Which 3* is the worst?



  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Dauthi wrote:
    Not at all. Eliminate all 3 matches of yellows on the board before dropping it and it will typically have a long life since it is a single strike tile. Unlike guys like R&G who have multiple medium strength tiles, all it takes is Sentry's one tile to get lodged somewhere untouchable and you will destroy the other team.

    It's also important to realize when a character's offensive abilities are avoiding damage since you can't predict the future. If he drops his yellow you may save more health packs due to a quick kill then when the enemies who live instead pull off their abilities instead.
    True, but match-3s aren't the only thing you have to worry about. An errant match-4 line clear, a board shake ability or a special tile targeting ability (like Redwing) could easily take out your single strike tile (not to mention Sentry himself has 2 board shake abilities that can easily accomplish that). If I remove all possible yellow matches before activating Panther's yellow, I can achieve a similar effect but with a better margin of safety. Also, multiple medium strength tiles better gain the benefit of several buffing abilities, like Inspiration, or powering up abilities like Keep Your Enemy Closer.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Mawtful wrote:
    IMO, Vision is the only one on that list who is objectively bad.

    Spider-Man, Ragnarok, Iron Man, and even Quicksilver, all have some form of support ability which can be used to help the rest of a team. Vision is an exercise in bad design.

    If you have a Vision with 5 blue covers and levelled up at least until the point he's 166 or above when buffed, you'll be surprised at the kind of damage he can output for very little cost. Ragnarok may have 2 outright damaging abilities and one support but all three are so bland and similar to others -while also being hilariously underpowered, that he takes my vote.

    IM40 would have been my only other choice, but I know that people who got one with only 2 yellow covers have a use for it.

    Agree on Vision. I was one of the ones who were very critical of him. I just couldn't work out how to use him so it seemed like he was utterly useless!

    Then someone on this forum pointed out that I should fire his blue and then follow it with his red straight away and see what happens. I immediately had a whole new respect for Vision! He dealt 4000 damage to all 3 of my opponents! Thats Kamala Khan damage there and she's considered extremely useful. Yes, you have to fill both Vision's red and blue to be able to do serious damage but it certainly makes him a hell of a lot better than the worst bracket in this game.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would vote Quicksilver with Iron Man a close second.
  • GMadMan040
    GMadMan040 Posts: 207
    edited January 2016
    TL;DR - All Characters are useful-ish at some point, but all-around Ragnarok takes the crown.

    In all fairness, at this point all 40 3* characters have some kind of usefulness somewhere. Every character has at least one type of thing to offer, be it as a support member of a decent team, a specialist to counter other characters, useful for PVE or useful for PVP, etc.

    So in order to really determine the "worst" character, one really needs to consider the context in which the question is being asked. I've found that most of the perception and/or rankings tend to center around a PVP oriented mentality. This makes perfect sense, as there are a large number of players on the forums who maintain this as a particular focus.

    There is, however, a reasonably objective means of trying to figure out who holds the title. That would be "who is closest to the bottom on all of these lists". The character, who even when boosted is really just not doing much anywhere.

    IM40 is not that character. He has the capacity to be an excellent support character, even with 3 yellow covers, but at 2 he is frankly, one of the best generators in the game. His other skills are lousy, but that one skill is so good that he gets fairly regular play. All those lightning rounds for instance.

    Vision is also not even close to that category. Straight up, Vision ROCKS. Sure he stinks on defense, but under player control, Vision can DESTROY teams. He needs to be max level or at the very least be tanking all his colors and TU's for this to be the case. Trust this, at 5/5/3 and under these criteria, Vision tears it up. Drop that blue, get great match damage, drop that red on top of it or shortly thereafter and smile. He teams well, appropriately, with Scarlet Witch. Throw Quicksilver on that team, and you will be surprised at how effective they can be. If you've got a covered Jean Grey, 1000X better. LOVE THAT TEAM.

    Speaking of Quicksilver, he's definitely bottom tier, but he's not useless. He can be a decent third on a couple of teams and his powers can be put to some use. His power set is objectively weak, so he needs to be boosted, but when he is, he's not as bad as he's made out to be. Though he is for sure challenging for the title.

