MPQ Community Video - July, 2015



  • Unknown
    I prefer these videos over a text post but they could have saved us all 12 minutes by yet saying "we read your questions and don't have any plans to make any changes"
  • xKOBALTx
    xKOBALTx Posts: 299 Mover and Shaker
    So you guys ask turul to shut down his spoiler thread and then these are the type of answers we get? Is there any doubt about why that thread had such a following? He's been one of your best allies in keeping vets excited about this game, because you certainly don't know how.

    I know you are loathe to give info about anything that isn't complete in case it doesn't work. I don't think anybody is expecting you to drop Molyneux-esque overhype, but give out something, anything.

    You are way either way too cautious or you really don't have anything except characters on deck. I don't want to believe the latter, but what else do you give us to go off of? You even danced around confirming another Ant-Man-like mini PvE. How hard would that be? "Yeah, we would totally like to see what we can do similar to it in the next couple months." How hard is that? Is it that out of the realm of possiblility?

    Try harder.

    End irritated rant.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cabol wrote:
    Summary of the Q&A (to save yourself 12 minutes):
    "As people that play the game, we know the pain you're talking about. We want to do it, but we're doing something else right now. Go play Adventure Time Puzzle Quest."

    As a day 2 ATPQ player I can honestly say it is very enjoyable so far.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Linkster79 wrote:
    Cabol wrote:
    Summary of the Q&A (to save yourself 12 minutes):
    "As people that play the game, we know the pain you're talking about. We want to do it, but we're doing something else right now. Go play Adventure Time Puzzle Quest."

    As a day 2 ATPQ player I can honestly say it is very enjoyable so far.
    I just installed myself, ATPQ has a more faithful Puzzle Quest feel to it. I think I'm just about done with AI cascade mode MPQ

    Day 340
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    I respectfully ask that the devs please go back and answer
    questions. This video was mostly a bust.

  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    So I was really disappointed in this months video. Th last Q&A answered a lot more questions, and fav direction. They brought out Ant man PVE, capped roster slots, and showed they listened to us.

    When I look at the questions they answered I don't think they have really started o put in a lot of work on these issues, but they are acknowledging them. I also feel that because it is a video Q&A they try and answer the questions more off the cuff than scripted even though they know what questions are going to be asked. Unfortunately they at not very good at PR and how to acknowledge the issues in a way that gives players hope. By saying at the end of the video "20 ISO, new content PVE, and more opportunities for 4* will be some of the items we will be working on for the near future." It is a simple way to say we hear you and will make it a priority.

    On a second note when they said hat they would really like to hear from us what story line we would like to see makes me feel like they have no new stories planed which is sad. They could have said "for outside of what we ha e planned we have decided to hold a forum contest for new PVE storyline. We will work with Dav to set up a thread to take suggestions and then take it to a vote from the players." Is is how to engage the players and not make them feel like it is an empty Q&A.
    My last suggestion to the devs is this. Make sure you announce something on th Q&A and if you have to wait till the end of the month wait. Even if it is "we have some cool characters coming out next month as well." Or our focus is going to be on anniversary week coming up in a couple of months and we want to make it special for you. Something, anything to satisfy th beast affectionaly called the player base.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lerysh wrote:
    My 2 cents on The Vault: Independence Vault was awesome. You got 9 free pulls and 50 HP daily pulls if you wanted them of only 50 some odd things (can't remember the actual number, just that it was way less than 300). It spanned 3 different events and tied those together in a nice little celebratory manner. It was great.

    Taco Vaults? Not exactly awesome. You are either A) using all 10 tokens you get every week and getting a 3.33% chance (10 in 300) at any particular reward which is most likely going to result in 2*s or Health Packs, or B) saving them up for THREE HUNDRED DAYS to completely empty the Taco Vault like a thief in the night. I understand that the 300 items exists to discourage exactly that, hoarding for 3 guarenteed 4*s, but still I think most of us are doing that. At least in my alliance they are. Taco Vaults definitely need looked at.

    Ditto. Most of the Wrecking Crew are long time vets, and one DDQ run-through finished off most of our 3*'s. So this event has become a little bit of ISO and a shrug - keep the tokens and get six 4*'s a year.

