never hitting 1000 again?



  • nwman
    nwman Posts: 331 Mover and Shaker
    Yeah, Fistbuster is a nice fast team on offence, but on defence, especially when Iron Fist isn't boosted, it's a very nice soft target. I have found it's one of the easiest higher level teams to beat, and is much more preferable to hit than teams that have Jean Grey or X-force Deadpool.

    This was especially so in this event. I ran Jean / cage at the start and ended with Jean buster.

    At the start I climbed off px Charlie's Angels teams. Then end I only hit fist buster targets except one carnage buster.

    I skipped all the other Jean buster and the Jean iceman team I saw. Sw made Jean teams risky, which brings me to my last point.

    Running the whole event I only got hit once Unshielded and that was after my seeds and before I hit any real players.

    So luck and prb the 2nd biggest deterrent character helped.

    Also if everyone in the 600s would q and wait before hitting the 1k snipes would go down. I notice lots of my snipes or hits are from people in the 600-800 range obviously the lower the more it hurts. Sure if your 900 plus you might need to snipe to avoid a snipe but at lower point ranges where it isn't as bad you can usually wait a few minutes.

    Good luck!
  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    Kevin61 wrote:
    Well, I haven't hit the 1,000 mark yet either and only been playing about a year, so seeing that you have been playing that long and still not able to hit 1,000 definitely tells me that the system is indeed flawed.

    Don't be too discouraged yet, it sounds like the OP does regularly hit 1000, but he probably got very unlucky with these last few events. I think as someone mentioned, these last 2 events were VERY offense oriented because of BP and SW being boosted. You can't finish your match fast enough to truly be safe, because everyone else could finish attacking you just as fast.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    According to Aes: Hop outcomes in order of preference...

    Win fast
    Lose fast
    Dont hop at all
    Game crash
    Win slow
    Rage quit
    Lose slow
    Shield fail
    Cardiac arrest
  • wiz_biz
    wiz_biz Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    i am definitely familiar with the frustration, and have been trying to get 1K since the beginning of last season, but to no avail. that is, until yesterday! red shift was my first successful attempt. there are so many factors that make it anywhere from impossible to very feasible and i feel like i've seen all the bad outcomes plenty of times now. but the stars finally aligned for me yesterday (had SW max covered, finally landed in a slice with decent points available, got to climb and hop during weird off-hours, most people i talked to yesterday weren't going all that hard after 4* pve burnout). naysayers tell me it's a waste of time until i level up - i'm day 405 today and roster is soft-capped at 140. but, i definitely get a ton of defensive wins when i can field the right kind of team, probably because people underestimate under-leveled but fully covered characters or think they can go in without full health. that is a decision many live to regret icon_e_smile.gif

    so, while i guess i've just spent a paragraph patting myself on the back (sorry, i'm still pretty jazzed about it!), i guess i'm trying to say that my perspective is now a bit opposite the OPs (although i still curse the name of anyone who dares hit me on a hop and ruin my well-laid plans). finally starting to see some rewards after a month of figuring out best slices/timing/best teams/etc has made me a little more eager to pvp now! i don't expect that it will go so smoothly again any time soon, but just knowing it can happen really made my day.
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    Kevin61 wrote:
    This is my biggest gripe with the game tbf. I have yet to crack that 1k mark because of this crazy (unneeded) overcomplicated hopping system. I am a true f2p player and most my hp goes toward roster slots. I've got almost half my 3* roster maxed in covers and nearly maxed level. Quite a few 4* that are barely covered because I can't hit the sweet spot. I get close, then relentlessly hammered down 100+pts in the time it takes me to do ONE match. It's frustrating as tinykitty. I only try to make a push toward 1k if I have the featured character maxed and good boosted support. I will use a shield or 2 only after I get above 700. Still get screwed.

    I'm on day 588. Playing has become of a chore.

    Well, I haven't hit the 1,000 mark yet either and only been playing about a year, so seeing that you have been playing that long and still not able to hit 1,000 definitely tells me that the system is indeed flawed.

    Either the player is flawed or the system is flawed or maybe both. I agree there is a flaw somewhere!

    have you tried pushing at different times and/or different slices?
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    have you tried pushing at different times and/or different slices?

    ^ This was the first advice i was given when my quest for 1k started a couple seasons ago. When you choose a slice, you need to LIVE that slice.. and i mean, all season! Learn who the top Alliances are, the top players, when they do their runs so you can queue up large point targets for your own hop after they have all shielded (this keeps retaliations to a bare minimum).

