* * * * DEVS - WE NEED MORE ISO * * * *



  • Blahahah
    Blahahah Posts: 738 Critical Contributor
    They got rid of 20 iso.
    Now the community wants triple iso?
    Jeez... We don't need more iso, we need fewer people complaining they have to work too hard.

    You can already optimally clear story mode for almost 100k iso, give or take.
    You can already optimally clear each event node for (roughly) 8500 per node, or about 60k iso for a week long event.
    You have the DPD which can give 3700 iso or, at least, 1700 iso every single day for free.
    Assuming you finish story mode, do an entire event and do all of the DPD, you've got like almost 200k iso in your pocket right there.

    I don't know how hard you're doing your rosters, but really, you don't need millions of iso every month to stay viable.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    25K ISO a day? Is MPQ your job?

    Oh yes. I live off money from whales and buyers clubs and I'm actually Hifi, IceIX and Cthulhu in one *rolls eyes*

    Serious question. How many hours a day are you playing to earn 25K ISO?

    PS, IceIX doesn't work at Demiurge anymore.

    PPS, There's an emoticon for that icon_rolleyes.gif
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,189 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have an idea that would help.

    There should be the option for players to sell covers to other players for ISO in addition to selling back to the 'game'. I'm in the 3* transition phase and I've currently got about 300K saved up in ISO but suffer from a lack of 3* covers (made worse now with Deadpool's Daily changing) to spend it on. I have about 15 3* characters on my roster with somewhere between 1-6 covers each (leveled as high as they can go) and would love to buy 10-20 covers for ISO so that 4-5 of them would have 10+ covers and be usable. I'd be happy to pay 2.5-5K in ISO for specific covers I need.

    In addition to the sell immediately there would be another sell button that would let you list the ISO you wanted for the cover. You would also be able to browse the list of available covers for sale (listed by * to make it easier to find). If someone wants one they pay the ISO and it gets transferred to the seller. If the cover doesn't sell by the normal expiry time for a cover it gets auto-sold for the normal sell price you get now.

    Everybody wins here.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Blahahah wrote:
    You can already optimally clear each event node for (roughly) 8500 per node, or about 60k iso for a week long event.
    Please tell me how to get 8500 per Node when the hardest nodes give out 1 CP + 100 + 70 + 100 + 250 + 500 + a standard token?
    That's 720 plus most likely 100 from the token.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Blahahah wrote:
    You can already optimally clear each event node for (roughly) 8500 per node, or about 60k iso for a week long event.
    Please tell me how to get 8500 per Node when the hardest nodes give out 1 CP + 100 + 70 + 100 + 250 + 500 + a standard token?
    That's 720 plus most likely 100 from the token.
    He was using hyperbolic functions to come up with those numbers...
  • Platzy
    Platzy Posts: 77 Match Maker
    More likely, they were meaning Sub instead of Node, as evidenced by the ~60k over a week figure. icon_razz.gif

    Regarding the topic, I also think a little more Iso would do the economy and pace of the game good. There are a lot of suggestions already out there how this could be achieved without trivialising the 2* meta - my current favourite being coupling an "Iso gained" multiplier to your scaling. When your roster gets better and the battles harder, the rewards should increase.
  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    I think some of those who are supposedly earning dozens of thousands of ISO per day are also those who have lucked out and won one of the big ISO prizes in the DDQ vault.

    that is a windfall and shouldn't count as "typical" daily ISO earnings.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jam_Adams wrote:
    I think some of those who are supposedly earning dozens of thousands of ISO per day are also those who have lucked out and won one of the big ISO prizes in the DDQ vault.

    that is a windfall and shouldn't count as "typical" daily ISO earnings.
    No. My playing habits haven't changed, but now instead of earning 10K ISO a day I am somewhere between 20 and 25K. Could probably hit 30 with a bit more effort too.
    I think it's the removal of 20 ISO that did it. Play more PvE!
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    everyone wants all the iso, all the covers.

    if everything was as easy to come by as we want, we'd all have the same roster...
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moved to Suggestions and Feedback.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    Rather than increasing the amount of iso, why not look at ways that the need for it could be reduced:

    Remove the skip tax to help out in pvp,
    Reduce all levelling costs by a certain amount or better still drastically cut the jump in costs at certain levels as this option would be further encouragement for people to max their characters,
    Change any additional covers for maxed champions into level up tokens.