    Spider-Man? I used to hate 3* Spider-man, but he is one of the only true "support" characters in the game. His stuns are cheap and can add up fast, and his protect tiles can be powerful. The heal is OK, not good for much, but has the capacity to prolong the match. He's also, to me anyway, one of the most annoying opponents to face, mostly because he can lengthen matches on defense so easily. When time is on the line, PVP shield hop for example, this can be a factor.

    Colossus is a fine tank when called upon to be so. He teams well with some other characters in the game. His main issue? He shares the exact same color spread as 3* Cyclops, who is the second best 3* character in the game. Otherwise, he's mid-tier.

    Squirrel Girl gets dumped on way more often than she should. Against special tile users, she is amazing. One element of her yellow that should not be overlooked, sometimes the best strategy IS to give up a turn and let the AI set you up for a better move. She has the same problems as Colossus does, having a color set with not one, but two of the absolute top tier characters - Iron Fist AND Scarlet Witch. But another character who is definitely NOT bottom-tier.

    I'm not even gonna address why Bullseye is even an option on this list, other than to say it's nonsense.

    Same goes for Doc Ock - he's like Liam Neeson in Taken, he has a particular set of skills. And when the time comes for him to use them, he crushes it.

    Psylocke is not terrible, but I never use her except in her PVP event. I would make an argument for her over some of the other characters on here, because she does nothing that someone else doesn't do better. Also a contender in my mind.

    Sentry-bombing got nerfed huge way back in the day, but it is still a somewhat viable strategy for the times that you NEED a win. Also, his yellow can be absolutely huge. I hate Sentry, he was my last 3* rostered and I sold him many times over, but he can be useful under the right circumstances. I just hate using him, and I know I am not alone in this thought process. But he has uses.

    Ragnarok, oh Ragnarok. In just about every aspect, Ragnarok is such a weak character. He's got great hit points and a decent self-heal, making him oh-so-annoying to see in all those PVE events, but those skills really don't do much when you are trying to use him yourself. He's a blue generator, but nobody in his class really has the kind of blue skill that finds that useful. And his green. Insert whatever set of expletives you want about his green, they all work well. So for my money, he takes the cake as the worst in class.

    Sorry for the long post, but these kind of discussions remind me of what this forum used to be and what it has the potential to be - a great reference point for discussing the mechanics of the game and how to best utilize them. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    PS - there really are numerous characters who could use some tweaks (Hulk) and reworks (IM40, Spiderman), but until that happens, this tier is what it is and making the most of it is the best anyone can do, right?
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    gotta concur with bulls being dope on wave nodes. i had him going with r&g and panther for the enemy of the state wave nodes. literally had the whole board covered in strike tiles. 4500-5000 match damage. cascades take out a whole wave.
  • Sm0keyJ0e
    Sm0keyJ0e Posts: 730 Critical Contributor
    I also like Sentry--he has some utility as a scarecrow when paired properly (like with Carnage and KK). His yellowflag.png strike is beastly when it's tough to match away and there are attack tiles to enhance it. Also, throwing down World Rupture and firing his yellowflag.png the turn before those go off will likely clear out the opposing team. His redflag.png is very powerful. Using him with natural healers like R&G, Wolverine or Daken also limits some of the team impact and reliance on health packs.

    IM40 has some utility when paired with Colossus as you can Fastball him for a 66% chance at his redflag.png or blueflag.png .

    When I look across my roster it seems the ONLY character I will not use outside of requirements is Rags. Everyone else I will use for fun (Bullseye, Quicksilver), as part of a special team (Doc Ock with Carnage, Vision with KK) or situational use depending on the opposition.

    So my vote is Rags based on my play style.
  • Quicksilver paired with Daredevil caused absolute carnage in the recent event, setting up ambush tiles and then triggering them with the tile swap is killer. Add to that blue is setting up AOE damage and stun locking, brutal.

    No doubt, QS in isolation looks - on paper - absolute toilet, but pair him up correctly and he can make life real easy.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2016
    Of the top 4 on the poll, it is a hard pick between Rags, Sentry, and Ironman. As said, alone Quicksilver is disappointing, but can work as a trap trigger guy.

    Ironman has good skills, just too expensive.

    I voted Sentry. Pay 8 yellow and 1724 health for a 570 strike (on a single tile) or use Black Partner, pay 9 and zero health for 525 or 780 if you have team up ap. And everything he does hurts your own team in some way. That tipped my scales just over Rags, who is generally 'meh'.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sentry and Rags.. attacks not strong enough to justify their damage to you.

