R87 attack tile bugs [merged threads]



  • djpt05
    djpt05 Posts: 178
    Yeah I quit reading all of those around the Anniversary... when they started to stay up there for weeks on end. Guess I learned my lesson
  • Mariatortilla1
    Mariatortilla1 Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    Played today and yep attack tiles still not doing damage. Worked to my benefit though since I was able to easily defeat Carnage in the Deadpool event to get the legendary token.
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    Hi everyone,

    The developers are aware of this thread and have been investigating the issues that have been reported post-R87. If I get a time frame for any fixes I'll post again.

    Thanks for the reports.
  • Darknes21
    Darknes21 Posts: 321 Mover and Shaker
    Is it just me or does it seem that the game is running slower. Ever since the update it seems to me that the game play slowed down (switching from ur move to the AI and vice versa) Also noticed that damage from attack tiles lag.

  • Glad I'm not the only one to notice!

    Was shield hopping yesterday with IF and his attack tile going off every turn seemed to make the battle take FOREVER.

    edit: I'm on android if that makes a difference.
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    I noticed the same thing today which made matches with two IFs painfully slow.
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    *Update: 3:35 PM PST.

    A fix has been worked on for the reported Attack tile/slowdown issues and is planned for the R89 update.

    Because the fix requires a client update (and R88 has already been submitted to first parties) it's looking like it will be approximately 4 weeks before the fix arrives in R89.

    We thank you for your patience!
  • Does anyone else not like the new way it is displayed and added. I really really liked it the other way where its shown at the end with how much damage it does along with whatever extra strength it had. I'm not one to light the torch so easily but can we have it back the way it was? What is the point in changing it all of a sudden. From my perspective it was not broken, so why try to fix something that didn't need to be. Was there really a reason? If so can someone please inform me? From a strategic point It was waaaay easier to have it the way it was. Now you have to add all the extra bonuses to know how much damage you are doing.

    I'm sure someone is going to say just do the math it's not that hard. So I'll answer that now, even though it isn't hard it's going to become a nuisance and very tedious to do everytime. If I wanted to do math I certainly wouldn't be playing this game!

    Again if a red or anyone else knows the reasons please share! Thanks!!
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for the update, David.
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing this bug. It's been annoying the hell outta me!
  • Explained by a teammate. Tis a bug!
  • Helen keller
    Helen keller Posts: 62 Match Maker
    It seems the end of turn animation/attack tiles have slowed WAY down, seems almost triple the time, and the attack tile damage is hard to catch, this is apparent after the last update, I don't think it's my phone/tablet, it is very annoying, adding a lot of time that I'm already short on, any one else having this issue?
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Known issue. Unfortunately they said that the next update has already been sent off for approval so it won't be fixed until the one after that, estimated 4 weeks.
  • This is a formal request to change Storm's hailstorm power damage count BACK to the way it was.

    It used to show those numbers against the enemy separately and timed with the attack tiles cascade. Now those attack tiles are combined with the matched tiles damage and out of sync when applying.

    It's less information to the player, which is always a bad thing. And also is out of joint to look at. It was great the way it was. There was no need to change it. Please change it back.
  • This also affected how passive abilities based on damage occur.

    For example, Iron Fist against 3* Captain Marvel: If my match damage alone isn't enough to fire the power and my attack tile damage isn't enough to fire the power, her power used to not fire. In today's battle, if the total damage of the two added together was high enough then she would fire the power. I fire off a Shou-Lao Fang Strike. This turn, my match damage triggered the passive ability and the damage over her head disappeared, then the attack tile also did enough damage to trigger the passive ability a second time. Either the damage should be combined or it shouldn't, not either/or.

    Something I also noticed with this patch is that if you have a cascade of match damage after downing a character, the damage total accumulates instead of resetting to zero for the new character and the old total hovering over the downed character. It doesn't matter if the character was downed by an ability or match damage, but it's silly to see a character with 6,000 total health take 10,000 damage and still be standing. I care about how much damage I actually did to that second character, not how much damage I did in total.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    rtomek wrote:
    I care about how much damage I actually did to that second character, not how much damage I did in total.

    I bet you this was changed due to the upcoming 4* ability caring about how much total damage has been dealt.
  • wuweird
    wuweird Posts: 75 Match Maker
    "David wrote:
    Moore"]*Update: 3:35 PM PST.
    A fix has been worked on for the reported Attack tile/slowdown issues and is planned for the R89 update.

    Because the fix requires a client update (and R88 has already been submitted to first parties) it's looking like it will be approximately 4 weeks before the fix arrives in R89.
    Why on earth would you schedule a 3* Storm post-season event when her major damage mechanic appears to be broken? Isn't the roster big enough by now that you could swap in someone that doesn't make the game look more broken than it is?