2nd Anniversary Player Satisfaction Poll

fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
edited October 2015 in MPQ General Discussion

Now that the party is over and (hopefully) everyone has sobered up a bit, I thought it would be helpful to gauge general player satisfaction and offer constructive critique in the hopes of seeing improvements for future anniversaries and/or parties. I am particularly interested in seeing how players of different progressions perceived the event so for those that provide feedback, it would be very appreciated if you could please include the following information:

Your vote: (ranges from Very Satisfied~Very Dissatisfied)
Player level: Are you a 1*, 2*, 3* or 4* player? (see note 1)
Player type: Casual, Semi-hardcore, Hardcore, Uber-core? (see note 2)
How many days have you played MPQ?
What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
Comments and Suggestions:

So for example, a player we shall call Stanley Martin Lieber votes:

Your vote: MPQ is gonna MPQ, and I'm just going keep on doing what I do
Player level: 3* player
Player type: Semi-hardcore
How many days have you played MPQ? 419 days
What did you enjoy most about the anniversary?
1. Clearing 2nd Round of Galactus with my alliance
2. Devil Dinosaur vs Squirrel Girl 4*DPD
3. Increased drop rates on Anniversary tokens
What did you enjoy least about the anniversary?
3. PvP bugs affecting ISO rewards
2. Galactus Round 1
1. No Howard the Duck (or lack of Anniversary exclusive character)
For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why? 1st Anniversary. 20 man lightning rounds was the stuff that dreams are made of!
Comments and Suggestions: Love the game but felt this year's anniversary was missing that special something *cough* Howard the Duck *cough* I understand with new events server problems will probably always be an issue and appreciate the compensation for the inconvenience such problems cause me as a player.

The Poll
The poll offers two choice styles: standard and party time. Feel free to use whichever you prefer or more appropriately reflects your feelings.

1.Very Satisfied/ Awesomesauce!!!:
You feel the anniversary event exceeded your expectations and delivered a very enjoyable experience. Good golly miss molly! It was a blast! Why don't they have parties like this all the time?! icon_e_biggrin.gif

2. Satisfied/Good job dudes!:
You feel the anniversary event met all or most of your expectations and for the most part you had a good time. Nice party! Despite a rough beginning and a few hiccups here and there I was able to get my Galactric groove on and have fun. icon_e_smile.gif

3. Neutral/MPQ is gonna MPQ, and I'm just going keep on doing what I do/Meh.
You feel neither satisfaction nor disappointment in regards to the anniversary and your feelings about the game have not changed.
I've been around the MPQ block enough times to know better than to get my hopes up (totally saw that hamster strike coming), my pleasure is derived from annihilating my enemies and basking in the glory of my victories, anniversary or no anniversary it makes no difference. icon_e_ugeek.gif

4. Dissatisfied/ Who cut the cheese?!
You feel the anniversary event did not meet your expectations satisfactorily and has given you a negative impression of the game.
Aww dude! Not cool, totally not cool. Not only do you not provide cake at your own party but you fart on mine just as I am about to enjoy it! icon_mad.gif

5. Very Dissatisfied/ I don't know why I even bother anymore!
You feel the anniversary event was a terrible experience and are seriously contemplating quitting the game (if you haven't quit already).
Why? Why do I keep playing this thing! I was a fool to get my hopes up but you have tricked me for the last time!! This time I am really going to quit! icon_evil.gif

Additional notes:
Note 1: Please determine your player level by considering which characters you use the most and their star level. If you are on the border, feel free to round up (or down lol). For example:
Kurt Wagner most often uses 4* Wolverine, 3* Cyclops and 3*Mystique = 3* player
Johnny Blaze most often uses 2*Ares, 2*Storm, 3* Blade = 2* player

