


  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    I have a feeling the forum may have moved up the release, with the outcry over a release on a holiday weekend..
    If they responded to our outcries, we wouldn't have 7 day events in the first place, and I sure as hell wouldn't be getting 20 iso for beating carnage and two muscles...
  • bigwhoop
    bigwhoop Posts: 49 Just Dropped In
    Malcrof wrote:
    I have a feeling the forum may have moved up the release, with the outcry over a release on a holiday weekend.. the new PVE may not be a release event at all, but a story with the new character, possibly featuring the next one, but not awarding it until Sim? This would make the most sense, both story-wise, and game wise.

    I believe the next release will either be the new PVE or the event after Simulator. Since the Simulator is a 3-day event, the new PVE should be a 4-day event to fit the current schedule. They could use the new PVE to introduce Mile's rival or just have another 4-day event(*fingers crossed*) during new years weekend.
  • OJSP wrote:
    bobbyfish wrote:
    OJSP wrote:
    bobbyfish wrote:
    Can anyone that played 7 day from the start for Cho comment on how crazy the grinding was?
    I was in that shard and it was crazy. But, to answer your main question: it depends on what we want to get out of the events. How many covers do you intend to win?

    A couple I guess. I would think T10 is out of the question for me on this one. I still don't know how I managed it on X23 despite joining from the start and missing a grind. 2 covers and one from the alliance and I'd be pretty happy
    For top 20 in a 7 day event, the trick is to join a fresh bracket (preferably not before the event starts), get top 10 placements for at least 3 or 4 days and top 50 for the rest. A consistent top 20 finish would be an option, but since the reward is the same as top 50 and it's usually quite tight between 11 and 20, it's much better to get some top 10 placements in the subs. It's also a safety net, just in case we missed a top 50 finish, at least we got some extra HP from another sub.

    However, with this event ending on Christmas Eve, it pretty much depends on whether you could grind then.. Missing top 20 in the first couple of days wouldn't be a problem because the points per sub are higher towards the end. But, missing the grind in the end would be really significant.

    Personally, I wouldn't aim for a 11-20 finish.. it's too tight. If possible aim for top 10, then that 2 covers would be our consolation prize. If I've found out after the 1st day that I've missed my chance for a top 10 finish, I'd aim for a top 100 finish (but still aim for top 50 per sub for the HP). It would significantly reduce the grinding. I had a couple of top 20 finish, to me they are not worth the extra effort.

    Thanks, I think you've swayed me to wait for it to fill once. I remember ghost rider and I made a rare attempt at optimal grind with 20 health packs and still didn't make T10 on the first sub. I'm not sure I can face 7 days effort with no reward
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cascad wrote:
    Sometimes I need to check the new character, because when I saw them first time the fisrt question in my head "Who the hell is he?". Black Spider-man (or black skin or afroamerican) it is something new... Why we need 4th spiderman? Did the spiderman bite this guy and he became spider-man also?

    This made me laugh
  • Eddiemon wrote:
    And after Battleworld Miles is stranded in regular 616 universe with Peter. I don't know if miles old universe was restored.
    ShionSinX wrote:
    Miles now is from the "standard" universe with the 616 guys. Haven't read the Web warriors yet so I could be wrong but I don't even think they made the multiverse again, I'd say its only one for now.

    Maybe the contest of Champions title indicates multiverse is still up but could be a parallel story.
    Ultimate End #5 seems to imply that the Ultimate universe was never restored (it's not explicit though, but the ending narration certainly implies that the heroes believe their universe might not be restored even if they overthrow Doom, but that they'll fight on despite that risk); the Miles Morales of that reality has been integrated into 616 and has always been there. 616 appears to have been restored to exactly the way it was (it's not a reboot, after all), with the sole exception that Miles Morales has always existed and has some kind of history there. Very similar to Crisis on Infinite Earths, but on a much smaller scale (and hopefully less complex and confusing!).

    The multiverse itself also has returned in some fashion, although it appears that not everything was restored. The new Squadron Supreme book features characters whose universes were destroyed in the Incursions, so I guess not all universes were restored by whatever happens in the last issue of Secret Wars. But there definitely is more than one universe, at least.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    I like the build for Miles. It made me think 3* could use a similar tune-up to give him an attack.
