MPQ Community Video - July, 2015



  • Unknown
    Dauthi wrote:
    I think if there is no definitive information or progress on the questions or anything related to them, we won't mind you pushing back these Q&As a month like you did last time. This was more like a reaction video to a forum thread.

    What worries me:

    They honestly believe that one 4* cover is useful for 1* rosters. These players have how many slots open? 6? 10? Yeah, throw that useless 4* in there over 2*s, that will help! icon_rolleyes.gif

    I love the event, this comment makes me feel like they are out of touch with roster slots and offering prizes based on the needs of rosters.

    I'm playing Dragonball Dokkan Battle now, and let me preface by saying this game totally sucks and is not remotely comparable to MPQ, but you can bring out your inner fanboy by taking any level Super Saiyan at level 1 and put him in your best team and it's probably still halfway playable because he's only one of the 7 guys on the team so in the absolute worst case you lose 1/7 of your team's power. Try to bring out your inner fanboy in MPQ and you're just asking for a thorough spanking in every possible mode and it's a huge missed opportunity. People might be nuts about certain characters but it's hard to be nuts about your favorite character if using him/her means you'll just lose badly in every kind of gameplay. I'm selecting my characters in Dragonball based on how cool I think the said guy is in Dragonball, while in MPQ I refused to play anyone who isn't top 5 in the overall power curve unless it's an essential character. It's not because Dragonball is a better game by any stretch of imagination, but that the game's team building is leninent enough that I won't get immediately wasted just because I booted Yamcha off my team for not being cool enough, who may or may not be the best character in the game and it's not something I even care about.
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    The question of "Why not give HP for selling 3* covers?" is not adequately answered by "We're giving you more 3* covers!". That's just dodging the issue. What the question is actually asking is "Why are 3* covers only worth 500 ISO?" 3*s are still rare enough that - for most players - getting one is an exciting stroke of luck, and getting one that's useless to you (despite there being way more 3* characters in the game) is pure disappointment. A paltry 500 ISO just adds insult to injury.

    I get that controlling the flow of free HP into the game's economy (sorry, should I have said "the E-word"? icon_e_biggrin.gif) is important - so being able to sell covers for HP may not be the best solution. Let's think of others.
  • roderic1
    roderic1 Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    CNash wrote:
    A paltry 500 ISO just adds insult to injury

    I would gladly take 25 HP over 500 ISO.
  • Unknown
    So, one thing I read over and over again:

    Devs acknowledge community frustration, but no plans to change as low priority.

    Ummm, isn't the top priority that we actually enjoy the game? If I stop enjoying the game, I stop playing, which means I stop spending money.

    That's got to be the stupidest response to a question I've heard from the Devs yet. Seriously guys, we are your clients, not your employees. If we're saying something sucks, fix it. Or we go somewhere else.
  • shatland
    shatland Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    A little disappointing they didn't even acknowledge the user interface. not sure where it ranked but the question had 64 up votes. more than a couple of the questions they did "answer". goes to show they are willing to at least acknowledge some of these other concerns but the way we actually use and interface with their game isn't even on their radar. I spose, tho, money makes this game go round.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    Puertorico wrote:
    Wow thanks for completing this Q&A. You guys deserve 20 ISO for adressing our concerns

    This is why your rep is 4x your amount of posts lol.

    The fact that they DO play, and as players understand our frustration, means some of this may get done....

    They skirted some questions like polished politicians, but i have a feeling it was done as to not spoil anything. They probably have the answers, but are trying to throw us off with double-speak, so when it is implemented, we all go "ALL HAIL D3!"

    Which we will.

    Then, as it always goes, people will find more things to complain about.

    They addressed things in this video that have been left out of past videos no matter how many upvotes it got, nor how many people asked. They would not do this unless they had something up their sleeves.

