How does one beat carnage...



  • zeeke
    zeeke Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    I ran Logan xfdp, works great.

    Finally a PVE where vets can pull ahead!
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    The Cascade Kings worked well , and Fistclops, those are now my go-to's for the carnage nodes.

    When using Kings, just make sure to leave 4 matches (other than red) for carnage, so loki can do his thing. 3rd clear of that node was a near flawless win (Xfw recovery tile resolved, or it would not have been)
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    That Miles essential is a pain in the ****. The Carnage/Venom/feeder combo is bad enough with 3 good characters, never mind with a 2-cover dead weight as part if your team. I've beaten it twice with Iceman/HB, but a lot depends on board luck.

    I guess it arguably could be said this is a pve where vets have a leg up, but that doesn't compensate for the sheer frustration of playing, it's simply not fun. I like the story, but mechanically both the event and the new goons seem to scream "buy more health packs".
  • Sandwichboy
    Sandwichboy Posts: 193 Tile Toppler
    His name is Otto Octavius.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,222 Chairperson of the Boards
    matthatter wrote:
    This has officially become too difficult for me to beat. I can't even beat the miles essential with moonstone. These things are tougher than ultrons goons.

    Good bye 4 star.png venom.

    Fyi, not complaining; merely lamenting. Good on you D3 for the new story, goons, and difficulty.

    unless your in a death bracket and had all 3 ess you should been able to take top 100..

    i did not touch the final nod in stage 2 3 or 4 and still took top 50

    if they keep the goons off the vemon and car brackets event would of been perfect. out of 10 i give it a 7
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    The duo of Hulk and Red Hulk did the trick. Anger led to Hammering the team! Plus Gamma Siphon kept Venom from using his green. I used Black Panther for as a third so I have a decent yellow to match away from Venom. His strike tiles are an asset with Carnage's attack tiles.

    For the Miles node, use Miles' red (that is likely your only cover) to stun Carnage so the goon uses their red CD instead.

    Not easy, but not hard.. definitely not grindable though.
  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    Der_Lex wrote:
    That Miles essential is a pain in the ****. The Carnage/Venom/feeder combo is bad enough with 3 good characters, never mind with a 2-cover dead weight as part if your team. I've beaten it twice with Iceman/HB, but a lot depends on board luck.

    But Miles isn't dead weight for a change. If you have him, you probably have his red (t100 and alliance reward), which gives you a cheap stun. True, it costs 6, so you need better than a match-3 if you come in boosted, but the goon's strength is also its weakness: It feeds red, but it'll also spend red if there are no other outlets (and sometimes even if there are, if you're lucky). Don't get me wrong, it's tough, but Miles helps out.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    The Cascade Kings worked well

    Who is in that team?
  • skippytx
    I've been using Cyclops and IF with various 3rd characters (my single yellow cover OML is awesome for PVE) most of this PVE and just blasting everyone to bits.

    I took my 3/3/4 PX, IF, and Cyclops in and got a lucky board that started with a match 5 purple and destroyed that node really easily.

    The stun carnage trick so the goon uses the red AP is a good idea as well.

    I actually like the node because you had to think to come up with a good team to counter them. I found the Miles node harder since I was hamstrung with a single cover Miles instead of a bring my own 3 team.
  • byc
    byc Posts: 297 Mover and Shaker
    If this was on Brooklyn Bridge with Devourer + was tough.

    I ended up brute forcing it after like 4 tries and using all my medkits.

    2x +2 to all gems, 4x 20% damage on all matches. 140 Beast, 140 Patch, 150 Ms Marvel. On the 5th try, I actually got very very lucky, and only the Devourer and Venom fired off powers, and I rolled the CPU in like 9 turns. Previously something always went wrong one way or another and I loss.

    So sorry for not having useful strategy.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    matthatter wrote:
    When carnage it's getting fed redtile.png ? This last node has almost wiped out my entire roster and i can't even kill one of them.

    You need a roster that has IF and Cage maxed out since these characters are boosted it makes it pretty easy. I use LCap as well for his blue/red and waste them. Sometimes I take moderate damage but just focus your attacks on Carnage first and you should be able to take him down fast enough. Without IF and Cage, yeah it would be difficult. No matter what, it is Carnage and these goons are Carnage-lite, so you will need to use some health packs every few nodes. Sometimes luck comes into play to and the goon uses the red AP to fire his ability instead of Carnage.
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    Cleared the final node of sub 3 6x. No wipes. Charlie's Angels every time, +2 blurple, +2 rainbow. Got lucky a couple times with a match-5 on the initial board.

    If I didn't have Prof X ... I would have tried Spidey Fistwitch ... or maybe Hulk GSBW Witch.

    Guess what? Final node of sub 4 is pretty much a repeat, only difference is a Horror instead of a Demolisher. Peanut Butter babe instead of Aqua Dog, same red-green feed!