    But Sentry green with some strong strike and defense tiles...
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    I guess everyone voting for Rags never plays PvE.

    Most of these characters have the ability to beat you in some way or another, despite how bad they are. But I can't remember any match I ever lost ever because of Spidey.
  • I would also agree that Sentry is the worst

    I will say I actually like using a boosted Vision. Quick powers / AOE / Strike Tile removal - lots of utility. And when you add him with KK you keep healed as well. he's very underrated.
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    mpqr7 wrote:
    Sentry and Rags.. attacks not strong enough to justify their damage to you.

    But Sentry green with some strong strike and defense tiles...
    Protect tiles don't reduce self damage from World Rupture though. It used to do that which made pre-nerf Sentry even more ridiculously broken than he was but they changed that pretty quickly.
  • gravel
    gravel Posts: 585 Critical Contributor
    Voted for IM40. Powers cost way too much, self-stun, countdown tiles, ugh. Second choice would be Sentry for me. Others have brought up some of the positives of other characters on list. Most are at least useable when required or boosted.
  • XandorXerxes
    XandorXerxes Posts: 340 Mover and Shaker
    Poor Colossus, his name is spelled wrong.

    Most of these characters are situationally useful, it may be helpful to ask "which is the worst 3* in <given situation>?" The Vision discussion has hit the nail on the head - the AI is horrendous with him, but he can turn out some big damage when you're using him.

    If you're trying to take into account all the different situational uses as well, I vote Quicksilver. With my cascade luck I've been burned by AI Rags and IM40 too many times to vote for them, whereas even when things go south against Quicksilver I can usually come out relatively unscathed (he can still get props for his offensive combo with Daredevil).
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm on the Ragnasuck bandwagon. The others are all useful in some way at some point. Spiderman drags out matches on defense. Quicksilver isn't a damage-dealing monster, but isn't as bad as he's made out to be and can pair up nicely with certain teams. Doc Ock is a savage when special tiles are in play. Psylocke is really underrated - she won't one-shot anyone, but she'll nickel-and-dime you to death with her cheap skills and tiles.

    I can't think of a single situation where I've ever said, or would ever say, "Man, I sure do wish I had Ragnarok on my team right now."

    Red - weak damage even at 5 covers, throws down a handful of blue tiles which maybe gets you one match.
    Blue - OK self heal, but not true healing and creates the ever-contentious charge tiles that might benefit the other team.
    Green - expensive as hell and lolselfdamage

    Everything he can do, he does poorly. His only saving grace is having a lot of health, which for me makes him trash to only be used when he's essential. Hell, even in the recent Krakadoom I don't think I used his skills at all unless I was using a team where he was the only user for that color.
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    I have all of the 3* rostered except for Sentry, Ragnarok, and IM40. And I expect it'll stay that way.
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Bring Kamala along and Sentry's powers don't hurt quite as much. Obviously, he still eats through health packs, but at least you'll survive longer in-match.
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    simonsez wrote:
    I guess everyone voting for Rags never plays PvE.

    Most of these characters have the ability to beat you in some way or another, despite how bad they are. But I can't remember any match I ever lost ever because of Spidey.

    I play mostly PVE and I voted for Rags I actually think most of those voting may be PVE players. We're all so sick of seeing the Dark Avengers characters over and over again, and he's the only one of them on that voting list, so I think he's getting most of the hate (UPDATE: Sentry too, but he's not as overused like Rags and Moonstone). Rationally, I know now, with championing, that you too can make your Rags just as annoying as the scaled AI version in PVE. But lord I just wish he was removed from the game. icon_evil.gif
  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    IM40 is the only 3* I know of that is actually better when under-covered. That might not make him the worst to some people, but it does to me.
  • Ebolamonkey84
    Ebolamonkey84 Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    I have to vote for IM40. Red and Blue cost way too much for what they do, especially with them potentially draining 10 AP from the other 5 colors. Yellow is great, but the increased AP costs ruins it at higher levels. IM40 is the only 3* character I don't have maxed because of his poor design.

    Rags red is a nice cheap blue generator, and his blue can be great when paired with someone like LThor, KK, or GSBW.