2nd Anniversary Player Satisfaction Poll



  • moogles85
    moogles85 Posts: 186 Tile Toppler
    Very Dissatisfied

    Player level: 4* player - although I will use certain boosted 3* over non-boosted 4*
    Player type: Hardcore
    How many days have you played MPQ? 500+
    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
    Short season
    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
    **** RNG rewards.
    Broken double ISO.
    Ridiculous Galactus 1 run.

    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
    Definitely First Anniversary. Constant 20 man LR where anyone could place decently, and a lot more usable covers at the time. Now that I have covered every 3* completely, pulling useful covers is very limited.
    Comments and Suggestions:
    A new way to get 4* covers you actually need without RNG. Getting a random legendary token with a CHANCE of pulling something useful blows. I'd rather go back to the 1300 4* cover so I know whether or not it's worth it for the cover.

    I ended up pulling one 4* cover (excluding useless Barneys) from anniversary tokens which is extremely dissatisfying (Purchased each 50 hp token, 2x10 packs and every anni token as progression + every Galactus minion pin for tokens).

    Our alliance (finished both Galactus round 8) also purposely dropped out of t100 (had 2 people with 4k points merc out) because we didn't want the Red Barney cover - most people opted for the 3 anni token reward.
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    Your vote: Satisfied
    Player level: 3* - 4* player (depends on buffs, pushing towards 4* permanently)
    Player type: Semi-hardcore, by the definitions (hardcore PvP)
    How many days have you played MPQ? 722
    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
    - Galactus event - Yes the first was too hard and the second too easy, but a few points - i) it was a new and different boss fight/challenge, ii) it gave away 2 x 3 4* covers which I would not normally get (due to my perchant for sleeping and a normal life), and iii) the hard one was really hard, and I kinda like that a bit for 'end-game' play.
    - Second half anniversary tokens, gaining many extra DD covers.
    - A mini-PvP season. Personally, I'd have them all 2-3 weeks, rather than the usual 4, to allow for less burnout (so more 'off' weeks on average to allow down-time).
    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
    -The mini-PvP season. The 4k progression, when there is no background Simulator like a usual season, is not a good thing.
    - Galactus was somewhat annoying both with the server outages, and then with what seemed like a lack of a connect with the anniversary supposed to being 'fun' - great end-game, horrible as a 'fun' thing to do.
    - First half token pulls.
    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?

    In many ways, the second half of this one was much better than the first. No special PvE like the Galactus boss fight, and no mini-PvP season last year. Yes, it had 20-person LR which were cool, and I am sure Devil Dino was given out for a lot more than the top 1 in the PvP event, but I prefer the second half of the second one more. The main thing overall I did not like this time in comprison to the first, was the lack of support in the first part, and the real disconnect on the fact the game is supposed to be fun most of the time, and not like work. I guess overall, they really are pretty similar, but last year there was no expectation, this year, it seems like a let down from minute 1 of Galactus' arrival, because of the server issues.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    Your vote: Meh, they seem to screw up even the simple act of celebrating despite already having a winning formula. But nothing new from my experience of MPQ(especially of late).
    Player level: 3*
    Player type: was hardcore x2 but went to casual after 10x health pack
    How many days have you played MPQ? 550+off and on a lot join a few months before true healing and the forum shortly after
    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
    1) fixed tokens
    2) concept of Galactus, though poorly executed
    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
    1) the first half of the event
    2) devs response to the problems
    3) Lack of special LRs

    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?

    The first. It was a smooth, well planned and executed event
    The 2nd paled in comparison and riddled with problems

    Comments and Suggestions:
    From a small, declining alliance didn't make it passed round 4 even in second run. Would of preferred the have an anniversary map that you could complete at your leisure for the event(2x I so) maybe with one portion refreshed/changed each day of the event. Most my alliance complained most of the time. Global event would of been better so we are not handicapped by our size as much, alliances still push for rewards but we all rewarded for good outcome(because why would you risk bad out come on a celebratory event).
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    Your vote:
    Meh, MPQ is going to MPQ. Shouldn't have gotten my hopes up

    Player level: 3* to 4* transitioner

    Player type: Hardcore PVE

    How many days have you played MPQ?
    363 days aka tinykittied by Dino DDQ4

    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
    2nd run of Galactus. Double ISO.

