Impossible 5*

Anyone else having an insanely and stupid difficult time getting 5*? I think it's damn ridiculous how some people can just miraculously pull 5* every 2nd or 3rd try while I only have 17 5* out of nearly 400 attempts.. The fact anyone tries to say this game is "random" is full of ****. 400 attempts for 5* and not a SINGLE 5* character has more then 6 covers. With this game quickly turning into a 5* game this is just a joke and a waste of effort now.Your customer support rewards and supports
Who they want to. I've seen emails of them saying they will just "reward" someone 5* for nothing or even switching a 5* cover for a different 5* cover. Yet I've also seen them reject customers asking the same Requests and customer support isn't biased? YA okay there. I've spent thousands and I've always had to fight with support to get what I actually deserved while I see people getting rewards for bad luck? It's disgusting the way they "choose" who they help. getting sick of supporting and paying into a game that doesn't support me as a customer.


  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    Hey Immortal, the chance of pulling a 5* is only 10% odds. Do not view LT's as individual pulls, view them in terms of 100's. So for example, every 100 LT's, you'll get 10 5*, or about 3 covers of ONE five star.

    Considering you need 13 covers of one 5*, its going to take you around 400-500 Lts to max one out. If you get 5LT's a week, that's around 80-100 weeks. A year is 52 weeks.

    In other words, 5*'s are a long game grind that is intended to hook you in and keep playing. You will NOT get them quickly, and you should NOT be shooting for them. Shoot to finish your 4*'s with the tokens, and 5*'s will be happy accidents.
  • wirius wrote:
    Hey Immortal, the chance of pulling a 5* is only 10% odds. Do not view LT's as individual pulls, view them in terms of 100's. So for example, every 100 LT's, you'll get 10 5*, or about 3 covers of ONE five star.

    Considering you need 13 covers of one 5*, its going to take you around 400-500 Lts to max one out. If you get 5LT's a week, that's around 80-100 weeks. A year is 52 weeks.

    In other words, 5*'s are a long game grind that is intended to hook you in and keep playing. You will NOT get them quickly, and you should NOT be shooting for them. Shoot to finish your 4*'s with the tokens, and 5*'s will be happy accidents.

    Lmao For a Noob like yourself maybe. This is a 5* game now. I perfectly understand the odds and if it's "supposed" to be 10% I should have 30-40 5*. Not 17. I wouldn't be wasting my time ranting if I didn't understand the odds. Im not saying I expect to have any particular 5* fully covered. But don't try and tell me to find the "fun" when I need 5*. I've been trying to find the fun. There isn't any. Lmao this guy trying to tell me how to play and how things work after almost 700 days of playing. Go troll somewhere else dude
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    In his defense, 17 out of 400 would be 4.25% which is a far cry from 10%. I'd be upset as well.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    The worst part is that the developers haven't even acknowledged that this is an issue.

    There have been threads about this for months, but they put their fingers in their ears and go "la la la, can't hear you!"

    Meanwhile, they rake in the kudos for changing 20 ISO. That change probably took them 2 hours of coding to implement, and it's been requested for at least a year. It's like ordering a breakfast sandwich at McDonalds, waiting a whole hour for it, and then thanking them for giving it to you with the wrong meat on it (because, let's not forget it couldn't just be a straight improvement, they had to add prologue-locking and 0 rewards after completion).

    So, if they acknowledged the issue today, I'd expect some kind of half-solution or corrupted solution in 9 months.
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    HaywireII wrote:
    In his defense, 17 out of 400 would be 4.25% which is a far cry from 10%. I'd be upset as well.

    Yes, but someone else is getting them at 15.75%, so it all evens out. Right? icon_e_wink.gif
  • Well that's good for him. He's probably someone that spends hundreds of dollars ever few days. It's the only way to have Customer support or forum admins care whatsoever. Unless you've spent 10 000+ into this they don't give a rats ****. But even 2000-3000 I mean come on now. This game beyond corrupted.
  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    Immortal7 wrote:
    wirius wrote:
    In other words, 5*'s are a long game grind that is intended to hook you in and keep playing. You will NOT get them quickly, and you should NOT be shooting for them. Shoot to finish your 4*'s with the tokens, and 5*'s will be happy accidents.

    Lmao For a Noob like yourself maybe.

    Pretty rude considering he was trying to give you a helpful perspective. Stay classy.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    brisashi wrote:
    Pretty rude considering he was trying to give you a helpful perspective. Stay classy.
    On the other hand, if someone is pulling 5*s at less than half the rate they should be, and is now in a position where it is statistically unlikely they will ever catch up to the vast majority of players who've had average or good luck, tell him basically to just keep at it, isn't really all that "helpful".
  • westnyy2
    westnyy2 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    To the OP, perhaps it's karma for your game play and sportsmanship. Powerful 5's in your possession frightens me. With great power comes great responsibility.

    In all seriousness, everyone is frustrated by their lack of progression into the 5* world. I have a couple of decent 5's but have paid through the nose for them. With mega whales spending a fortune daily, there will be no fix. The only way to get their attention is to hit them in the wallet. Good luck convincing the masses to stop spending.
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 533 Critical Contributor
    Given that rates are "per draw", the likelihood of pulling a 5* for any given token, is only 3.3%.

