Rank reset on new ladder



  • Lewd~ Pvp

    Bracket sempai noticed me!

    S-s-top resetting the ribbons, Baka! It's not like I wanted to win or anything, bakasempaioneechan.
  • My Quick Battle event is not showing any timer at all, nor my winrate...nothing...they've got to fix this mess quickly or im leaving the game untill they do.
  • Morphis
    Morphis Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    To be honest I gave up on trying the ladder till fixes all together.
    I ranked 1st yesterday but since now the bracket is so big and the game crashes(and some are reporting rank resets too) I just do not mind... When it is fixed I will try it out again if the brackets turn back to normal sizes.
    Cause right now even if everything else was working getting a good rank requires too much time.