Note 2:
Casual: Currently only playing DPD or I don't play very frequently
Semi-hardcore: I play one game mode (PvP or PvE) pretty seriously. I frequently manage top 20 in an event. I dabble in other events but don't play them as seriously.
Hardcore: I play both PvP and PvE seriously. I frequently manage top 10 for new character release events and often top 20 in PvP.
Ubercore: You name the event and I'm probably hovering around the top. Lightning Rounds? Check. Hitting PvE seriously even for non-new character releases? Check. PvP? Have you seen my roster, son? All I have to say is don't mess with the best, otherwise the best can't help ya!
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  • rbdragon
    rbdragon Posts: 479 Mover and Shaker
    Your vote: Satisfied
    Player level: Are you a 1*, 2*, 3* or 4* player? (see note 1) 3* Bordering on 4*
    Player type: Casual, Semi-hardcore, Hardcore, Uber-core? (see note 2) Hardcore
    How many days have you played MPQ? 583
    What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
      [*]Galactus Version 2[/*]
      [*]Galactus Tokens[/*]
      [*]Anniversary Tokens (Once odds increased)
      What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
        [*]Lack of 20 person Lightening rounds[/*]
        [*]Surprise of Galactus not unlocking after each round[/*]
        [*]Ridiculousness of 3 turn matches in Galactus Version 1
        For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
        I enjoyed both, but the first one was better - more prizes, 20 person lightening rounds, and just overall felt more like a celebration. The second one was nice, but having to live up to the first made it look that much worse.

        Having said all that, the things we did get as a bonus (increased odds, double ISO when it actually happened), they didn't have to do any of it. So when people complained that the "gifts" weren't good enough, that bothered me a little. Complaints about bugs and outages and GH1 - totally justified.
      • Wooodd
        Wooodd Posts: 187 Tile Toppler
        I voted in the middle of the road, whilst I enjoyed the anniversary my expectations were way higher and they should have been. This is mainly because I'm a relatively new player and read so much hype and positive feedback about Anniversary 1.0.

        I'm firmly in 2* land but slowly starting to build a couple of usable 3*'s (Very Slowly), and I'm on day 92.

        I suppose I'm Semi-Hardcore with PvE, but only hit T20 if I have the essentials. I do hit PvP enough to get the Season 10 packs though.

        The highlights of the Anniversary for me were:

        1) Galactus. I really enjoyed battling big G even on Round 1. The different approach to the game, having to think a lot more before you leap. Really enjoyed that, and I hope that they use this format of game-play again.

        2) Hitting Round 6 of G2 to get a Red Hulk. I know this isn't much of an achievement considering the numbers who hit all 8 rounds but I feel our alliance did well. Also, being 5th of the 18 in our alliance who participated (if you can call it participating some just joined the event to be included in any rewards without contribution) I was really chuffed with.

        3) The break. Seriously, being a newbie I have played every minute I can to try and get my foot in the door so to speak. Having the 8 hour cool-down on big G without any other events running concurrently was actually a blessing.

        Now onto the negatives:

        1) RN'effin'Gesus. As far as I'm concerned he can go forth and multiply. My luck with Anniversary and Galactus Tokens was piss poor, only a couple of usable 3* covers from the lot (and a couple I don't have which will end up going for Iso as I don't have the slots). I get that them's the brakes with RNG but I feel I really got the brown end of the stick.

        2) I played more PvP during anniversary than normal, and it really irks to be knocked back while you were 'in-game' to net a loss. I know this happens all the time in PvP, but it was compounded during Anniversary as the same person would smack me up and down the street over and over for 250+ points as they could keep me queued. Not earning the Iso wasn't very nice, but I'm not really Iso deprived (yet). The main issue I had was not being able to pass 600 points without being battered back into the corner where I belong. I normally get the 650 tokens, but not these ones.

        3) This horrible taste I've got in my mouth: https://d3go.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=34173
      • Der_Lex
        Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
        Your vote: Satisfied.
        Player level: 4* player
        Player type: Hardcore
        How many days have you played MPQ?

        -My counter says 522 days, but I've been playing since the beginning with a big break in the middle.

