Noticed that I'm in the middle of a run [DDQ Musings]

DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
edited September 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
...of DDQ covers I can't use, and I thought I'd look at my 3*:


Okay, so obviously, that first sentence doesn't really apply anymore because champion levels. Yay, champion levels! So there are only a handful of 3* I haven't actually championed yet. They are:

13 covers


12 covers

Iron Man

Iron Man is at 140, the 13-covers are at 125 (save Colossus, who is at 130). I got rid of fancy formatting because champion levels changed the game (literally!) and I no longer need to worry about whether I need an additional cover of a character to respec them. Just gotta champion them.

So the main thing I'm looking at now is which 4* character rewards have priority.

Iron Man gets championed first because Hulkbuster. Doc Ock is last because I'm not really interested in Carnage covers right now. The rest yield characters I'm actively building. Leaning towards Falcon as 2nd from this list because my Captain Falcon is 3/2/3, making him the most-covered character of the possibles from that group. After that, not really sure.

On the 4* DDQ side of things, recent efforts have turned out such that with the reshuffled Crash order, every 4* character I have for the next 26 or so Crashes have either previously won regardless of their current level, are leveled to a range I've previously identified as Crash-viable (130-40), or have so few covers that it's eminently clear they aren't getting it done unless they get more covers before their turn comes up.

My most-covered 4* at the moment are:

11 covers:
Invisible Woman (3/3/5)
Nick Fury (4/4/3)

10 covers:
Ghost Rider (3/2/5)
Star-Lord (2/4/4)

9 covers
Ant-Man (5/3/1)
Deadpool (5/1/3)
Professor X (4/5/0)

There are another half dozen with 7 or 8 covers as well. All of the 4* on the above list have won a Crash previously, with the exception of Deadpool, who was far less covered the last time his rolled around. So while all have extensive room for level growth, none are, at this time, an ISO priority. At least, not to their ceilings. Maybe to 168 to bring them in line with my Captain Falcon and Thing.

Mod Edit: Title addendum as topic has evolved

User edit: if you're gonna edit my title, please have the courtesy not to make it look like I can't spell. :-p


  • spectator
    spectator Posts: 395 Mover and Shaker
    its a good place to be. it means more often than not you are playing because you want to play, not that you have to play
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm at 515/520 covers. I need 3 Vision red and 2 for a Bullseye of indiscriminate build. Everyone else is done.

    So yeah, DDQ is an Iso and apparently health pack source.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hulk moves from the 10-cover to the 11-cover tier with an Anger (woo!) cover from a standard (WOO!) token today.

    I ended up re-speccing Blade with his DDQ cover. Had him spec'ed at 5/3/5, but I think I've decided I'd rather have 3/5/5.

    So I'll update both of those in my progress report.
  • ERock4
    ERock4 Posts: 42
    This made me want to check my progress.

    13 Covers:
    Black Panther
    Captain America
    Human Torch
    Kamala Khan

    Scarlet Witch
    Luke Cage
    Rocket and Groot
    Iron Man
    Doctor Doom
    Black Widow

    12 Covers:
    Iron Fist

    11 Covers:

    10 Covers:
    Doctor Octopus

    Everyone Else:
    Bullseye (9)
    Beast (8)
    Gamora (7)
    Captain Marvel (7)
    Ragnarok (7)
    Squirrel Girl (6)
    Vision (6)

    Bolds are maxed at 166. Italicized ones in the 13 cover section are ones that aren't covered quite like I want them to be.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2015
    Bold to indicate characters at level 166 with my preferred build.
    Italics to indicate characters who are not yet fully levelled, but do have preferred build.
    For others, I'll provide their current build.

    Black Panther
    Captain America
    Human Torch
    Iron Fist
    Iron Man
    Kamala Khan
    Luke Cage
    The Hood
    The Hulk
    The Punisher

    Rocket & Groot
    Scarlet Witch
    Captain Marvel
    Black Widow
    Squirrel Girl

    Doctor Octopus (1/3/5 - He needs a lot of works. 4 blue covers would make him usable, but I think I might prefer him at 5/4/4 or 5/5/3)

    So I'm 6 covers away from covering all 3's, 10 for optimal builds. I've got one of those in the next day or so, and soon enough it'll just be Doc Ock left needing covers.

    Update: Doom is specced and Ragnarok is fully covered. Rags is still not quite my preferred build for him, but he's already at level 120, so he's done until I have more ISO than I know what to do with. For now, Doc Ock is my single lonely unfinished 3*.
  • Lee T
    Lee T Posts: 318
    Let's see, day 345 of never selling a 3* cover ever :

    13 covers (all are currently soft capped at 120 as I prefer to have as many character as possible around the same level rather than a few 166)


    Human Torch
    Iron Man
    Squirrel Girl
    The Hulk

    *not quite there yet*

    Black Widow
    Captain marvel
    Rocket & Groot
    Wolverine Patch

    12 covers

    11 covers
    Black Panther
    Captain America
    Doctor Doom
    Luke Cage

    10 covers
    The Hood

    8 covers
    Kamala Khan
    Scarlet Witch

    7 covers
    Doctor Octopus

    6 covers

    5 covers
    Iron Fist *sigh*

    I don't know how much covers I need, but out of the 120 different covers (40*3 colors), I consider about 60 to be where I want them to be. It's head or tails whenever I see the gold ticket appearing.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Updated the OP to reflect Punisher's ascension to the Land of Thirteen.
  • CaptainFreaky
    CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
    I'm in a similar situation - the number of 3* covers I need is really not so great overall.
    I think there are quite a few players in the 400-500+ day range that are in an interesting boat. Namely, 3* covers aren't really needed so much (ISO probably is, but that's a different point). But 4* covers are so rare that progression other than leveling the 3*'s has ground mostly to a halt.
    For me and many others I talk to, 1000/1300 in PVP is the only place to get a 4* cover (other than during the launch PVE), and for many (myself included), pushing to 1K/1.3K is just not something I'm willing to do very often. The time and hp investment for shield hopping isn't very fun, and I am just not motivated to kill myself to get to 1K for one cover. Especially when it means that even if I get the cover, I'm still many, many, many months away from having a usable (9-10 cover) 4* character.

