How does one beat carnage...

matthatter Posts: 151 Tile Toppler
edited January 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
When carnage it's getting fed redtile.png ? This last node has almost wiped out my entire roster and i can't even kill one of them.


  • If you stun him when he's at 6 red, the demolisher will fire his red cooldown tile instead of him being able to use scythe. Miles's red or Spidey blue are cheap stuns and to pull this off you don't need to stun him for over a turn. Then it's just a matter of surviving an occasional venom yellow and you're good to go.
  • matthatter
    matthatter Posts: 151 Tile Toppler
    This has officially become too difficult for me to beat. I can't even beat the miles essential with moonstone. These things are tougher than ultrons goons.

    Good bye 4 star.png venom.

    Fyi, not complaining; merely lamenting. Good on you D3 for the new story, goons, and difficulty.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, love the new story content and the new goons are at least interesting, but I played that node once and noped right out of it.

    I don't need the command point badly enough to subject myself to that.
  • Roopesh80
    Roopesh80 Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
    Gamora + spidey + gsbw.... And plenty of ap boosts..... Stun carnage often....
  • Norrin Radd
    Norrin Radd Posts: 65 Match Maker
    I opened up this topic expecting the "one does not simply" meme, but was disappointed. Also that node is a pain and is not worth the it for critical boosts.
  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    I've pulled it off thrice so far with CageFistWitch - stockpile purple and black, and last time was the first time I didn't get hit with the scythes. Basically you need an accelerator or a stun.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had tried a few teams. None were perfectly consistent, but were fully capable of beating them with a decent board.

    1) winfinite. Obvious answer, but if SW cd spawn in a poor place this team can lose hard.

    2) Imhb-Carols Denver-3Cyc. Pure red accelerator. This team aims to quickly take out carnage. All can take 2 scythes, and carols passive allows her to generate black and red. Problem with this team is that every battle ends up with me needing health packs.

    3) Spidey-GT-Mmn. Focus on Mmn purple ability to generate blue, which will allow GT to stun lock carnage. Spidey is in to tank purple for Mmn.

    Manage to grind out my cp with the 3 teams. Only use iso ap boost for every try.
  • ghostride23
    ghostride23 Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    Don't have a 3 star Spidey and facing that node at 214 (was 201 but somehow losing 8 times causes them to go up as they laugh). My highest characters to take is Luke and IF at 184. By the 4th or 5th turn, Carnage throws out his red for 4000 and usually followed by Venom and that's all she wrote. S Witch tile usually spams somewhere on the sides to add insult. Tried other teams and they are laughed into defeat. Maybe if I had a Bagman, maybe all would be alright.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    I beat that node using cage, if, she hulk. The key is to target carnage first. And when carnage has enough red for his red attack, make sure you rotate your tank up front. I ate his attack 2x, and managed to beat the node w/ one character dead. Wasn't pretty, but the points are needed for me to stay t10 in the event. icon_e_confused.gif
  • Redrobot30
    Redrobot30 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    I opened up this topic expecting the "one does not simply" meme, but was disappointed. Also that node is a pain and is not worth the it for critical boosts.

    This was actually my first thought when I saw this post. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2015
    I won with Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Falcon. Inspiration helped beef up all those strike tiles laying around, and Redwing occasionally took out a countdown. I boosted +2 blue/purple to get Iron Fist and Falcon a head start with their powers. It was not a pretty fight though - Falcon and Iron Fist were both under 800 HP at the end of it, and Luke Cage was sitting around 4000.
  • SolidQ
    SolidQ Posts: 247 Tile Toppler
    Usually i'm beat this node with winfinity. Sub 3 is easy compare to sub 4. Sub 4 is worst sub ever in all pve's icon_evil.gif
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards

    Also Carnage on the initial node is quite pesky, Venom Carnage on the Miles Morales essential is quite nasty, and clearing the Carnage/Double PinkDog Spidey essential, without a maxed Spidey would not be quite as much fun.

    I feel so lucky that I got the miles morales CP on my first try. That node is really nasty.
  • Good job successfully obviously not play testing your content again. It's amazing how you time after time fail to do basic things like, I don't know, making sure you can beat a node more than once consistently without relying on luck.

    Was top 2 for my bracket and now that's definitely ruined because you guys suck at doing basic testing.

    Oh wait. I'm sorry. You expect everyone to either have winfinite or suck it. Gud design!
  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    I hated sub 3, but I'm kinda liking sub 4 even though it's harder because I started focusing on the "puzzle" part. The spider characters are designed to fit together, so the answer to Venom and Carnage is Spidey or Miles. Until recognizing that, I was trying my skeleton key of CageFistWitch; I don't have the right ingredients for winfinite but would probably rely on it the same way if I did. I had decent success, but it wasn't optimal because I was trying to make the game conform to my playstyle, which I realize had become fairly one-size-fits-all. Some puzzles, though, require a specific solution rather than brute force. It doesn't mean the game is broken, but it can feel like that if you don't have (or haven't tried) the right components.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    You expect everyone to either have winfinite or suck it.

    Even winfinite is entirely reliant on board.
  • True enough. But winfinite has more consistency than a lot of other teams, especially when there's essentially an enrage timer on the match.

    For the record, it's still obviously beatable and for rosters that aren't smacked with 255 scaling (yay 3 5*s I don't touch because they aren't usable yet), you can grind it down decently.

    My issue is a combination of scaling, lack of play testing for players who don't have things like winfinite to massively conserve health packs as a whole and the fact that I essentially flushed hours down the toilet gunning for top 2 when I could have easily taken top 10 with less grinding.

    Had I known there were nodes like this, I wouldn't try to do optimal grinds and I wouldn't grind as hard. But I was top 2 for first two subs so I essentially resigned to at least trying to keep the placement leaving me to enviably fail.

    That's one major reason most of my top 2 placements have been in heroics. It limits roster advantages that I don't have and makes it more about how you play rather than what you have or don't have (since scaling makes a big difference).
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    When I can get a couple purple matches, I've had success with PX + 2 disposable heroes. His team mates need to die before the second Scythe. Kill the feeder, then Venom, then Carnage. Carnage gives you attack tiles to boost the entire match.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    True enough. But winfinite has more consistency than a lot of other teams, especially when there's essentially an enrage timer on the match.

    I disagree. I have more consistency with Imhb-carol team simply because they can generate a lot of red to kill carnage.. I am not reliant on the board as much as winfinite.

    Why don't you try a different approach? Instead of using one team to clear 4-5 times, try using a combination of different teams to clear it. In that sense it reduces the amount of health packs needed.

    Also, if you can't clear those node, clear the other nodes first. If you can't get top 2, then it just means the competition is better in grinding the node. I have friends who clear the carnage with OML. They have better rosters so better options. Don't blame them. I must have make do with whatever I have.