        What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?

        - The second run of Galactus.
        - Double ISO (when it worked)
        - Anniversary tokens after the improved odds.

        What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?

        - the no ISO after a pvp match bug (and subsequent lack of compensation).
        - The first run of Galactus
        - No double iso in DDQ

        For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
        First anniversary was during my break, unfortunately.

        Comments and Suggestions:

        Better playtesting of events. Better bug testing of events. So more testing all around.
      • Your vote: Dissatisfied
        Player level: 3*
        Player type: Semi-hardcore
        How many days have you played MPQ? 198
        What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)? I enjoyed the concept of the second Galactus, though I would like to see something similar, but individual or gamewide
        What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)? Draw rates were still not worthy of an anniversary, even when they were improved.
        Problems with all the events took away from it.
        Decidedly non-celebratory tone of events.
        Comments and Suggestions: I would have liked Galactus to be gamewide--all the players working toward a common goal for prizes like HP, iso, and slots (things all players could use).
        I would also have liked individually rewarding events. And tokens with really high 3* and up odds could have been great, rather than the worse than, then slightly better than heroic odds.
      • fight4thedream
        fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
        Your vote: MPQ is gonna MPQ (although I did catch a pretty big whiff of that funky cheese! icon_neutral.gif )
        Player level: 4* player
        Player type: Hardcore
        How many days have you played MPQ? 621 days
        What did you enjoy most about the anniversary?
        1. Increased Anniversary Token odds (although I do sympathize for those that opened their tokens prior to the change)
        2. The 8 hour time system used for the Galactus events
        3. Defeating Galactus Round 2 with my alliance
        What did you enjoy least about the anniversary?
        3. Lack of 20 man Double ISO Lightning rounds featuring new character
        2. Anniversary Tokens prior to change (Heroics had better odds, what's up with that?)
        1. No Howard the Duck or Anniversary exclusive party animal
        For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why? I enjoyed the 1st Anniversary more than the 2nd. I remember it was clearly a hunt for Anniversary tokens and with the 20 man lightning rounds I felt there was always something exciting and extra fun to do. I was definitely able to boost my roster strength because of that Anniversary. The 2nd Anniversary, not so much. Part of the "problem" if we are going to call it that, is now my focus is on collecting Legendary tokens so the Anniversary tokens were more of an after thought (especially pre-odds fix). Since there was no substantial increase in Legendary token flow and no new Anniversary exclusive character for me to get, just felt like every other week of MPQ since the Legendary tokens were introduced.

        Comments and Suggestions: Better planning. A common criticism of this game is that the devs are "reactive not proactive" and for the most part I believe this to be true. The anniversary should be your moment to shine and to tell the community where the game is headed and I feel this happened (intentionally or not) last anniversary with the 20 man anniversary lightning rounds since it was the official introduction of 4*Thor. I felt you communicated then that the game was heading into 4* land and in hindsight with the departure from Dark Reign storyline the game was becoming more of a promotional platform for Marvel comics. I honestly don't know what kind of message to take from the 2nd Anniversary.

        Obviously I am not privy to the schedule and contractual obligations you have with Marvel but I do find it mind boggling you had a Galactus event that did not feature the Silver Surfer or most of the Fantastic Four (yes, I will be honest, I was secretly hoping we could get Silver Surfer covers from the event). Also the Anniversary felt it was more geared toward veteran rosters considering the events ran which doesn't affect me negatively but I did wonder whether n00bs and less developed rosters were able to enjoy the celebration as much as those further up the line. A party isn't really great unless everybody is having a good time, amirite?

        Anyway, learn from your mistakes, keep trying new stuff (but be sure to do some better testing beforehand) and start planning for the 3rd anniversary now. It's probably best to think of the Anniversary as your time to shine and to set a clear vision of what's ahead for the coming year. Just my 2 cents spideycoin.pngimcoin.png
      • Lee T
        Lee T Posts: 318
        Your vote:

        Very dissatisfied.