    If they were worried about players maxing specific characters too quickly despite the randomness of cover acquisition then they could split the characters into groups/classes so level up tokens had to be spread across a breadth of characters rather than just a few.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jam_Adams wrote:

    You don't necessarily want a new player winning tens of thousands of ISO every day. so it's a delicate balance, and I get that.

    This is likely one of the biggest roadblocks to increasing ISO flow for those of us in the 4^ and beyond transition - EVEN IF THEY WANTED TO (which I'm not sure they do). Because almost all of the play modes have ALL players competing for THE SAME rewards, it is tricky to develop something that might give me the 5K ISO I need to advance my 4^ by 2 whopping levels while not being a massive infusion of ISO to a new player.

    The answer to this is to develop tiered play modes, as many, many others have suggested. I will not offer my own since there are so many good ones, but basically there would need to be play modes for those with further developed rosters with appropriate rewards (namely, more ISO).

    Alternately, they could just code in a multiplier to all rewards based on length of play - so if you're on Day 700 you get more ISO from EVERY reward than someone who gets the same reward at day 100 (though I can imagine some might call that unfair for other reasons).

    There is an easy fix for this. While I agree with the OP that veteran players don't necessarily want a hand out, just a way to be able to earn more Iso WITHOUT having to play hours more per day, a handout is the simplest and easiest solution. Make the Shield reward for every "random" reward day beyond Day 365 worth 3000 to 5000 iso. Keep the set rewards as is but this will get ISO to your "veteran" players without overfilling newer players. The newer players could have their "random" Shield rewards be 500-1000 iso per day. While yes it is a handout, it is probably the simplest and easiest solution. Little work for the developers, no additional time required from players and it solves the problem of too much iso too fast for newer players vs. veteran players not able to accumulate enough ISO for progression. I highly doubt that even whales are purchasing a ton of iso from the store due to the fact the price is way off for what you get in ISO so they shouldn't lose much if any revenue. Am I proud that I am proposing a handout? No, but it actually would solve a lot of issues with relatively little trouble. What the devs and publisher need to realize is that a large part of your active player base does not feel like it is progressing....that is a huge warning sign they need to heed. I give them credit for recent changes to freshen the game but there is still much to be done ladies and gentlemen.
  • JohnnyBlood
    JohnnyBlood Posts: 85 Match Maker
    Everyone needs ISO, so so much. But just a thought, if ISO flow is increased dramatically in any way that has or has not been suggested, does that help level the playing field, or does it make the roster gaps between older players and newer players that much more extreme? Right now, part of the "puzzle" is how you spend your ISO.
  • chamber44
    chamber44 Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    Warbringa wrote:
    Jam_Adams wrote:

    You don't necessarily want a new player winning tens of thousands of ISO every day. so it's a delicate balance, and I get that.

    This is likely one of the biggest roadblocks to increasing ISO flow for those of us in the 4^ and beyond transition - EVEN IF THEY WANTED TO (which I'm not sure they do). Because almost all of the play modes have ALL players competing for THE SAME rewards, it is tricky to develop something that might give me the 5K ISO I need to advance my 4^ by 2 whopping levels while not being a massive infusion of ISO to a new player.

    The answer to this is to develop tiered play modes, as many, many others have suggested. I will not offer my own since there are so many good ones, but basically there would need to be play modes for those with further developed rosters with appropriate rewards (namely, more ISO).

    Alternately, they could just code in a multiplier to all rewards based on length of play - so if you're on Day 700 you get more ISO from EVERY reward than someone who gets the same reward at day 100 (though I can imagine some might call that unfair for other reasons).

    There is an easy fix for this. While I agree with the OP that veteran players don't necessarily want a hand out, just a way to be able to earn more Iso WITHOUT having to play hours more per day, a handout is the simplest and easiest solution. Make the Shield reward for every "random" reward day beyond Day 365 worth 3000 to 5000 iso. Keep the set rewards as is but this will get ISO to your "veteran" players without overfilling newer players. The newer players could have their "random" Shield rewards be 500-1000 iso per day. While yes it is a handout, it is probably the simplest and easiest solution. Little work for the developers, no additional time required from players and it solves the problem of too much iso too fast for newer players vs. veteran players not able to accumulate enough ISO for progression.
    yes. the point has been made before, but the Shield rewards need to be seriously reworked. I'm on day 630ish, and my reward yesterday was a standard token. Not even a Heroic. At this stage, 100ISO is barely worth waiting for the animation.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Blahahah wrote:
    They got rid of 20 iso.
    Now the community wants triple iso?
    Jeez... We don't need more iso, we need fewer people complaining they have to work too hard.

