S.H.I.E.L.D. Resupply List (Daily Rewards)



  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,814 Chairperson of the Boards
    2539 - 2500 ISO

    @gravel no problem!
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,814 Chairperson of the Boards
    2543 - 100 HP
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,814 Chairperson of the Boards
    2544 - Legendary token
    2545 - MODOK, red cover
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,814 Chairperson of the Boards
    2551 - Heroic token
  • gravel
    gravel Posts: 585 Critical Contributor
    Getting closer!
  • Chipster22
    Chipster22 Posts: 299 Mover and Shaker
    PiMacleod said:
    2553 - 50 HP
    2554 - 8000 iso

    Yes.  Thats 8k iso.  Its weird, i know.  I guess I COULD be mistaken... Maybe its a 3000 and i saw it wrong.  But i looked at it, maxed my phone's brightness, scrutinized it against other 3s and 8s... Looks like an 8 to me.

    If it changes, i'll update.
    Extra for the anniversary maybe?
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,814 Chairperson of the Boards
    2555 - Devil Dino, green cover
    2556 - 50 CP
    2557 - Devil Dino, red cover

    So, lets recap so far...  50 HP, then 8000 ISO on the day before the (365*7) mark, then a Devil Dino on the day of, then 50 CP on the day after (you know, like if we added in a leap day, perhaps?), then another Devil Dino.

    Right now, the highlights to ME are the 50 CP, and the Dino covers -- because my Dino is getting pretty high, and those champ rewards are starting to be nice.  :tongue:
  • gravel
    gravel Posts: 585 Critical Contributor
    That first Dino cover will make mine 370, and the second will start a dupe I guess.  50 CP is great!  I wonder if a 5* will pop up too.
  • jkzl
    jkzl Posts: 91 Match Maker
    boy, wouldn't we all love to see the rotation change up/speed up after 7yrs...

    thanks as always @PiMacleod !!!!!

  • jkzl
    jkzl Posts: 91 Match Maker
    that's about the way it seems.  i was targeting 4GR and GRRR to try to finish him, and then i noticed you had listed him as coming up, and it was one of the two cover options i needed to finish him.  so thanks to your diligence, i was able to repurpose my targeting, and got surfer done instead that way, and GRRR via the resupply.  so if you ever get worn down wondering if anyone appreciates it, well....this guy does.  :D
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,207 Chairperson of the Boards
    PiMacleod said:
    Funny - I needed a blue Taskmaster cover for like 2 years... this year I got it during the 7th Anniversary, and now I can get a free one through daily supply.  heh.
    Same here...my Taskmaster has been 5/3/3 since last year, and this year I got the sharts and a blue cover to complete him.

    Now if only they could give out 25CP and an LT every week...
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,814 Chairperson of the Boards
    2571 - 50 HP
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,814 Chairperson of the Boards
    2572 - Heroic token
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,814 Chairperson of the Boards
    2575 - Northstar, yellow cover
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,814 Chairperson of the Boards
    2579 - Legendary Token
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,814 Chairperson of the Boards
    2580 - 100 HP
    2585 - 25 CP