Which Goon ability do you hate the most?

Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
edited July 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
With EoTS running, there are a few things worse than Caltrops when trying to get cap going! But in many other nodes, things like finally getting the AP to finish the round, just to be hit with Suppressing Fire, and of course Turn to Smoke..

So which do you hate the most?
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  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    A million times calthrops
  • mr_X
    mr_X Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    That is a tricky one so many abilities to hate and all in the same place.

    Caltrops has to be the clear winner for me at present. The fact you dont know whren it will trigger kinda sucks. Same effect as ambush.

    More generally, sniper rifle and threaten.

    Favourite has to be back room deal as I know I am going to steal it all back. More like a loan than anything else.
  • Unknown
    I know Caltrops isn't exactly a fun ability to play against, but I can't believe it's crushing Threaten here. Those enemystrike.png are ridiculous
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    I voted Caltrops and Pistol, but only because Strength in Numbers wasn't an option. I only really have a problem with the abilities that proc almost constantly AND have timers that are so short that if you don't already have a match lined up or a Cap shield ready to go, you're boned.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    tanis3303 wrote:
    I voted Caltrops and Pistol, but only because Strength in Numbers wasn't an option. I only really have a problem with the abilities that proc almost constantly AND have timers that are so short that if you don't already have a match lined up or a Cap shield ready to go, you're boned.

    Added it to the poll, feel free to re-vote. I forgot about that one

    Edit: didn't know adding one would re-set the poll, sorry about that.
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    Glad to see it there, but the more I think about it, Caltrops is easily the most irritating of them, but no goon ability has made me want to chuck my phone across the room more than a resolved, team destroying Tommy Gun.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    Definitely need Flame Thrower up there.. very annoying team damage ability.

    Definitely Turn to Smoke and Caltrops simply because it's very difficult to avoid damage while all the other goon abilities you have a much higher chance of completing the node with full health. Even Threaten you can avoid damage even if a few go off because the tiles still need to be match (unless paired with characters).
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    WolfmanX25 wrote:
    I know Caltrops isn't exactly a fun ability to play against, but I can't believe it's crushing Threaten here. Those enemystrike.png are ridiculous
    There are so many ways to steal Threaten it very often works out in your favor
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Definitely need Flame Thrower up there.. very annoying team damage ability.

    Definitely Turn to Smoke and Caltrops simply because it's very difficult to avoid damage while all the other goon abilities you have a much higher chance of completing the node with full health. Even Threaten you can avoid damage even if a few go off because the tiles still need to be match (unless paired with characters).

    Didn't add Flamethrower or Rocket launcher on purpose. Those tend to be very long CD's and you rarely ever see them go off.. sucks when they do, but no-one ever complains about it.

    Sorta like ISO-Overflow that 10 count black Don CD.. if you get hit by it, it's most likely because you forgot about it.. (which happens more often then you probably know)
  • mr_X
    mr_X Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    Flamethrower/rocket launch is hideous.

    Seems magnetically drawn to freshly healed characters also.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Caltrops is easily the most annoying because it's the only one that is dangerous on its own.

    Threaten is irritating, Tommy gun is irritating, but they are really dangerous except in combination (it with a villain to make moves after threaten fires).

    Turn to smoke is irritating, but is predictable and single target damage.

    Caltrops is aoe and the only way to avoid it is to kill the kishu asap.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    Everything that isn't single target.

    The issue is, If I screw up I can tank most hits and pick the character.

    Having 1 low health character and having multiple AOE's including the AI's need to more often then not pick that one greentile.png in the corner for the next big aoe (flamethrower rocket) is super annoying.

    I think the aoes should cost the cpu at least 3 ap.
    Caltrops is annoying and always make me go after that ninja first. But since they seem to come in pairs, more often then not you damage yourself by killing the first.
    Unlike most trap tiles that also activate when destroyed not just matched, which is more annoying then usual.
    It's like the one time cascades are bad.
  • Unknown
    Toss-up between threaten, TTS, and caltrops.

    Separately, all three stink, but threaten and caltrops at least make some kind of sense. TTS? An ability that fires AFTER you kill an enemy? Uhm, yeah, no thanks.

    Seeing threaten and TTS together multiple times have ultimately turned a game I still got some enjoyment out of into a game not worth playing.

  • The Gunslinger
    Caltrops and Turn to Smoke easily take this for me.

    Caltrops is a pain in the tinykitty because it's pretty hard to avoid and does AoE damage. And at higher levels it's a fairly significant amount.
    Turn to smoke is just straight up annoying. It's constant damage after every turn, it extends match length, and the hurt adds up if you can't get rid of them. There are only a couple of ways to avoid it: either stunning the teisatsu before killing them, or saving them for last.
  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    Caltrops is what made it so hard for me to finish that last Ant-Man node. A few matches and Scott was down and I couldn't finish 4 more waves with only 2 characters.
  • hex706f726368
    hex706f726368 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    obviously caltrops, and mostly when there are two sources for it. i inevitably kill the wrong one and no traps are disarmed icon_mad.gificon_mad.gificon_mad.gificon_mad.gificon_mad.gif
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    WolfmanX25 wrote:
    I know Caltrops isn't exactly a fun ability to play against, but I can't believe it's crushing Threaten here. Those enemystrike.png are ridiculous
    You can defend against Threaten. Caltrops has no defense other than luck and to kill the goon quickly. And when it has 9 or 10k health, it's going to be around for a while.
    DCUDCU Posts: 131 Tile Toppler
    Falcon can't find caltrops. The only solution to me is throwing out CMags or Falcon shields...which I've been doing in these survival nodes in PVE.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    With caltrops, if you trigger one with a match that would kill the goon, it still goes off! A final slap in the face.

    Threaten is especially nasty if the goons are paired with an actual character. Doesn't happen very often thankfully.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Caltrops for sure.

    Once cast, it will just continue to accumulate and the only sure fire way to avoid the damage is to match team-up tiles. Without question, 60% of the time I will target the Kishu first, every time.

    Even if you stun a Kishu, the Caltrops will activate. And if there are more than one Kishu, the one that you killed will inevitably not be the one that cast the Caltrops, thus leaving Caltrops all over the board for you to find.

    The only way to defend against the Kishu is to kill them quickly or to get high power protect tiles out quickly (such as 5 cover SG).