Mods, you really need [Some Feedback from Forum Users]

Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
Seriously. The merging, locking, and deleting is so out of control it's not funny.
You move a thread to another forum, I AM NEVER GOING TO GO THERE TO LOOK FOR IT. Okay? You want engagement between the users and...anybody else, really? You need to exercise a lighter touch.
You merge a thread with another one, especially one with a "sanitized" title, and I am never going to see my post again. And then even if my question gets answered, I'll never see the answer.
I mean, hey. Maybe that's what you want. Or maybe part of the gig of being a mod is an Emperor's New Clothes deal.
But, look: all of this work that you're doing is making more work for you. It sure as hell doesn't make anything easier or more enjoyable for the people who frequent this forum. What it does is aggravate the **** out of me and make me less likely to post any **** thing at all. Why would I bother? Why would I post anything when it's going to be harder to find my post and reactions to it (if any) after you've gotten out your magic mod broom?
Jesus wept.
Mod Edit: Changed thread title, as this thread has evolved into exactly what it was posted for!
You move a thread to another forum, I AM NEVER GOING TO GO THERE TO LOOK FOR IT. Okay? You want engagement between the users and...anybody else, really? You need to exercise a lighter touch.
You merge a thread with another one, especially one with a "sanitized" title, and I am never going to see my post again. And then even if my question gets answered, I'll never see the answer.
I mean, hey. Maybe that's what you want. Or maybe part of the gig of being a mod is an Emperor's New Clothes deal.
But, look: all of this work that you're doing is making more work for you. It sure as hell doesn't make anything easier or more enjoyable for the people who frequent this forum. What it does is aggravate the **** out of me and make me less likely to post any **** thing at all. Why would I bother? Why would I post anything when it's going to be harder to find my post and reactions to it (if any) after you've gotten out your magic mod broom?
Jesus wept.
Mod Edit: Changed thread title, as this thread has evolved into exactly what it was posted for!
The mods are doing the best they can to prevent multiple posts about the same discussion. There are times when there's 3-4 discussions talking about the same thing. While yes it can be annoying for you as the poster, it also annoying for the Mods as well. They have done a good job cleaning up the forums lately. Keep in mind that they are not paid to do this.
If we did not have Mods then the Forums would be complete utter unorganized chaos
Perhaps it would be best if a Mod made a post called "My day as a Mod" where they describe what they have to do each day to keep the forums clean.0 -
Is there anything people don't complain about? I dislike the color some mods are using, please change them.0
I will gladly answer this one publicly, since a public thread was made to ask about it.
If you create a thread, that exists in other places, it will be merged/moved/ or locked and linked.
In 99% of cases, if the same question is asked in multiple threads by the same person or multiple people, and then a 4th or 5th thread is made about an existing subject to ask the very same thing because they are not happy with the response times, or too many made it at once (like galactus).. it will be merged into one of the multitude of threads asking the very same question. The thread chosen for the merge, when it can go in a few, will depend on whether or not the poster of the thread has posted their question in one thread or another.. or if the question is just a re-hash of one from an existing thread.0 -
Punisher5784 wrote:The mods are doing the best they can to prevent multiple posts about the same discussion.
But the thing is, they're not. Or, at least, they're not exercising good judgment on what constitutes "the same discussion."
They're taking any posts which are loosely related to one another and amalgamating them into the same thread. Or moving the thread entirely to a different forum. Or - and this makes no sense - locking a thread as soon as someone gives an answer. What's the point of THAT? "oh no he might not like the answer so let's lock this before he can respond"?
I get that the mods have a thankless, unpaid job. But the fact that they're unpaid doesn't obscure them from criticism.
I don't know what the "why" is on why they've gotten religion on moving posts to other forums or merging threads, but it's getting to the point where every time it happens I'm a little less likely to post again. I don't want to come to the forums wondering if my thread was left unmolested or if I'm going to have to hunt through "View Your Posts" to figure out which **** sanitized thread title contains the post I'm looking for.0 -
Malcrof wrote:I will gladly answer this one publicly, since a public thread was made to ask about it.
