So who is the most annoying defense deterrent?



  • Iron Fist & Luke Cage used to be skips, but you can power through them.

    The Hood is still super annoying. Unless he's sitting on a mega-high point value team, I'm passing, and usually, I'm bringing my own Hood to counter-balance.

    Prof X & Carnage are really the only people that horrify me right now. They just get out of hand so fast, it's hard to knock them out, especially Carnage given his HP.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    ShazamFTW wrote:
    Iron Fist & Luke Cage used to be skips, but you can power through them.

    The Hood is still super annoying. Unless he's sitting on a mega-high point value team, I'm passing, and usually, I'm bringing my own Hood to counter-balance.

    Prof X & Carnage are really the only people that horrify me right now. They just get out of hand so fast, it's hard to knock them out, especially Carnage given his HP.

    I will fight any non maxed PX. I have seen quite a few level 220+ ones, kill him first, low hp, 12 black AP with cage and he is dead, deny purple.

    Maxed.. that blue makes him an auto skip
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Vhailorx wrote:
    I think there are really two categories of defensive play now.

    Below 800, most decent defensive lineups will be just fine (most anything with imhb, carnage, cage, if, the best boosted 3*s etc). there are plenty of viable targets, so anything that can guarantee damage will keep most attackers away as they will just pick easier prey.

    But above 800, and especially above 900, almost everyone is either hopping or shielded. so there are are very few high-point targets, and those that are available are only queue-able for a few minutes (and only if you spend hundreds of iso skipping). those factors really change the defensive game. Taking damage in a match isn't as problematic for attackers that are just trying to finish 1 or 2 matches before shielding again, so even irritating opponents like carnage and iron fist that guarantee lots of damage loose a lot of their teeth. And the lack of premium targets means that it's worth fighting anyone that will offer more than 45 points. I don't yet have a full 4* roster to test my hypothesis, but I suspect that massive healthpools (e.g. 4*thor, IMHB, Thing, or Carnage when boosted) are the best deterrent possible at super high scores. You can't keep people from attacking you, but you can try to make sure that those matches take as long as possible so that you can finish your own hops in peace.

    I have found that the health pack increase has made a huge difference. Using nine health packs isn't a big deal if it means that you can win-heal-win-heal-win-heal-win-shield. Especially if those wins are all 35 to 60 points. In fact, you can even play quite recklessly to speed up those wins knowing that you can heal up. Characters like Carnage and Patch that you would normally have been careful with (using Berserker Rage only when you could eliminate or mitigate the enemy tiles, tanking with Patch to use his healing factor) you can now be reckless with.

    The battles that cause someone to retreat or skip are usually the ones that can take forever. Falcon + KK + Magneto kind of battles. In the current PvP, I've fought through some ridiculous 20 minute battles where an early cascade forced me to have to Blind Spot and protect a single strike tile (that eventually ended up being over 2000 damage) in order to win the game.