    Ok, let me know what you think.
    Yeah they play, but probably not as much as the people here (who burnt out and quit). That's why after like a year and half they finally hit the point where they actually encountered real scaling, and finally realized what the fourms were telling them for the better part of a year, and reined in the obscene match damage for 1 and 2 stars
  • Unknown
    Worst Q&A video ever. They basically said no to the changes we offered. They should just answer the questions in the forums immediately. Still waiting on the feature to allow us to reward our 3* we don't want to our fellow alliance members.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    it would be nice to see what is their list of priorities. and how big their team is and if they plan on expanding it, cause i don't see them doing anything new on any consistent basis besides none.
    really come on.. easy fixes that bug even the dev team, but no time to fix ....ever.
  • Huatimus
    Huatimus Posts: 115
    There were practically no answers in this video, kind of a waste of time watching it...

    Then again, I was personally hoping that they'd answer the Scarlet Witch question but was obviously sorely disappointed.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I must say, I guess I admire your continued optimism. icon_e_biggrin.gif


    It is slowly waning.. i had just submitted a ticket because every token i earned "poofed", just gone.. then update hits, unable to load game (stuck at 58%) for over 3 hours, pretty much destroying my hopes of T10 as it was right after new sub had started... going to be rough to even get t20 now (yes, i had built a comfortable spot for myself in T10, would have been my 3rd T10 in a row)... and on a 7 day pve, losing that much time pretty much means it's over, so i play for a lesser prize.. Hood PVP shows i haven't even started yet..

    nothing worse then going to bed with 10 health packs because the game only came up in time for me to want to turn it off.
  • Unknown
    Man, you guys asking them for more free HP by selling covers and reduce roster slot costs have no idea how damaging that would be to the company overall financially and endanger the lifespan of the game.

    The game is run by a business, not a charity, they have to turn a profit, and HP/ISO sales are literally their only income visible. (there may be some help from Marvel, especially when they advertise movies and such)

    The 20 ISO thing is depressing though.
  • CaptainFreaky
    CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
    Well - that was a whole lot of nothing.

    My positive criticism to Demiurge for next time would be to state what (generally) you ARE working on that makes you too busy to work on the things that you agree need fixing/improving (eg 20 ISO, new PVE content etc).

    You can't be specific, but you could say - (for example) "Right now we are working on three things - fixing some major bugs (platform level things or whatever), creating new characters, and the next Gauntlet"...or whatever. Give us a sense for where GENERALLY you are spending your time and everyone will be much more positive about you saying "Gee we agree we'd like to fix those but we don't have time right now".

    Also, two of the MOST up-voted items were not addressed:
    (1) Scarlet Witch changes - I suppose you have nothing to say and her Green is just useless - oh well. I'm also still amazed at the randomness of when these changes get rolled out like the SW change the Punisher change (yes I know - it's Phazer's fault).
    (2) Mobile UI improvements - This was a MAJOR oversight - this SHOULD be a top priority to improve for both new and experienced players. Would love to know if you feel the same way and where this sits in your current priority list.But honestly,

    Also, it might have been nice for you to officially comment on shutting down the spoiler thread and how you are REALLY going to improve pre-launch communication on this or some other forum - cause right now things don't look any better. How about something as simple as a standard post weekly telling us about upcoming PVE & PVP featured characters? That's just one suggestion.

    Lastly, I get that you think Jean is a counter to Prof X (and some tile changers too like IF) - I commend you for trying that instead of nerfing the problem characters. But honestly, I don't think you really understand the high levell PVP game. Heck, I don't even participate in the 1000+ PVP game and I'm pretty sure I understand it more than the Dev's, which is kind of sad. But I'll leave that for the character thread.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    Haetron wrote:
    Man, you guys asking them for more free HP by selling covers and reduce roster slot costs have no idea how damaging that would be to the company overall financially and endanger the lifespan of the game.

    The game is run by a business, not a charity, they have to turn a profit, and HP/ISO sales are literally their only income visible. (there may be some help from Marvel, especially when they advertise movies and such)

    The 20 ISO thing is depressing though.
    if they made a better game i would mind supporting it, i drop plenty of money around games i find worthwhile this is the only one i actively stop myself from doing it.
    if they made the purchases more affordable on their digital good that they are in complete control of then i would spend more on this game.
    if they capped the roster slots at 250hp, or even 500hp, or if they removed them completely i would spend money on this game
    if they consistently generated new events and/or different play modes or even new spins on existing events on a consistent basis i would spend more on this game.

    i can continue to list, but i think you get the point.

    so who really is damaging the game?