        Player level:


        Player type:

        Semi-Hardcore I guess (the categories go straight from "from time to time" to "frequently top 20" and I'm frequently top 50).

        How many days have you played MPQ?


        What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?

        There was really nothing to write home about as far as gameplay value was concerned. +Galactus 2 felt like it took less time commitment than usual PVE, that's a plus.

        What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?

        Demiurge/D3go's policy.

        All but one event was bugged & Galactus 1 was flawed by questionable design decisions.

        The result has been an appalling series of answer to customer issues.

        The worst offender was trying to sell us tokens with less value than regular tokens at almost twice the price. This is a pretty clear indication of their view on customers.

        For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?

        I barely took part in the first anniversary so I can't compare the two.

        Comments and Suggestions:

        Without a major overhaul of Demiurge/D3go's customer policy I will cease to be a paying customer. I will not quit the game right now as I'm waiting to see what the elusive "new gameplay" is about.
      • It began with lousy tokens and Galactus Hunger without any grace. I wanted to leave. After adjusting the tokens improved, I got green Dino, and Galactus Hunger became fun, despite being easy. I got 2 epic characters in legendary tokens. It was an absurd demand 4k for the legendary token in full birthday. I had to put three shells at the station to ensure my legendary token. 3k to Wolvie 2 * was ridiculous. An average event can be considered for your search would be neutral.
      • Your vote: neutral (the storm come and goes, the waves crash overhead, the big fish eat the little fish and i keep on paddling)

        Player level: 3* (the fodder)
        Player type: Pseudo-Casual

        How many days have you played MPQ?:

        What did you enjoy most about the anniversary ?: galactus second run
        What did you enjoy least about the anniversary ?:
        For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?:
        Comments and suggestion:
      • Isay_Isay
        Isay_Isay Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
        Your vote: Neutral (Was certainly dissatisfied prior to 2nd run of Galactus)
        Player level: 4*
        Player type: Hardcore
        How many days have you played MPQ? 719 daily reward but have been playing since close to the beginning
        What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
        1) Completing 2nd run of Galactus
        2) Double ISO
        3) Token rewards (once odds were adjusted)
        What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
        1) Rounds 5-8 in the 1st run of Galactus
        2) Bugged ISO and retaliation in PVP
        3) Lack of special lightning rounds/no double ISO LRs
        For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
        The first one was better since it actually felt like a celebration. I don't remember being frustrated with anything last year as opposed to this year where it seemed like every event had something blow up.
        Comments and Suggestions:
        If nothing had been done between the first and second run of Galactus, I would have been much more negative. All told, I don't think this was what anyone wanted. The changes made in the middle certainly boosted things up, but frustration and burnout was all that was being discussed in our group chats. It was a super compressed "season" with fires popping up everywhere with little support to be found. Communication has certainly improved in recent months between the developers and the community, but when things feel apart during the anniversary, all that goodwill was gone.
      • slidecage
        slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
        our vote: Dissatified due to the point they change the odds of tokens in the middle of event yet only gave 2 no matter how many you already opened

        Player level: 3 star

        Player type: semi hard core

        How many days have you played MPQ? 360

        What did you enjoy most about the anniversary... 2nd running of the PVE.

        What did you enjoy least about the anniversary. Lame token drop rates

        For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more?

        it was worse

        Comments and Suggestions:
        Make this the new everyday PVE (2nd running and do away with the normal PVE)
      • Punisher5784
        Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
        Vote: Satisfied. Only because they fixed the Anniversary mid-way.
        Player level: 3* player
        Player type: Semi-hardcore
        How many days have you played MPQ? 401 days, just got Nick Fury

        What did you enjoy most about the anniversary?
        1. Finally getting more Devil Dino covers. Last year he was only 0/0/4, now he's 4/3/5 (with SHIELD Daily Supply)
        2. Using that Devil Dino to defeat Squirrel Girl in 4* DDQ. First time I have won!
        3. Good token pulls (after they fixed the odds) and pulled 3 Professor Xaviers, among others
        4. Joined a new alliance, Stampcollectors, for Galactus. First time we reach round 7, Second time we completed every round!
        5. Although I would have rather the Anniversary be perfect from the start, I am happy the devs fixed a lot of mistakes and listened to us.

