**** Venom (Eddie Brock) ****



  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,076 Chairperson of the Boards
    Venom 5/3/5
    3* Hawkguy 3/5/5
    Medusa 4/5/4

    my Venom is unchamped. Only lvl 168. But I'm telling you right now. I just tried this team a couple times vs teams with 4* Cage.


    and you WILL run out of arrows. My venom's yellow becomes an amazing nuke. I'm only lvl 168, but he's doing CRUSHING damage as I'm getting enemy shields out every turn. Many times, multiple shields on a single turn. Hawk's blue power is so fast to fire, Cage is dropping shields in black tiles, while you're dropping them on yellow tiles. But Venom is dropping the power of all of them. With so many special tiles on the field, its nearly impossible to not gain blue, purple, and green AP. Not just on the opponents turn.... ESPECIALLY on your turn. It's not uncommon to gain 4-6 purple or blue with a single match of two shields. 

    Youll actually want to use Hawk's black power to get more stuff on the field, heal, and gain more AP. 

    The purple and blue AP are constantly over 8 thanks to Medusa and Hawk's passives. Even after you've fired them a couple times. I fire Medusas Hair Meddle to steal some shields and gain some health back instead of Hawk's purple.

    Venom becomes the cleanup hitter on the team. I'm considering making him a 5/3/5 when I champ him because he will do most of the finishing damage. 
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2017
    OK wow, we have another excellent partner for Venom:
    Yes, he plays well with so many other characters, but he has unique synergy with Eddie Brock. Admittedly, you'll probably want to still use Vulture's green instead of Venom's. But, Eddie's green works quite well when there are lots of enemy specials on the board. 

    The idea here is to build up AP so that you can fire many powers at once. This happens fast after you get Vulture airborne the 1st time. His AP generation should build up at least 9 green, 9 blue, and a couple of black to get you a head start at going up again. Gather yellow while Vulture is soaring overhead (a few black as well). Try Not to get 10 total blue yet if possible. What? Read on.
    Do strong enough damage so that Venom passively adds 3+ enemy protect tiles to the board.
    Work quickly so that you have Vulture's black ready to fire again. If possible, try not to fire blue yet since you want to keep the enemy specials on the board for a bit.
    Place Vulture's green CD, then go airborne again. When Vulture lands, his CD gets removed to do strong AOE damage. Venom will add 3 more protects, one for each enemy damaged by the AOE.
    Now you can fire Venom's yellow for huge damage (ensure you have up to 6 enemy protect tiles for full damage). 
    Finally you can play Vulture's blue - if you were able to hold onto it this long. One of the best things about his Hybrid Tech Slicer is that it earns the AP for the enemy specials it removes. Therefore, it removes a bunch of the yellow enemy protect tiles, which gains you a huge jump on the yellow for Venom again. 
    This all happens faster than it sounds above, and the enemy team may be downed way ahead of firing Venom's yellow a 2nd time. 
  • VizMantis
    VizMantis Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    So is the consensus that his best build is 3/5/5?  I don’t have the iso to champ him, but I’ve got a few expiring covers that I can at least use to get him to optimal build for  essential/CotT uses.

    Seems like 3 in green still gets you all the same board shake as 5, you just lose a bit of damage.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    VizMantis said:
    So is the consensus that his best build is 3/5/5?  I don’t have the iso to champ him, but I’ve got a few expiring covers that I can at least use to get him to optimal build for  essential/CotT uses.

    Seems like 3 in green still gets you all the same board shake as 5, you just lose a bit of damage.
    3/5/5 is best, yes.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    For what it's worth, he's incredibly useful against the Brutes in the Mindless Ones.  That 500+ protect tile they just created/boosted?  Too bad..it's down to 1 now.
  • MarcusGraves
    MarcusGraves Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    Since I don't have a cover for his black passive yet, does anyone know if Mockingbird's secret mission passive boost is applied before give and take's boost?
  • Ragnoluce
    Ragnoluce Posts: 50 Match Maker
    I hope everyone remembers to pack an Eddie Brock in their PVE lunch tomorrow--Royal Shields are tailor-made for his green and yellow to absolutely wreck!
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ragnoluce said:
    I hope everyone remembers to pack an Eddie Brock in their PVE lunch tomorrow--Royal Shields are tailor-made for his green and yellow to absolutely wreck!
    Correct!  We would also accept Loki and 3-star Doc Ock as answers. :)
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ragnoluce said:
    I hope everyone remembers to pack an Eddie Brock in their PVE lunch tomorrow--Royal Shields are tailor-made for his green and yellow to absolutely wreck!
    Correct!  We would also accept Loki and 3-star Doc Ock as answers. :)
    I am using 5* Daredevil, works well too and he pairs very nicely with Gamora.
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    You are all correct, but since all of the protects are yours until they flip, bring along Wasp.
    Right before the 'neutral' countdown goes off, have Wasp switch the protects to Strike tiles. Done. No protects for the CD to switch to the enemy team.
    Also, I like Venom as well. plus Medusa, Hawkguy, etc.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,076 Chairperson of the Boards
    I really like Venom. Hes a pretty cool niche character in the same mold as Elektra and Patch. 

