I hate the down times...



  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    Scooters76 wrote:
    Crowl wrote:
    Considering the length of these longer pve events, they should fit some more progression rewards into the list e.g. a 2nd 3* cover (or even a 4*) as you would get two from a pair of shorter events.

    Wish granted...the legendary token.

    The shorter events still have those too.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    Same circular arguments going on

    Point -I wish there were better rewards, Theres downtime, in-between seasons.

    counter point- You want everything handed to you, work harder.

    It's as if both are just missing talking to each other.

    Since pve has no season score, I don't see why there are never smaller events running during the 7 day. In the age of legendary tokens, just take that out and cap out progression for the smaller events at the 3 star. Different rewards so people can play towards what they need.

    There are lots of times for newer transitioning players where events mean little more then earning HP to slot another character you can't use for a few months.

    My issue with downtime is that I wish they'd consider doing monthly (preferably bi-weekly) versions of antman like challenges,so there's always an option of what to do pve wise.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    GurlBYE wrote:
    Point -I wish there were better rewards, Theres downtime, in-between seasons.

    It's as if both are just missing talking to each other.
    Ironic for you to say that, since the OP said nothing at all about his downtime having to do with it being in-between seasons.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    GurlBYE wrote:
    My issue with downtime is that I wish they'd consider doing monthly (preferably bi-weekly) versions of antman like challenges,so there's always an option of what to do pve wise.
    more antman-style events the better. that gets my vote too. I thought the 4* ddq might have more of that flavor but nope. we'll know a lot more in a week and a half (start of season 20) as to more transition help.
  • Unknown
    edited October 2015
    There are just as many pvp and pve events going on now as during a season. The OP said this was a down time because there was no point for him to push beyond the 3* in pve or to even play pvp.

    Many competitive pvp players will play more casual during the off-season, but that does not lessen the amount of available MPQ to be played. In fact, off-season pvp are generally easier to rank higher. Tomorrow also starts 3 days of lightning rounds.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Scooters76 wrote:
    There are just as many pvp and pve events going on now as during a season. The OP said this was a down time because there was no point for him to push beyond the 3* in pve or to even play pvp.

    Many competitive pvp players will play more casual during the off-season, but that does not lessen the amount of available MPQ to be played. Tomorrow also starts 3 days of lightning rounds.
    actually, there is one event less than normal - no shield simulator. no matter what time it was or what the status of your other events were, you could always go play a match or 3 in sim. without that, if you're between pve clears and you've pushed and shielded in pvp, not much else to do until LRs crank up tomorrow. I'm ok with taking a breath once in a while - need to learn to do that with the forums too - think I'm more addicted to keeping up here than the game. bad sign there.
  • I stand corrected and admit my oversight. Although, the Simulator is not likely the extra motivation the OP is likely looking for, as he would still have to play it to 1.4k for anything worth his time.

    Mostly, the comment comparing our 1st world problem of pve grinding rewards to homeless shelter volunteerism rewards struck the wrong chord in me.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Scooters76 wrote:
    I stand corrected and admit my oversight. Although, the Simulator is not likely the extra motivation the OP is likely looking for, as he would still have to play it to 1.4k for anything worth his time.

    Mostly, the comment comparing our 1st world problem of pve grinding rewards to homeless shelter volunteerism rewards struck the wrong chord in me.
    ah - missed that comment. actually, they would be surprised how much that type of volunteering is NOT drudgery - its exactly the opposite much of the time. anyway - point taken. if I read it right, he actually was in good shape to make it to the leg with the increased pts late. I know if you haven't finished your 3s, pushing for 4s isn't something they might be motivated for. at least they don't have the new character hamster wheel we had. its a finite goal that isn't ever changing, event though now the core of the game will be moving off of that stage over the next 6 months. everything changes - roll with it or let it eat at you. our choice.
  • Scooters76 wrote:

    Well, not now. No point. If I wanted to do drudgery for hours on end with no rewards, I'd volunteer to work at the homeless shelter.

    Since you seem to be the type of person that finds no reward in volunteering to help others, wants big rewards for completing easy tasks, and laughs at others for showing a strong work ethic, please pm me your address so I can mail you your trophy of participation.

    While I don't think every player has to play every event to enjoy the game, please don't expect to be handed the best rewards without working for them. As a player who plays as hard as I can (when I can) and invests time every day to enjoy the puzzling, collecting, and community of the game, I don't want you to get that legendary token without earning it. I played 10 months before that token was even a reward option, and finally just earned my 13th cover for my first fully covered (although not ideal) 4* on day 356. Previously, the only reward past the 3* cover was placement and the reward of helping your alliance. In the 2-3* transition before DPD, I would play as many lighting rounds and pvp as far as my roster, 5 health packs, and real life schedule would allow; celebrating each new milestone and improvement. It's frustrating to hear someone complain that the rewards should be better because they don't want to play half of the available game. While you feel like it's not enough to keep you from being bored, at what point do you become bored because there is no difference from one team to the next?

