Talk me out of becoming a "wallet warrior"



  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    scottee wrote:
    Vhailorx wrote:
    I don't know if 2 good 166s is enough in PvP anymore scottee. With weekly boosts, you will be at a disadvantage any time one or both of them are not boosted. Even a solid pair like cyclops/iron fist at 166 would have a hard time above 800 where almost everything is 290/240/240 or better.

    You're of course at a disadvantage to 240's, but that's not the point. The point is that you move yourself into the next pool of targets. Let's make up some imaginary numbers for what PVP tiers look like by percentage of the playerbase.

    10% 4* (270-359)
    15% weekly boosted 3* (240)
    15% unboosted max 3* (166)
    20% underleveled 3* (100-150)
    40% 2* and lower

    By running two maxed 3*'s, even though they're only 166, you move yourself into that 3rd tier. When someone is flipping through nodes, all 166's look the same, while 130's look like fish bait. So by having just two maxed 3*, you look the same as someone who has 10 or 20 and is just not using the boosteds for whatever reason. This leads to significantly less attacks.

    Underleveled 3*'s gain automatic attacks because those heroes usually are missing covers as well. Even if your first two maxed 3*s are Hulk and Storm, it doesn't matter, because they'll get skipped in favor of a level 130 Iron Fist and Daken all day every day.

    It's not just about winning matches, it's about reducing how many you lose.

    If people want to focus on PVE and keep their rosters underleveled, that's no problem at all. If you want to graduate in PVP from "I get hit too much" to "I can place decently with regular effort" then you need maxed 3*s.

    Clearly I should have been more specific when I said two 166s might not be "enough" in PVP. Obviously having a good pair of 166s will help in pvp. Let's just assume that we are talking about cyclops/Iron Fist. that's about as solid an offensive team as can be found with two 166s, and it's not too shabby on defense since it self-accelerates. that team will certainly make it possible to get 800-1000 points in PVP with a bit of work and/or luck (it would be quite hard with a woefully underleveled featured, and it would be fairly straight forward whenever one or both is boosted, or you have a strong featured).

    But the point of this thread is that the OP was feeling frustrated by his inability to compete to in PVP. 4 months ago, there was only one dominant team in PVP at any given time (thorverine, or sentry/hood, or patch/cmags etc). Maxing the current dominant pair would instantly put you the top tier of PVP until the dominant pair was nerfed.

    That is no longer the case with weekly boosts and a more parity between best characters. Hulkbuster/IF is about as good as it gets right now, and that team is almost good enough to be universal, but not to the extent of prior teams. Nor is it a viable option for the OP who said nothing about having a 1/1/1 IMHB.

    And I don't want OP to have the impression that he/she can drop $100 on HP and instantly start trouncing everyone in PVP. If that is the expectation, it will likely lead to disappointment. Maxing IF and Cyc will lead to much better pvp scores, but will also mean he/she is still scrabbling at the end of each event facing much stronger teams.
  • Unknown
    Also, I should say...even if you buy 1 thing in game, you'll still need others: I consider buying covers(mostly 3* ones) but I probably don't even have the iso to level them if I were to cover them. I'd rather just wait for it 'naturally'. Though waiting another 60+ days for iron fist green is gonna blow. Might just up him since I got 1k HP from independence vault...
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,609 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:

    Clearly I should have been more specific when I said two 166s might not be "enough" in PVP. Obviously having a good pair of 166s will help in pvp. Let's just assume that we are talking about cyclops/Iron Fist. that's about as solid an offensive team as can be found with two 166s, and it's not too shabby on defense since it self-accelerates. that team will certainly make it possible to get 800-1000 points in PVP with a bit of work and/or luck (it would be quite hard with a woefully underleveled featured, and it would be fairly straight forward whenever one or both is boosted, or you have a strong featured).

    But the point of this thread is that the OP was feeling frustrated by his inability to compete to in PVP. 4 months ago, there was only one dominant team in PVP at any given time (thorverine, or sentry/hood, or patch/cmags etc). Maxing the current dominant pair would instantly put you the top tier of PVP until the dominant pair was nerfed.

    That is no longer the case with weekly boosts and a more parity between best characters. Hulkbuster/IF is about as good as it gets right now, and that team is almost good enough to be universal, but not to the extent of prior teams. Nor is it a viable option for the OP who said nothing about having a 1/1/1 IMHB.