    Also Carnage on the initial node is quite pesky, Venom Carnage on the Miles Morales essential is quite nasty, and clearing the Carnage/Double PinkDog Spidey essential, without a maxed Spidey would not be quite as much fun.

    Have fun, kids!

    One bad board and Chuck is toast. Glad it worked for you but Scythes will ruin Charley, invisible or not.

    Also, I've got a maxed out 3* roster and a growing stable of 4* and Symbiote Scythes is still the **** devil. It's a REALLY inexpensive ability so with a feeder, it's going to go off pretty much no matter what you do. I've been in the Spidey essential node with LC/IF and using b/p and rainbow boost and even with that I can't stun him in time to prevent it. It's a horrifying health pack sink no matter where you are in the game.
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    ... Scythes will ruin Charley, invisible or not.

    Incorrect. Carnage's Symbiote Scythes is a targeted AoE; it can only hurt an invisible character if that character has teammates. Cleared the hard nodes featuring Carnage repeatedly with Charlie's angels; cleared the Miles essential with Prof X and a strike tile maker; and the Spidey essential with Spidey Cage Witch. Ground the last sub down to nothin'.

    Also, I've got a maxed out 3* roster and a growing stable of 4* and Symbiote Scythes is still the tinykitty devil. It's a REALLY inexpensive ability so with a feeder, it's going to go off pretty much no matter what you do. I've been in the Spidey essential node with LC/IF and using b/p and rainbow boost and even with that I can't stun him in time to prevent it. It's a horrifying health pack sink no matter where you are in the game.

    "No matter where you are in the game"? My other account is a 2* affair. It's been clearing these subs with 2* Thor/Storm/Magneto, and is ranked top 10 (in some noob bracket, of course). It's scaling tops out at 119, but for a 2* player Venom/Carnage at that level is death on a stick. The key is the same, stun, stun, stun.

    True enough re: the targeted aspect of Scythes, but given that the suggestion is that you can use this team repeatedly to clear the node, I'm assuming your strategy isn't to get SW/BW killed off as soon as possible to keep PX safe.

    Regarding the second half, Yes, I understand the need for stun.....and? My point was that Carnage with a red feeder will cause you to use a ton a health packs, which your post seems to corroborate. So not clear why you have a question mark after my quoted comment.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards

    True enough re: the targeted aspect of Scythes, but given that the suggestion is that you can use this team repeatedly to clear the node, I'm assuming your strategy isn't to get SW/BW killed off as soon as possible to keep PX safe.

    No, but you can use the bottom end of your roster, 2☆, unleveled 3☆ to be quickly dispatched, leave Carnage for last and he'll make all the attack tiles you need
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    Spider-Man, classic Magneto and Scarlet witch. Just make sure you keep the cheap red aoe Mean Person stunned.

    Or Captain Marvel, Hulk and Cyclops if you don't mind using health packs.

    **** node. Cleared it like, twice and stopped playing altogether. Much nicer things to do with my free time these holidays.

    Mod edit: Language
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Crowl wrote:
    Malcrof wrote:
    The Cascade Kings worked well

    Who is in that team?
    my guess is that is mags/xf/fist or mags/xf/loki.
  • Sandwichboy
    Sandwichboy Posts: 193 Tile Toppler
    I'd personally use IF over loki in that team, but both work. IF does have more health though, and that handy attack tile.
  • Ebolamonkey84
    Ebolamonkey84 Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    I'd personally use IF over loki in that team, but both work. IF does have more health though, and that handy attack tile.

    The reason that you use Loki over IF with CMags and XF is that you can get the board down to essentially five colors after Polarizing Force and Surgical Strike. The AP gain from Illusions can be ridiculous, often allowing you to continue chaining moves without the enemy getting a turn.
  • GMadMan040
    TxMoose wrote:
    Crowl wrote:
    Malcrof wrote:
    The Cascade Kings worked well

    Who is in that team?
    my guess is that is ... mags/xf/loki.


    A classic that just keeps on ticking.

    Don't know what to try? Call the Kings.

    It is truly not possible to overestimate the greatness of this team. This lineup can't beat everything, but for sure they should be the default first attempt at taking on any challenge. Once the tempo is up to speed, almost every other team in the game is shut out from making a move AND is getting pummeled at the same time. Mmmmm....all that tasty board control.

    Side note - They stink on defense, but that's not really the point here anyway.
  • Sm0keyJ0e
    Sm0keyJ0e Posts: 730 Critical Contributor
    I have found that using teams with quick and easy strike tiles turns Carnage's attack tiles against him in a hurry (and everyone else that follows). Blade, Sentry, R&G (which can also heal when low) can all flood the board with strike tiles relatively easily. Sentry is a throwaway for this battle--one and done. But his Sacrifice tile is really strong.