    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
    Getting **** by RNGesus in token pulls, while other open piles of 4 stars.
    Galactus run 1
    Tie between DDQ with Dino while no one recent has any covers and there being waaaay to few events to actually gain double ISO in.
  • Unknown
    edited October 2015
    Your vote:

    I want to vote something lower in the hopes that someone from D3 sees it and starts caring, which is also why I'm ending up voting "neutral." At this point I know they won't and don't, and getting upset has really gotten more emotionally taxing than any mobile video game warrants.

    Player level:

    Mostly 3* to 4* (and a one largely useless but annoying 5* $$ card), but still using boosted 2*s.

    Player type:

    Started uber-casual, went semi-hardcore for a couple months, burned out completely due to PvE structure, now casual-core in PvP exclusively.

    How many days have you played MPQ?

    A few days from $$ reward, Day 725-ish?

    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?

    1. Changes to Galactus 1 made G2 playable and actually (*GASP*) enjoyable for me with my 20+ level 130 3*s.
    2. Feeling like I made meaningful contributions during Galactus 2
    3. Helping my alliance secure two 4* RHulk cards in Galactus 2 with my 500000+ points, up from less than 100000 for the first.

    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?

    1. It only felt like an anniversary while I was playing G2 and my gambling chips contained something of value.
    2. Most of my gambling chips contained virtually useless items (2* cards)
    3. Even during an anniversary celebration, D3 can be counted on to show us just how valuable the player base is via the recent announcement about zero compensation for one of the bigger problems during the event. Peoplel persevered despite the issues, and were summarily blamed for the lack of compensation yet again, because, apparently everything was fine all along. BTW, Black Panther from the Galactus event says, "Hi!"

    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?

    Tough call. The first actually felt like an anniversary celebration throughout, despite my much weaker roster limiting much of what I was able to participate in. I didn't get much out of it, but it felt like a celebration. The second felt like an absolutely terrible buggy meatgrinder, then pretty awesome, then jaw-droppingly, kick-in-the-junk terrible at the end.

    Comments and Suggestions:

    I honestly don't know why I bother with the forum these days, or thoughtful, insightful polls like this. The disconnect between D3 and the player base is like nothing I've seen in many, many years of gaming, let alone as a member of countless other gaming forums. While I applaud the effort of putting this poll together, I sadly know that if it doesn't increase revenue, D3 doesn't want to hear about it. Prove me wrong, D3... prove me wrong.

    DBC - An entitled whiner icon_e_wink.gificon_lol.gif
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Your vote: Neutral
    Player level: 4* transition
    Player type: Semi-hardcore
    How many days have you played MPQ? 430
    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)? Clearing 8 rounds of GH 1 despite everything the devs did to prevent it
    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)? force close was the only strategy possible
    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why? duh, 1.
    Comments and Suggestions:I wish I weren't so jaded that their handling of these situations feels normal
  • 1) Neutral
    2) Level: 3*
    3) Type: Semi-H to Hardcore depending on Real Life business
    4) Days: 341
    a. I liked the introduction of a new, fun event (post-fix). New content = awesomesauce!
    b. Relatively good anniversary tokens (post-fix).
    c. Excellent repairs to Galactus Hungers, 5000 Iso for the versus glitch.
    6) (note the symmetry with #5, hence my overall "neutral" vote.)
    a. Initial Galactus run was horrible, not fun, and seemingly designed with the purpose of punishing the playerbase for initially proposed winning strategies.
    b. Horrible anniversary tokens (pre-fix).
    c. Horrible initial lack of support and essentially no responsiveness to myriad posts & complaints until the event was over. Once a response was finally posted it was inflammatory, and included no compensation at all for the horrors of the first event. (Server outage was compensated, but irrelevant to the pain of the event itself.)
    7) Wasn't here for 1st anniversary.
    Comments & Suggestions:
    Thank you for the new content. Just playtest it first next time. And if even with testing there's problems, fix *and compensate* for our wasted time.
  • Yasuru
    Yasuru Posts: 99 Match Maker
    Your vote: Dissatisfied

