Inner Space Cadet



  • Unknown
    I made it with Colossus specialized in tanking, black widow classic for healing and stealing and kamala khan for passive healing ( maxed ) and group slap. icon_e_wink.gif
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,232 Chairperson of the Boards
    I managed it once with 2* Mag & 2* Cap. I think 3* Thor was my third, though whoever it was died in wave 3. I clearly got lucky to get Cap's shields rolling, though, because I tried it again yesterday to see if I could win the 25 HP and got mauled. I got Whaled to death on wave 2 both attempts. Stinking Widow and her stuns just fuels up enemy AP for wave 2.

    I haven't taken on the final node yet.
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    Actually cleared run the first time with Hulk (Level 140), Blade (maxed), and for kicks, Deadpool (maxed) himself. I figured might as well since he wasn't locked. It also made me focus on Pink hording for both Blade and Deadpool. I focused on keeping as many red tiles on the board for Blade's strike tiles, and working around destroying them in order to increase turn-by-turn damage. If some had to go, it was all good, because that turned into Little of the Top. Deadpool was always the first to go due to his heal factor. It was a close one, but I managed to survive! On the final node, my advice is to get Ant-Man going as soon as possible, and consider Blade for Keep My Enemies Close. If I remember correctly, I was able to pull that power off twice and had two attack tiles dealing over 2k per turn. Good luck!
  • Unknown
    Did it on my first try with only one character taking more than a couple hundred damage. Xforce loki and magneto.