CareBearStare Alliance Thread
For Hulk, this is slow but I had LCap as one of my main characters and I'd just kill the teammates asap. I would then stun Hulk and burst him down with abilities in the two turns that I had him stunned for. Problem with my particular setup was that Punisher was my best character, so with strike tiles up I would always have to suffer a turn of Anger, which seemingly always leads to cascades which magically kills my countdown tile (he's converting tiles to green, how does that magically cause my blue tiles to disappear ****?). I would then get Angered to death because my own strike tiles are in odd places and cannot be removed. In any other situation, all 3 of my strike tiles would be removed within 2 turns, but against Hulk they just stay there and are impossible to remove.
Aww man, I'm having fond memories of having terrible boards. How 'bout those OBW cascades that lead to 80 turns of steal-and-heal? Or those random cascades that allow Thor to fire off his green on Turn 2? Or how about C.Storm reaching 11 blue so you have to kill her right away, and she ends up escaping with 15 HP?0 -
purinxa wrote:For Hulk, this is slow but I had LCap as one of my main characters and I'd just kill the teammates asap. I would then stun Hulk and burst him down with abilities in the two turns that I had him stunned for. Problem with my particular setup was that Punisher was my best character, so with strike tiles up I would always have to suffer a turn of Anger, which seemingly always leads to cascades which magically kills my countdown tile (he's converting tiles to green, how does that magically cause my blue tiles to disappear ****?). I would then get Angered to death because my own strike tiles are in odd places and cannot be removed. In any other situation, all 3 of my strike tiles would be removed within 2 turns, but against Hulk they just stay there and are impossible to remove.
Aww man, I'm having fond memories of having terrible boards. How 'bout those OBW cascades that lead to 80 turns of steal-and-heal? Or those random cascades that allow Thor to fire off his green on Turn 2? Or how about C.Storm reaching 11 blue so you have to kill her right away, and she ends up escaping with 15 HP?
You just let us know when the MPQ itch becomes un-bear-able. You always have a home here.0 -
So, how is Cage Match turning out? You Carebears are shredding the opposition to pieces, I hope.
I'm pouting because I love playing with boosted Patch, so of course the tournament runs while I'm away…
*sulky*0 -
Kamuuu wrote:So, how is Cage Match turning out? You Carebears are shredding the opposition to pieces, I hope.
I'm pouting because I love playing with boosted Patch, so of course the tournament runs while I'm away…
Our rankings are pretty good right now, but there's still 3.5 hours left. And a mid-day end. Little worried... I'm such a pessimist! Since my PVE is not quite as awesome as Tonzil or Centurion, this will be my best chance to get Panther covers.
Agreed, boosted Patch matches are quick and a lot more my style. I hate slow matches (Lazy Daken? Falcon? Talkin' to you!)
I'm busy with a work project all week... so someone else will have to let you know the final results. Hope it's bear-y good news!0 -
2.5 Hours to go and Alliance is in 65th for Cage Match. I'm stuck in 28th in my bracket with some 700 points. My matches are still slow since I hoard AP until I have enough to devastate the other team.
I've gotten so bad lately. Think I'm starting PvPs too late. Also my Patch is very soft at 60 so I'm an easy target.
Purinxa: You want to start a Tag-Team with me? I'll be away for a large part of season 3 and there is World Cup AND I'm feeling a bit tired of this game. These days I just want ISO to level my characters to their caps. I've done terribly in the last few events (Except fresh cut since I have maxed Psylocke - my go-to girl).
At least if the next PvP is Panther than I'll have an upper hand as I'm hoarding Iso and the next few covers will soft cap him around 115-128 - so YAY for that.
Was it Sup123 that asked me if FIFA World Cup game is good?
An update: I've discover some issues. The player AI seems a bit dumb in certain situations and some of the pass assists seem random (passing too hard when you only meant for a tap. And pass directions seem more sensitive).
Also noticed an issue when playing with friends, it would auto-sim matches that we had selected as player controlled.
One thing that is different that I like is that players improve/worsen depending on match performance. Also they get tired a lot sooner in-game so substitutions become necessary.0 -
My strategy for the noon ones is just to push above 800 or 900 the night before and shield for 24 hours, at least if I need the covers. I think it's getting harder and harder to push late, because everybody's just shielding early now, and it's a bloodbath if you've got a lot of points and are exposed.
If the BP PVP offers Sentry covers, I'd expect it to be at least as ugly as the Lazy Thor rewarding one was a couple weeks back. I'm kind of dreading the next two PVPs. Even if the Sentry PVP offers Loki rewards, it's going to be a nightmare from people pushing to 1100.
