A month later: feelings on 5 stars?

20three Posts: 371
edited October 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Personally, I was livid when I read the announcement. I've already vented my frustration then, but I can't say I feel any differently now that they're in play. I still don't understand their purpose, why they need to be so overpowered, game-changing and broken. It felt like such a lazy, cheap shiny fix and there were so many other issues that should have been corrected. The timing is so bad. It was a struggle catching up when I joined in relatively late, I can't even imagine what it's like for new players.
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  • I was about to vote "Neutral" on them, but then I realized that they're the reason that Legendary tokens exist, and why it's getting somewhat easier to get reliable 4*s, which made me change my vote to Positive.

    It hasn't gotten so bad that I'm scared to play Versus any more then I already am, at least.
  • stochasticism
    stochasticism Posts: 1,181 Chairperson of the Boards
    Where's the "Do not want. I like not being scaled out of every event because of the silly starting level of 5*s". It's because of this that I haven't opened my legendaries yet.
  • Like the legendary tokens, hate that I got "lucky" with SS when I don't have a single max-covered 3* yet. I opened the legendary tokens I was getting from PvE to provide me with essentials for ... PvE. Now if I roster what I got I'm screwed and if I don't I'm throwing away the "endgame".

    Let us keep 5* in the queue forever, or somehow bank them in a non-active roster spot (at least we still have to buy the spot) or something so they aren't killing our scaling, PLEASE! (or of course, just start them at a reasonable level, like 150 or whatever).
  • Right now I was " lucky" enough to get 1 red old man Logan cover. Might as well be old man worthless at this point. Surfer I wanted, crazy old useless bum, not so much. I'd rather have gotten Jen Greg blue or XF dead pool purple thanks.
  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    Remember when they were said to be usable even with one cover? How's that going for everyone?
  • Hard to feel excited about characters that I can't easily get and would have to wait 2+ years to fully cover.
    I'm glad some were willing to invest $12k to $18k to fully cover their SS, but for me, it seems irrelevant.
    Give us a better chance to get a cover, and I'll vote positively.
  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    I think it had to happen. 4 star territory used to be endgame but now that most veterans are transitioning from 3-4 star play, the game need a new end-tier to strive for to keep from getting stagnant.
  • New players will have to be extremely patient, if not whaling is the only option which works in D3's favour
  • it is just frustrating that you cant really open your legendaries if you are in 2*->3* transition as a lucky pull on surfer or logan will kill your scaling so badly. I just have to let those tokens sit there until i am ready for them, which could be months or years

    I hope the dev allows 5* to sit in queue OR scale our 5* downwards to our max level char(an option to do so) OR make the 5* character not applicable for our PVE scaling.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Like the legendary tokens, hate that I got "lucky" with SS when I don't have a single max-covered 3* yet. I opened the legendary tokens I was getting from PvE to provide me with essentials for ... PvE. Now if I roster what I got I'm screwed and if I don't I'm throwing away the "endgame".

    Let us keep 5* in the queue forever, or somehow bank them in a non-active roster spot (at least we still have to buy the spot) or something so they aren't killing our scaling, PLEASE! (or of course, just start them at a reasonable level, like 150 or whatever).

    This, I hate being penalized for scoring a rare cover. Hate to sell off my blue cover SS, but my highest character is a 130 Hulk. PVP is a nightmare now and it seems PVE will be the same. If I had know it would have been this bad, I would not have sunk that 22,000 iso to level him up.

    I really feel sorry for people just starting out and happen to get him or a four star character.
  • I've been stockpiling my legendaries still. I opened one just because I was having 3* luck with other tokens at that time. Good thing it was the second to last Kingpin I needed instead of a 5* yet. Sucks that there are a bunch of horror stories in regards to having 5*.
    I've gotten several 3*, 4* to level 166. I'm far from the transition of being at a 4* 255 ready to begin transition; the ISO alone will be the biggest challenge. I really want to get all 3*s to 166. I have a handful of duplicates at Lv40. I only finished 5 of my 2*s to 94. I sold my 1*s before DDQ existed so I never leveled any new recruits past the need of passing DDQ Level 1. Need to come up with a plan as I don't do great in PvP. I can only get 1000 half the time. For 9 months, I couldn't get above 650, so I should be proud of being able to hit 1000 even if it takes 3 shields. 800, 900, 950.