    Player level: On the cusp of 4* player

    Player type: Hardcore but usually just top 50

    How many days have you played MPQ? 689

    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary?
    1 - Galacticus round 2 was enjoyable minus the lock out (see below)
    2 - Class of 2015 was fun because I could run my IMHB, Fist, and Kamela team with them all boosted
    3 - Simulator is usually an interesting PvE

    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary?
    1 - The bugs, oh god, the bugs!!!
    2 - Galacticus round 1 and the lack of unlock between rounds over all
    3 - The tokens (see further below)

    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
    The 1st, hands down. Even though I have appalling luck with tokens, I came out of the first anniversary with a big bump to my roster (despite only about 5 dino covers from playing all the events, like I said, bad token luck). I don't usually have time to play LRs but I made time for those. Because of that, it felt like there was always something to do. This year, during round one, my HPs were wiped out so I couldn't play. In round 2, I fared better, but then had nothing to fill the gaps.

    Comments and Suggestions:
    Play test more. Server crashes aside, there were a lot of bugs and bad things about the event. Be more generous, it's a once a year event. I came in fully expecting to spend money on Hero Points I didn't need. After I saw the bugs, G round 1, and the horrible odds on the tokens, my wallet stayed closed and I didn't buy the daily deal (until they changed those odds).
  • Your vote: (ranges from Very Satisfied~Very Dissatisfied) Dissatisfied
    Player level: Are you a 1*, 2*, 3* or 4* player? (see note 1) 3*/4*
    Player type: Casual, Semi-hardcore, Hardcore, Uber-core? (see note 2) I don't really know what the difference would be, I play several hours a day and spend money every week
    How many days have you played MPQ? 311
    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)? A chance to get some Devil Dinos
    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)? Didn't feel very special for something celebrating 2 years. Felt like another generic event with a sale running simultaneously
    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
    Comments and Suggestions: Expected more from this event in the lines of free stuff, better prices, better rewards, etc etc. Instead like I said above...it was like any other PVE at the end of the day.
  • Flare808
    Flare808 Posts: 266
    Your vote: Neutral: Anniversary was a mixed bag

    Player level: 4*

    Player type: Semi-hardcore- mainly PvP, but will play PvE for Legendaries. Will try for as many covers in new release PvE.

    How many days have you played MPQ? 625

    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
    1. Shortened season
    2. Adjustments based on player feedback to Galactus 2
    3. Relatively easy way to get all 3 covers for new 4* characters (I know the majority weren't able to get all 3 Cykes, but it was much less time intensive to get all 3 covers for me personally. Grinding normal PvEs is a major time suck-Galactus had D3 imposed limits on how many times you can attack Galactus/no grinding nodes to single digits)

    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
    1. Lack of communication through all of the issues during anniversary
    2. Lack of 20-man Lightning Rounds
    3. Lack of playtesting Galactus 1- Being forced to use 1 or 2 strategies is counter to the roster diversity that D3 wanted. We had to either use CMarvel or Hulk to tank and generate AP and hope you can DPS down Galactus. Winfinite was too slow and got clogged up with special tiles. Majority of rosters were rendered useless.

    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
    The first anniversary by lightyears. It had the right feel of celebration, where we felt like something special was happening. I wanted to play MORE than normal. Farming tokens to get Dino through Lightning Rounds was exciting. It felt like it was raining ISO and tokens. It made me excited for what the second anniversary would bring.

    This is in contrast to the second anniversary. It made me want to play LESS. Galactus purposely locked us out. There was no concurrent PvE. No lightning rounds to farm tokens. No sim for anniversary season. The lack of events you could play was disheartening. Double ISO was toted, but there were only a handful of events that took advantage of it. Unfortunately, it doesn't make me excited for the third anniversary.