    The only way to guarantee an aggregate 10% draw rate over a relatively small number of tokens would be with a vault.
  • Blahahah
    Blahahah Posts: 738 Critical Contributor
    It must suck to be living in a world where everyone has maxed out 5*s and those are the only people you can fight.

    Feels good being in 3* land.
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    True randomness is a **** way to distribute high value rewards. Also, the matchmaking sucks. So I can sympathize, even if I can't empathize.

    I can't imagine trying so hard to speed into the brick wall that is the 5* meta, though. Seriously, why would anyone *want* to devolve their game into a state where there's only one viable team, and it takes thousands of dollars to face nothing but mirror matches all day?
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, the good news is that you can get enough decent chances, and while you're waiting, you can max out and champion your other characters. It's something to do to keep you busy. When you finally win some 5* covers, you'll feel great.
  • rkd80
    rkd80 Posts: 376
    The problem is not about whether it is 5% or 14%. The only problem that I see is that the highest and most elite tier of the game currently depends purely on luck. That is screwed up.

    I remember when the first "good" 4* showed up, it was Nick Fury. He was only available at the end of the season and only for alliances that did well. It took a long time, but it was doable from a progression standpoint. You could not buy yourself a Nick Fury no matter how much you spent.

    At the end of the day even having Fury did not catapult you into some god status, as we now know, he was not even that great.

    Today however you can buy yourself something that is simply unreachable through patient play. If you do buy it and beat the odds you become an MPQ god, where even champed 4* cannot retaliate. This is what is so broken:

    a) Inability to acquire 5* through regular game play
    b) Ability to acquire 5* through thousands of dollars.

    When IceIX unveiled the 5*, the first thing he said was that it was not going to be purchasable. You play your **** off and then you earn it. That was still a false statement because you can buy LTs if you were rich enough. Then they introduced CPs. Then all hell broke loose. That is the problem.

    The OP is complaining about his odds. Well, you gamble and you lose. That is the nature of gambling, but none of this should have come down to gambling in the first place.
  • Arphaxad
    Arphaxad Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Actually, the 10% chance of pulling a 5* is per a token. You can't look at 100 tokens and think you'll get 10 5*s. The odds are not over a large number, they are per/token, so they reset with each token. There is no cumulative effect.

    Yes, if you have a 10% chance and you pull 100 tokens you should get close to 10% but there is nothing wrong with the RNG if you get 5% or even 0%.

    If you roll a die you have a 50% chance of getting an even number. But roll the same die 100 times and you will probably not get 50 odd and 50 even numbers. Same with LTs. Just because you have a 10% per a token does not mean you will get 10% of a 100 tokens.
  • kalex716
    kalex716 Posts: 184
    rkd80 wrote:

    The OP is complaining about his odds. Well, you gamble and you lose. That is the nature of gambling, but none of this should have come down to gambling in the first place.

    This is really important to contemplate. To me, this issue directly relates to how you sunset a 3 year old mobile game.

    If progression beyond 4 star, is strictly about gambling, you have to consider at what point is it time to walk away from the table?

    If 2 people joined a buyers club months ago, and both have pulled through 400 LT's in that time.... If one is operating at 15% pull rate, he can recognize that he's "winning". He doesn't even have to match a single set of tiles in the game itself to know he is pulling ahead of the pack. Its no mystery he keeps playing. Meanwhile, the other member of the club, is operating at 5% pull rate. He knows he is a loser, and it stands to reason he should walk away from the table.

    Eventually, we're all going to be faced with that choice and have to walk away because steady play, planning, and choice are no longer relevant at the top of the game anymore. Only RNG matters, and the odds of scoring are getting worse by the day.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Arphaxad wrote:
    Yes, if you have a 10% chance and you pull 100 tokens you should get close to 10% but there is nothing wrong with the RNG if you get 5% or even 0%.
    If you go 0 for 100 with an alleged 10% rate, and you don't think that indicates something is wrong with the RNG, I hope to god you don't have a job that has anything to do with analyzing and interpreting data.

    But that's not even the point. As the OP and others have said, the endgame gateway shouldn't have been contingent on pure luck in the first place.
  • veneretio
    veneretio Posts: 76 Match Maker
    I'd like to see them use the vault system for LTs. As someone trying to move from 3s to 4s. I don't want to see 5s. They're useless to me. I'm never going to get enough to hop over the 4* progression anyway.

    Just throw the same probability in a vault. Give the vault a reset every month with a reasonable reset cost and call it a day.
  • kalex716
    kalex716 Posts: 184
    veneretio wrote:
    I'd like to see them use the vault system for LTs. As someone trying to move from 3s to 4s. I don't want to see 5s. They're useless to me. I'm never going to get enough to hop over the 4* progression anyway.

    Just throw the same probability in a vault. Give the vault a reset every month with a reasonable reset cost and call it a day.

    This is a misconception. just 5 OML covers across all 3 colors is better than 95% of the 4 stars out there right now.

    As of now, its not too statistically unlikely that people could have lucked into this by now. Those that have felt compelled to delete their 5's because they don't think they're ready for it yet, would have been making a huge mistake.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    i pulled back to back 5 stars back i think in dec but then open 30 tokens and got 0

    i would love to see them add a REROLL into the game if you pull a cover you already have someone max. I mean spending 25 CP on something just to get 1000 ISO is just bad