Hollowpoint Kiss - August 30 - September 02 - Season XVIII



  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,609 Chairperson of the Boards
    Splarne wrote:
    Super easy climb for my maxed 4*s. Don't know why everyone is having a hard time.

    Yeah, the multiple rosters with unboosted 3's who were easily above 1000 in the slice totally got the shaft...
  • ThePants wrote:
    Wow, that's the Alliance rewards?! It always amazes me how well I do in personal ranking versus what my Alliance does. It's so depressing to see Your Alliance Ranked in the Top 10,000. I have been playing a little over 3 months, but I play everyday, and I feel I do well. I usually score in top 100 of these events... think I'm currently in the 30's with this event. Smh

    Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but unfortunately, this probably won't last for you. What sort of scores are you usually finishing with that you're in the top 100 at about 3 months in, or currently top 30?

    It's highly likely that soon you will move out of the noob brackets and in with the vets. You'll be going from a place where your regular score gets you top 100, to brackets where sometimes 1000 doesn't get you top 100 (happened in the recent 4* Faptain PVP). Similarly, if you are achieving a top placement with a score under 800 or so, you're not actually providing enough points on average to be in a top 100 alliance.

    In that same Faptain PVP, 100th place for alliance placement was 17,803, or an average of 890 points per player. If you're hitting that or higher, then you should check out the alliance sub-forum and get yourself into a better alliance.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Should be obvious, but even the JG teams weren't immune to PX/GSBW.

    It was a little slower, but all you need is 5 TU AP and an All Tied Up hanging around from one of your alliance mates. With +2 All AP, that's one TU match. With JG stunned, it's goodnight.

    Overall though, I'm betting that explains the number of 4Thor teams I saw floating around. 4Thor counters JG thanks to her stun, then PX/Fistbuster counters 4Thor, and JG counters them. Makes for a fun, but challenging PvP.
  • Splarne wrote:
    Super easy climb for my maxed 4*s. Don't know why everyone is having a hard time.
  • xequalsy
    Hit 1k for the second time in this PvP. Think I managed to find a good quiet time to climb up to 900 before my first shield, only had one bounce in the hour or so before I hopped to 1k. Enjoying my first Carnage red cover. icon_e_smile.gif

    It's a shame my GSBW wasn't 5/X/X. My 4/5/3 (4/5/4 after the 800) GSBW was a bit slower without the AOE green. Could probably have gotten the 1k then with only 1/2 shields.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Huh. I was only going to go for the 1000 point progression but the high point nodes kept lining up, so I kept trucking up to 1200 before they ran out and I shielded. Don't plan to break shield again, so feel free to hit me if you have me queued.