    Comments and Suggestions:
    The first anniversary felt like D3 was spoiling us. We spent money on HP. Both sides were happy. The vast majority of people were happy, barring some mistakes that D3 addressed. This anniversary felt hollow. D3 was happy with sales and we were left dissatisfied. D3 needs to realize they're in the business of digital goods. They sent us an Anniversary token as part of their gift. At the point in the game last year, that was fine since most of the growth was in 3* land. There were only a few 4*s to collect. A year later, there are many 4*s to collect. Why not send everyone a Legendary Anniversary token instead? Toss us a bone and say "we appreciate you playing our game and here's how we show it." I know D3 is concerned with the bottom line, but morale of the playerbase is another metric of success as well.
  • Your vote: (ranges from Very Satisfied~Very Dissatisfied) : Satisfied
    Player level: Are you a 1*, 2*, 3* or 4* player? Split 2* and 3* Player
    Player type: Casual, Semi-hardcore, Hardcore, Uber-core? Semi-Casual (little less than semi-hardcore)
    How many days have you played MPQ? 222
    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary? The covers, galactus, the covers
    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary? Lack of attainable new content, the tokens/bugs/glitches, difficulty with Galactus (1st run)
    Comments and Suggestions:

    I actually came out of the anniversary much better off than how I went into it. I do think this game focuses on rewarding the top-end of the game, and is slowly becoming less and less productive for people in 2*/3* land. But somewhere along the line I got a bunch of needed 3* covers, either from Galactus, PVP, or other anniversary tokens. On both Galactus runs I didn't push it as hard as I should have, knowing the window for anniversary tokens was small. In hindsight, I should have devoted much more time, especially during the 2nd Galactus run, to burn the nodes down.

    I played PVP to the maximum ability I was able to, but got placed in a vet bracket for the first event and was woefully outmatched. The opposite happened in one of the other events and I was able to get 10th place for 3 needed covers, which is the best I've ever done by a mile. I didn't get a tremendously useful 10-pack, but did get a bunch of Devil Dino covers that I may/may not ever have a use for in the future. It also happened to coincide with the day AFTER the Devil Dinosaur DDQ event, so that will be another 15+ weeks (if ever) before I can put them to work. I sincerely hope they slot DD into the rotation permanently, but haven't seen any red comment on that.

    As always, lady luck really caused the most disappointment. I got plenty of tokens that yielded nothing, and plenty that yielded something that I couldn't use. I happened to roll many 3* covers I already had 5 of, which is crazy since I had very few characters with 5 in an ability going into the anniversary. Kinda sucks when you get 3 gold covers out of 10, and they're three covers you can't use... when you have TONS of covers left to get in 3* land.

    But luck and odds aside, I did score a lot of good stuff during the anniversary, so I think it was a success for me personally, in the aggregate. Could I have gotten more stuff if I had played more, rolled differently, or if D3 had been in more of a sharing mood? Probably. Did I get a lot of needed stuff in the anniversary, outside constraints notwithstanding? I sure did.

    To me, that's a success and retained a satisfied player.
  • dswan3rd
    dswan3rd Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    My vote: Satisfied (though this would probably be Neutral or below if I had spent $$$ at any point)
    Player level: 3*
    Player type: Somewhere between Semi-HC and HC
    How many days have you played MPQ? 470
    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)? Mini-Season w/ 10-pack reward, Galactus fixes, 1 cheap token a day?
    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)? Lack of 20-player lightning rounds, Brevity/Brokenness of Galactus matches (first run), no DDQ involvement
    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why? 1st - the
    overall feel of the event, more activity in general...I don't recall everything in intimate detail, but I do remember being more excited to play than I was this time around.

    Comments and Suggestions: Non-Prologue 40 ISO must go!!!
  • Carnage_78
    Carnage_78 Posts: 304 Mover and Shaker
    My vote: Dissatisfied

    Player level: star.pngstar.pngstar.png

    Player type: Semi Hard Core

    How many days have you played MPQ? 412

    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)? Double iso8.png / icon_galactus.png event (good concept with bad execution on the first run but redeemed by the second run)

    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)? Lack of icon_devildino.png covers, Lack of icon_devildino.png covers, Lack of icon_devildino.png covers

    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why? 1st Anniversary by far. At the time, it felt like a true celebration with abundance of good/fun rewards. The 2nd Anniversary felt like a drag & apart from a good stash of iso8.png & some star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png covers from the icon_galactus.png events, I did not get much out of it which is a disappointment. I made the rookie mistake of selling some icon_devildino.png covers during the first Anniversary as I was only a few months into the game & needed all my roster spots for star.pngstar.pngstar.png characters at the time. I was hoping to get some of those back this time around which did not work out so well.

