Malcrof's take on the exploit and forum reaction



  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    Who has disagreed with me? I will get so mad if I find out! Grrr. Arghhh. Lol.

    I would gladly have discussed anything in my post. And if you proved me wrong then, I'd maybe have learned something new. Sadly you went a different way.

    No straw men in my argument as it was not about the op but several posts contained in thread. I am not angry, but I am passionate about my beliefs.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    thisone wrote:
    Malcrof wrote:
    Well, now that fight has split the posts, this thread has nothing to do with the game, so technically belongs in off topic....

    Malcrof, normally I defend you but there is no need for your posts. A majority of the playerbase is very irritated as it is, why make it worse?

    Because the joke worked so well the first time he thought he'd make the exact same one.

    Wait this whole thing was a joke? It did not look like.. boy am I totally out of the loop icon_e_confused.gif

    I'm at the point now where nothing surprises me with this game anymore.. I am not shocked players were cheating/exploiting nor am I shocked that D3 did little about it until now. It all makes sense why I am seeing players with near covered SS and OMLs.. I just assumed they refinanced their house and used the money to buy a bunch of tokens icon_lol.gif
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    thisone wrote:
    Malcrof wrote:
    Well, now that fight has split the posts, this thread has nothing to do with the game, so technically belongs in off topic....

    Malcrof, normally I defend you but there is no need for your posts. A majority of the playerbase is very irritated as it is, why make it worse?

    Because the joke worked so well the first time he thought he'd make the exact same one.

    Wait this whole thing was a joke? It did not look like.. boy am I totally out of the loop icon_e_confused.gif

    I'm at the point now where nothing surprises me with this game anymore.. I am not shocked players were cheating/exploiting nor am I shocked that D3 did little about it until now. It all makes sense why I am seeing players with near covered SS and OMLs.. I just assumed they refinanced their house and used the money to buy a bunch of tokens icon_lol.gif

    No, no. I think Malcrof intended to be light hearted on both occasions with his self depreciation of his modding style. But it's very.. ah.. close to the bone. I do like a warped sense of humour so I get it. Not sure it was wise though lol
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    thisone wrote:
    Who has disagreed with me? I will get so mad if I find out! Grrr. Arghhh. Lol.

    I would gladly have discussed anything in my post. And if you proved me wrong then, I'd maybe have learned something new. Sadly you went a different way.

    No straw men in my argument as it was not about the op but several posts contained in thread. I am not angry, but I am passionate about my beliefs.

    My bad, a slippery slope better?

    You're beliefs aren't based on much besides just taking one point and then connecting dots to others. Unless you've asked peoples opinions on illegal downloads and the like, drawing conclusions and wishing they'd get cheated on by a spouse, not only add nothing to the discussion. There was nothing to prove wrong, I was more point out the leaps in logic and jumping from level 3 extreme to maybe level 78.
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    thisone wrote:
    Malcrof wrote:
    Well, now that fight has split the posts, this thread has nothing to do with the game, so technically belongs in off topic....

    Malcrof, normally I defend you but there is no need for your posts. A majority of the playerbase is very irritated as it is, why make it worse?

    Because the joke worked so well the first time he thought he'd make the exact same one.

    Wait this whole thing was a joke? It did not look like.. boy am I totally out of the loop icon_e_confused.gif

    I'm at the point now where nothing surprises me with this game anymore.. I am not shocked players were cheating/exploiting nor am I shocked that D3 did little about it until now. It all makes sense why I am seeing players with near covered SS and OMLs.. I just assumed they refinanced their house and used the money to buy a bunch of tokens icon_lol.gif

    The modding part (sending this thread elsewhere) was meant as a joke, I believe, just like the modding of my post in that other thread. The "you's all, we's all, cheaters" part was quite serious, I think, if perhaps a little hyperbolic.
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    GurlBYE wrote:
    thisone wrote:
    Who has disagreed with me? I will get so mad if I find out! Grrr. Arghhh. Lol.

    I would gladly have discussed anything in my post. And if you proved me wrong then, I'd maybe have learned something new. Sadly you went a different way.

    No straw men in my argument as it was not about the op but several posts contained in thread. I am not angry, but I am passionate about my beliefs.

    My bad, a slippery slope better?

    You're beliefs aren't based on much besides just taking one point and then connecting dots to others. Unless you've asked peoples opinions on illegal downloads and the like, drawing conclusions and wishing they'd get cheated on by a spouse, not only add nothing to the discussion. There was nothing to prove wrong, I was more point out the leaps in logic and jumping from level 3 extreme to maybe level 78.