If you create a thread, that exists in other places, it will be merged/moved/ or locked and linked.
In 99% of cases, if the same question is asked in multiple threads by the same person or multiple people, and then a 4th or 5th thread is made about an existing subject to ask the very same thing because they are not happy with the response times, or too many made it at once (like galactus).. it will be merged into one of the multitude of threads asking the very same question. The thread chosen for the merge, when it can go in a few, will depend on whether or not the poster of the thread has posted their question in one thread or another.. or if the question is just a re-hash of one from an existing thread.
Then perhaps a better use of mod power would be a FAQ post of sorts pinned to the top of the forum. And I'm not talking about "Where did my post go?"
I'm talking about "Here are the most commonly asked questions, updated as new common issues arise, and here are the answers the community has currently for those."
Then you can merge to your heart's content and I don't have to play guessing games about where the hell to go to find my post.
Or even better, there's a place I can look for an answer to ANY question of any import I might have BEFORE I have to start sniffing around for either a mod-approved omnibus thread or posting my own thread. And then maybe, just maybe, you have less work to do.
But the way I see things operating right now is an aggravation. I really, really, really, really, really, really, really do not want to play guessing games about where my posts might go, have gone, or where threads other people have created to which I have contributed might go. If I have to expend effort to find the remnants of a thread, there is zero point in contributing. I'm just not that interested in either this game or this forum that I'm willing to go hunting for posts I've responded to, or responses others may have helpfully given me.0 -
DFiPL wrote:Punisher5784 wrote:The mods are doing the best they can to prevent multiple posts about the same discussion.
But the thing is, they're not. Or, at least, they're not exercising good judgment on what constitutes "the same discussion."
They're taking any posts which are loosely related to one another and amalgamating them into the same thread. Or moving the thread entirely to a different forum. Or - and this makes no sense - locking a thread as soon as someone gives an answer. What's the point of THAT? "oh no he might not like the answer so let's lock this before he can respond"?
I get that the mods have a thankless, unpaid job. But the fact that they're unpaid doesn't obscure them from criticism.
I don't know what the "why" is on why they've gotten religion on moving posts to other forums or merging threads, but it's getting to the point where every time it happens I'm a little less likely to post again. I don't want to come to the forums wondering if my thread was left unmolested or if I'm going to have to hunt through "View Your Posts" to figure out which tinykitty sanitized thread title contains the post I'm looking for.
You could always apply to become a Mod if you feel you can do a better job0 -
Malcrof wrote:I will gladly answer this one publicly, since a public thread was made to ask about it.
If you create a thread, that exists in other places, it will be merged/moved/ or locked and linked.
In 99% of cases, if the same question is asked in multiple threads by the same person or multiple people, and then a 4th or 5th thread is made about an existing subject to ask the very same thing because they are not happy with the response times, or too many made it at once (like galactus).. it will be merged into one of the multitude of threads asking the very same question. The thread chosen for the merge, when it can go in a few, will depend on whether or not the poster of the thread has posted their question in one thread or another.. or if the question is just a re-hash of one from an existing thread.
I understand what the mods are trying to do, but I entirely agree with the OP. The mods have gone a little over the line with the merging, moving, and changing of threads on this board. I personally feel that you are going to kill the forums if you keep this up. Even if they don't feel like they are whitewashing the board for the developers, that's what it feels like to the users.
No one likes when mods use a heavy hand to "manage" the commentors. Forums are supposed to be free flowing and growing depending on how the user base is feeling. If there are 3 topics that are all similar being discussed at the same time maybe that says something needs to be discussed. If people are responding to all three what's the problem? And if no one is responding then those topics will disappear soon enough.
