Not getting rewards after battles in PVP and LR



  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    Could not agree more Bobby, I normally pull about 40-50k iso from the lr's each week (I started keeping track after the last comp of 5k) and now with champions the extra covers are welcome....I say this about everytime that I am ranting but the really just need to stop being so stingy with digital resources...20 iso needs to be upped to 50, 70 to 100, 140 to 200, etc...or lower the costs of leveling, which I know will never happen.
  • To be honest... screw compensation for this. They got rid of 20 iso. I'm already too happy to care about one lost week of lightning rounds.
  • frachr
    frachr Posts: 41 Just Dropped In
    Is the bug fixed?
  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    Last time they rewarded an amount of ISO equal to what the top 2% of LR players would have received. They significantly over compensated.

    Unclear what they will do here, if anything. I'm sure their first priority is ensuring it doesn't happen again/figuring out what happened.
  • Varg138
    Varg138 Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    Yes, getting rid of the 20 ISO and resetting Prologue nodes with ISO rewards is fantastic, but clearly that was something they were working on for awhile, and we would have gotten this anyway had LRs rewarded ISO this week or not. At this point I'd be fine with blanket compensation for this, even though this would still put me at a loss. Like many others, I have covers expiring next week and count on LRs for the ISO required to champ.
  • StevO-J
    StevO-J Posts: 751 Critical Contributor
    Bumping this up, mainly because there has been no word on compensation if any.

    Had an idea, how about they run the next LR's with double Iso from matches? Frequent players get more, infrequent players get a little less unless they are wlling to play more... It's not like everyone is going to be drowning in Iso all of a sudden, right?
  • Varg138
    Varg138 Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    The thread on this topic has been locked under general discussion, citing that "the issue has been fixed." Yes, rewards are NOW being given, but what about the ISO we lost during those events? Blanket compensation? Double ISO LRs this week?
  • amusingfoo1
    amusingfoo1 Posts: 597 Critical Contributor
    I lost out on 6-22.5k (depending on what I'd gotten in the range of 70-250 ISO per match). Glad to hear it's an acknowledged bug, but want at least the low end of that ISO.
  • Varg138
    Varg138 Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    OK, so this week's LRs have started; no double ISO (that was a long shot anyway). But still no word on ANY compensation for this? Last time there was a glitch like this, there was a blanket compensation at the very least.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Varg138 wrote:
    OK, so this week's LRs have started; no double ISO (that was a long shot anyway). But still no word on ANY compensation for this? Last time there was a glitch like this, there was a blanket compensation at the very least.
    The answer from customer service is that Lightning Round battles don't necessarily guarantee ISO. Their main purpose is to provide an easy way to get heroic tokens, and to boost your season score. I **** you not.
  • Varg138
    Varg138 Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    simonsez wrote:
    Varg138 wrote:
    OK, so this week's LRs have started; no double ISO (that was a long shot anyway). But still no word on ANY compensation for this? Last time there was a glitch like this, there was a blanket compensation at the very least.
    The answer from customer service is that Lightning Round battles don't necessarily guarantee ISO. Their main purpose is to provide an easy way to get heroic tokens, and to boost your season score. I tinykitty you not.

    What the...? Sigh... icon_rolleyes.gif
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    and to boost your season score.

    Oh, cool. I'll have to start hitting them harder to improve my season score.

  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Making LRs contribute to season score sounds like a great idea for my booming crystal meth distribution empire.
  • Esheris
    Esheris Posts: 216 Tile Toppler
    Hope to keep this thread up top so the Devs will do something about last weeks LR's. It was an obvious bug and that they aren't doing anything about it is pretty pathetic.
  • Varg138
    Varg138 Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    Esheris wrote:
    Hope to keep this thread up top so the Devs will do something about last weeks LR's. It was an obvious bug and that they aren't doing anything about it is pretty pathetic.

  • Tarouza
    Tarouza Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    Any news on this
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tarouza wrote:
    Any news on this
    ... it's not happening any more?

    Locking this thread. If the devs had an announcement to make, I think they'd have done so by now.
This discussion has been closed.