    Eddie 5/3/5 champed 
    Elektra 5/4/4 champed
    Kraven 3/5/5 champed

    this team does work. I’m really feeling them right now. With the rainbow covered, any match 4 starts sets a shield and starts the craziness. The important  powers here are relatively cheap.

    eddie’s green is 7 with a few every tiles on the field
    elektra’s Red and purple is 8
    eddies yellow is 8

    you can throw out Elektra’s DDC empty because that’s 3 enemy tiles and 1 more starts Kraven’s passive. You’re doing 1300+ damage each turn and setting off another shield. Another DDC cast and that’s over 1800+ each turn (unboosted). You get 8 red and you’re tacking on about 670+ damage each turn and stealing purple and black. 10 blue and you’re stealing AP with Kraven.

    Eddie’s yellow hits hard. It becomes the hardest hitting yellow in the tier on this team. And his green does nice damage at 5 although the board shakeup is probably better. 

    This team is really fun with their misdirection and damage dealing. 
  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 567 Critical Contributor
    So you found a use for Kravin :)  I have only gotten 4 covers so I am a while from trying this out but on the right team Venom has looked good to me as well.  I still do not have all his covers so I have never messed with him much, your above combo looks solid I always like seeing Electra get some good partners and I have some combos with her I may be putting up soon on her page once I can test them out. 

    The problem is, as with most of the teams we have talked about on her page and here is speed.  Yes these teams are going to win and they are a lot of fun but not many people have the patience to play these unique teams when they can blaze through a match with Gambit of BB.  This is too bad because there are lots of unique combos and trick that can be found if you put in the time.
  • MarcusGraves
    MarcusGraves Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    I would honestly never want to fight a venom/carnage/kraven team cause by turn 2-3 the damage just won't stop coming in from carnage attack tiles and kraven's passive. Then venom constantly getting his enemy protect tiles to feed any casts of yellow going off and green at max would actually be fine cause getting the cost down to 7 would be easy with the bonus of actually destroying a good amount of tiles on the board to shake it up.

    Just self looping, constant pain.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Had to champ Venom to save 2 covers on the vine. Never was really big on this guy but if anyone could clue me into some neat teams for him I'd love to try him. I know they're out there...
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    Had to champ Venom to save 2 covers on the vine. Never was really big on this guy but if anyone could clue me into some neat teams for him I'd love to try him. I know they're out there...
    I tried Eddie, Carnage and Kraven on Eddie's required SHIELD training nodes. It was Vicious.
  • Ragnoluce
    Ragnoluce Posts: 50 Match Maker
    I really like Medusa/Brock/Gamora--tons of cheap stuns with the generated Blue from matching shield tiles.

    Before i had Gamor4 champed I would use Medusa/Brock/Cylcops for a similar effect, though you have some yellow overlap. Oftentimes I would slot Venom 5/5/3 for that team, so it just became a boardshake factory between cyclops's powers, Medusa Purple, and Venom green.
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Dormammu said:
    Had to champ Venom to save 2 covers on the vine. Never was really big on this guy but if anyone could clue me into some neat teams for him I'd love to try him. I know they're out there...
    There's lots of fun/good teams listed within the last couple of pages
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ragnoluce said:
    Before i had Gamor4 champed I would use Medusa/Brock/Cylcops for a similar effect, though you have some yellow overlap. Oftentimes I would slot Venom 5/5/3 for that team, so it just became a boardshake factory between cyclops's powers, Medusa Purple, and Venom green.
    Just tried this team in Sim and it was very effective and fun.  :)