X-Force. Forgiven and Forgotten?



  • metallicajake01
    metallicajake01 Posts: 57 Match Maker
    Malcrof wrote:
    X-23 gets 4561 damage for 8 green AP, if 2nd part is active, gets strikes with it.

    XFW gets 1360 damage for 8 green AP, and destroys some tiles.

    nope, still an issue, sorry.

    Exactly! He's my first covered 4* and I'm not even amped to level him because his green sucks so bad. I'm leveling bogus 3* to 120 instead for buffs and events, he's that bad.

    He's a one trick pony and as an end game 4* that's just sad. Not only that, it's flippin' Wolverine!

    If they don't want to give the AP back fine, game breaking, I get it, but atleast throw us a bone with some realistic damage.
  • BillyBobJoe
    BillyBobJoe Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    Polares wrote:
    4hor is still usable but her blue should create 7 or 8 charged tiles, and the yellow? Why the hell did they nerf 4hor yellow ?!?!?!?

    4hor was needlessly beaten to death along with XFW. The devs overvalue charge tiles, plain and simple. Charge tiles have a neutral value to the board, and are only valuable until someone matches them (or casts Smite).

    But to your point, I want the devs to compare JG purple to 4hor yellow, and explain to me how 4hor is balanced among 4*s.

    JG - 10 AP, 3888 team dmg, 6 tiles removed
    4hor - 12 AP, 1086 team dmg, 3 tiles converted.
  • BillyBobJoe
    BillyBobJoe Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    Malcrof wrote:
    X-23 gets 4561 damage for 8 green AP, if 2nd part is active, gets strikes with it.

    XFW gets 1360 damage for 8 green AP, and destroys some tiles.

    nope, still an issue, sorry.

    Totally agree. We had so many 4*s come out this past year, and each one is more powerful than the last. A rebalancing would be nice to improve PVP variety.

    Bigfoot, Loch Ness, Starlord, IW. I hear that these characters exist, but never see them in PVP play. I've seen Elektra in PVP during the Rocket & Groot PVP, but since I didn't get a screenshot, you'll just have to take my word for it. But poor Starlord was buffed one week, and I didn't even spot him anywhere.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bigfoot, Loch Ness, Starlord, IW. I hear that these characters exist, but never see them in PVP play. I've seen Elektra in PVP during the Rocket & Groot PVP, but since I didn't get a screenshot, you'll just have to take my word for it. But poor Starlord was buffed one week, and I didn't even spot him anywhere.

    IW pops up here and there in my queue when she's boosted (it's true). I've seen Starlord exactly once, it was an alliance mate running it.

    I've yet to see Mr. Fantastic, and extremely limited sightings of FailCap since his initial release.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bigfoot, Loch Ness, Starlord, IW. I hear that these characters exist, but never see them in PVP play. I've seen Elektra in PVP during the Rocket & Groot PVP, but since I didn't get a screenshot, you'll just have to take my word for it. But poor Starlord was buffed one week, and I didn't even spot him anywhere.

    IW pops up here and there in my queue when she's boosted (it's true). I've seen Starlord exactly once, it was an alliance mate running it.

    I've yet to see Mr. Fantastic, and extremely limited sightings of FailCap since his initial release.

    See Starlord paird with Iceman in PVP from time to time, guess it makes IM's skills cheaper..
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    Bigfoot, Loch Ness, Starlord, IW. I hear that these characters exist, but never see them in PVP play. I've seen Elektra in PVP during the Rocket & Groot PVP, but since I didn't get a screenshot, you'll just have to take my word for it. But poor Starlord was buffed one week, and I didn't even spot him anywhere.

    IW pops up here and there in my queue when she's boosted (it's true). I've seen Starlord exactly once, it was an alliance mate running it.

    I've yet to see Mr. Fantastic, and extremely limited sightings of FailCap since his initial release.

    See Starlord paird with Iceman in PVP from time to time, guess it makes IM's skills cheaper..

    I once saw Starlord paired with Hood. I won 45 pts that day.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think it's clear to everyone that they hit X-Force, and Thor too hard, but they were the only kids in the treehouse at the time.