    That's a terrible, terrible thing. Something needs to be done for 4* transition. 100 token vaults would allow for eighteen 4*'s in 300 days...this isn't a huge hit by any means. It also means players can get them every ~3 months rather than once a year. Make these seem a bit more worthwhile/faster please!
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2015
    I definitely was not expecting the Q&A to released this soon, especially at 5:30PM EST!

    I did a summary for the last Q&A for those who could not watch the video and decided to do it again for you guys.

    -20 ISO: Known issue but no solution yet. Not considered a big issue at this time.
    - One button leveling: Same as above. Not considered important enough despite their understanding of our frustration.
    - 4* Event: Being worked on for DPD and perhaps future Growth Industry-type event, waiting for the current event to end to see the feedback.
    - New PVE: They would love to do another Enemy of the State or Rocket & Groot type of event but nothing at this time. They would love to do a Spider-Man event.
    -Vault: They're playing around with different content. Received good feedback from ID4 vault. Potential changes being worked on.
    -Selling 3* for HP: This was something they use to do but now there are more ways to earn HP via Daily rewards and nodes such as Growth Industry and Ultron.
    -Jean Grey: They're excited for her release, a character they wanted to do since the incarnation of the game. Looking forwards to our feedback.

    Overall really disappointed with this Q&A compared to the previous one. The devs understand our frustration as they are players too but they felt there's more bigger issues to tackle. Unfortunately they did not state what those bigger issues currently are.

    They have done a great job recently with some changes/additions that I was really surprised that they simply did not have a solution or real answer to any of our questions. How hard is it to really allow us to grab the 4/4 rewards then give us 20 ISO for every won match after 4? Is it that difficult to allow us to press a single button to level up a character? These are basic issues that should have been addressed a long time ago despite their "importance." You're not going to reach new players with silly mechanics like that.

    Hopefully there will be some upcoming news soon. Perhaps they weren't ready to announce any of these changes yet.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Is it that difficult to allow us to press a single button to level up a character? These are basic issues that should have been addressed a long time ago despite their "importance." You're not going to reach new players with silly mechanics like that.
    they did say directly that the level button is fun for new players because it's so fast. its not till later in the game that it becomes an issue.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    fmftint wrote:
    Is it that difficult to allow us to press a single button to level up a character? These are basic issues that should have been addressed a long time ago despite their "importance." You're not going to reach new players with silly mechanics like that.
    they did say directly that the level button is fun for new players because it's so fast. its not till later in the game that it becomes an issue.

    It def was not "fun" when I started. It's just less tedious cause you barely get much covers so you don't lvl as much when u first start (at least when I started a year ago).

    They're simply putting the positive spin on everything. I work in Human Resources, I have to do that everyday whether I think it's **** or not.

    They should had waited for this Q&A. Last Q&A they took awhile but did a great job overall and really had some answers. This one was like a bad sequel. These questions will simply be asked next time if there is no solution until then.
  • dider152
    dider152 Posts: 263
    STOPTHIS wrote:
    I feel for the devs. They catch a lot of tinykitty and people often request things that might be gaming breaking, but I'd rather they not say anything than pretend to say something. Feels like a waste of everyone's time.

    On the upside, maybe some more Spidey characters. Though it'll probably be Spider-Gwen or Miles Morales, which isn't as exciting as Green Goblin or Eddie Brock Venom.

    If it is game breaking, why don't they stop beating around the bush and say it? At least that is better than all the non-answers they give.
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Can you guys just go ahead and finish off the Dark Reign story before making other stories? With the exception of a couple of characters the set pieces are already in place. It's frustrating that there is no resolution to the storyline and the fact the the "Prologue" stories are still up in the pve page just confuses new players. ("Awesome, so I just finished the prologue. Where's the full story?")
  • Puertorico
    Puertorico Posts: 50
    Wow thanks for completing this Q&A. You guys deserve 20 ISO for adressing our concerns
  • Unknown
    I have to echo what others have already said: a very disappointing Q&A, since nothing was really answered. How hard can it be to give us one-button levelling? That probably shouldn't take more than an hour of work.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Puertorico wrote:
    Wow thanks for completing this Q&A. You guys deserve 20 ISO for adressing our concerns

    This is why your rep is 4x your amount of posts lol.

    The fact that they DO play, and as players understand our frustration, means some of this may get done....

    They skirted some questions like polished politicians, but i have a feeling it was done as to not spoil anything. They probably have the answers, but are trying to throw us off with double-speak, so when it is implemented, we all go "ALL HAIL D3!"

