Are you saving?



  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    Frasaria wrote:
    As soon as i get another cover, i level that character immediately to its new max level.
    But because getting covers you need is so difficult, i am now stuck with more than 100.000 ISO and literally nothing to spend it on.

    I'm in the same boat.

    I could level IW and Elektra from 230 to 270 but that seems like overkill. I also have plenty of 2* and 1* characters I could level max but that's even worse.

    So for now I'm stockpiling ISO and hoping that RNG smiles upon me with each legendary token I open. I've certainly been luckier than I deserve to be but that can't last forever.

    First world problem as far as MPQ is concerned but not having an important use for ISO genuinely kills that sense of gradual progression hurting any motivation to play at a high level.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    scottee wrote:
    It's because there's not really an iso shortage.

    Really? If you gave me 1 million ISO right now, it wouldn't even be close to the amount of ISO i need to get my characters to their current maximums. I have about 10 4*s in the 9-12 cover range and each of them needs 150k or so just to get them up to level 250, never mind 270. I have a little more than half of the 3*s at level 166, but the rest of them are in the 140-155 range. So that's anywhere from 30k-60k ISO to get them to 166.

    So no, I don't save up ISO. I have plenty to spend it on right now. As soon as I get enough to bump someone up, I spend it. The only time I even have more than 5k saved it when I've just finished DDQ.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Orion wrote:
    scottee wrote:
    It's because there's not really an iso shortage.

    Really? If you gave me 1 million ISO right now, it wouldn't even be close to the amount of ISO i need to get my characters to their current maximums. I have about 10 4*s in the 9-12 cover range and each of them needs 150k or so just to get them up to level 250, never mind 270. I have a little more than half of the 3*s at level 166, but the rest of them are in the 140-155 range. So that's anywhere from 30k-60k ISO to get them to 166.

    So no, I don't save up ISO. I have plenty to spend it on right now. As soon as I get enough to bump someone up, I spend it. The only time I even have more than 5k saved it when I've just finished DDQ.

    It's only an ISO shortage for 4* players, not 2-3* players. It only took me a couple of months to save 1M Iso (while leveling here and there along the way).
  • tdglory49
    tdglory49 Posts: 56 Match Maker
    It's only an ISO shortage for 4* players, not 2-3* players. It only took me a couple of months to save 1M Iso (while leveling here and there along the way).

    How are we defining "4* player"? I have a few 4*s with more than 7 covers, but they're the less useful ones (Fury, XF, IW, Elektra, DD) plus PX. So in high end PVP play, I can really only use my 3*s and my aim is more 4*s. Yet I'm looking at about a 3M Iso deficit (2M of which is coming from my 3*s).

    To answer the original question, I do both. Basically, I choose a 3* to be maxed and level them up somewhat after receiving the Daily reward. I level until their next level would take my Iso stash below what I had yesterday. So if I had 1k yesterday, and 1400 now, but the next level is 500, I stop for that day. 1400 becomes my baseline for tomorrow.

    Mostly, I'm just doing that because I was impatient and wanted the joy of pumping some levels. But this way, if there's ever someone who really needs levels, I should have a small stash (80k right now) to help boost them.
  • I would LOVE to save ISO. But as my ally mates know... I get down to 0 probably twice a week icon_cry.gif
  • fun_and_gun
    fun_and_gun Posts: 120 Tile Toppler
    my 1.58 mil voted

    waiting to roster oml
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Once my Iso hits 50K... i get a bit itchy to level a character a bit. I've got most of my 3* up to 120 already, about 10 or so at 166. I bump the featured or boosted characters in PVP up by 5 levels at a time. It keeps the leveling even, so that when I do decide to play a PVE, my scaling isn't out of whack.

    I have a lot of max covered 3*, but not enough iso to level them all up to max. Definitely could use more iso.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    Picking up a habit from my alliance mates, I have 600k saved up. Used to have 700+, but needed to raise my AM's level for weekly ddqs. I am probably one of those players that D3 is targeting w/ pve scaling changes. icon_redface.gificon_e_ugeek.gificon_mrgreen.gif
  • amusingfoo1
    amusingfoo1 Posts: 597 Critical Contributor
    I had a pretty fair hoard (650k) built up while holding my max level at 120 (though I was gradually increasing the number of characters at that level; at peak, I had about twenty). I spent 600k of it ten days ago to level up a bunch of 3&4*s to between 140 and 166. I've since leveled up a bit more (to the tune of 100k or so).

    The 120k I have now isn't nearly enough for what I want to do, though. I'm basically saving it for leveling up the top-end characters (and bringing up the few remaining under-covered 3* characters to 120 or so, as covers become available).
  • Interesting that most people so far have saved ISO but not on purpose and have done it due to lack of covers.

    To clarify my case, I can drop all 400k iso now with no issue, have plenty of covers to do so. I'm waiting to see how my roster evolves and figure out where it's best served.