    Personally, I don't think X-Force green should go back to what it was, but it also needs to get about 35 -40% dmg back and it's solid again.

    Black, I loved the dmg boost, was okay without the AP steal, but it needs to get some of it's AP destruction back. Because lets face it, it use to be 8AP 4K dmg, 11 AP 8K dmg, then another 8AP for 4K again, he was insane.

    Yellow is his most balanced skill and should be left as is

    My suggestion.

    Max green. Base dmg 1870 keep the rest as is.

    Max black. Destroys every tile in the enemy team’s strongest color and 5AP of that color, dealing 733 damage per tile. Does not generate AP.

    This allows him to actually due a surgical strike

    Keep yellow as is.

    Thor, either needs another blue charged tile or more dmg per charged tile

    Elektra is almost there, she needs purple to be cheaper or giver her tiles too, red just needs to be more, or spread out over 3 traps.

    Star Lord just needs red to do half it's dmg upon creation, half upon resolve and if some matches it, it does half of the half of what it was suppose to. Yellow needs an AP refund of 2 if it gets matched away, purple is fine.

    IW, is also close, but green needs to be AoE or it needs to be cheaper but have dmg based on number of locked tiles on the board.

    We are in need of some loving for characters and some updates for them
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    As has been said before in this thread and countless others that were made long ago, overnerfing is the issue.

    Both Thor and Xforce needed some nerfs back when they happened. The developers went way to far with the nerfs and they never revisited the characters, they just introduced newer better ones.

    The nerfing of those two characters greatly shook my faith in the developers to balance anything at all. Rather than make some moderate changes and make more later if they were needed, they crushed both characters, stuck their fingers in their ears, walked away, and then went ahead and made characters that are better than they ever were. The impression I'm left with is somewhere between incompetent and despicable. Looking at them in the community videos they seem like nice people, so perhaps this leans more towards incompetent?
  • ghostride23
    ghostride23 Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    Interesting perspectives. And yeah I see no new nerfs have come since X-Force have come out and the mechanics of counter characters has been good. My whole perspective of what I saw then and what I am seeing going on now was the perspective as a noob, that X-Force represented as a nuclear deterrent. Since X-Force, we have seen others better 4's come out but just like X-Force, I see a grab to have a fully covered 5. Sooner or later 5's are gonna be required to compete. The business model of having to come up with a constant nuclear deterrent for us to strive for and the fear of players getting those characters only to see them nerfed like so many others. Hey by all means if your lucky enough or have the capital to do so now, more power to you. I personally feel it is broken system and the model of trying to keep up to compete. I'm just one of thoses players that would like to enjoy my roster without everything being such a stressful gauntlet for every clear.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thoress is one of my fave Marvel characters (can you tell?) and I'd love to see her getting revisited some time.
    I think we all agree that at the time they needed to tone her down a bit, but even at the time we said it was too far.

    I remember thinking when Hulkbuster was revealed "Welp, here's the new must-have 4* that everyone will max out ASAP that will dominate the PvP" and then thought "How long before he gets beaten to death with a nerf bat?"

    And...they never did.
    So now when we have a clear case of two 4*s once again dominating the PvP scene, there's no nerf to be seen. Is that not an admission of previous mistakes or what?

    I don't think anyone here worth listening to is going to get insanely smug about D3 going back on a previous nerf to give X-Force Wolvie and Thoress a fighting chance at usefulness again. I reckon most people will simply be grateful. I know I will be.

    You'd think Marvel would want Thoress boosted to usefulness again seeing as how her new storyline comes out in a couple of weeks.

    But hey, maybe if they re-do her abilities they'll put her more in keeping with her character's abilities in-comic, right?
  • zeeke
    zeeke Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    The thing with xforce 2.0 was that he did two things really well

    1: cheap, good damage and tile destruction on green

    2: drain and generate AP on black

    The problem with this for the devs was the second one, especially the generate AP part, because it made him essentially the one character you had to bring. He sped up any match and as long as you matched your third with whatever AP you were ending up with from SS you were good to go.

    I personally understand that he got he's manhood removed because we needed matches to last longer. That is fine, xforce could still be great, and balanced, if the AP generation was the only thing removed. Especially now when he can hang out with xfdp