    I didn't bring up illegal downloads, jvreal did. Initially my post was in response to his. Then I rambled a bit. No leaps in logic, I directly put down what I was refuting. I can't quote them all as on ny phone it's a bit cumbersome. But if you read the thread you'll get where I am coming from. May not agree but that's fine.

    Yes, my point about cheating spouses didn't bring anything to the discussion. Then again there's stuff in your posts that aren't exactly relevant. Accusing me of being the violent type for example.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    My take on this craziness:

    Malcrof wasn't using mod voice when making the initial thought. He was posting as a member. Therefore the attacks on his ability to mod are unwarranted. He is allowed an opinion just like the rest of us.

    On this forum, expressing your opinion comes at the cost of following the rules.
    6. Treat your fellow users kindly. We will not tolerate any of the following:

    a. Trolling, or posting something just to get a rise out of someone.

    b. Flaming, or insulting / bashing / harassing another user.

    c. Posting offensive material. This includes anything that could be considered racially, religiously, or sexually demeaning or insulting. Posting a link to material of this nature is equally forbidden.

    d. Offensive or profane forum user names.

    e. Posting threatening material of any kind.

    f. Acting like a jerk.

    Those are the rules, and mods should be held to those rules the same as everyone else. Regardless of intent (which doesn't defend actions anyway) his initial post was trolling, baiting, potentially flaming, and acting like a jerk.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    As to the other replies.. You want to know where my point of view comes from? Easy, it's called experience ad life.

  • Marine8394
    Marine8394 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    So a mod can step away from his post? Okay. But still a representative for whom they represent. It was not an opinion. It was a statement. According to his words. We are jealous. We would cheat if we could. Hummm. Not opinion. Statement. And presented by percentage thought process. The persons own. Acceptance to personalisation for oneself. Then further culpulsation by also admitting desires of jealousy and a want to egrandise oneself by cheating for personal gratification. Not only with this game, but others. Hmmm. If this were my employee? Now everyone has a bad day. Everybody drags the company line to a point. But there is an own up factor here. I was just joking? No. No there was venom there. No pun. Me I find it sad, funny also, sad funny. I thought there was a bit of confessional to what was originally posted. The other part I would add is. Does this game at this point need this added negativity by someone who should be helping?
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    Adding to the chorus here that if I had the opportunity to cheat, I would not. What's the point of winning if you cheated? What kind of loser would I be?
  • Marine8394
    Marine8394 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    Gladly admit I could not icon_lol.gif happy when I get my phone to work with me not against me icon_rolleyes.gif hell this is my third roster because I lost one because I needed an eight year old to show me how to save icon_razz.gif
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    My take:

    1) sure, mods are allowed to have opinions outside of mod-hood.
    2) they should be held to a higher standard re: forum rules, though, because the only people with disciplinary ability over them are each other and red names. Holding them only to the same standard as regular users opens up the possibility of the mod equivalent of a "thin blue line." With great power comes great responsibility and all that. He may not have been speaking with a mod voice, but presumably selection as a mod infers that higher sees said mod as a superlative member of the community. He or she should be held accountable accordingly.
  • Oohhh a 2 cents thread!

    *tosses in 2 bits*
    Malcrof's opinions are solely that, an opinion.
    They should be lambasted as confirmation bias, lacking verifiable evidence and a significant sample size (one life lived out of billions living currently is hardly large enough).

    Even if you want to hold mods to a higher standard, he's surely allowed a warning and a reminder of the higher standards expected of him as a mod. That's not something I would expect to see in public, but some form of remorse shown in post by Malcrof would be indicative.

    As to the real problem (token manipulation),
    It needs to be decided as to whether it's cheating or not and across the board dealt with in the same way.
    Past financial contributions are not indicative of future ones and vice versa for a lack of.
    Players should not be being discriminated against based on their apparent investment.

    That sort of corruption has led the real world in a very unsavoury direction.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Now that they've said "light cheating" is acceptable, can we expect you to play straight, or will you be token rerolling, Malcrof?
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,001 Chairperson of the Boards
    Locking this thread since it seems all relevant arguments and complaints have been expressed and leaving it open will only develop into personal attacks against Malcrof. If you feel you have something important to contribute to the discussion that hasn't already been expressed, please PM me or another mod for possible inclusion. Thank you.
This discussion has been closed.