4* Deadpool Announced



  • I think it's pretty clear the intent is to populate a 4 star pool with similar size to the 3 star pool, and add the 4 stars to DDQ once they near that size, and slowly transition into adding 5 stars in time for marvel needs. Vet Players/Whales will be looking for something new, and expanding the roster is their main source of income, through roster slots/cover purchases, I suspect.

    If it's so terrible, don't play? Leaves more open spots for the rest of us to grab 'em. icon_razz.gif
  • Wobby
    Wobby Posts: 286 Mover and Shaker
    It's pretty clear that until they fix 4* availability there's going to be no way to compete at the very highest levels ....
    But not really. The same strategies still work, for now.

    If they nerf ProfX and IMHB now that they've got new "gotta have em" 4* characters, I'm done. It's a clear cash grab at that point...

    Yes I'm bummed it's going to take 4 months or so to cover and play with Jean Grey (the realistic number I think for those of us at the high end of free to play) but so long as they don't take away what I've already invested my time in ON TOP OF rolling 6 straight 4*s then I'm going to accept the new normal.
  • I see they've done nothing to make me regret my decision to quit and have just doubled down on the bad since I left.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Haetron wrote:
    I think it's pretty clear the intent is to populate a 4 star pool with similar size to the 3 star pool, and add the 4 stars to DDQ once they near that size, and slowly transition into adding 5 stars in time for marvel needs. Vet Players/Whales will be looking for something new, and expanding the roster is their main source of income, through roster slots/cover purchases, I suspect.

    If it's so terrible, don't play? Leaves more open spots for the rest of us to grab 'em. icon_razz.gif

    The problem with the path I see is the pattern:

    3*'s were rare and expensive to collect and level.
    Therefore, they made them more common and cheaper to level.
    Therefore, all who spent a ton of time to get and level them are now caught up to by newer players quickly.

    4*'s are rare and expensive to collect and level.
    Therefore, they will have to make them more common and cheaper level
    Therefore, all those who spent a ton of time to get them will be caught up to by newer players quickly.

    Yeah, that sounds great to you now. You can catch up!
    But notice, it was a pattern. At some point you'll be in the highest tier...and then they'll add another tier.

    I think they've put themselves into this loop, and it is a vicious cycle. Those that spent a lot of time (and possibly money) shouldn't be quickly caught up to by newer players, or they will get frustrated at the pointlessness of past endeavors and leave. But if they -don't- make it easier for new players to quickly catch up, those new players will get frustrated and leave....
  • I have played a few of these types of games and when they start releasing the most powerful cards over and over it is usually a bad sign (and a money grab). I hope that is not the case here, but it would be really nice to see some new 3*'s or even cool 2 *'s. Show us that it isn't all about spending 100's to be the best.
  • hex706f726368
    hex706f726368 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
  • JordonLee
    JordonLee Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    Kudos for giving us details extra early. Sounds like a brilliant character.

    Gutted I'll only have like.. one cover of his for months (if that), but I'm sure you guys have something in the works.
    (and yay it's not another 7 day event for a new character thankyou so much).
  • Once you're in the top tier, what do you do? Go "OK, GG, Im done" and toss the app?

    They need to keep rewards flowing, to retain users. Some users won't be happy, but until participation plummets on 4 star events, I highly doubt they'll stop.

    Nor should they. I know a lot of people brag about F2P the entire game, and while Im no "whale" I gladly caved and just dropped 50 bucks at once for a truck load of roster slots, (Im at the 650 cost range now), I also realize one important thing.

    They're not a charity producing free entertainment for us, and they have to provide product worth purchasing to pay their own expenses, and part of that is going to be building and extending and end game progression and new characters with covers to purchase and slots to unlock.

    The alternative is in game advertisements. Or they go out of business. I really don't want to see either of those two happen, right now.