I'm also in a weird position regarding PVP and PVE. I only need one blue and one black - I'm likely to get them from the PVP at this rate, which would allow me to take my foot off the gas on PVE, but the PVE ones are probably more of a sure thing right now for me. I think this may end up being the first PVE ever I don't need the covers in.0 -
Ben Grimm wrote:My strategy for the noon ones is just to push above 800 or 900 the night before and shield for 24 hours, at least if I need the covers. I think it's getting harder and harder to push late, because everybody's just shielding early now, and it's a bloodbath if you've got a lot of points and are exposed.
If the BP PVP offers Sentry covers, I'd expect it to be at least as ugly as the Lazy Thor rewarding one was a couple weeks back. I'm kind of dreading the next two PVPs. Even if the Sentry PVP offers Loki rewards, it's going to be a nightmare from people pushing to 1100.
I'm also in a weird position regarding PVP and PVE. I only need one blue and one black - I'm likely to get them from the PVP at this rate, which would allow me to take my foot off the gas on PVE, but the PVE ones are probably more of a sure thing right now for me. I think this may end up being the first PVE ever I don't need the covers in.
Edit: changed color for PvE reward...
Hey Ben,
We are in a good spot to pick up both Alliance rewards right now.
- Black from PvP and Yellow from PvE.
I think you should be just fine. I missed out on the Panther tournamemt completely (vacation), so that kind of screwed me with regards to panther for a while. I am finally getting his covers... Even if, ideally, I manage to get all the rewards, from both, best I could do with him for now is going to be 5-4-4.
Going ot have to wait and see, if a Panther PvP pops up and they give away that black cover at 1100... Bloodbath, it will be...0 -
Cage Match has been a real roller coaster for me.
Currently barely hanging on to top 10 and shielded. But I have a few more matches lined up for the last few minutes.0 -
Decoy, are you shield hopping or just getting some nice defensive wins? Just curious. I'm hoping to stick in the top 5 and it would be nice if 1000 is good enough. Just never know anymore with some of these brackets. First should be yours unless someone comes flying up the bracket...
Good luck!0 -
Ugh... just realized Simulator ends tonight and I'm fairly well behind where I'd like to be. I need to start setting outlook reminder for myself for when these PVE events end, I keep seeming to lose track. I should have time tonight to get some points in but I doubt it will put me where I really wanted to finish...0
*I'm going to take the lead here since our fearless leader mentioned he might be busy.
Cage Match Summary:
Alliance finished 93rd - Superb.
Gold: DecoyDuck
Silver: Tonzil
Bronze: AdamLmpq
Thanks to everyone for pulling together. I had a disappointing PvP finishing 54rd, my lowest since entering the alliance and lowest since transitioning out of 2*. Straight up pathetic *Angry Stare at self in mirror*.
Good news is we beat both the French Heroes and Asian Heroes alliances and just two ranks behind our ScarFighters friends, or as they are now known the CatFighters alliance
Next up is Black Panther PvP with Sentry covers up for grabs. Sharpen those claws because this WILL get bloody.
STARE!!!0 -
I got my BP cover-complete from the PVP, so I'll probably take it relatively easy this evening - the difference for alliances between top 100 and top 250 is only 500 ISO. I'm not going to completely abandon it - I still want tokens - but I think I'm going to go to bed on time.
Everyone - great job on PVP, and thanks for getting my BP cover-complete. Prepare for the psychotic bloodletting to follow.0 -
Congrats CareBears! We watched you on your quest for top 100, and you did very well!
As always, we were rooting for you. Jan was sorry she would have to top you - at one point, you were just above SF - but later on we both regained lost ground.
This was a tense PvP ending for both alliances, I guess. Jan broke shields twice to keep us ahead. At least, this time we made it better than the other one when we were 98 and CareBears was 100.
CatFighters wish you the best of luck in this next PvP. God knows we'll need luck, with those Sentry covers.
Wow - nice going everyone! I wasn't around this morning so I didn't see all the fun. From the chat, it sounded like a lot of wipeouts and a lot of defensive wins.Bacon Pants wrote:Decoy, are you shield hopping or just getting some nice defensive wins? Just curious. I'm hoping to stick in the top 5 and it would be nice if 1000 is good enough. Just never know anymore with some of these brackets. First should be yours unless someone comes flying up the bracket...Milkrain wrote:Next up is Black Panther PvP with Sentry covers up for grabs. Sharpen those claws because this WILL get bloody.0
Milkrain wrote:*I'm going to take the lead here since our fearless leader mentioned he might be busy.
Cage Match Summary:
Alliance finished 93rd - Superb.
