I hate the down times...



  • slidecage wrote:
    Crowl wrote:
    Considering the length of these longer pve events, they should fit some more progression rewards into the list e.g. a 2nd 3* cover (or even a 4*) as you would get two from a pair of shorter events.

    they could very easy fix this by no longer having 7 day events.

    play 7 days for just 1 4 star ummm pass (when i have all of the 3 star covers)

    Exactly. Seven day events that yield the same rewards as a 2 day event just... That would be like an MMORPG that required you to run the same dungeon start to finish over and over and over for ... 40 times before you would get enough points for the Boss to finally drop a bag which may have a token in it that when redeemed has a 1 in... 100 chance of being the item you want. AND, to make the analogy even tighter, the loot all the other mobs drop in the dungeon are grey items.

    Except for 1 blue sword a mid-level character would find useful.

    Make no mistake, I've run dungeons with my guilds with pretty much no hope of loot. But those were community games. I would run Molten Core or whatever other dungeon to be on comms and interact with friends. If there was a drop I could roll on--kewl! MPQ is you against the computer. Your reward is loot. When the ratio or work to loot crosses an ungodly high level, it just stops being fun.
  • Scooters76 wrote:
    You have plainly stated that the effort of playing the available events is not worth your time for the rewards or because you consider the events too hard. This is what you are calling downtime. It's not that there are not events to play, you are just choosing not to play them. That's an individual choice, and I can respect that everyone makes a personal decision how much time and money they want to spend for their entertainment value. Had I started playing pvp today, I would probably have hit a point where I had completed DPD, had been waiting for my pve to refresh, and had hit a point where the pvp points weren't worth giving a retaliation. There definitely are times where that can happen. Conversely, there are times where I don't have enough time or health to play all of the events going on. My criticism of your post is that you are asking for more without even taking advantage of everything that offered of you. I took a beating in pvp long before I ever hit a 3* progression. I've finished in 3rd, 6th, 11th, 21st, 51st, 101st place more times then I care to remember. I'm a better player for learning from my mistakes, which are experiences from the effort I've invested in the game. If the legendary token is not worth your effort, be happy with that decision and wait for your next DPD.

    Another reread of the original post changed nothing of my understanding or my emotional response to your short-sighted comment, other than the quote of entitlement that you should win against the ai (which I assume was meant with an aire of humor). There are two sides of every coin, so just because there were some people that agree with some points, my original post is about taking advantage of all the opportunities available, not just the low hanging fruit. I agree that it would be great to have an event similar to a shorter Ant-Man, but if you want a legendary token, put some legendary effort into it. I, as someone who has busted my rear to play the events and improve my roster, don't believe a player is entitled to more without investment (whether time or money...supporting the game). I guess I will just hang out on the other side of the coin.

    Scooter, there are two events right now.


    One is a 7 day PVE grindfest with scant rewards, and the other is a PvP event where, if you have 2* teams, you exist for the sole purpose of getting beaten up by 3* and 4* teams so they can turn your blood into their points. That is not an exaggeration--I just tried playing it. I beat the 5 seed teams and the first real team it throws at me is a team of characters in the 160 level range. I have 2* teams. I have won 5 lowbie matches.

    Where are the other 2* teams? Why don't I get to fight those??? Is it because I actually have a Hulk that is level 117? That means I have to fight a team of 160s?

    And, no I don't want a legendary token bad enough to grind hours a day for 7 days. With this event, the bar has been set WAY too high, and the intermittent rewards are so much dross.

    I actually broke down and played the PVE event for about .. 60 minutes today. My haul was .... I think some ISO. I know I got ISO because you can't play the game and not get ISO. But my next "earn 7000 points in matches that average 200 points each" reward is 25 HP.

    That is grinding though 35 matches--and subsequent rejuvenation times--for a reward that is currently 1/28th of a new character slot.

    That is the equivalent of grinding through 980 matches to earn 1 new character slot.

    Not worth it...

    And, yes, I am sure they are making money with their current business model. I am sure the way it is set up sells a lot of HP because people get frustrated and want to win. So they buy. And once a person has shelled out money on a game, even though it is sunk cost, the human traits of consistency and commitment kick in, and the person is hooked.

    But, for me, it is downtime. It is time when if I play, I know I will receive no rewards for my efforts unless I set up my next three days to revolve around regeneration and health pack re-spawn times.

    Not a recipe for fun for me.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    The nature of the very game is weirdly structured (pve wise) around playing certain times, as opposed to play when you like.

    As another person with a 2 star roster transitioning to 3 (like getting close to a use-able team, with that being my main goal), it's not uncommon for me to sign in do DDQ, join a pvp if its late enough for progression, then move on to something else game wise.

    And the responses here do the same thing they usually do which is address the point but not seeing it from a different view.