    But it all starts with the slice. I personally use slice 4, i know a few who find their success in 2 or 5.. choose one you will be able to shield towards the end of.. so not one that ends hours after you are asleep etc...

    It took an entire season from when i thought i was going to get 1k every event.. to when i knew i could if i wanted to.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Last night was my first time getting to 1k with no shields! Is this the wrong thread to brag about that? I'll just walk on over to that "best moment" thread...

    It was pretty unbelievable btw. I hit a fistbuster that I though for sure would get me over, but put me at 999. I almost shielded, but went for it instead. Shielded after my win and within 2 minutes got hit 8 times. Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! icon_razz.gif
  • Wetzilla
    Wetzilla Posts: 23 Just Dropped In
    This is why I've drastically cut back my play time, and will probably stop playing the game if something isn't changed shortly. I currently have most of the 3* characters covered, but have basically no 4* with enough covers to be usable, and there doesn't seem to be any reliable way to get those 4* covers. For 5 events in a row anytime I would get over 900 points I would be immediately hit for 50 to 100 points while I was in my next match, no matter how quick I was. It seems that the only way to get 4* covers is to plan out a rigid schedule of when you have to play MPQ, or else you just aren't going to be able to hit 1k, or get a legendary token from PvE. As a primarily PvP player (I just don't find PvE fun), I've kind of hit a wall with my progression, and it doesn't look like that's changing anytime soon.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wetzilla wrote:
    This is why I've drastically cut back my play time, and will probably stop playing the game if something isn't changed shortly. I currently have most of the 3* characters covered, but have basically no 4* with enough covers to be usable, and there doesn't seem to be any reliable way to get those 4* covers. For 5 events in a row anytime I would get over 900 points I would be immediately hit for 50 to 100 points while I was in my next match, no matter how quick I was. It seems that the only way to get 4* covers is to plan out a rigid schedule of when you have to play MPQ, or else you just aren't going to be able to hit 1k, or get a legendary token from PvE. As a primarily PvP player (I just don't find PvE fun), I've kind of hit a wall with my progression, and it doesn't look like that's changing anytime soon.

    same here got most of the 3 stars cover and only way getting the leg token is double grind in PVE.. By the time i get one of my 4 stars up to playing those hitting 1300 will have almost all of theirs max

    depends on what their NEW game type is i might be leaving for a few months soon.. I know you can all start crying cause you will miss me on these boards icon_e_smile.gif
  • boldfacedfemme
    boldfacedfemme Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    OK, too many people to quote and I don't have a lot of time to reply, so here is a quick general response.

    I always pick slices with end times I know I'll be available to play/grind till the end. I know that is an important part. Sometimes that means I choice a different slice, but I deal. I don't shield often, but when I do it's not til I get high enough to be a considerable target. Meaning when I keep getting hit regardless of how short my battle is. I know I I'm a juicy target because of my lack of formidable 4* to use. And it's almost always maxed/boosted 4* teams that are hitting me. Vicious circle. Last point, I don't always make the 1k push. I know when I don't stand a chance and just play for iso farming. It's not like I'm going Gung ho with a **** team expecting grandiose rewards. I don't get greedy. I know when to quit.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    I always pick slices with end times I know I'll be available to play/grind till the end. I know that is an important part.

    Well, there's your problem right there. You never want to be playing in the last hour or two. It's a feeding frenzy you don't want to be a part of. Last pvp I chose a slice that ended at 3am. Am I staying up til 3am to play MPQ? Are iceman's balls warm? Nooooope. I choose that slice because I can make my push either just after midnight and throw up a 3 hour shield or push earlier and use an 8 hour shield to hold position through the end.

    If you don't care about placement then there is absolutely no reason to grind at the end and no reason to shield up after you hit 1k. Push to just over 900. 3hr shield. Wait an hour. Hit two quick matches. Celebrate.
  • boldfacedfemme
    boldfacedfemme Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    I said available. Not that I do grind. I only pick such slices for when I am going for placement. I only play if I am going for placement. Progression is a secondary goal (if it seems doable). I have to pick my battles wisely because of time constraints.
  • yeah same happen to me but i managed to hit 1000 in predator and prey with 3 shield or something, in red shitft i hit 900+ and shield 8 hour, when im to attack lot of peeps already attacking me, only to witness -250 in couple second

