Iron Fist Purple - Really RNG?



  • meekersX
    meekersX Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    P.s. It hasn't been 3 events in a row with the same rewards. The black and green switched between events.
    Good catch, that means 1 in 27 chance if random. Plausible.
  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    puppychow wrote:
    I managed to get a 535 IF somehow, all via tokens, rewards, etc. I originally wanted 355, but after playing w/ 5 green I think I'll stay w/ 3 purple. While it's true that 5 pink spams out more blacks, I like the offensive kick (literally) from 5 green---more direct damage plus higher value strike tiles to go w/ the passive 5 black.

    After using if/cage combo in the past 2 pves, I've come to appreciate their ying-yang synergy.

    If the benefit is to max the benefit from his green/attack tile, wouldn't you still rather have 5 purple since it also helps you trigger the extra strike tiles from using his green?
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm leaning towards 4/5/4 eventually. Don't think I'd go for 5/5/3, but at 4 green I'd get 3-6 strike tiles, and 5 purple is just too ouchie not to take full advantage of.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    cyineedsn wrote:
    puppychow wrote:
    I managed to get a 535 IF somehow, all via tokens, rewards, etc. I originally wanted 355, but after playing w/ 5 green I think I'll stay w/ 3 purple. While it's true that 5 pink spams out more blacks, I like the offensive kick (literally) from 5 green---more direct damage plus higher value strike tiles to go w/ the passive 5 black.

    After using if/cage combo in the past 2 pves, I've come to appreciate their ying-yang synergy.

    If the benefit is to max the benefit from his green/attack tile, wouldn't you still rather have 5 purple since it also helps you trigger the extra strike tiles from using his green?

    Right now, the way I use my IF is to stock up on bk/pink ap. I've been teaming IF with AstWolf and triggering his gr instead since Wolf costs only 6 ap rather than IF's 8. With the attack tile plus strike tiles on board, I just slowly whittle away opponent's health, trigger IF pink for damage, and put in the finishing touch w/ cage bk. So I tend to use my IF for offense rather than spamming blacks on the board.
  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    puppychow wrote:
    Right now, the way I use my IF is to stock up on bk/pink ap. I've been teaming IF with AstWolf and triggering his gr instead since Wolf costs only 6 ap rather than IF's 8. With the attack tile plus strike tiles on board, I just slowly whittle away opponent's health, trigger IF pink for damage, and put in the finishing touch w/ cage bk. So I tend to use my IF for offense rather than spamming blacks on the board.

    Sounds good, just one question.... Who or what is AstWolf icon_question.gificon_question.gif lol
  • meekersX
    meekersX Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    cyineedsn wrote:
    puppychow wrote:
    Right now, the way I use my IF is to stock up on bk/pink ap. I've been teaming IF with AstWolf and triggering his gr instead since Wolf costs only 6 ap rather than IF's 8. With the attack tile plus strike tiles on board, I just slowly whittle away opponent's health, trigger IF pink for damage, and put in the finishing touch w/ cage bk. So I tend to use my IF for offense rather than spamming blacks on the board.

    Sounds good, just one question.... Who or what is AstWolf icon_question.gificon_question.gif lol
    2* Wolverine (Wolverine Astonishing X-Men)
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    notamutant wrote:
    fmftint wrote:
    IF has only been awarded twice, his PVE introduction and his PVP introduction

    March 3

    March 4

    Thanks for gathering that together. Pretty damning evidence that D3 is not releasing one of the most powerful 3 stars with his best covers to make people pay for them.

    It sucks that purple is top 5 again. But this is not proof that the rng is rigged. That's like rolled a d6 3 times, getting 1 or 2 all three times, and declaring that the die is loaded.

    The real problem is that captain marvel and mostorm have had pvp events in consecutive seasons while if top tiers like iron fist and black panther have had exactly one PvP event since last November (or since March when if was released).

    Demiurge may use a random number generator for the cover rewards, but they haven't said how they pick the featured characters, and they seem to stay away from the most useful characters. (though to be fair. That's only a marginally bigger sample size and could also be random)
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    notamutant wrote:
    Thanks for gathering that together. Pretty damning evidence that D3 is not releasing one of the most powerful 3 stars with his best covers to make people pay for them.
    I'm surprised they're even releasing him for the time being. At the top of PVP, you pretty much have to use IF/HB to jump with, or else the match will take too long and you'll get smacked down.

    It is the 4hor/XF situation all over again.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    2-1-4 here.

  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Square wrote:
    notamutant wrote:
    Thanks for gathering that together. Pretty damning evidence that D3 is not releasing one of the most powerful 3 stars with his best covers to make people pay for them.
    I'm surprised they're even releasing him for the time being. At the top of PVP, you pretty much have to use IF/HB to jump with, or else the match will take too long and you'll get smacked down.

    It is the 4hor/XF situation all over again.

    Imhb/if is the best pair right now all things being equal. But they are not as dominant as thorverine. They aren't as much better than everyone else as that team: they don't have an 8ap nuke like xforce green, and they don't have a stun that accelerates smite and additional stuns. There are also more good 4*s that can compete with imhb (prof. X, thing, etc) Additionally, the weekly boosts mean that the very best team in any given week is often not imhb/if. The advantage of imhb/if is that they are viable even unboosted.
  • Unknown
    Throw this into the same pile as Black Panther's black power. At some point luck becomes a lady and you need to rely on tokens.