    Which we will.

    Then, as it always goes, people will find more things to complain about.

    They addressed things in this video that have been left out of past videos no matter how many upvotes it got, nor how many people asked. They would not do this unless they had something up their sleeves.

    Ok, let me know what you think.
  • Unknown
    Well with the upcoming movie I think a Civil War style PVE would make sense.

    The Vault is a cool idea, but I think for the Taco Vaults I would nerf the 2 stars by 100 meaning get rid of 100 2 stars so that the total rewards would be 200.

    Last ting can we have a sale please? icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,313 Chairperson of the Boards
    In response to the asking for PVE story suggestions: Maximum Carnage introducing 3* Venom (Eddie Brock).

    Also I'd want to echo a poster above: now that they spoilers thread has been killed, you guys need to step up your teasing and preview marketing. Nowadays, official forum announcements about features or characters being added to the game pre-date that content appearing in-game by mere hours. In a couple of inexcusable embarrassing times, the announcement appeared here /after/ appearing in-game. In occasions, announcements have appeared elsewhere but not here. That means that between the release of new contents or features, the game seems devoid of interesting things happening in the future as we slug though the nth iteration of rehashed content.
  • Unknown
    I've thought about this game compared to say, FF14, a game which I think absolutely sucks and yet FF14 roughly kept me almost active for as long as MPQ and I noticed that FF14 never gives up in coming up with new stuff. It doesn't matter if the stuff they add totally sucks. They keep trying so if you're thinking of quiting you might at least say 'well maybe this patch they will get it right', and if you quit anyway, it's not like you'll ever say, 'they're doing absolutely nothing this month but I'm totally going to continue supporting a game I don't enjoy anymore!' Based on the statement FF14 devs made I'm pretty convinced they literally know nothing about MMORPG in general, but in the ensuing months they pretty much acknowledge that and it's like 'since we've no idea what works we'll just try to do everything people asked, maybe some of it will work', and amazingly enough, it does! I think gaming has become so complicated that literally nobody knows what's a good idea let alone what's going to make money. Unless you're Blizzard you can't just send a bunch of guys to work on something for 6 months and figure your super elite team is going to totally nail it, and even Blizzard made some pretty significant mistakes in WoW/Diablo 3 under this model and only recovered due to their absolutely dominant position in those two genres.

    For example, rather than having a new PvE event released once every 6 months or longer because it's going to be totally awesome even though the forum guys almost never agree with that, you'd be better off even if you had to sub contract new PvE design content to a random guy on the forum. I don't care if that guy is just rolling a dice to come up with enemy combination and then go to and find a random fanfic and rename the guys, it's very unlikely this content will be so bad that people will be clamoring for Unstable Isotope to return (hopefully some minimal level of quality control will spot this). No I don't think that's going to somehow revolutionize the game but it still beats doing the same 6 PvE events over and over. And after you got the mass produced content that at least keeps people busy, then you can talk about where you want to make the big changes that will revolutionize the game.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    I think if there is no definitive information or progress on the questions or anything related to them, we won't mind you pushing back these Q&As a month like you did last time. This was more like a reaction video to a forum thread.

    What worries me:

    They honestly believe that one 4* cover is useful for 1* rosters. These players have how many slots open? 6? 10? Yeah, throw that useless 4* in there over 2*s, that will help! icon_rolleyes.gif

    I love the event, this comment makes me feel like they are out of touch with roster slots and offering prizes based on the needs of rosters.
  • Unknown
    Malcrof wrote:
    Puertorico wrote:
    Wow thanks for completing this Q&A. You guys deserve 20 ISO for adressing our concerns

    This is why your rep is 4x your amount of posts lol.

    The fact that they DO play, and as players understand our frustration, means some of this may get done....

    They skirted some questions like polished politicians, but i have a feeling it was done as to not spoil anything. They probably have the answers, but are trying to throw us off with double-speak, so when it is implemented, we all go "ALL HAIL D3!"

    Which we will.

    Then, as it always goes, people will find more things to complain about.

    They addressed things in this video that have been left out of past videos no matter how many upvotes it got, nor how many people asked. They would not do this unless they had something up their sleeves.

    Ok, let me know what you think.

    I'm not sure you and I read PR's comment the same way. icon_e_wink.gif

    I must say, I guess I admire your continued optimism. icon_e_biggrin.gif