    Like the discussion above me is referring to legendary effort for legendaries and how they shouldn't be easy to get when from my perspective, a legendary token is nothing but the need for more HP. Like the one i did earn from going that high in a pve just got me my first falcap cover.
    I'm in the 3 star transition. But I'm at a point where if I sell it, who knows when I'll see it again, I wouldn't have the iso to level him if I got more, nor would I have other active 4 stars to go with him, nor could I whale him with one cover.
    It's a tri-sided, lose lose lose, situation.

    And its' kinda like I can read op and understand, man these awards don't actively help me vs, give me rewards.

    But I may have missed something vital, so Hey maybe I'll give it a re-read and find the make it easier part I'm missing.
  • GurlBYE wrote:
    It's a tri-sided, lose lose lose, situation.

    And its' kinda like I can read op and understand, man these awards don't actively help me vs, give me rewards.

    But I may have missed something vital, so Hey maybe I'll give it a re-read and find the make it easier part I'm missing.

    No, I think you caught the gist of it. I don't mind putting out effort for a reward, but the effort should not be to cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with a herring, and my reward is a glass of water, but if I cut down ALL the trees in the forest, I get 2 glasses of water, and a Coke... that I can drink a few months from now.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    puppychow wrote:
    Quebbster wrote:
    I am awash in ISO, so 1,500 ISO is not a significant reward.
    Out of curiosity, how developed is your roster? I am developing my 4* roster and at this point the ISO cannot roll in fast enough - it's nice to get more 4* covers through Legendary tokens, but trying to keep up with leveling everyone is a challenge. Every little bit of ISO helps, both from PvE and PvP.

    I'm hoarding 600k iso currently. The thing is, you need to make a choice on who to level and who to skip. It's very tough to level up everyone (especially if you have 4*s) w/o buying iso. I decided to hold off on leveling characters until after I start opening my legendary tokens, and bring some 4*s up to handle increase in pve scaling.

    You need to develop a plan and figure out which character is your priority to max out first, and save iso in order to do so.
    Patience is not my strong side, so my plan is "level them as soon as I can." icon_e_smile.gif That's mostly because I love playing around with different figure combos though, and having everyone as strong as possible makes it easier to see potential combos. The 4* flood due to legendary tokens do mean I have to make some choices though. Right now I am saving up to see if I need to level Devil Dinosaur later this week. If not, I may bring Kingpin up to level 250 since he's boosted during Anniversary week...
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    ok, Downtime is actually a wonderful thing for me. these 7 day events. Sure i will grind for the token, but plan on letting people who need the covers pass me up and drop out of t50.. even if i am not participating in events, i still do my DDQ and get my DP points every day.

    Use the downtime constructively.

    As for 7 day events.. some of us are iso starved.. but i have earned tens of thousands of iso in this event so far.. and will hit my legendary token today...then, i will farm iso..

    I like the 7 day events..they let me get to the highest progression, then relax for a couple days.. . 3 and 4 day events, are go go go.. till the end.. and the next event is right away, so go go go again..
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think anyone complaining about their completely free game because a lack of more free events to play is losing their mind.

    As a completely F2P player I can't believe the amount of stuff I get to play on this game without paying. Most other mobile games drain your bank faster than the tax man. The long events are a grind and they do require twice the work for the same prizes you get in an event half as long but they are still free so still pretty good.

    I have 67k iso in my bank awaiting a properly usable 3* to level up. The transition for is just about collecting more usable covers, there is a 3* in every event so I'm happy. For those in 3-4* transition there is the chance of a 4/5* cover every event too, how can that be more bad than good?
  • I think anyone complaining about their completely free game because a lack of more free events to play is losing their mind.

    1. Unlike you, I have financed this game. About $60 on character slots.

    2. The fact I have financed it is irrelevant. As is the fact it is free. As is the fact you have not.

    3. One can always find a reason to argue that "That is just the way it is."

    4. If we adhered to that, there'd be no way to improve things, would there? I mean, why complain about bad TV shows when TV is free. Why complain about the weather when it is free? Why complain about the food when you CHOSE to order it? Why complain about the NSA recording your phone calls when they are? Why complain about anything?

    Because the resulting conversations are the only way things ever improve. It is the only way that businesses find out what they are doing right, and what they are doing wrong. You think people with millions invested don't want to know what their customers think? Don't want to know what they are doing that alienates customers? You think they want us all to stay quiet and not voice our concerns.

    Without customer comments, businesses close and can only guess what went wrong as customers go elsewhere.


    I have 67k iso in my bank awaiting a properly usable 3* to level up. The transition for is just about collecting more usable covers, there is a 3* in every event so I'm happy. For those in 3-4* transition there is the chance of a 4/5* cover every event too, how can that be more bad than good?

    1. Open up a Silver Surfer or Old Man Wolverine and find out how unplayable your game becomes.

    2. It is the week long aspect of it and the fact it only yields 2 prizes--a 3* and a legendary. Once you hit the 3*, you have to do math to decide if it is realistic to hit the legendary. If you can't, the next few days are spent without playing. It would be like an MMO that only had 1 or 2 dungeons to run at a time, and, darn, you can't finish either of them.