    I remember when I stated my 3* roster many moons ago. It was tough and it took a while. But I finally got my Punisher and CMags built up and leveled and away I went to fame and glory. It took time, but it didn't take literally 6-9 months of grinding to build a couple of usable 3* characters. I feel like asking me to grind for 6-9 months to build up 1-2 4* characters (without paying through the nose) is just not where this game should be in terms of keeping players entertained and invested in the game.

    I play it cause I still like the game, but I really have very little incentive to purchase HP anymore as long as I can keep up with roster slots. Spending money on 4* seems such a ridiculously poor investment I can't imagine doing it.

    And so, my 4* transition is just not happening with the current mechanics.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Check out my sig.. 2 different equally awesome places to maintain online rosters! this will save you loads of typing in the future, and allow for people to give you advice etc..

    just a suggestion! Keep at it!
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    Check out my sig.. 2 different equally awesome places to maintain online rosters! this will save you loads of typing in the future, and allow for people to give you advice etc..

    just a suggestion! Keep at it!

    I have my roster stored in Google Docs already. I just don't care to share out that file to the unwashed masses ( icon_lol.gif ) when I can just paste the text and massage it in a post.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Iron Fist making a late bid to be my 14th 13-cover 3*! Be interested to see which of the current crop of 12's gets there first.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cyclops with his 9th.

    Looking ahead, Ock gets #4 in a couple days. Captain Marvel her 8th not long after that. Ragnarok will kick off a run of useful covers: he'll get his fourth, Kamala her ninth, Quicksilver his tenth, Scarlet Witch her 8th, Vision his 7th, Black Panther his 9th (and 4th blackflag.png , ooh!), Magneto his 11th, all in succession. Storm will break the combo, but Luke Cage will get his 11th the next day. Groot and Spidey need no covers, but Daredevil does.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Whoops. Meant to edit, not to quote. Updating for (woo!) Black Panther's 4th blackflag.png and Doc Ock's fourth cover overall.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got a Squirrel Girl cover from an event token to boost her to 12 covers, and Captain Marvel added one courtesy of DDQ, as well.

    Also pulled two Hood covers since my last update, and rostered him (courtesy of a 1k coin pull from a taco), so I should add him to the list.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got icon_blackpanther.pngyellowflag.png from my daily reward today (heroic token). 5/1/4 now.

    icon_ragnarok.png is up to 4 covers now as well courtesy of DDQ.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Top 150 finish in Ninja **** gets me a Cyclops black to give him 5 covers there and move him out of the ranks of "Everybody Else," and the EotS token gives Daredevil his fourth redflag.png to do the same.

    The ranks of the single-digit heroes shrinks steadily!
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Looking ahead to the next little while, nobody else is moving into the ranks of double-digit covers anytime soon absent a well-timed pull or three.

    However, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Black Panther and Magneto will all be able to use their covers coming up in DDQ. Today having been Ninja **** day means I shouldn't even have to suffer aggravation getting those covers.

    Three of the subsequent four are already 13-covers, and covered how I want them, with Luke Cage as the holdout.

    Daredevil and She-Hulk can both use their upcoming covers, but Deadpool I'm trying to move from 5 black to 5 red, so he won't be able to use his.

    Gamora's already got five black covers.

    Black Widow will gladly take her purpleflag.png.

    Loki will reach 13 covers with his 5th greenflag.png, although I don't know if 4/4/5 is where I want him to wind up.

    That takes me through the next two weeks, and 9 of those 14 covers will be useful as more than just ISO farming.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    Check out my sig.. 2 different equally awesome places to maintain online rosters! this will save you loads of typing in the future, and allow for people to give you advice etc..

    just a suggestion! Keep at it!

    That's really fun! Thanks for the link, I've filled it out (ignoring copies as data-entry makes me fall asleep.) icon_e_smile.gif
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Couple of twofers today. Scarlet Witch greenflag.png popped out of a taco, and she got another from DDQ, bringing her to 3/5/1 and allowing her to train to 104.

    Hopping into the Blind Justice PVP with 4-5 hours left let me pile up enough points for a top 25 finish and Vision's redflag.png and blueflag.png. He can also train to 104, but I'm gonna need some ISO before that happens.

    Still don't know how I want to spec Vision out, long-term. Leaning towards either 4/5/4 or 5/5/3, either of which are currently doable without a respec, since Vision only has one cover in yellowflag.png anyway.

    But once he gets the ISO to train to 104, that will leave just She-Hulk, Ragnarok, Doctor Octopus and The Hood as non-104-capable 3*. I'm nearly ready to start training my 3* past 104.
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    Unless Deadpool starts to hand out some 4star covers his daily quest is just ISO to me. Need a lot of ISO though as I'm at 520/520 3star covers.