    There is a difference between getting a participation trophy and getting nothing for massive amounts of effort.

    Please go back to re-read my original post and adjust your response accordingly. You are reacting to your own emotions, and not what I said.
  • Crowl wrote:
    Considering the length of these longer pve events, they should fit some more progression rewards into the list e.g. a 2nd 3* cover (or even a 4*) as you would get two from a pair of shorter events.

    That would make sense. Grinding for 4 days to a get a 3 star is discouraging when other events allow you to get the same 3* in 2 days or less.

    I am not saying everything should be easy, but these week long events effectively require you to put in 2-3 times as much effort for the same amount of reward. And just as with the stupid Ultron event which effectively precluded 2* players from playing for more than an hour or so for the entire event, these next 3 days are downtime for me. I have several 2* teams and can play most events. But this one... just isn't worth it.

    Since they obviously know how to scale events up (See also: OMMFG NO!!! I WON A SKYRIDER!!! NOOO!!!!) then they should scale events and prizes downwards as well so everyone can play.

    And, an event which requires 3 times the effort should have 2-3 times the reward.

    Yes, yes, I know, it is entirely possible to look at it from a player with killer 4* teams and go, "I like theselong events, as they require a little bit of challenge and I finally put my 4* team through some effort."

    Yes, you get a challenge which most events don't offer. But in the meantime, the game is effectively closed for those of us in the 2* realm. Ain't much for us to do but read more reviews on Sword Coast Legends and wait for the upcoming pre-launch weekend.

    So, if I can agree the ease of most events is a bummer for 4* teams, is it so wrong for me to speak out about the difficulty (read, "un-fun") of these mega-events with meager rewards compared to the effort?

    Is it wrong for me to suggest that instead of the game offering only playability for one group of people at a time, it offer playability for everyone all the time?

    Right now, I have not played MPQ in 12 hours. It is doubtful I will play it again until DDQ flips. And the reason for that is because the way MPQ is being run is like a clothing shop that this week only sells expensive suits. Last week it sold Hawaiian shirts and Bermuda shorts. Next week, who knows? Maybe it will sell jogging sweats. The point is that right now, I know there is NO reason to go into the shop and even browse. I can't afford the gloves they are offering, let alone the suits. Thus, I stay at home.

    Like I said, I hate the down times...
  • GurlBYE wrote:
    Same circular arguments going on

    Point -I wish there were better rewards, Theres downtime, in-between seasons.

    counter point- You want everything handed to you, work harder.

    It's as if both are just missing talking to each other.

    Since pve has no season score, I don't see why there are never smaller events running during the 7 day. In the age of legendary tokens, just take that out and cap out progression for the smaller events at the 3 star. Different rewards so people can play towards what they need.

    There are lots of times for newer transitioning players where events mean little more then earning HP to slot another character you can't use for a few months.

    My issue with downtime is that I wish they'd consider doing monthly (preferably bi-weekly) versions of antman like challenges,so there's always an option of what to do pve wise.

    That all would be good. A good game offers MORE options to play, not "Well, just wait a week or two until it is your turn."
  • simonsez wrote:
    GurlBYE wrote:
    Point -I wish there were better rewards, Theres downtime, in-between seasons.

    It's as if both are just missing talking to each other.
    Ironic for you to say that, since the OP said nothing at all about his downtime having to do with it being in-between seasons.

    Hardly ironic. My post is on the downtimes. (See subject.) It is on the times when it is just not worth it to play either because the event is too hard or takes too long, or the rewards are the equivalent of a piece of lint. (Both subjects mentioned in the OP post.)

    The fact I used THIS event to highlight the problem and discuss it while referring to other events did not escape GurlBYE.

    Here, let me illustrate from my OPs OP:

    "My only real complaint with this game (aside from the cheating software that gives the computer all the tiles it needs to beat me when *I* should win icon_e_wink.gif ) is the downtimes when there is no point in playing the event(s) that are running.

    Take for example right now-"

    The phrasing "downtimes" and "events" alerts the careful reader that my complaint is with the fact that the games hs downtimeS. Plural. I then went on and clearly said that this event was an EXAMPLE of such. An example does not mean "unique", it means "this is being used as a device to illustrate a larger set".

