2nd Anniversary Player Satisfaction Poll



  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    I was very satisfied; however, that does not mean there was not room for improvement.

    I'll just say this. In my opinion, I believe anniversary week should be overgenerous. I believe it should be a week players look forward to and talk about glowingly all year around. It should be such a hyped event new players and awol alike both check on that week even if no other time of the year.

    TL;DR: good word of mouth from anniversary week is something that is difficult for money to buy. Therefore, anniversary week should be a can't miss event, not a calculus of much is sufficient, but how much would be enough to get the most people possible to check the game out that week.
  • Your vote: Very disstatisfied
    Player level: I have five 2*'s at level 94 and now building the 3*'s.
    Player type: In general an active casual but when there is a good event i can go 'hardcore' for a few days.
    How many days have you played MPQ? I've played for several months in total ,but with long breaks in between. Basically never more than 2-3 weeks in one stretch.
    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary? The new boss fight, specifically round two.
    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary ? The rewards. What i need most is 3* covers. But the tokens either gave me moonstone, a 3*star i could not use, or a 4* that is too valueable to sell, but also takes up yet another roster slot. And additionally, there were also several instances where i cleared a node and then received 0 points.
    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why? I did not play the first anniversary.

    In general:Only if i receive a cover that i can actually use, i feel happy with the reward. If i get another 'cool cover' but have no slot for him/her, i have no choice to sell that cover. That feels like i am stabbing myself in the back. And in this anniversary 'event' almost all covers i received were complete junk. The deadpool daily quests gave me better rewards than this anniversary 'event'. In the end i was not even excited about winning tokens anymore, because i knew it was just another 500 ISO that i cant spend to upgrade my heroes, because i dont have more covers. The amount of different heroes that can drop from a single token is simply too large.
    Try starting a new account now, the first 30 tokens you open will give you 30 different heroes, while you only have 6 slots ...
  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    Your vote:Satisfied
    Player level: 3*, working towards 4*
    Player type: Semi-hardcore
    How many days have you played MPQ? 500

    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
    Galactus second run.
    "Class of 2015" event.

    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
    1) Galactus first run, lasted 4 rounds in most cases; at the end I was using 2* just to sabe main chars for goon nodes.
    2) The legendary token for first galactus run was waaay to hard to get.
    3) Two new released 4* characters are too much.

    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
    1st, because i was getting my first covered 4* (6x Devil Dino no less!!) and it was so exciting; on 2nd I knew it was a trophy/completist character with one VERY limited use per year, it kills the thrill.

    Comments and Suggestions: It looks like you keep launching events without proper preparation. Server crashes, BlackPanther node bug, heavy correction to mechanics having to be implemented. After two years I would expect a much better performance from the developer.
  • elwhiteninja
    elwhiteninja Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    Your vote: Neutral to disatisfied
    Player level: Are you a 1*, 2*, 3* or 4* player? Low rung 4*
    Player type: Casual, Semi-hardcore, Hardcore, Uber-core? (see note 2) Hardcore
    How many days have you played MPQ? 690
    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
    Galactus Version 2
    Galactus Tokens
    HP SALE (seriously why does HP not go on sale more often)
    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
    Surprise of Galactus not unlocking after each round
    Ridiculousness of 3 turn matches in Galactus Version 1
    Classic Cyclops being a required character for round 2 and not being given out as an apology for how badly designed Glactus round 1 was

    I feel like the beginning was total **** it was ultron all over again, severs went down (which I can forgive). Galactus round 1 was frustrating, boring, and took all my healthpack.png . My huge gripe is this:

    Same as last year, and I mean THE SAME, there was a problem in round one (again understandable), I have no issues with trying new things and failing. The problem was it was nigh impossible to earn cyclops with how round 1 was even winfiniting was totally dependent on a good board. The real issue was D3 acknowledges the issue (great take accountability) but then does not rectify it. Cyclops (at least one cover) should have been given to everyone who made it to X point (at minimum the round before he was passed out at best just all participants) this should have happened before the second round and since it was so ridiculous to get him. In round 2 the required character should have just been icon_cyclops.png not classic just cyclops this would have solved all the issues with the anniversary and made it much more fun.

    The same thing happened last year with ultron, my alliance did pretty well in the first round but because of the issues did not make the cut of for icon_scarletwitch.png (we were awarded her later but after multiple days had passed in round 2) and then could not recover to get hulkbuster.

    That being said I enjoyed round 2 our alliance did just manage to get a icon_redhulk.png and I got the leg token in round 2 but I know for a fact if my alliance could get a redhulk missing 20% of the points in round 2 we could have gotten a cyclops round 1 and I would have gotten a leg token round 1. I think they were more than generous with the tokens that were given out but the lack of rectification on round one that impacted round 2 still makes me icon_e_sad.gif and giving tokens as an apology for server crashes seems fine to me but for design issues that impact multiple events the chance at greatness is not rectification.
  • Your vote: (ranges from Very Satisfied~Very Dissatisfied)
    Voted for No. 2

    Player level: Are you a 1*, 2*, 3* or 4* player? (see note 1)
    3* I suppose

    Player type: Casual, Semi-hardcore, Hardcore, Uber-core? (see note 2)

    How many days have you played MPQ?
    Over 260 days, both teams

    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
    Starting 2nd round, the drop rate for the tokens got better and Devil Dinosaur came to me with 6 covers (Stormysusie) and 1 cover for Marvelfamily. Double ISO.