    Comments and Suggestions: Coming in to the Anniversary events, my only wish was to build up my 1/1/1 icon_devildino.png & I ended up barely getting one cover out of a token & one as the season reward to put the character at 2/2/1. It was supposed to be the MPQ celebration character & the one time of the year that we can get it, the game got stingy with the covers. Epic Fail! icon_eek.gif
  • Vinmarc43
    Vinmarc43 Posts: 266
    You should have put this line :
    Could D3 have done more ??

    Because d3 is MAJOR lazy, it`s the same stuff over and over...same progression reward all over, lightning rounds are boring to death, same **** for 2 years and don't get me started on those dumb team ups and ridiculous cascades.... nuff said icon_evil.gif
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    You know, normally I'd be happy to write up a reply with all those details.

    It seems that the Dev's didn't really care much about this though, so why should I put any effort in?

    Here are my thoughts. If they actually want to know more about what I think in detail, or suggestions, they can just search my post history.

  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Your vote:
    Neutral/MPQ is gonna MPQ, and I'm just going keep on doing what I do/Meh

    Player level:
    3* player, moving on to 4*

    Player type:
    Semi-Hardcore (Usually end up with 1 cover of a new 4*. Not hit top 10 for months. I do hit 1000 in PvP reliably though.)

    How many days have you played MPQ?

    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary?
    1) New PvE.
    2) Return of Anniversary tokens and Devil Dino (once the tokens were improved)
    3) Galactus Round 2.

    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary?
    1) No 20-man Lightning Rounds =(
    2) Developer silence while the boards melted down.
    3) Galactus round 1 and the baffling design philosophy surrounding it.

    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
    In the end, the second one because of the re-designed Galactus. If Galactus had functioned that way from the start I'd have said this one without a second thought. However the lack of 20-man LRs and the awful first run of Galactus did drag it down a bit. It just edges out the first anniversary since that one was simply a run of PvP events and nothing much happening in PvE

    Comments and Suggestions:
    I've said this in another thread, but the core question that shoud be at the root of every game design should always be "Is it fun?" and it's an idea D3 should really take into account. Galactus round 1 was not fun at all. It was an awful grind of misery and failure. The somewhat condesending and late response from the community managers wasn't overly encouraging either, suggesting we just didn't "get it". It baffled me that it was openly admitted we were supposed to lose and that Galactus was a foe we were meant to throw out health packs at to stand a chance at winning anything, not to mention it was said with a straight face. That's the kind of thing you do to people who abuse killing cows in Witcher 3 to exploit money.

    That said, the eventual turn around of the event, the return of certain members of staff to make right what once was wrong turned the event around for me. Improving the anniversary tokens; fixing Galactus so it was actually fun (my whole alliance jumped in and played it and we got really involved in getting a RHulk cover and even managed to get a second one before the end, surprising us all. It's been a while since the chat was so lively); sending compensation for the mistakes, glitches and hiccups as they occured. The dev team turned it around by the end. It's simply a shame that it *needed* turning around.

    As others have said, the anniversary should have been a celebration. A huge cheer to the people who play the game and send money to the staff to support them. Having an event set up so getting the new 4*s covers was a lot simpler than getting top 10 in a regular PvE would not have been a bad idea as a thank you. Designing the Galactus to be a gruelling test of one's patience and Health Pack buying skills was the exact opposite of how it should have gone down. It felt less like "We celebrate the players who have supported us for two years!" and more of a "We're sure you'd like to celebrate this game by giving us lots of money!" event at first.