    For IF, you want a 5 level black power first and foremost, much like with cage you want a 5 level red. His purple power may be rare, but unlike Black panther, it isn't his BEST power IMO. Mine is 5-2-5 so I was disappointed to see this prize structure, but whatever.

    Given the massive number of characters, all with 3 powers, you can't have it all. That being said, given the frequency IF has been featured, if we're honest he's been pushed way more than most 3 stars. With DDQ and back to back PVE events, it is way better than it was. Back in the day covers were tough to come by. REAL tough.
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Imhb/if is the best pair right now all things being equal. But they are not as dominant as thorverine. They aren't as much better than everyone else as that team: they don't have an 8ap nuke like xforce green, and they don't have a stun that accelerates smite and additional stuns. There are also more good 4*s that can compete with imhb (prof. X, thing, etc) Additionally, the weekly boosts mean that the very best team in any given week is often not imhb/if. The advantage of imhb/if is that they are viable even unboosted.
    I agree it's not as bad, but over 1100 or so, I only see IF/HB teams, because of the speed, not the dominating force.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Square wrote:
    Vhailorx wrote:
    Imhb/if is the best pair right now all things being equal. But they are not as dominant as thorverine. They aren't as much better than everyone else as that team: they don't have an 8ap nuke like xforce green, and they don't have a stun that accelerates smite and additional stuns. There are also more good 4*s that can compete with imhb (prof. X, thing, etc) Additionally, the weekly boosts mean that the very best team in any given week is often not imhb/if. The advantage of imhb/if is that they are viable even unboosted.
    I agree it's not as bad, but over 1100 or so, I only see IF/HB teams, because of the speed, not the dominating force.

    Can't comment on play above 1100 s I don't go there often, in my old alliance some people without imhb/if teams did get close to1300, so it can't be EVERYONE, but IMHB/IF is fast, so they might well be very dominant in that space.

    If so, it's a very good thing that the 1k reward exists. thorverine was terrible for the game because it as all but impossible to get 4* covers without having the best 2 4*s maxed. At least now one can reliably hit 1k with a decent 3* team.

    Of course, a good 3* team has iron fist, which gets us back in topic. It is kind of ridiculous that iron fist had not been featured since his release. Like BP black, it's incredibly frustrating that very important characters have been basically impossible for newer players to get without direct buying covers. Even if it is just rng it's bad game design.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Cage red and IF black are only their best powers if you have to fight squishy teams/slow teams a lot and are not in the 4* range fully yet. Cage red is good against slower enemies but yellow and black help you to win faster. IF black is good versus the AP stealing trio of oBW/Loki/Hood but 5/5/3 Fist is much better on offense against teams with high health.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is why we need cover trading.. my IF has been 3/5/5 forever, and the second i maxed him, the game started giving me purple covers all over the place to sell.. my poor hood has been 5/5/2 since his black last came around in DDQ.....

    Tried for t10 in thor pvp.. who knew a level 350 Fury was so mean!
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cage red and IF black are only their best powers if you have to fight squishy teams/slow teams a lot and are not in the 4* range fully yet. Cage red is good against slower enemies but yellow and black help you to win faster. IF black is good versus the AP stealing trio of oBW/Loki/Hood but 5/5/3 Fist is much better on offense against teams with high health.

    I think there are definitely good arguments for any build of cage, he is one guy I consider building a dupe for because every build has a function.

    I am less convinced re: iron fist. 5 black is safe, easy, reliably dmage that always works. 5 green isn't quite as good as punisher's judgment (unless you have 12 black in which case it's better). But most uses for iron fist involve using him as a black battery that also does cheap damage for 5 purple. Green doesn't matter much for that purpose, and if you aren't looking to use the green often. The free damage from black is more attractive.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    what I find odd is the **** rewards are in an orderly alphabetical order with a known rotation among the 1000/1300/1st. but the ***s are completely rng and many of the top abilities in the game are just never seen (gotta say I'm happy that we are seeing hood and fist events when its been a looooong time for both).
  • Unknown
    Good luck to those that want him. I can't imagine how much of a blood bath it will be to get his purple. icon_lol.gif and in a hood a event too! Well I bought the rest of the purple I needed since mine was 5/3/5 build for a long time. The only characters I ever thought was worth it to spend gold would be Steve Rogers and IF. Totally worth it as this two have made a huge difference in both my PVP and pve experience. No regrets for me as I feel these two people have paid off on their own just by how much completions with progressions, awards resulting that I rake out to collect!
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    There's been good analysis posted for Fist green vs Fist black in Fist thread, IIRC. Anyway I've yet to complain about the 553 build. Definitely suits my needs. My reasoning is, auto attack tiles don't get much better than being auto, could as well max the active skill instead. Same reason many people go 5/3/5 for Carnage.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sullstar wrote:
    Might just be confirmation bias but I agree the RNG doesn't seem all that random.

    Sorry to move the convo away from IF but two characters I have considered higher tier, Cyclops and KK are both sitting at 552 with 0 covers bought for hp. It can't be coincidence both of their most powerful and arguably best attacks are so much more scarce than the others. I have obtained 7 yellow KK covers since I got my last green.

    For me its Cyclops red I cant get covers for! I maxed out his black months and months ago from pulls yet still only have 2 red covers.