Rank reset on new ladder

I was just at rank 3 of 6000ish with 36 points, won my next game and the ladder reset me to rank 5000 with 3 points.

At least I was not 300 points into this ladder but please fix this bullsh*t. Too many game crashes in the first ladder for losses as well.


  • Did you get your reward? Sounds like something for the bugs section.
  • I was rank 1 in the ladder that reset a couple hours ago. I got my rewards for that. This is the new ladder.
  • zaann85
    zaann85 Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    Dang dude. You play alot. 300+ points was insanely hard to get. I was holding second place at 150 until the last hour. My battery can't compete with that. Where the heck did thousands of people come from? Was the first pool divided up and this one is the full yard? Some dudes are at 90+ already jeez!
  • Yeah. Before was time-of-joining ladders/brackets. Now it is all players. Which, honestly, makes me feel disinclined to compete. I mean, 100 people, I'll try. 11 thousand? Nah. I have stuff to do that isn't this game, and some people don't, so why bother. Heh.
  • I won a bunch this go around, only to have my score reset and no wins or losses recorded after that. Was climbing the ranks and now I am not even able to.
  • Yeah. Pretty much what I was thinking too. I went from being excited to play to on the edge of installing. The prize support is laughable for 6000+ players given how little value boosters hold right now in the first place. At least a booster and 1000 Runes for top 1000.

    The new story quests start with needing disable or bounce very quickly which puts a foul taste in my mouth, too.

    What in the world are the devs thinking? Literally the worst app launch I have ever seen.
  • Oh, are we competing in one big ladder now? Okay, buh-bye PvP. I put in 10 hours of play for that first event and finished 8th in my LB; my win-ratio was in the upper 90%. There has to be a way score the LB such that the person with the most free-time on their hands doesn't necessarily win.
  • Not sure why I'm different, but after one win I'm 143/1350. Top player on my board has 21 points at the moment!
  • RubiconX wrote:
    Not sure why I'm different, but after one win I'm 143/1350. Top player on my board has 21 points at the moment!

    That's only 7 wins. I wish I was in your Ladder.
  • It's steadily growing. I'm now 33/3183 (27 points) and the leader has 57 points.
  • My ladder is bugged, I'm simultaneously ranked #1 and ranked #6000 with my stats being -- wins and -- losses lol.

    Also if they're going to have a 6000 player ranked match I'm not going to bother.
  • Guys have you noticed that you get 3 medals for winning no matter the lvl difference? I noticed that at the end of the first round. I was getting x3 all the time even if i was fighting lower lvl planeswalkers.
  • EDHdad
    EDHdad Posts: 609 Critical Contributor
    I got all of my scores reset as well. I'm currently at rank #8510 with 0 points.

    Even without the bugs, you might have to win 100 matches just to get a 225-rune booster pack. In the meantime, you'll have accumulated 5000 runes, which you could use to get 22 of the exact same booster pack.

    I think I'll pass on this particular contest. If we went back to smaller brackets, and if we could pick our prize card, I might be inclined to compete once in a while.
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    Argolis wrote:
    Guys have you noticed that you get 3 medals for winning no matter the lvl difference? I noticed that at the end of the first round. I was getting x3 all the time even if i was fighting lower lvl planeswalkers.
    Yes, that was hotfixed about 5 hours from the end of the white PvP, presumably to stop people from gaining an advantage by intentionally underleveling their characters.

    Everyone: I'm 99% sure that the brackets are just broken right now. Don't throw the game away because you're suddenly rank 3000 of 11000 or whatever. The last brackets were supposed to go to 500, and these should be, too. I've also lost ribbons for no reason. Apparently many of us have.

    This is their 2nd PvP so far, and surprise! It's broken. I doubt they tested the transition from one PvP to the next very well, but whatever: I'm sure they'll fix it. It sucks that it's blue, and everyone knows blue is a bit OP right now so people are already trying, but hopefully they'll fix the bracketing and either give compensation or otherwise make our scores right.
  • Special bonus! I woke up this morning to find my 6 points wiped out and back to 0 points. Leader is at 288 points which means 96 wins since the reset.

    I guess I'll go back to collecting my daily rewards again. I did that for a month already. What's another?
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    ecoKady wrote:
    Special bonus! I woke up this morning to find my 6 points wiped out and back to 0 points. Leader is at 288 points which means 96 wins since the reset.

    I guess I'll go back to collecting my daily rewards again. I did that for a month already. What's another?
    Yeah many of us have had our ribbons reset. My guess is that the hotfix to 3 ribbons completely screwed up the sharding system (that puts us in groups of 500) and/or the transition was just bad from the start, but either way it's broken, and the erasing of ribbons seems like they're trying to reset it while they're trying to fix it. In any case, we'll see how quickly it gets fixed and what is offered to make it right (probably just an apology but any acknowledgement would be something).
  • Everyone deserves a mythic card for enduring this **** but then it would take 2 months and another patch update to receive it...
  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    Everyone deserves a mythic card for enduring this **** but then it would take 2 months and another patch update to receive it...

    How about a rare instead? 95% of mythics are garbage tier. Unless you think Skaab Goliath is a good magic card...
  • I'd gladly take another mythic that's not Chandra's Ignition.
  • The main reason mythics suck is because right now they have an obsession with making mythics cost unbelievably high amounts of mana.

    The best mythic is also the cheapest one...