By moving and merging all of the topics you are converting this forum from a communication destination to a news center. The developers get to post news about the game, but actually talking about it is stiffled. It's very clear that when a topic is merged you lose most of the meaning from the threads. I know that since this has been happening I don't bother to come here as much as I used to, and when I do I find that the topics are not as fast moving or interesting. A mega thread is pretty much meaningless, once they get too big there is very little point in having a discussion with other users who posted.
I guess my whole point is this - A thread can really only have 1 or 2 "conversations" going at once. When you merge threads you destroy the debate between users. and make the whole place less interesting.
p.s. If you only what one thread for any given topic this place is going to be a pretty boring place.0 -
On average you will get about 74 years on this planet. That's just 74 summers before you vanish like a dev on galactus hungers day.
And you want to spend some of that precious time complaining about an unpaid volunteer? This is not meant to be imflammatory in anyway, I just think that perhaps a touch of perspective is in order. I have had threads changed and merged recently and the mods (Malcrof in my case) have always contacted me in a polite manner and told me why they have changed it - so far I've had no issue with it.
EDIT: I'm also a member of a sports forum where the entire board gets filled with the same questions all day everyday and as a result have not used it in months. The purpose of a mod is to regulate the forum and also keep the discussions fresh without repeat questions all the time.0 -
OneLastGambit wrote:And you want to spend some of that precious time complaining about an unpaid volunteer?
I spent my first year or two pooping myself a couple times a day. Spending 15 minutes complaining about the nature of the exercise of mod powers has got to be more productive than that. A low bar, admittedly, but still.0 -
DFiPL wrote:Seriously. The merging, locking, and deleting is so out of control it's not funny.
You move a thread to another forum, I AM NEVER GOING TO GO THERE TO LOOK FOR IT. Okay? You want engagement between the users and...anybody else, really? You need to exercise a lighter touch.
You merge a thread with another one, especially one with a "sanitized" title, and I am never going to see my post again. And then even if my question gets answered, I'll never see the answer.
I mean, hey. Maybe that's what you want. Or maybe part of the gig of being a mod is an Emperor's New Clothes deal.
But, look: all of this work that you're doing is making more work for you. It sure as hell doesn't make anything easier or more enjoyable for the people who frequent this forum. What it does is aggravate the tinykitty out of me and make me less likely to post any tinykitty thing at all. Why would I bother? Why would I post anything when it's going to be harder to find my post and reactions to it (if any) after you've gotten out your magic mod broom?
Jesus wept.
If I were interested in reading suggestions, I would go to the suggestions forum. Since I am not, I would appreciate it if you didn't **** up the forums I *do* read with threads I am not interested in reading.
Similarly, we do not need 5-10 threads all discussing the same thing. If I skipped over the thread, it's because I didn't want to read it. Adding another 5-10 threads on the topic is not going to change my mind. Worse than that, they push other threads that aren't repeating the same **** off the radar.
I applaud the moderators efforts to make the forums a better place. The forum is not just for you, it's for everyone else, too.
P.S. I also appreciate it when the mods change useless thread titles like "Don't you hate it when..." to something useful.0 -
OneLastGambit wrote:On average you will get about 74 years on this planet. That's just 74 summers before you vanish like a dev on galactus hungers day.
And you want to spend some of that precious time complaining about an unpaid volunteer? This is not meant to be imflammatory in anyway, I just think that perhaps a touch of perspective is in order. I have had threads changed and merged recently and the mods (Malcrof in my case) have always contacted me in a polite manner and told me why they have changed it - so far I've had no issue with it.
EDIT: I'm also a member of a sports forum where the entire board gets filled with the same questions all day everyday and as a result have not used it in months. The purpose of a mod is to regulate the forum and also keep the discussions fresh without repeat questions all the time.
There is a happy medium. It feels like the mods got new marching orders around the introduction of 4* DDQ. I thought they used to be right one point, now they seem a little heavy. The fact is that a "general discussion" board shouldn't be that heavily managed, it's supposed to be the crazy mixing pot of stuff.... that's why everyone comes here.0 -
In all honesty... how many people have actually used the Search box in the upper corner before posting a thread?