    Me and this.

    I have 700k, but aren't sure who it is best suited for, so I just collect. It means I can skip lots of battles.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    Orion wrote:
    scottee wrote:
    It's because there's not really an iso shortage.

    Really? If you gave me 1 million ISO right now, it wouldn't even be close to the amount of ISO i need to get my characters to their current maximums. I have about 10 4*s in the 9-12 cover range and each of them needs 150k or so just to get them up to level 250, never mind 270. I have a little more than half of the 3*s at level 166, but the rest of them are in the 140-155 range. So that's anywhere from 30k-60k ISO to get them to 166.

    So no, I don't save up ISO. I have plenty to spend it on right now. As soon as I get enough to bump someone up, I spend it. The only time I even have more than 5k saved it when I've just finished DDQ.

    I'm in 4* land, but save up my iso for useful characters. I don't count IW, Starlord, or Elektra as needing iso. I've had all the 3*'s with max covers for a while now, but never thought they all needed iso. Squirrel Girl is not in iso deficit. Dr Oc is not in iso deficit. Quicksilver is not in iso deficit.

    If I'm not going to use a character, even when I leveled them to the current max, then I don't invest the iso. So I have lots of 4*s in the 6-10 cover range, but I don't consider them in need of iso, because I'm not going to use them if they're missing key covers.

    So I save iso until a character is actually useful. I have around 300k right now waiting for any useful 4* covers.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm in the 3 star transition with a 5 star Surfer roster, trying to build everyone up to 140 to perhaps compensate for him. My 3 star range from 137 to 43, so I level up lower tier Characters while pumping up the higher ones a level a day if I can. Try to keep my iso around 20k though to use for color boosts during hard matches.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am perpetually starved for ISO.

    I only started a few months ago, and I wasn't keen on waiting a year and a half for my roster to develop organically, so I whaled up Xpool and Jean Grey cover-wise pretty early on (was lucky enough to get a noob bracket and get all the "free" DP covers from his intro event), and did periodic 40-pulls. That resulted in a lot of well-covered but unleveled characters, so I've basically been leveling the featured character in the current pvp to the 120ish range, then going back to saving. I've almost got all the 3* characters into that range so it'll be time to start developing 4*'s soon.

    That said, I do try to keep around 50-75k stored up in case I need a chunk. It came in handy when my underleveled weakling Hulk couldn't tank any colors on Galactus.
  • UNC_Samurai
    UNC_Samurai Posts: 402 Mover and Shaker
    I'm only saving ISO at this point because I have enough 3*s maxed or to 120, and my 4*s are in various states of limbo. I'm not sold on putting 30 levels into Fury, only to have a JG or 4hor cover come along.
  • I try to keep about 50k on hand for 4* DDQ events. You never know when you are going to have to try to take down Gamora with some **** 4* support character that needs to be leveled to 130+ to even have a shot. I'm trying to keep the **** 4* characters low level while still completing every 4* DDQ node.

    It's nice to have some saved away to use on a boosted/essential character in PvP, but honestly it's kind of a waste of ISO for me at this point. I've been able to hit 1300 in PvP with my 166 IF, 270 IMHB, and loaner essential. Any extra ISO I have is better spent getting other 4*s as high as possible.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm saving up ISO primarily because the last few 3*s I have don't feel that interesting to max out. Plus I'm waiting to see if they allow us to buy 3* covers with CP. I need those last few Iron Fist covers so much it hurts me. I hate seeing him stuck at level 140 when I have ISO to burn.
  • I never save iso. It just sits there and does absolutely nothing for you.
  • SunCrusher
    SunCrusher Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    I was painfully in 2* transition when these transitions were still painful and I'm painfully in 3* transition because of a lack of USEFUL covers as I have a bunch of useless passive covers that need active abilities to be usable.

    I've also been screwed over by more nerfs than I can count and am wary of leveling my roster without being able to give everybody equal treatment.

    Level and then nerf seems to be the pattern of my roster building and that on its own is enough to make me drag my feet in leveling.
  • SnagglePuss
    SnagglePuss Posts: 702 Critical Contributor
    End of Sep i had about 1.7M and everyone at lvl94.
    Taking some advice on board and figuring other stuff out i took every 3* to lvl 120. Put 8 or so core characters to 166 and have leveled other 3* to 130/140/150 depending on who is boosted for the week.

    Result - regular 1k in PvP
    PvE not that badly affected (can pull Top 10/20 if needed)

    Currently have 400k on hand for other 3* as and when needed.
    4* are currently at 130 with the aim of taking those to 166.

    If they are "nerfing" low lvl rosters in PvE even better.
  • Day 609. Never bought iso, have bought a couple Starks along the way.
    Currently sitting on: 1.75 million iso.
    5 4* at 269
    Next 4 at 250, 230, 221, 190
    32 maxed 3*, the other 8 at 120 and up.

    My remaining 4* aren't worth leveling yet.