    I really would love to have the 5*s but I'm in the majority where it would hurt right now. My biggest concern is that I'll be missing out getting more legendaries if I don't even give myself the chance to pull a 4* for the DDQ node. Complete chicken/egg problem.

    I am also stockpiling my tacos. Got to 90+92 now. Only 210 days to go. I need guaranteed legendaries. Maybe by then, the vault will be better too.
    At a minimum, I would wait for Iceman to be added, but I'm thinking wait another season for Red Hulk as well. It's a game of holding out.
  • Neutral.

    I like the Surfer @Marvelfamily. But he changed my scaling of the team total.

    Old Wolvie seems good, but more complicated to use.

    Let's see how it is next month. icon_question.gif
  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    I find it utterly bizarre that they don't understand the mechanics of their own game enough to have avoided the scaling issues with the five-stars.
  • Lee T
    Lee T Posts: 318
    I was neutral but slowly going to negative. They don't bring much to the game except the reported scaling issue.

    Right now the legendary tokens are the only too I have (with lucky draws) to get 4*, but it seems I have 10% to shot myself in the foot opening them.

    I wish the developers were more open about that sort of stuff, playing a game with a sealed rulebook is a weird sensation.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    They can be a death sentence for your game if you have a roster that isn't ready for them. What they should have done (and should STILL do) is start them at level 94, and make all of the first levels up to their starting point now cost 1 ISO.

    But, as we've seen with Galactus, they only care about the top 1%. They design a game where if more than 100 alliances get by, it is more than expected.
  • There were a couple posts confirming 5* actually do not impact pve scaling provided you never use them, however I think they did confirm it would impact your PVP MMR just by rostering them. If you're enjoying the kiddie pool in PVP, it would probably make that a lot more difficult. Not sure if a red can confirm that or not though.

    If a 5* is ever essential and you have a low level roster, I'd probably just skip that essential or pve altogether.
  • Right now I was " lucky" enough to get 1 red old man Logan cover. Might as well be old man worthless at this point. Surfer I wanted, crazy old useless bum, not so much. I'd rather have gotten Jen Greg blue or XF dead pool purple thanks.

    I also pulled an OML Red. Mine has been of tremendous use. Teamed with IF & Luke Cage, they've been great!

    The match damage alone has made matches much quicker for me. OML tanks redtile.png , yellowtile.png , blacktile.png & tutile.png and does great damage on all of them. Coupled with dropping strike tiles (not great, but still add up fast with IF passive), generally I only use one health pack per match as my other characters take limited damage.

    That said, they are clearly overpowered. I don't think we will really see the ultimate impact until a couple more months have gone by. All three will be in play and then more people will have more covers to work with. I'm still in the "this does not bode well" camp, but there is some room to believe that things may work out OK.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've only opened 1/18 Legendaries so far, so don't have an opinion really.

    I've only seen 1-2 cover Surfers thus far in PvP, been able to avoid the mighty KD thus far, and the insane Villain with multiples.

    I'm sure I'll have a different light when I'm either dominating with or being dominated by 5*.
  • When I got my Silver Surfer I was so excited I maxed out his levels, so ask me in a few weeks when I see how stupid that was and my scaling goes nuts.
  • nwman
    nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
    When I started playing this game I had one and two stars playable at around level 40 max and i took a top 1 newb bracket and got a Wxforce.

    My scaling was ruined from that for a couple weeks until I could level everyone up.

    So I am not surprsied at all what 5* do to roster scaling.