    You can already optimally clear story mode for almost 100k iso, give or take.
    You can already optimally clear each event node for (roughly) 8500 per node, or about 60k iso for a week long event.
    You have the DPD which can give 3700 iso or, at least, 1700 iso every single day for free.
    Assuming you finish story mode, do an entire event and do all of the DPD, you've got like almost 200k iso in your pocket right there.

    I don't know how hard you're doing your rosters, but really, you don't need millions of iso every month to stay viable.

    I suggested an optional hard mode where prizes for winning are doubled. Instead of supporting the idea, people just want those double prizes without a difficulty increase. : )
  • MaxxPowerz
    MaxxPowerz Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    I feel like when you champion a character you should still be able to turn in those extra covers for better rewards. Maybe double the iso you would normally get. It would be a cool incentive for maxing out a champion, which is a feat in and of itself.

    As of right now your only option when you have fully leveled your champion is to sell the covers at face value or start a dupe.
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    Just a bit of a reality check, here: what exactly do people think Iso is getting them? Higher level 4* characters don't make the game any easier (in fact, very much the opposite). Championing nets you some stuff, but actually leveling your characters for the sake of leveling characters doesn't do anything to change how the game plays. If you feel like you need a million Iso to get your Ghost Rider or whatever up to "competitive" levels, that's just your own fault for spending Iso on your other 4*s in the first place. You could have left all your characters at level 120 or 144 and had exactly the same (or easier) play experience except without any Iso shortage. The game does absolutely nothing (besides championing) to reward you for using Iso, and quite a bit to punish you for it.

    Trying to develop a 5* roster does screw with MMR enough that you (I guess) need to get 255s to make it work, but even then the last 15 levels of a 4* are worth exactly zilch. (And honestly who actually wants to play in the 5* metagame?)

    The only thing that Iso is actually good for in its own right is paying the skip tax. If you feel like you don't have enough Iso, just stop trying to max out all your characters. It only makes the game worse.

    If you think the benefit of leveling your characters is less than the downside of your PVE scaling going up, then I think you are living in irrational fear.

    It's really not that bad. Yes, the AI level goes up, but you have WAY more effective tools to deal with it.

    Or were you trolling?
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    bump this up. The ISO drought is realer than it's ever been
  • amusingfoo1
    amusingfoo1 Posts: 597 Critical Contributor
    Just a bit of a reality check, here: what exactly do people think Iso is getting them? Higher level 4* characters don't make the game any easier (in fact, very much the opposite). Championing nets you some stuff, but actually leveling your characters for the sake of leveling characters doesn't do anything to change how the game plays. If you feel like you need a million Iso to get your Ghost Rider or whatever up to "competitive" levels, that's just your own fault for spending Iso on your other 4*s in the first place. You could have left all your characters at level 120 or 144 and had exactly the same (or easier) play experience except without any Iso shortage. The game does absolutely nothing (besides championing) to reward you for using Iso, and quite a bit to punish you for it.

    Trying to develop a 5* roster does screw with MMR enough that you (I guess) need to get 255s to make it work, but even then the last 15 levels of a 4* are worth exactly zilch. (And honestly who actually wants to play in the 5* metagame?)

    The only thing that Iso is actually good for in its own right is paying the skip tax. If you feel like you don't have enough Iso, just stop trying to max out all your characters. It only makes the game worse.

    There are parts of the progression where it feels like you're going backwards. But you get past those, and then you find yourself saying, "Wait, did I just do an entire clear on one heal?"

    And let's not even talk about PvP, where the game goes from miserable at 120, to tough at 200, to fun again by the time you hit 250. And those last 15 levels get you championing, which is worth far more than zilch. They also get you marginally more skips in PvP, which also has value. And the occasional close loss turned into close win. Far less value than the earlier levels, to be sure, but definitely not zero.

    I soft-capped for a while at 120, and am glad I did, since I didn't have the covers for maxing characters (especially not those of the best characters). But man, did the game get better when I finally broke that and maxed my first 3*s.