        What did you enjoy least about the anniversary?
        1. Galactus Round 1
        2. Token Pull rates still could have been much better.
        3. It would have been nice if Devil Dino became permanent and a new Anniversary Exclusive character was released.
        4. I wish the HP/ISO Sale ran through the entire Anniversary. By the time they fixed everything it was too late to buy HP.

        For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why? 1st Anniversary. I loved the 20-man Lightning Rounds. At the time I only played PVE as I was always scared as a 2* player but this got me to finally try PVP. The first anniversary also helped me transition from 2* to 3*, I had so many characters sitting in the query waiting to be rostered. I was really hoping this year would help me reach 4*.

        Comments and Suggestions: Love the game but felt they really lost touch with what the players want. Creating an event that 'we're supposed to lose' is never ideal (unless you communicate this beforehand). I would have preferred if they took the time to fix the "little" complaints we've been bugging them for years: Buffing old 3*'s (IM40, Spidey), 1-touch level button, better Battle UI, removing 20 ISO, organize roster by tier, improve the cover selling feature so I don't have to 'Sell All' or 'Individually', reduce 2* pulls, etc. The devs always say they don't have time for these 'low priority' things but I bet if they spend time making Galactus and instead made those changes, we would have been happy! Btw, of course we would rather have tokens that yield better rewards than a handful of tokens that don't!
      • jffdougan
        jffdougan Posts: 733 Critical Contributor
        I'm satisfied, marred primarily by the fiascos of Galactus run 1 and the sub-Heroic anniversary tokens.

        I'm generally a 3* player, who is somewhere between casual and hardcore - I have a new job that's kicking the butt of any available free time. Pre-August, I was generally top 100-150 PVE and 550+ PVP score; lately it's been DDQ and first token/HP PVP award ni a single stretch.

        The fixes for Galactus run 2 made it much more enjoyable. I expect to lose matches to Galactus or Ultron, but I also expect a fighting chance - that was lacking in the first Galactus run. For next year, I would like to see an Anniversary vault that includes 9 DD covers (3 of each cover), 1 cover for each 4* then in the game, the HP and ISO awards, and round out to a reasonable number, based on the number of tokens they expect the average player to get. I'll be happy to elaborate on that elsewhere if either players or red names are interested.

        The worst part of the event (for me) was the Sisyphean task of Galactus run 1. I've got a pretty decent roster, and never made it past the 300k individual progression award that time.
      • GrumpySmurf1002
        GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
        Your vote: Neutral.
        Player level: Are you a 1*, 2*, 3* or 4* player? 3.5*
        Player type: Casual, Semi-hardcore, Hardcore, Uber-core? Semi-Hardcore
        How many days have you played MPQ? 610
        What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
        Galactus Part 2
        Double Iso
        Time off while PvP shielded and Galactus locked.

        What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
        Galactus Part 1
        Normal Lightning Rounds
        Customer Relations

        For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
        Hard to compare the two really. Different stages of the game, different expectations. Having a big, newish PvE event in the center of things was the right idea, considerably better than running Venom:Heroic. Last year they also polled the user base first to get an idea of what we wanted, whereas this time they decided it.

        Comments and Suggestions:
        When you're celebrating the game, stop worrying about balancing every resource perfectly and reward your players, new and old. Something as 'simple' as giving two roster slots to everyone (one for Cyc, one for Rulk) would've likely gone a long, long way towards satisfaction. It's one thing to run a slog of an event, it's another to then expect people to fork over 500-1000HP to get their 'reward' for that work.

        And be engaged with the player base. Celebrating your players by disappears for 4 days, even if it's to mingle with a handful of players at Comic Con, is a terrible idea. Run the anniversary a week earlier next year (over the actual anniversary) and you don't have the conflict. The worst thing you can do is let the anger fester instead of addressing it immediately. Waiting to review metrics and carefully press release your responses just makes things worse.

        Finally, more is better. Always.
      • SunCrusher
        SunCrusher Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
        Your vote: I ultimately voted Satisfied because of the final results of my own PERSONAL-only experience.

        Player level: 2-3* (building my 3*s still)
        Player type: Semi-Hardcore Soloist (mostly PvE, can place well and get appropriate rewards if gunning, but takes breaks and plays mostly solo)

        How many days have you played MPQ? 211? (Daredevil cover recently) but I started pre-R47 nerfs and took some major breaks at different points.

        What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?

        - Galactus as a concept was refreshing and though the first round left a poor impression, the second round was an improvement based on player feedback. PvP for me was also more doable.

        - D3 maintained contact with the community despite some radio silence and listened and made some changes (Galactus part two, token pull rates etc) based on feedback.

        - Devil Dino reappeared to PARTY and some previous Anniversary fun was rebooted.

        Note: I have to admit I pulled a few good tokens this year like I did last year even though I did not have a ton and given that I didn't personally enjoy the LRs from last year, LRs was not something I missed this time around. Transitioning, for me, keeps token pulls interesting - especially after a hiatus.

        What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?

        - Bugs and glitches that minorly to severely affected gameplay depending on the players' unique situations and compensation being determined with what has felt to be 'catch all' formulas. The PvP problems in particular and the way it was addressed missed the principle of things in my opinion. Why is it about counting ISO and not about the sheer fact that people could be unfairly slammed multiple times in a row by the same person and forced to suffer consequences for it? If I was knee deep in competition and I suddenly lost a ton of points (from being multi-tapped), isn't it only logical that I might be forced to not just earn BACK those points but also bank some if at all possible? Additionally, what fun is it to be knee deep in competition only to have some bug put you on the edge because you just might be one of the unlucky ones? And for Galactus, I personally almost missed both a Progression and Round clear during the second run because of Black Panther node glitching. Apparently, some people received compensation and other people didn't even though they experienced the same issues.

        - Alliances are great and all but why couldn't there have either been a more solo-player friendly Anniversary PvE to play with during Galactus or just a bit more solo-friendly Galactus event, period? I appreciate the changes made for the second run, but the first run in the absence of other solo-friendlier Anniversary themed PvEs felt exclusionary.

        - The commentary about Devil Dino being less than desirable owing to previous year's ability to collect was both a bit baffling and a bit exclusionary. Devil Dino is BAAACK and so why not extend the WOO HOO factor to the people who missed him previously or who were unable or unlucky in covering him? He is more novelty than anything and a mascot almost for Anniversary.

        Comparing Last Anniversary to This Anniversary:

        It was a good opportunity to communicate between devs and players and it was a bit more solo-friendly. I personally did not benefit from the LRs at all and got death bracketed with all the hardcore vets. We had PvE token glitches back then, too, and though the pull rate for tokens was better, there were people who were 'unlucky' all the same.

        Overall, last year felt a bit better executed (fewer bugs) with a clearer sense of direction (are we having Alliance mandatory events regularly now? Are the devs afraid of saying that the future is in the 5* characters?).

        This year felt like a great idea that fell unexpectedly short (bugs) that was addressed (round two of Galactus, other PvE events)... Only to fall short again with more unexpected bugs (PvP)... But not without conversations and compensation for the most part (which is good).

        Having been absent from the game for a while, I can see where previous issues in general were and are being addressed and I guess because of these changes, I see this Anniversary's issues akin to growing pains. Hence, some good ideas... but with less than perfect execution.

        Despite my disappointments, I ultimately am hopeful that the growing pains are pointing to something positive and though I may not agree with some decisions or opinions, I appreciate that we can all converse and share.

        Comments and Suggestions:

        Drewesque made a really great suggestion which reflects my own mindset. I hope they don't mind if I repeat it here.

        "I would have liked Galactus to be gamewide--all the players working toward a common goal for prizes like HP, iso, and slots (things all players could use).
        I would also have liked individually rewarding events."

        As a mostly solo player, I try to take it in stride that transitioning from star level to star level is going to take longer and that a key to my longevity with this game is to HAVE FUN and compete reasonably and keep expectations to a reasonable level.

        I don't expect to keep up with everyone, but to encounter a supposedly inclusionary event that mandates Alliance participation and a strong roster to make any kind of progress (especially the first run which was more difficult for me regarding the nodes I could actually attempt) was sincerely disappointing.

        And finally, on a marketing and promotional level, though I can see some reason in launching Anniversary during some major press-covered event...

        The radio silence that resulted and us being stranded with bugs with no immediate help in sight was YIKES.

        All that said, thanks for reading.
      • Colognoisseur
        Colognoisseur Posts: 806 Critical Contributor
        Your vote: MPQ is gonna MPQ, and I'm just going keep on doing what I do
        Player level: 4* Player
        Player type: Ubercore
        How many days have you played MPQ? 732 days
        What did you enjoy most about the anniversary?
        1. Being the first alliance to clear Round 8 in the second round of Galactus
        2. Double Iso in Class of 2015 and Devil Dinosaur PvP
        3. Devil Dinosaur v. Squirrel Girl in 4* DDQ
        What did you enjoy least about the anniversary?
        3. Galactus Run 1- server crash, three turns or die, no refreshes on finishing round
        2. No iso rewards for Black Vortex and Women of Marvel again cost me another 10,000 iso because I finished as I always did but lost out on getting iso on every battle
        1. No double iso Lightning Rounds cost me personally 50,000 iso
        For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why? 1st Anniversary. I netted almost 100,000 more iso in the first anniversary than the second one.
        Comments and Suggestions: I obviously love the game but last year's anniversary reinvigorated me as a player. This year's anniversary felt like the cake fell flat like it was missing some vital ingredients. As an "ubercore" player I felt the loss more than 99.9% of the players which makes my response an outlier. Next year bring back double Iso Lightning rounds, bring back an Anniversary SHIELD simulator so I could farm double iso as much as I wanted. I am happy they tried something different which entails the risk of failure. This second anniversary failed because they tried to do something new and I want them to keep trying even if it might fail.
      • Green83
        Green83 Posts: 52 Match Maker
        Your vote: (ranges from Very Satisfied~Very Dissatisfied) Neutral
        Player level: Are you a 1*, 2*, 3* or 4* player? (see note 1)Almost capped most my 2*'s, gathering 3* covers
        Player type: Casual, Semi-hardcore, Hardcore, Uber-core? (see note 2)Betweem casual and semi hardcore, play a lot, but don't reliably make the leaderboards. Highest pvp finish is 8th though
        How many days have you played MPQ? 61
        What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?Getting 2* tokens instead of 1* tokens
        What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?Opening Hawkeye's mostly, purchasing 50 HP token daily and only receiving 1 gold cover out of this. Felt like I should have saved for roster spots
        For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why? N/A
        Comments and Suggestions:Please introduce higher 3* odds in event tokens for newer players to catch up. It's almost impossible now to reliably get enough 3* covers to build good ones, especially since there are so much off them
      • simonsez
        simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards

        Player level: 4* player
        Player type: Hardcore
        How many days have you played MPQ? 602
        What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
        The galactus rerun, double iso when it worked, legendary token award for a short season
        What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
        The no-ISO bug, no lightning rounds, token drop rates way worse than last year
        For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
        First. More stuff. And the attitude expressed towards player complaints was that we're wrong to be complaining.
        Comments and Suggestions:
        Listen to your playerbase more. Don't be stingy when it comes to stuff that costs you nothing. Too often you turn your back at the chance to generate free good will.
      • Varg138
        Varg138 Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
        Your vote: Dissatisfied
        Player level: 3.5*
        Player type: Hardcore
        How many days have you played MPQ?: 720
        What did you enjoy most about the anniversary
        Being the 6th alliance to finish Gallactus Round 6
        Finishing Round 1 of Gallactus with only about one hour left, despite the obvious problems with the design.
        What did you enjoy least about the anniversary:
        No 20-man or double ISO LRs
        No double ISO in LRs
        Making Dino required for a DDQ when we were told he never would be required for anything. This didn't affect me, but it did affect some of my alliance mates.
        For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
        1st by far. D3 was nowhere to be found for the first few days with issues, and this anniversary felt stingy instead of celebratory.
        Comments and Suggestions: Offer double ISO LRs this week or next to make up for that issue. 5K ISO? Really?

        ign: DarthGlitter
      • amusingfoo1
        amusingfoo1 Posts: 597 Critical Contributor
        Your vote: middle of the road
        Player level: 3* (just maxed my first 3* earlier today, actually)
        Player type: semi-hardcore
        How many days have you played MPQ? 135
        What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?

        Liked the new characters
        I thought you all did a pretty good job of making up for the terrible beginning.
        30% hp bonus was cool

        What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?

        Was not happy with a number of factors with the first run of Galactus. Ramp-up in difficulty of Galactus himself was ridiculously steep, minion nodes stopped being easy after round five, and became almost as hard as Galactus in round seven. Also, our alliance got 90% of the way through round seven (stopped by those minion nodes, actually), which was frustrating. As was falling 100k short of the legendary (my first PvE missing out on the legendary); I'm very curious to know what the percentage of players getting that was, vs the normal percentage. If it's significantly lower (and I'm pretty sure it was), retroactively giving it to people in the top X% (whatever the normal rate is) might have been appropriate. I also wasn't happy with how many rainbow boosts I went through in getting as far as I did (and I needed them; they saved a number of matches for me).
        I actually had pretty good luck with the first round of anniversary tokens, but I thought the odds on them were pretty terrible. I thought the revamped ones were more in line with what one should expect for celebratory tokens. Although even after the revamp, I didn't think anniversary cover packs were worth buying (close to twice as expensive as heroics, with not nearly twice the value, in my mind. So I spent on other things, to varying levels of success/satisfaction). As a possible future option, maybe have the 40-packs come with two legendaries.

        For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?
        Comments and Suggestions:
      • firethorne
        firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
        Your vote: Very Dissatisfied
        Player level: 3*
        Player type: Semi-hardcore
        How many days have you played MPQ? 484
        What did you enjoy most about the anniversary (please limit to your top 3)?
        Hulk seems like he could be good. Too bad it will be a over a year at the rate I'm going to get him covered.

        What did you enjoy least about the anniversary (please limit to your bottom 3)?
        No lightning rounds.

        Garbage tokens and opening 40 or so 2*s.

        The nightmare that was Galactus 1.0

        Finally, and by far the most important, the light shown on the dev's design philosophy. 111 alliances passed, and that was more than they expected.

        For those that have experienced the 1st anniversary and 2nd anniversary, which did you enjoy more? Why?. 1st. 2 felt like they had completely forgotten how to be generous.

        Comments and Suggestions:
        The statement that 111 alliances is more than expected made me realize that this game is truly being designed for an audience I clearly am not in. I'm not in the top 1%, I never will be. And now, I realize they aren't making content where there think I'll have a shot, and they don't care. Middle of the road players aren't a consideration, and then having fun isn't an important design priority. It will take 40 pages of rage on the forums before they'll even realize we exist. That really alienated me, and likely means I'll never be a paying customer unless I see monumental changes.