    on both event, after 900+ all node are 270/350+maxed required+another 270/350 or weekly buffed **** character.
    lesson learned:never ever again hit 1000, instead go for 800(or 900 for extra toke. .eumm 2 star lol)
  • XandorXerxes
    XandorXerxes Posts: 340 Mover and Shaker
    My experience has been that if I want to hit 1K, I have to be playing right at the end. I've gotten to ~500/600 by 12 hours out, I inch up to about 700/750 and wait a bit for any packs / damage to regen. I'll start pushing again, but points will dry up real quick. About 8-9 hours out, people start coming online to push up and shield (I imagine) so after the 8 hour mark I start taking a lot more hits, but there still aren't any real points for me (20s, maybe a 30+ against a double 4* team). However, if I wait it out to the last 0.5-1 hour, my hits actually decrease - I assume to there being a lot more juicier targets out there trying to blitz up - and I start finding fistbuster / other higher-end teams for 60+ points. This is usually when I can push to 950+ and shield, then just hop over 1000 in one fight (use a whales team-up if I get scared).

    I usually try to give the 60+ pointers a few minutes to shield before I hit them, but if I'm at 900+ and I need that one more fight before I can shield, I have to jump in. Sorry if I hurt someone's hop - I definitely wait once I'm shielded.

    Is there a better time I can be trying to push over 1K? Even if it's for smaller points, if it's a lot less active... there just has to actually be points for me to get. I've never had a problem with 2K in the Sim, wishing PvP could be closer to that.
  • boldfacedfemme
    boldfacedfemme Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    I'm not really doing placement for covers, but iso and hp. The covers are just extra iso since most of the characters I use/desire are fully covered. My problem is the ever present iso drought that everyone despises.
  • Wait, how is retaliation a good way to earn Iso, specifically?

    Like, does anything make it better then "Fight random Versus fights anyways"?

    As far as I know, the only difference between a normal match and a Retaliation is that you can skip a Retaliation for free.
  • Omega Blacc
    Omega Blacc Posts: 69 Match Maker
    I hit 1K in most PvP's lately. Its definitely both a roster strength issue and a timing issue.

    I just ride the wave up to 1K. I try to stay below top 25 most of the tourney. I try to have at least 800pts with 11 hours left. I can optimally use an 8 hr shield and a 3hr shield.

    The trick is to shield and hop 10 or 15 min AFTER the hour. Lots of players shield on the dot, so the time in between is deathly quiet. Grab 60-100pts and shield up again. Just be shielded up before 3 hours to go or you will get hosed. Its a feeding frenzy after that.

    I grab 1K and then I just give all the points back to the community. You'll could still make top 50 without being shielded.

    It's a little trickier when you're in a death bracket and the top 20 are cannibalizing each other. Only the top 7-8 will have 1K or more. That makes it a barfight to get your 1k.

    It costs mucho HP to make 1300. I don't think it's even worth the cost, especially if you get Star-Lord or Elektra after all that hard work. 1300 guarantees you top 10 at least and everyone in the bracket will be coming for you.

    That's my experience anyway...
  • I also had a look at your roster. While you have many top tier chars covered suboptimally, you should still be able to hit 1k if you use the good advice given in this thread.

    You should also question your choices when it comes to covering characters. I cannot comment on your 3*s, since those may be very well not covered the way you want. However, after looking at your 2*s you do have some reading up on best character builds to do. Ares 553, Thor 535, OBW 454 and CStorm at 355 are all not optimally built.
  • boldfacedfemme
    boldfacedfemme Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    I build by how I use them in synergy with other characters. I really can't stand it when someone tells me I HAVE to have a character a set specific way just because it works for them/others. I'm not playing this game to look superior. I play for fun. If I was worried about optimum builds I'd spend money. All my characters that are max level are set exactly how I like them. And they do work for me and my specific play style. Others are a work in progress.

    I guess it just comes down to the fact that I am too casual to bother with 1k. Grinds just don't appeal to me. I'll stick to lucky token draws and the premiere pve events when I manage to get lucky. I'm out.
  • colwag wrote:
    Wait, how is retaliation a good way to earn Iso, specifically?

    Like, does anything make it better then "Fight random Versus fights anyways"?

    As far as I know, the only difference between a normal match and a Retaliation is that you can skip a Retaliation for free.
    OJ said it already, but yeah depending on 'where ' you are, yand how high they climb, you can gleam extra points off them.

    But its not an ideal strategy...its akin to winning a boxing match by being punched in the face as a defensive tactic...
    - Unreall