus for daily alliance participation used to be 500 max.
    It used to be 25 ISO per Player instead of the 10 per Player it is now. Again, this should totally return. Is another 250 ISO per day REALLY gonna hurt their bottom line and stop people from buying the terribly valued ISO packs?

    Hood's Yellow NOT ending the turn with 5 covers.
    For those that weren't around, it used to do significantly less damage, but gave you AP of the colors you destroyed. It'd take that over the current version. His yellow is still useful (mostly as a game ending move or against goon only PVE nodes), but not great like it once was.
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    I really miss the single end time PvP. When the entire MPQ player base is all completely together.

    Alliances can't "enforce" as easily since there is only a single time slice. Also, you'll hardly ever run out of targets. Easier not to have to double, triple tap same person since there are more targets available. True you might not be able to play at the exact end but you can shield out whenever you want to. There was always a bit of fun at seeing where you end up. The end times can be rotated.

    PvP is\was just much more fun and diverse with every player in the same bucket.
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    I miss healing that stayed with the characters even after the round finished.

    I remember environmental tiles but don't especially miss them.

    Double ISO is nice, great even, but should be reserved for special occasions. (Yes, I'm as ISO starved as so many others but it isn't special if it's double all the time.)
  • Twysta
    Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
    I miss environmental tiles, the ones that didn't do any damage if matched!
    I also miss the first time completion bonus for when you first completed a mission node in PvE.
    Why did they get rid of that?!

    I also miss that when champs were buffed... they were actually buffed and there was a considerable increase to damage...

    The nerf to buff ratio in this game has to be like 10:1.
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    I miss announcements being made in-universe style. It was cool. ):