Gold: DecoyDuck
Silver: Tonzil
Bronze: AdamLmpq
Gold: fritejay
Silver: rbdragon
Bronze: khal-zarek (he's a guy dani, in case you don't know)
Milkrain wrote:Good news is we beat both the French Heroes and Asian Heroes alliances and just two ranks behind our ScarFighters friends, or as they are now known the CatFighters allianceMilkrain wrote:STARE!!!0 -
DecoyDuck wrote:Milkrain wrote:Next up is Black Panther PvP with Sentry covers up for grabs. Sharpen those claws because this WILL get bloody.
Yeah, I hear you DD, my BP is not even really competitive yet, @5-4-3... I'll start this up tomorrow, when PvE finishes and I can cash in another Black, rising that power to at least 4.
And than I was ISO poor. I took him from 40 to 90 for this event. 55K in iso... gone. Let's say, he was not my priority at the moment and could have waited on the backburner a little longer... But at the same time, combined with L.Thor's green AoE... You never know what can happen. Hoping for the best, expecting to see all those 212 Black Panthers all over the place for this one.
It is going to rain parts with Panthers ripping people to pieces...
Great job all in the top 100. If you look at our overall score and Kamu being MIA, with some contributions from everyone... we are doing pretty well for a "casual alliance".
Stare on!
We have a Maggia PvE starting tomorrow as well. Likely to be Mohawk Storm's big entrance (Black Panther featured?), but I would not be surprised to see a fast one be pulled on us (like Sentry before Daken) and see She-Hulk in there instead. (Hulk Featured?)0 -
Tonzil wrote:We have a Maggia PvE starting tomorrow as well. Likely to be Mohawk Storm's big entrance (Black Panther featured?), but I would not be surprised to see a fast one be pulled on us (like Sentry before Daken) and see She-Hulk in there instead. (Hulk Featured?)
Pretty sure IceIX already said that She-Hulk would be next new character.
Sentry came across like such a wuss in the story episode. His powers are impressive but I hate his image.
I wish they would make more "glass-cannon" heroes (see GSWB). All these tanky powerhouse heroes are such a pain. Sentry doesn't look like someone who deserves 8k hit points.0 -
Hehe, no itch to play, sorry. Hanging around here is essentially like playing. The only thing I'm missing is complaining about scaling and MMR/sharding, which I must admit, I do miss!
Holy hell Adam, +89? Are those score fluctuations over short periods of time? I know I would fluctuate from 600 to 300 every tournament because I would put out a tank team and come back around 20 hours later
I know DD relied on me to keep him sane, so I must do so again. Everyone should take a break this PvP. We have a number of people not wanting to pour ISO into BP, Sentry sucks (well he doesn't but his drawbacks are pretty intense), and noone wants to fight through 300 billion HP worth of BP only to be 1-shot killed by his black0 -
purinxa wrote:Holy hell Adam, +89? Are those score fluctuations over short periods of time? I know I would fluctuate from 600 to 300 every tournament because I would put out a tank team and come back around 20 hours later
The +89 was over about 6-8 hours period. The -199 was over 45min.
I'm really disappointed I ended up falling just short of BP reward for the PvE. Need like 75th place and I think I was at about 77th.
My BP is lvl 60 - 5/2/1 right now. It will be an interesting round of PvP. I'm not super interested in using Sentry a whole lot but I always like to try to earn the rewards during events because you have a much better chance getting them that way than getting them in packs. And it's always good just to have the option of other characters on your roster.0 -
adamLmpq wrote:purinxa wrote:Holy hell Adam, +89? Are those score fluctuations over short periods of time? I know I would fluctuate from 600 to 300 every tournament because I would put out a tank team and come back around 20 hours later
The +89 was over about 6-8 hours period. The -199 was over 45min.
I'm really disappointed I ended up falling just short of BP reward for the PvE. Need like 75th place and I think I was at about 77th.
My BP is lvl 60 - 5/2/1 right now. It will be an interesting round of PvP. I'm not super interested in using Sentry a whole lot but I always like to try to earn the rewards during events because you have a much better chance getting them that way than getting them in packs. And it's always good just to have the option of other characters on your roster.
Definitely in the same boat as you. Sont really see myself pouring ISO into Sentry for a while. Maybe get him to somewhere around 60 ~ 70, to make him feasible when absolutely required, but aside from that, I think he will be a benchwarmer for a while. Mind you the "whales" already have hom level capped. ONe aspect of F2P I hate. If you got the cash, why bother "playing the game"... Find something else to do with your time.
I have already seen 5 cover Fury's at soft cap... Whats the point?0
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