    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
    The horrible beginning and the issues we had (Panther, PvP, Galactus to heavy)

    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
    Missed the 1st.

    Comments and Suggestions:
    Devs should be more careful before launching such a big event, to avoid issues, server failures and all of this. The community got angry because of many problems, this showed how they love and adore the game, yes, but it's a small tightrope.
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    Your vote: Very Dissatisfied
    Player level: 2* - 3*
    Player type: Casual
    Days played: just north of 400
    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary?
    1. Beating Galactus in round 1 and 2 during the first event
    2. Noting that they drastically lowered the difficulty in the 2nd event (although by then I didn't care)
    3. The fact that they tried
    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary?
    1. Tokens
    2. Galactus events
    3. The fact that there was nothing else
    1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary people, which did you enjoy more?
    First, although it was also terrible in its own way because they almost didn't do ANYTHING. But then they pulled something together and at the very least the rewards were good - the tokens felt rewarding and the lightning rounds were interesting. Overall, both events were big letdowns compared to other FtP games, though.
    Comments and Suggestions:
    By the end of the first Galactus event I no longer cared. This whole event was just... so awful. I ended up asking for and receiving (not from D3) a refund on the few bucks I threw them, because I was so disappointed in what I felt like was a bait-and-switch. I should have known better; every event is the same.

    But that said: keep trying, devs. Your core match3+powers game is so good that despite all the horrible things you do to it, people keep playing. Despite the terrible rewards and slaps in the face, people keep logging in every day. Just imagine what you'd be accomplishing if the rest of your game was equally as good as your match 3. Along those lines: very curious about the upcoming MtG and how that will turn out.
  • Handoftheking26
    Handoftheking26 Posts: 183 Tile Toppler
    - Dissatisfied
    - 3*
    - semi
    - 650 days
    - covers more frequent as rewards
    - Rd 1
    - This year because better alliance
  • Houtro
    Houtro Posts: 464 Mover and Shaker
    Vote: Dissatisfied
    Player level: 3* ~ 4* player
    Player type: Semi-hardcore
    Played MPQ: 520 days
    Most enjoyed about the anniversary: forum outrage
    Least enjoyed about the anniversary: No especial LR's, 1st Galactus run & disgusting token odds
    The 1st anniversary was some pretty cool and rewarding! The 2nd was a disaster... just this.
    Comments and Suggestions: please listen to the base player.
  • Vladdy
    Vladdy Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
    Your vote: Neutral

    Player level: 4* player

    Player type: Semi-hardcore (PvP: Top 5 if I want, PvE: meh)

    How many days have you played MPQ? 626

    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
    - 2 new 4* fully coloured without having to grind down nodes in PvE
    - return of Devil Dino (well... he waves...)
    - 1.35784x iso events (uhm... more than 1x...)

    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
    - LR not 2x iso
    - Tokens before update
    - Bugs preventing me from hoarding iso