I have a feeling that very few people do it. They in all likelihood scan the first 2 pages of the general discussion and if a thread title doesn't jump at them with an answer or their question it's so much easier to just start a new thread.
It isn't an overzealousness on the part of the mods, it's a laziness on the part of the members creating duplicate threads instead of actually searching for the answer that in all likelihood already exists.
A mod pointing someone to an existing thread or merging it with an existing thread is more beneficial at times than rehashing the same argument/information over and over again.0 -
JVReal wrote:In all honesty... how many people have actually used the Search box in the upper corner before posting a thread?
I have a feeling that very few people do it. They in all likelihood scan the first 2 pages of the general discussion and if a thread title doesn't jump at them with an answer or their question it's so much easier to just start a new thread.
It isn't an overzealousness on the part of the mods, it's a laziness on the part of the members creating duplicate threads instead of actually searching for the answer that in all likelihood already exists.
A mod pointing someone to an existing thread or merging it with an existing thread is more beneficial at times than rehashing the same argument/information over and over again.
I agree that people probably don't make use of the search option. But remember that general discussion isn't really supposed to be about stuff that has a straight answer... that's more for sections like "Character Discussion, or Tips and Guides, etc", General is supposed to be people duscussing random things.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against the mods taking action when threads or people have gotten out of control. But just because there are multiple topics about the same thing doesn't mean a mod needs to get involved. The Natural order of things will take over... the best thread will survive and the rest will disappear. If that doesn't happen it means that people are actually interested int he different flavours of the threads.0 -
I've been around for a bit over a year and I have to agree with the OP, the degree of modded, moved, merged, locked threads is a recent phenomena. Which happens to align with a certain user gaining mod status0
I think there's also an ego thing. Nobody who starts a thread wants to see their thread die a slow painful death. So if a similarly crafted thread gets more action than the other, attempts are made to keep it alive. Or if multiple threads are created about an issue... which one do the Dev's post an answer on? All of them? Then you have people still speculating on one thread while the answer is confirmed in another.
While I personally don't like to see my threads go to the wayside, if someone else's thread is covering the same topic better with better conversation, I'll jump on that one and would more than happily let mine fade. Merging lets those that did have good posts on the dying thread still get read and benefit other people in the merged thread.
I do agree that General Discussion should be a conglomerate of various topics, it is that same ideal that moves the mods to merge similar topics. How diverse is a General Discussion when 5 threads are about the same thing, losing points in PVP just after shielding? Or How unfair it is that my thread was moved?0 -
I understand the sentiment that the op expresses. however, I also know that during the craziness of G1 the boards were so much of a mess I just stopped reading general discussion altogether for a few days. that wasn't the mods fault or the posters fault, but just shows that a mess of a board with threads all over the place leads to disengagement. that was a baptism by fire for those newly modded and I think they do the best job they can. I do wish there was some way to find the new location at the old location, but that would still leave a messy board.0
Lay off of the mods. Geez. A lot of people (like me) will report posts that are made in the wrong subforums so that they are moved to the correct ones. If you want to see a post about a character, go to the character discussion subforum! If you want to report a bug or see if something is a bug, go to the bugs subforum! It isn't rocket science people. Stop being lazy and actually utilize the entire forum!0
Didn't you get the memo? Nobody reads those forums, so stop going in there. You're making all the cool kids look bad.0
I'll support the mods in their efforts to combine or lock redundant threads. I realize there's a slippery slope, but it's pretty obvious what topics need to be redirected. It just gets insane when the forum goes on one of its rage riots and it becomes totally impossible to find any other info
The mods have always been responsive, and I think they try to do a good job even though I don't agree with every decision0 -
Just want to chime in,
I frequent and have frequented a lot of boards. This one, by far, is the best moderated one out there. It's nice to log on and not have to wade through 300 of the same threads of the same topic, useless threads, and threads that have de-evolved into ranting and flaming of other members.0
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