    So yeah, try to keep "Is it fun?" in mind for the future. Essentially "giving out" three 4* covers for each of the events really wouldn't have destroyed the economy. I'm still going to support the game, the anniversary never angered me, but it did leave me disappointed. Like finding out a friend only hung out with you because you had a car. You kinda suspected but you never thought he'd come out and admit it, ya know?
  • Highdark
    Highdark Posts: 75 Match Maker
    1. Meh
    2 2* on phone and 4*on steam(let me link my account you pos!)
    3. Hardcore if not über core
    4. I read somewhere that this anniversary was supposed to make tokens feel like less **** but I vendered 50 covers(not an exaggeration) on a 2* account(I don't spend money on the one on my phone)
    5 I've done both anniversaries and I liked the other one better(this one was mostly marred by the galactis event eating medpacks) also the rawr event was obnoxious for 2* to grind through. 8k health animation spamming lizard slowing things down.
    6 Suggestions-I get devil Dino is supposed to be a "fun" 4 star, but he is practically useless and a dead spot in the roster. When you do get to 4* he might be the worst of them. IMPORTANT- This suggestion would curb the massive frustration of getting the same covers you have maxed. If a player gets a cover in something they have maxed let them choose to reroll it into a cover of that character they don't. Ex. I have a hulk 5/3/1.(currently my highest covered 3*) Been playing for years I've gotten more then I need of green. Praying for that one cover in a pool this large is ridiculous. A last suggestion is lower the cost of roster slots or gives more of them. I love new characters but the pool is too high for new players to get going without spending money.
  • Arimis_Thorn
    Arimis_Thorn Posts: 541 Critical Contributor
    Your vote: Very Dissatisfied
    Player level: 3* just starting to transition to 4*
    Player type: Semi-hardcore
    How many days have you played MPQ?: 493
    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary?: The idea of the Galactus event
    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary?: The execution of the Galactus event, the wave upon wave of bugs, how the event was handled and even planned by D3 overall.
    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Oh my sweet monkey Jesus, 1ST ANNIVERSARY
    Why? Because it actually felt like a celebration. Yes it was sort of silly, but that's a celebration for you. Rewards fell like rain. It really felt like a genuine Thank You from team.
    Comments and Suggestions: Test your **** game. Like really. We have the technology. You can fake server loads. You can test rewards. You can listen to your players. Dump a metric ****-TON of money into hiring a UX team and listen to what they say.
  • Your vote: Very Satisfied

    Player level: 2*-3* Transistioner

    Player type: Semi-Hardcore

    How many days have you played MPQ?: Around 315ish? Did quit for a few months.

    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?

    -Galactus, which was a new and interesting event. I even enjoyed the first version of it, even if it did get rather brutal.

    -Galactus Minion Nodes, some of which were pretty creative. Usually the survival nodes, though. (Like, 8 Ninja Mooks before a 3vs1 fight against a Super Gorgon? Yes plz. Actual Dark Avengers All At Once node? thank you very much)

    -Replacing standard tokens with Anniversary tokens, which just gave better junk, and I got more then my fair share of said better junk. Got 3 or so non-DD 4*s, and got like 6 DDs.

    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?

    -My constant desire to go onto the forums to see people be miserable, even if for good reason.

    -Couldn't get the Torch Red cover I needed in Personal Progressions in Galactus 1.

    -Not Enough HP rewards, cause that's what I really want most mang.

    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?

    -Second. Actually had a new event in it and all. Also got better draws with what felt like much more free stuff, but I'm also a bit more advanced then I was last year (which was... still in 2*-3* transistioning land. Ugh.)

    Comments and Suggestions:

    -Even if I liked it overall, people still want more free/easy to get junk. And it takes forever to make progress at this level. Please just, overall give us more of that? I do wish Anniversary lasted forever, but who doesn't?
  • wiz_biz
    wiz_biz Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    Your vote: Neutral
    Player level: 3*
    Player type: Hardcore
    How many days have you played MPQ? 432
    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary?
    - the retooling of the second run of galactus, although it was a little too easy (but my alliance really needed that)
    - double iso (when we got it)

    What did you enjoy least about the anniversary?
    - pvp bugs. it was miserable between the glitches in queuing, not receiving the iso or getting a single cover awarded from any match. especially with that latest red post with the final twist of the knife stating why there would be no compensation.
    - the lack of events to play to earn the promised double iso
    - losing a VERY valued alliance mate (and a whale, at that) because he was so frustrated with the bugs and really, really unforgivable customer support. i'm pretty surprised we only lost one in reality though, i was afraid it would be much worse than that

    For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
    definitely the first anniversary. maybe i am just wearing my rose colored glasses in hindsight, and was also an easier to please noob back then, but i remember never being able to put my phone down and being genuinely excited to bring home some GREAT treasure. this year, it truly felt like a chore and i was eventually just counting down the days until things could get back to normal.

    Comments and Suggestions:
    respect the playerbase.