    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
    The first one was better in terms of iso, second got me better covers, so...
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Your vote: Neutral leaning to dissatisfied
    Player level: 3*+
    Player type: Semi-hardcore
    How many days have you played MPQ? 628 (actually a little longer because i restarted at some point)
    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
    Galactus (New event), Dino VS Squirrel
    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
    #1 Galactus run 1: we cleared all 8 rounds, but 3 turns to death is not a challenge, it is having the particular characters covered and blind luck. I only pushed through for the alliance and because I hate losing. Nursed dark thoughts about rage-quitting while killing Galactus.
    #2 Laughable season progressions and general non-availability of Dino except for tokens, which was zero for me. Last anniversary had pvp top 100, and a cover in individual season progression. I remember this because I bothered to shield-hop to make sure I got it.
    #3 Lack of events outside of pvp and galactus. Even a mini shield-sim would have been nice.
    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
    First. I think everyone's covered why.
    Comments and Suggestions: MPQ's gonna MPQ.
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    Your vote: Dissatisfied
    Player level: 3*
    Player type: Casual
    How many days have you played MPQ? 557 (Speechless lol)
    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)? Galactus 2 fix
    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)? Galactus 1 run, terrible token odds, limited events/opportunities to maximize tokens/HP/ISO/covers (especially Devil Dino).
    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why? Definitely Anniversary 1. It was more rewarding, there were more events, better token odds the whole week, and the introduction of Devil Dino.
    Comments and Suggestions: Improved token draws from the start of the week, at least one more event that gives solo players/beginners an opportunity to benefit, more/different opportunities to earn Devil Dino covers, easier event to play, specials that run the entire week (would've bought HP during second Galactus run, but sale was over), better Anniversary "season" rewards, new 4* trophy introduced.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Your vote: Neutral, meh, whatever. Night and day difference between G1 and G2 averages out to lukewarm.
    Player level: 3* player early in 4* transition. usable hb, semi usable xf
    Player type: Semi-hardcore to Hardcore - pvp avg is around 1100, pve rarely play competitive, but sometimes for the leg
    How many days have you played MPQ? 329
    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
    1) G2. everything about that event. finding a team that worked well and playing with the alliance.
    2) 4* covers. 5 covers of 4*s from the G runs plus some dino and a couple others from tokens.
    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
    1) G1 run. nothing fun about getting killed over and over. came up short on both alliance progression and individual progression.
    2) general lack of iso. was looking forward to the 20-man, double iso LRs. the 5K iso was nice but I would have earned much more if the actual LRs were double iso. for reference, if you get only the seeds in, you'll net about 2K per LR. also would have been nice if cover selling was double iso, since that is where a good chunk of your LR iso comes from.
    3) the clutter and minutia that the forum outrage created. very difficult to get useful info and while I used to keep up with all tips/guide threads and event threads and kept up with most all general discussion threads, I find myself ok with not keeping up with absolutely everything now.
    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why? wasn't here for then.
    Comments and Suggestions:
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Your vote: Dissatisfied
    Player level: 3*
    Player type:Hardcore
    How many days have you played MPQ? 573
    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
    • Galactus round 2
    • Galactus format (alliance vs. boss)
    • Volume of tokens
    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
    • Galactus round 1
    • Token drop rates (initial)
    • Nothing to do when on Galactus lock-down
    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
    First anniversary, no contest.
    1. 20-man lightning rounds were the greatest, most rewarding, most hands-down fun thing this game has ever presented to me. They were the only thing I have ever played in this game that I can say without reservation paid out rewards equal to or better than the time/energy put in. As if that wasn't enough, getting to play with a loaner maxed pre-nerf 4or was pure joy. Nothing since has even come close.
    2. Tokens were great from the start in the first anniversary, and (quite unfairly as I was still building 3*, but still) offered me many more useful pulls.
    3. Double Iso for almost everything. Not the broken, skin-flint bunch of nothing we got double for this time around.
      Comments and Suggestions:
      1. Give us 20-man lightning rounds again. I will repeat this several times.
      2. Give us double Iso for everything except cover sales. Skip tax, victory, Facialbook sharing, PvP, PvE, whatever. Hell, let us sell covers for double Iso! Why the hell not?!
      3. Return 20-man lightning rounds. We don't even need a super-powerful/fun loaner. Just the bracket size is fine!
      4. Better tokens. Seriously, more tokens instead of better pulls is a load of hooey.
      5. Run more events. You should be embarrassed that once the boss fight was locked down, there was practically nothing to do.
      6. Problems during anniversary events should be compensated way more. We got one week to enjoy whatever you had on offer, and half of it was broken. We got one lousy token and 5k Iso. For real? The 5k Iso was pretty good, I'll admit, but it still doesn't make up for the loss of goodwill it cost. Like we need something else to complain about? I bet there would be no complaints if you had coughed up something "outrageous" like 500HP and 10k Iso.
      7. 20-man lightning rounds would be the shizz. Fo' reals, yo. The shizz.

    I could go on about the reward structure this whole game has. Really what sucks worse is that for the frickin' anniversary event, a once-a-year event meant to celebrate a really significant milestone for a phone game, you guys couldn't get Ebenezer Scrooge out of the office. Next year (given we're still here in a year) do everyone a favor and open the damn floodgates! Seriously, the cheer from that will carry you straight through another year no matter what happens. "Yo dude, last year it was completely insane! The doubled the HP payouts and expanded the tiers that scored it for all of the 20-man lightning rounds! 25% pull rates for 3* and 4* characters from the tokens! It was out of control! I'm going to keep playing just to what kind of nonsense they pull off next year!" Can you imagine? One week a year of something even half that good is not going to bankrupt the company or throw the game ecosystem into disarray. We all know it won't. And the glow from the aftermath will be so good, you might not stop hearing about it until next year.
  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    Your vote: Satisfied
    Player level: 3*
    Player type: Casual~Semi-hardcore
    How many days have you played MPQ? 210
    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
    Galactus Round 2
    Double ISO

    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
    Galactus Round 1
    Massive health pack drain during Galactus 1+PvP

    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
    Was not around for 1st

    Comments and Suggestions:
    I feel like compensation for the complete flub that was Galactus Round 1 didn't really make up for the long time we spent complaining, but I'm glad that the devs at least tried to respond accordingly. IceIX did a pretty good job during the second round, but his absence during the first round just led to a lot of anger.
  • Your vote: Dissatisfied
    Player level: 3* transitioning to 4*
    Player type: Semi-hardcore pvp only
    How many days have you played MPQ? 368
    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
    Lots of tokens
    Double ISO

    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
    Galactus round 1 with insignificant compensation (or just to acknowledge it)
    Terrible 4* odds at first
    Anniversary season rewards for PVP was insufficient. 2* wolvie for 3k pvp? LOL are you **** kidding me.

    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
    1st because they were more generous. and 20 man lightning rounds were great

    Comments and Suggestions: