Black Panther Node crashes game



  • veneretio
    veneretio Posts: 76 Match Maker
    Just adding my name to the list of those this is impacting.

    Having been able to determine a workaround.
  • On to report the same. Between not having Cyclops and this error with BP, our group stands to be held up short of 350k in points.

    Not sure what to say on that one.
  • Only thing I haven't tried is deleting and reinstalling the app. Has anyone tried this?
  • Still getting the crash and I'm on android
  • So that's what's going on. Thought it was just me.
  • Same here... adding my name to the list... really sad since I only have 2 of the required characters... icon_e_confused.gif
  • KillStormFirst
    KillStormFirst Posts: 140 Tile Toppler
    Yup. Instacrash.
  • ScrawL
    ScrawL Posts: 32 Just Dropped In
    SirLanik wrote:
    ScrawL wrote:
    It'd be nice to hear from the developers or SOMEONE so we knew they are hearing our feedback. I thought this might be resolved by now or at least have been responded to. I hope the developers know what's going on and are trying to do something about it.

    I'm not surprised we haven't seen a response yet, this bug occurred late in the day and is unlikely to be seen until tomorrow.
    Well nodes refresh in 3 hours for me so I guess that won't help. Although it seems to be happening to everyone on any round so they need to fix it asap. Hopefully next time the BP node comes around it'll be fixed. And hopefully there will be compensation cause I truly believe there should be. What the BP node is worth 1600 with another shot at Galactus, that being quite a lot of potential points were missing out on,so it's costing my alliance and everyone really
  • herm1978
    herm1978 Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    Matthew G wrote:
    As this seems to be a universal problem, if anyone can find a workaround or find a way to get it to work, please post it here so we can all get through this.

    All things considered, this is a minor issue and results in minimal overall loss so I wouldn't expect much in terms of compensation. (But feel free to hope)
    Please don't be too harsh on the devs. They had to rework the entire event in a few days (which I understand they should have done before the first round of release but still) so I don't think it would be fair to attack them for missing one thing before pushing it out to us.

    Minor issue? It is 25% of my potential points.
  • Seasick Pirate
    Seasick Pirate Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    I'm not surprised we haven't seen a response yet, this bug occurred late in the day and because none of the developers, or anyone they know, don't even play this game, it is unlikely to be seen until tomorrow.

    Fixed that for ya'.
  • s9id3r
    s9id3r Posts: 8
    having the same problem
  • I've he same proble. Galactus round 5, Black Panther node - game crashes on start the battle.
    WEBGAS Posts: 474 Mover and Shaker
    SirLanik wrote:
    Currently on round 4 of Galactus event today, and the Black Panther node (second from the left) is unplayable. If you try and do it, it will act like the node will start the fight, but then the game will crash. Everyone in my alliance is reporting the same issue.

    This is on mobile IOS, I am unsure if Android or Steam are affected.

    And just to be clear, I am personally running on an iphone 5s, iOS 9.0.2, game version R85.0.305566

    Same issues here, Android System....My Alliance is in the same mess, all 20 members icon_redface.gificon_redface.gificon_mad.gif
  • Melevorn
    Melevorn Posts: 137 Tile Toppler
    Same here.

    Playing on Android, up to date version, have tried the Black Panther wave node (on Round 5) a dozen times with different characters and every time after I hit the final button to start the fight it crashes out of the MPQ app.

    Very frustrating. icon_evil.gif
  • Same here.
    I have 1h05 left to play it. If i cant im loosing points for this node and round 5 main node points. Plz fix it
  • ScrawL
    ScrawL Posts: 32 Just Dropped In
    OJSP wrote:
    SirLanik wrote:
    ScrawL wrote:
    It'd be nice to hear from the developers or SOMEONE so we knew they are hearing our feedback. I thought this might be resolved by now or at least have been responded to. I hope the developers know what's going on and are trying to do something about it.

    I'm not surprised we haven't seen a response yet, this bug occurred late in the day and is unlikely to be seen until tomorrow.
    I'm not so sure this is a fair comment. The developers are aware about this already. IceIX has posted several times in the main thread in General Discussion.

    I think, one of the reasons why the developers don't reply here too often is because they can't be seen to pick and choose a topic they read or reply to. Also, they can't guarantee anything.

    We know that they know about this bug. It's a universal bug and we may or may not get a fix before the next refresh. It may only happen to this one node on this particular refresh. If this bug is persistent throughout the event, I'm quite certain compensation would be considered.
    The thing is we've heard the same complaints from several different rounds so from what is being said all or most rounds are affected. And this IS a bug so idk why it's better for them to reply to the general discussion and not bugs (where it should be). Also we don't KNOW they know about this bug. Yeah we should assume so since so many people have been affected but we don't truly know because they haven't responded.

    I understand they are busy and have a lot to deal with but what most people want is to be acknowledged when it comes to bugs like this. If there was a thread somewhere else like this maybe they should have combined them or simply did a copy/paste reply for both.
  • ashmanic
    ashmanic Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    Same thing on PC via Steam, black panther node, get though to the fight and crashes.
  • herm1978 wrote:
    Matthew G wrote:
    As this seems to be a universal problem, if anyone can find a workaround or find a way to get it to work, please post it here so we can all get through this.

    All things considered, this is a minor issue and results in minimal overall loss so I wouldn't expect much in terms of compensation. (But feel free to hope)
    Please don't be too harsh on the devs. They had to rework the entire event in a few days (which I understand they should have done before the first round of release but still) so I don't think it would be fair to attack them for missing one thing before pushing it out to us.

    Minor issue? It is 25% of my potential points.

    First of all it's 20% unless you're including the node for Cyclops which I can kind of get but it's not really accurate. Additionally, it's only 20% of the 10-11 attempts at Galactus leaving it at around 2% of overall possible points. Less so if they are able to fix the issue after this refresh because it's an early round (4 or 5) and isn't worth as much as the late rounds. I don't think over-exaggerating the issue will do much good and I think that when they realize the problem, they will fix it as soon as they can.

    I'm not going to get bent out of shape out of it because odds are it won't have a massive effect on overall personal scores (I can understand it having a lager impact on alliance scores because they weren't lowered from last Galactus event but regardless, I wouldn't expect compensation).

    Edit: I realize now you said '25% of my points' referring to it being 1/4 of the event you personally can do but I still don't think that it's as dramatic as you are making it.
  • Same here.
  • herm1978
    herm1978 Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    Matthew G wrote:
    herm1978 wrote:
    Matthew G wrote:
    As this seems to be a universal problem, if anyone can find a workaround or find a way to get it to work, please post it here so we can all get through this.

    All things considered, this is a minor issue and results in minimal overall loss so I wouldn't expect much in terms of compensation. (But feel free to hope)
    Please don't be too harsh on the devs. They had to rework the entire event in a few days (which I understand they should have done before the first round of release but still) so I don't think it would be fair to attack them for missing one thing before pushing it out to us.

    Minor issue? It is 25% of my potential points.

    Edit: I realize now you said '25% of my points' referring to it being 1/4 of the event you personally can do but I still don't think that it's as dramatic as you are making it.

    Thank you, that takes care of the 20/25% question icon_e_smile.gif

    But I disagree, it could very well turn out to be significant if I have trouble beating Galactus in the later rounds. With the nerf to him I seem to be able to beat him every time up to and including round 5. I assume I may be able to win at least some of the time in round 6 also unless he powers up too much. But if I cant then the points I lost in the early rounds (with a practically guaranteed win) will probably end up being more than what I get per match in round 6.

    Edit: My alliance didnt beat round 6 last time so for me round 4-5 isnt exactly the "early" rounds. But we should be able to beat round 6 this time.