Rank reset on new ladder



  • This game is officially one big trainwreck right now between resets and game crashes.
  • span_argoman
    span_argoman Posts: 751 Critical Contributor
    Whoa my ladder points just got reset out of nowhere. Went from rank 217 (maybe 60+ points? Didn't keep track) or so to 6591. That is not cool.
  • I just looked up Chandra's Ignition. Wow, that's trash. Worse than any number of red rares like Exquisite Firecraft or Ravaging Blaze. Avaricious Dragon is pretty good, though. Of my four mythics, it's the only one worth using (the other three are Infinite Obliteration, which is like the others too expensive, Demonic Pact which is good but too much investment and risk to lose to Conclave Naturalists, and Evolutionary Leap which is... guess what... too expensive, and doesn't give enough gems to activate).
    I have this problem with white rares where they'll look good, then I'll have them in my hand next to Relic Seeker, and suddenly I wonder why my deck can't be all Relic Seekers.
  • EDHdad
    EDHdad Posts: 609 Critical Contributor
    They recently reduced the cost of The Great Aurora from 30 to 15. It used to be unplayable, but now it's an auto-include if you have it. Especially because you now have unlimited discard, so when you don't need it, you can just pitch it.

    Day's Undoing is absolutely bonkers. This is another spell which benefits greatly from the ability to discard.

    Archangel of Tithes is also nuts. Don't worry about that 18 mana cost. You'll get it all back in 2-3 turns, or win the game. Whatever.

    Demonic Pact used to pretty much win you the game, but it's been recently Nerfed, so it should be used with caution. However, it's much more in line with the original card, which could literally lose you the game. Plus, you can always pitch it.

    Disciple of the Ring is completely nuts.

    Hangarback Walker is probably win-more. But if you can cast it, you will win more.

    Hixus Prison Warden was recently Nerfed, but previously it would literally just win the game.

    Skaab Goliath is hilarious, because the computer player has no idea how to play it. They usually cast it on an empty board and the card instantly dies.

    Starfield of Nyx can lock down the game with the right build (Hint: Sigil of the Empty Throne). Supports are nearly impossible to destroy, and this one just keeps bringing them back.

    Thopter Spy Network is insanely overpowered, and should be Nerfed. There's no reason it should be spitting out 4 Thopter tokens per turn. 1 or 2 would be sufficiently terrifying.

    Zendikar Incarnate is a house. It can get stupidly big very quickly. But I do usually end up cutting it for creatures which impact the board state. Killing their stuff is more important to me than having a big dumb creature. But he does get really big and really dumb.

    I think part of the problem people have is thinking of 15, 18, 21 mana as some insurmountable hurdle. It's a lot of mana, but you can accumulate it over several turns. It isn't like paper Magic where you play a one drop spell on turn 1, a 2 drop spell on turn 2, and if you don't use the mana you lose it forever.
  • It's not an insurmountable hurdle. But why pay 21 (25 for Pyromancer's Goggles) for a support that might, if I'm lucky, do something worth less mana? Some mythics are trash not because the cost is high, but because the cost is high relative to the effect. If Evolutionary Leap (or Pyromancer's Goggles) had match 3-5 and cost 15-18, it would be better, to the extent that it might be playable.
    And for Chandra's Ignition, the problem is that red already has excellent removal. It doesn't need a boardwipe. And considering that your opponent is unlikely to have three creatures out, you likely aren't getting maximum value. It should be at least a little cheaper. If I had 19 mana, I'd be playing Iroas's Champion, Avaricious Dragon, Abbot of Keral Keep, or Skaab-Clan Berzerker.
  • Damn. I was leading my bracket with 150, then I come out after a win, and I'm at 0, but I'm in the same bracket! The guy in 2nd is now 1st with the same score he had. How the hell did I get reset back to 0 but everyone gets to maintain their scores?
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah the current blue PvP is still badly broken. I've chosen not to put any more effort into it because no one knows what will happen or what's going on and scores keep getting reset. At this point enough time has passed that it's not going to be possible to just restore progress, so I have no idea how they will untangle this mess or if they will even try. I thought they'd put out a quick notice today about it or cancel the event or something. We'll see.
  • There's a suggestion in the Tech support forum that the ribbon reset is triggered by switching planeswalkers. Can anyone provide corroboration or counterexamples?
  • There's a suggestion in the Tech support forum that the ribbon reset is triggered by switching planeswalkers. Can anyone provide corroboration or counterexamples?

    Resets on switching decks. Resets between wins. Resets on crashes. Resets whenever the hell it pleases.
  • I've confirmed on Facebook that two others had it happen upon switching walkers, which makes sense because I switched to level Chandra and then the reset happened. Just decided to finish off Heroics and then play pvp with Gideon only

    And I also expected some type of response but they have been silent. Probably still dazed from the intense amount of complaints and tickets sent into them. If I owned Wizards, I'd be pissed.
  • span_argoman
    span_argoman Posts: 751 Critical Contributor
    I can confirm that my points reset happened after I switched to using Jace for the quick battle. Painful bug
  • Wow good catch on that bug, I suppose that is what must have happened to me.
  • I don't think it comes from switching planewalkers. I switch them constantly while quick battling and I don't think I did get a reset every time. Not 100 percent sure though cause I wait for the next event.

    Also I'm really surprised that there are ladders with only a few thousands in it while others have to compete against 20k+ others. Seems a bit unfair.
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can also confirm that it happens without changing PWs.
  • killercool
    killercool Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    I hope I can avoid the reset. I am in a bracket of 5 people for the "Meeting of the Minds" pvp. Currently first, but frankly I am happy to finish last in a 5 person bracket. The number of people in the bracket has not changed for an hour so far. Sweet....
  • killercool wrote:
    I hope I can avoid the reset. I am in a bracket of 5 people for the "Meeting of the Minds" pvp. Currently first, but frankly I am happy to finish last in a 5 person bracket. The number of people in the bracket has not changed for an hour so far. Sweet....
    Mine has 25,000 people. Of which I am 16th. Go me?
  • I just. I can't.
  • And it's happened to me! Great! icon_neutral.gif
  • Obscene. That is the best word I can think of to describe the current state of PvP.
  • I have better words, but I think they want these forums to be family friendly.