    This game needs more events, with a wider variety of prizes, not fewer.
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    2. It is the week long aspect of it and the fact it only yields 2 prizes--a 3* and a legendary. Once you hit the 3*, you have to do math to decide if it is realistic to hit the legendary. If you can't, the next few days are spent without playing. It would be like an MMO that only had 1 or 2 dungeons to run at a time, and, darn, you can't finish either of them.

    This game needs more events, with a wider variety of prizes, not fewer.

    It's not like progression awards are the only things you get -- they're just the only guaranteed ones. All of those nodes are tokens and ISO (which, for a 2-3* transitioner usually just means ISO, but hey, sometimes 3* happens). Sub placement can get you a shiny heroic token and possibly HP. If you were getting that wider variety of prizes, you'd need all of those incidental awards that you don't seem to care about.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think anyone complaining about their completely free game because a lack of more free events to play is losing their mind.

    1. Unlike you, I have financed this game. About $60 on character slots.

    2. The fact I have financed it is irrelevant. As is the fact it is free. As is the fact you have not.

    3. One can always find a reason to argue that "That is just the way it is."

    4. If we adhered to that, there'd be no way to improve things, would there? I mean, why complain about bad TV shows when TV is free. Why complain about the weather when it is free? Why complain about the food when you CHOSE to order it? Why complain about the NSA recording your phone calls when they are? Why complain about anything?

    Because the resulting conversations are the only way things ever improve. It is the only way that businesses find out what they are doing right, and what they are doing wrong. You think people with millions invested don't want to know what their customers think? Don't want to know what they are doing that alienates customers? You think they want us all to stay quiet and not voice our concerns.

    Without customer comments, businesses close and can only guess what went wrong as customers go elsewhere.


    I have 67k iso in my bank awaiting a properly usable 3* to level up. The transition for is just about collecting more usable covers, there is a 3* in every event so I'm happy. For those in 3-4* transition there is the chance of a 4/5* cover every event too, how can that be more bad than good?

    1. Open up a Silver Surfer or Old Man Wolverine and find out how unplayable your game becomes.

    2. It is the week long aspect of it and the fact it only yields 2 prizes--a 3* and a legendary. Once you hit the 3*, you have to do math to decide if it is realistic to hit the legendary. If you can't, the next few days are spent without playing. It would be like an MMO that only had 1 or 2 dungeons to run at a time, and, darn, you can't finish either of them.

    This game needs more events, with a wider variety of prizes, not fewer.

    I do understand peoples complaints, I just think that it's a little cheeky to complain about something which is already good and free. How do I know that you think it's good? You're playing it and spending your time on message boards talking about it. Like I said at my level the issues are not issues but this is something I posted about in suggestions even though I won't benefit from the changes for some time.

    I think better than including more prizes (though I'm not averse to that) is to create a couple of new game modes, scenario mode (e.g you have 5 moves to beat Ares before his sunder will kill you) perhaps a competitive collection mode ( collect x amount of x gem and see who gets the most). This would maybe freshen things up for the 4/5* tier players and give them something else to do, it would also stop the monotony of get more powerful covers to beat someone and force people to think strategically.
  • JackTenrec wrote:
    2. It is the week long aspect of it and the fact it only yields 2 prizes--a 3* and a legendary. Once you hit the 3*, you have to do math to decide if it is realistic to hit the legendary. If you can't, the next few days are spent without playing. It would be like an MMO that only had 1 or 2 dungeons to run at a time, and, darn, you can't finish either of them.

    This game needs more events, with a wider variety of prizes, not fewer.

    If you were getting that wider variety of prizes, you'd need all of those incidental awards that you don't seem to care about.

    Yep. If.

    Because "if" isn't happening, the rewards now simply pile up with no use. Right now, 1 ISO and 100,000,000 ISO mean the exact same thing to me because I have nothing to spend either on. When running my DDQ Vault Calculator, I don't count the 10,000 ISO prizes as being good because, well, they are not. And I rechecked where I am in the grind tier--I need like 4,000 points to win 250/500 ISO. THEN I can go on and grind 7,000 points for the 25HP. THEN I can grind another... 10,000 points for the 1,000 ISO. Then 10,000 for a legendary that I won't be ale to use for a minimum of months.

    Oh sure, if I did nothing but purchase health packs and ground the game 24/7, that legendary token might be something I could use in... months.

    Give us a new grind to a 3* every other day. Doesn't have to be easy, just... something we can do. Give us an event where we score placement based upon how many turns we survive on ever tougher teams. Break it down by our teams--1* player teams get graded against other 1* player teams.

    Have a competition where players who offer the best team builds for public use wins a prize, and the top scorers with said team(s) also win prizes.

    No MMORPG would dream or releasing a game where you have a maximum of 2-3 dungeons at a time. This game should take its cue from them. The mechanics are there. Coding the events would be easy.

    More variety. Not... two events maximum.

    Which is what we have right now.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    This thread is no longer constructive, If you have real suggestions for improvement, please add them to the suggestions subforum, in a nicely mannered topic. Locking thread
This discussion has been closed.