    The fact I did not list EVERY possible downtime does not mean that I was not referencing them. Quite the contrary, my language was inclusive of ALL downtimes.

    GurlBYE got it right.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    My post is on the downtimes. (See subject.)
    You complained about this particular PvE, and you complained all PvP is pointless for you. Neither of these has ANYTHING to do with the game being in off-season. But some people, like GurlBYE see "downtime" and immediately think "off-season". But that's completely separate to your complaints. So don't try to re-purpose your original post. It's still there for everyone to read, ya know.

    But I have to hand it to you, that pedantic exercise of yours was a good way to distract from that larger point, ie, you can't complain about "downtime" when you have an underdeveloped roster. Not playing because you don't feel like grinding, isn't "downtime". But if you insist on calling it that, and you hate it as much as the subject header says you do, then just go play.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    DayvBang wrote:
    I am awash in ISO
    Must be nice. What's that like?

    It's okay. I guess.

  • simonsez wrote:
    My post is on the downtimes. (See subject.)
    You complained about this particular PvE, and you complained all PvP is pointless for you. Neither of these has ANYTHING to do with the game being in off-season. But some people, like GurlBYE see "downtime" and immediately think "off-season". But that's completely separate to your complaints. So don't try to re-purpose your original post. It's still there for everyone to read, ya know.

    But I have to hand it to you, that pedantic exercise of yours was a good way to distract from that larger point, ie, you can't complain about "downtime" when you have an underdeveloped roster. Not playing because you don't feel like grinding, isn't "downtime". But if you insist on calling it that, and you hate it as much as the subject header says you do, then just go play.

    Listen, I am very sorry if you don't understand basic English, and the way it is used.

    My original post stands as it was originally posted, and other people understood the clear meaning and commented on such, even if you misunderstood the plain language.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Let's all keep this civil or this thread will just end up getting shut down.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    My original post stands as it was originally posted
    As does your despicable "homeless shelter" remark.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    Quebbster wrote:
    I am awash in ISO, so 1,500 ISO is not a significant reward.
    Out of curiosity, how developed is your roster? I am developing my 4* roster and at this point the ISO cannot roll in fast enough - it's nice to get more 4* covers through Legendary tokens, but trying to keep up with leveling everyone is a challenge. Every little bit of ISO helps, both from PvE and PvP.

    I'm hoarding 600k iso currently. The thing is, you need to make a choice on who to level and who to skip. It's very tough to level up everyone (especially if you have 4*s) w/o buying iso. I decided to hold off on leveling characters until after I start opening my legendary tokens, and bring some 4*s up to handle increase in pve scaling.

    You need to develop a plan and figure out which character is your priority to max out first, and save iso in order to do so.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    Crowl wrote:
    Considering the length of these longer pve events, they should fit some more progression rewards into the list e.g. a 2nd 3* cover (or even a 4*) as you would get two from a pair of shorter events.

    they could very easy fix this by no longer having 7 day events.

    play 7 days for just 1 4 star ummm pass (when i have all of the 3 star covers)
  • You have plainly stated that the effort of playing the available events is not worth your time for the rewards or because you consider the events too hard. This is what you are calling downtime. It's not that there are not events to play, you are just choosing not to play them. That's an individual choice, and I can respect that everyone makes a personal decision how much time and money they want to spend for their entertainment value. Had I started playing pvp today, I would probably have hit a point where I had completed DPD, had been waiting for my pve to refresh, and had hit a point where the pvp points weren't worth giving a retaliation. There definitely are times where that can happen. Conversely, there are times where I don't have enough time or health to play all of the events going on. My criticism of your post is that you are asking for more without even taking advantage of everything that offered of you. I took a beating in pvp long before I ever hit a 3* progression. I've finished in 3rd, 6th, 11th, 21st, 51st, 101st place more times then I care to remember. I'm a better player for learning from my mistakes, which are experiences from the effort I've invested in the game. If the legendary token is not worth your effort, be happy with that decision and wait for your next DPD.

    Another reread of the original post changed nothing of my understanding or my emotional response to your short-sighted comment, other than the quote of entitlement that you should win against the ai (which I assume was meant with an aire of humor). There are two sides of every coin, so just because there were some people that agree with some points, my original post is about taking advantage of all the opportunities available, not just the low hanging fruit. I agree that it would be great to have an event similar to a shorter Ant-Man, but if you want a legendary token, put some legendary effort into it. I, as someone who has busted my rear to play the events and improve my roster, don't believe a player is entitled to more without investment (whether time or money...supporting the game). I guess I will just hang out on the other side of the coin.
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