    Edit: And let me make it clear. As a new player, (just over 90 days) this game isn't anywhere near "easy" to catch top tier. I've grasped the tricks needed to finally get 3 stars, (one of which was join a new alliance and ditch my RL friends cause they were filthy casuals icon_razz.gif ) but Im no where near on par with the 360+ vet crowd. It's also why I was a bit taken aback when people recommend nothing be changed with the 1-2 star game because it's "fast". The early game is a mess, and I quit several times because of it before finally committing due to the Ultron event.
  • Bishop
    Bishop Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
    firethorne wrote:
    :cry: Another 4*. Seriously?

    Unless he comes with 4* getting put in DDQ or overhauling PvE rewards, I don't care. This is a game, not the 80 hour per week job required to get 4*s now.

    This sums it up with I got to say. I like new content but this game is a job in itself. I have a big roster and I only allow about 3 4* in it. There's no point if you will be collecting them for years.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Anyone have the most recent iso required tally?
  • djdv81
    djdv81 Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    A couple of days ago I fought myself not to pay 20$ for Logan's Loonies for more roster slots to make room for Jean Grey. Now there's another 4* character with a movie coming out all of a sudden....... what a motivation killer to the people who play this game hours a day. I will not pay another penny for slots or anything similar because just when I dug myself out of the hole, the game just throws more dirt on top of me. I'm glad the Phantom pain is coming out next month so I can pay one price and play it to the max.
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    everybody is sick of competitive PVE 4* releases. Stop it now.

    Gauntlet / Ultron is the proper way to do PVE.

    Let's not even get to how we're supposed to get the iso8.png and covers even if we place t2.

    Fix this.
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    everybody is sick of this 4* release barrage with no solution to getting them covered and leveled in any reasonable amount of time.

    this is beyond ridiculous now.
  • 20three
    20three Posts: 371

    On an unrelated note, does anyone else find Deadpool to nauseatingly annoying and overrated. It's like "hurr-durr I'm sooooo random, I break the fourth wall, I'm soooo awesome." A little bit goes a long way with him. Not to mention he's basically a complete ripoff of deathstroke given spiderman's tolerable jokes and quips taken up to an 11. icon_neutral.gif
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    20three wrote:

    On an unrelated note, does anyone else find Deadpool to nauseatingly annoying and overrated. It's like "hurr-durr I'm sooooo random, I break the fourth wall, I'm soooo awesome." A little bit goes a long way with him. Not to mention he's basically a complete ripoff of deathstroke given spiderman's tolerable jokes and quips taken up to an 11. icon_neutral.gif

    Depends who writes him, IMO.
    Lesser writers go with "OMG he's so WACKY, right!? *Waves spork*" whereas more skilled writers can work wonders with him.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Okay, seriously, I'm fine with 4*s being the new normal but you have to start treating them like the new normal in prizes as well as releases. 3*s are workhorses now. They're not the big prize. DDQ and the PvP point spike and expanded token odds have all seen to that. So expand them past the top 2% on placement awards, and start giving them out for PvE progression too. That's the only possible way we're going to be able to keep up with this pace.

    (Oh yeah, the character. He looks good! Fun abilities. I hope I'll be able to get him to a usable level at some point in my life.)
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm ok with the new 4* release rate. It gives me something to work toward. You're not supposed to be able to "keep up" and cover/level a new 4* quickly. I'm about to get my 10th Carnage cover, and I was surprised, because I don't think it should be that fast.

    It's a marathon, not a sprint. If it's too hard for you to get 4*s, you're probably not ready for the 4* transition yet. Build up your 3* roster.
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    Deadpool has been milked a bit too much but some of his comics are soooo funny. I still laugh at the time he "sho-ryu-ken'd" kitty pryde. Or he wore rachel greys costume.. ok time for me to go read some deadpool icon_e_smile.gif
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm pretty excited for this variant. Love the cover they picked for him.

    For everyone complaining about it, I hope that means you're going to stop playing - it'll make it a little bit easier for me to get the covers.