    And I don't want OP to have the impression that he/she can drop $100 on HP and instantly start trouncing everyone in PVP. If that is the expectation, it will likely lead to disappointment. Maxing IF and Cyc will lead to much better pvp scores, but will also mean he/she is still scrabbling at the end of each event facing much stronger teams.

    Apologies, I must have read the OP wrong. I thought it said they were frustrated with trying to hit 800 and were getting pushed down to 300. If OP didn't want to move up to the next tier faster, then ignore my post.
  • Unknown
    morph3us wrote:
    How many days are you at, Stooge?

    Personally, I think we're all in this game to have fun playing it. If it's going to enhance your enjoyment to start kicking butt with some fully covered 3*s, then I think you should do it.

    I would say, wait for a sale, though.

    First I just wanted to say thanks to everyone that took the time to read my vent and second to share your experiences.

    I'm on day 216 and at the core it's a fun game. It's just that it's a time hog sometimes. I think what I'll do is save my bucks until the anniversary sale/ holiday period. By then maybe I'll get some discount codes/gifts. I also found the Google opinion app so maybe that'll give me a few bucks then too. I'll keep plugging away on DDQ, LRs and the PVE progressions. I'll also continue mixing up my PVP time slices / join time to see what works best.

    Again thanks for the feedback evryone. I wasn't expecting so many responses, this forum is really nice (well most of the time). icon_e_smile.gif
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    mpqstooge wrote:
    Again thanks for the feedback evryone. I wasn't expecting so many responses, this forum is really nice (well most of the time). icon_e_smile.gif

    I don't know that you and I are reading the same forums. "Nice" is not a word that is used often to describe this place. icon_e_wink.gif
  • Unknown
    puppychow wrote:
    I invite the OP to look at my roster. Only covers i ever bought in this game are two xf black covers to get him up to five black, and that's a year ago when D3 turbocharged xf and made him a powerhouse character. More than that, xf black was simply THE best power in the game at that time (draining 10 ap, removing the strongest enemy color off the board, and doing decent dmg for each tile removed). It was my best 5,000 HP spent as this allowed me to punch above my weight class and hang with the big spenders in pvp.

    Now. . . I would NOT recommend buying covers, because D3 has become less inclined to restrain itself in nerfing abilities on the fly. Their sudden shift in game balance philosophy had caused several waves of players rage quitting the game, and it would be rather foolish to spend money to buy covers at this point. Also, I should point out if you're looking to "buy" a max 270, you'll be spending in the neighborhood of $2,000----for one character. Obviously I don't know much OP is looking to spend, but I don't think it's four figures for this game. icon_twisted.gif

    As far as scoring higher in pvp is concerned, it's really a question of timing. The most important thing to do is to use a shield at the end to keep your points. You cannot survive w/o shielding because there is always someone with less points than you who will find you worth hitting for your points, no matter what defense you use.

    If the OP is allergic to buying a shield, then I would suggest saving the 10 heals and play the last 30 minutes of the event. Do a bull rush and attack, attack, attack until time runs out.

    Man that is a nice roster, how long did that take? Yikes $2K is out of my league. I'll worry about the 4 star later. icon_eek.gif
  • lymang
    lymang Posts: 97 Match Maker
    Lidolas wrote:
    raisinbman wrote:
    lymang wrote:
    I have tried, since making a few purchases early on, to resist being a wallet warrior myself but I find that for some events, I can't resist. I need a certain character,and I have the covers, but not the ISO, and I end up buying ISO. Then of course, I have to buy slots for the new character I've just won. ugh.
    Well, previously it was money I spent on World of Warcraft, so ... 6 of 1, half dozen of t'other, as they say.
    Amazing that this game managed to pull a WOW player.
    is it that amazing? I used to play WOW, had collector's edition of everything until Mists of pandaria

    I quit WoW at the end of WotLK, mostly due to wife aggro and real-life commitments. My gaming experience since then has pretty much been limited to online flash games and/or mobile games.

    I still maintain one SWTOR account, and this MPQ, but I quit two WoW accounts, and active Tapped Out (Simpsons) and Quest for Stuff (Family Guy) accounts. Not just cost cutting, but interest cutting. It's really hard to have any kind of a normal life if you're trying to juggle 4-5 games all that have some pretty exacting/demanding timeframes for getting some aspects of them completed. Bad enough I've started modifying sleep patterns for MPQ. I used to modify sleep patterns for WoW (as a hunter I was always after the latest rare spawn creature to tame, many, many early mornings were spent cruising spawn points for one pet or another).
  • Unknown
    sometimes get to around 700 and even 800 if the featured characters is not popular and I have good covers of s/he.